Lecture 14 Determining System Sizing Static Pressure - What is it? commonly used unit of pressure pounds per square inch commonly used when pressure drop is less than 1 psi. weight of 27.7 in column of water = 1 psi positive or negative pressure increases at an increasing rate 2 * air flow more than doubles pressure 20 - 40 cfm —> .18 - .525 (triples) Heater Sizing & Fan sizing formula=Btu=(cfm*1.1*temp increase)*effic. Fan sizing - Horsepower requirements • • • • • • • • formula= Hp = (cfm * Ps)/63.46 * efficiency) cfm = airflow in cfm Ps = static pressure in inches water efficiency = fan efficiency 50 % efficiency, unless known size of bin impact depth of grain impacts type of grain (soybeans -least; wheat -worst "Approximate" Allowable Storage Time (Days) For Cereal Grains. Temperature (°F) M.C. -------------------------------------------(%) 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° ---------------------------------------------------14 * * * * 200 140 15 * * * 240 125 70 16 * * 230 120 70 40 17 * 280 130 75 45 20 18 * 200 90 50 30 15 19 * 140 70 35 20 10 20 * 90 50 25 14 7 22 190 60 30 15 8 3 24 130 40 15 10 6 2 26 90 35 12 8 5 2 28 70 30 10 7 4 2 30 60 25 5 5 3 1 ---------------------------------------------------Based on composite of 0.5 percent maximum dry matter loss calculated on the basis of USDA research at Iowa State University; Transactions of ASAE 333-337, 1972; and "Unheated Air Drying," Manitoba Agriculture Agdex 732-1, rev. 1986. *Approximate allowable storage time exceeds 300 days. Perforating Perforated flooring • • 1 square foot / 30 cubic feet (cfm) of air flow 1 square foot of exhaust flow for each 1000 cfm air flow Perforated ducting • • • • • • maximum center line spacing no greater than ½ the depth of grain no greater than 1/4 the depth next to a wall 1 square foot cross sectional area for each 2000 cfm (Size of tube) 1 square foot perforated surface for each 30 cfm of air flow. if longer than 100 feet, fan on each end Selecting a Heater BTU/hr = cfm * 1.10 * desired temp. increase • increase temp of 4364 cfm by 10 degrees F • 4364 * 1.10 * 10 = 48,004 btu • if anticipation 10% loss heating efficiency? • 48,004 * 1.10 = 52,804 Determining Fan Horsepower Considerations formula= Hp = (cfm * Ps)/63.46 * efficiency) • • • cfm = airflow in cfm Ps = static pressure in inches water efficiency = fan efficiency 50 % efficiency, unless known