THE HENRY BEAUFORT SCHOOL ‘Believe & Achieve’ Student Voice Teacher of Maths NQTs welcome to apply Background Information The History of our Name and Crest The Henry Beaufort School was opened in September 1972. The school bears the name of a Bishop of Winchester who died in 1447. Henry Beaufort was Bishop of Winchester and three times Chancellor and is buried in Winchester Cathedral. He was a highly regarded representative of his country abroad. Henry Beaufort was also a man of great wealth but he gave large amounts to charity, including rebuilding Winchester Cathedral and enlarging St Cross Hospital. We consider our students to be members of the wider community and it is hoped that all of them will aim to be good representatives of the school ‘abroad’ – both in the locality and further afield. It is also hoped that they will share what good fortune they have with other members of the community. For these reasons the school governors chose the name of Henry Beaufort for the school. The school crest represents Beaufort Castle in Anjou, France, from which Henry Beaufort took his name. In order to echo this connection with other countries and cultures, and looking forward to other European links through our International School award, European cities have been chosen as names of the seven Curricular Tutorial Teams (CTTs). Each of these cities has a connection with the curricular team to which it is linked: Curricular Tutorial Teams Athens: The Physical and Expressive Arts; Berlin: The Humanities; Luxembourg: Modern Languages; Moscow: Mathematics; Prague: English Language and English Literature; Rome: Technology & ICT; Warsaw: Science. The seven CTTs are each led by an Academic Leader. The Pastoral Leaders are linked with the CTTs which also make up the pastoral teams. Thus the academic and pastoral work of the school are intertwined. ‘Believe and Achieve’ Henry Beaufort is an innovative School, fully committed to maximising the potential of every child. Students of all abilities and from all backgrounds have excellent opportunities in which to promote their personal, academic and social development within an inclusive ethos. Henry Beaufort enables all those within the learning community to become lifelong learners who can contribute positively to the communities in which they live. In turning our vision into reality, we believe that: students must have imaginative teaching, a challenging curriculum and excellent opportunities to develop independence in their learning; students will develop best within a caring ethos that fosters high expectations of achievement and respect for everyone; as a result of our Technology College status, students have had access to new technologies, which have assisted their learning and helped them to prepare for the future; extra-curricular opportunities of high quality will help students to develop as responsible citizens; all students will achieve when the School works in close partnership with parents; Henry Beaufort is committed to working in collaboration with its family of schools and colleges, with business and industry, and with the community, to provide educational opportunities and facilities for all people. our developing partnership with schools around the world will help to ensure that our students have an international perspective, and will appreciate the diverse and interdependent nature of the twenty first century world. In June 2011 the student body voted for a new tag line ‘Believe and Achieve’ to represent the ethos and aspirations of the students. At the Henry Beaufort School we believe the education of all children to be of equal value and that all children, regardless of class, gender, race or disability should have an equal opportunity to fulfil their potential. We want our students to leave school, academically very well qualified and as confident individuals caring about the world in which they live. We aim to help our students develop the attitudes, skills and knowledge relevant to living in a multicultural society in an interdependent world. It is particularly important in today's fast-changing, technology-based society to emphasise the development of skills. We wish to prepare our students for adult life as self-motivated and self-respecting members of society, able to make positive contributions in the work place, the local community, the home and at leisure. We consider our students to be individuals and take this into account when planning our teaching groups and the variety of teaching methods we use. We aim to develop the individual's capacity to take responsibility for independent work and learning, create opportunities for team work and involve our students in monitoring their own learning and recording their progress. We aim to provide a stimulating and supportive environment in which each person can fulfill his or her individual potential. We believe that very few of these aims can be achieved unless there are regular and fruitful contacts between the school, the parents and the local community. We hope this involvement will stimulate, in all concerned, the concept of learning as a life-long process. Partnership The school was designated a Specialist Technology College in 2002 and in 2007 became a High Performing Specialist School in Humanities (with a focus on Humanities, English and Media). The funding for these initiatives has enabled the school to be extremely well equipped in terms of ICT and Media across the school. The school is well supported financially by the Henry Beaufort Association through various fundraising events and by a covenant scheme. The school day and organisation The school day is compressed, running from 8.30 a.m. until 2.40 pm, with a fifteen-minute morning break and a half-hour lunch break. Year 7 -8 The school has introduced an accelerated curriculum at Key Stage 3 for all students. This has been compressed into two years. The core curriculum comprises: English, Maths, Science, Humanities, Technology, Modern Languages, ICT, PSHE and Citizenship as well as Physical and Expressive Arts. A second language is offered in Year 8 to students showing a linguistic aptitude. Years 9-11 At Key Stage 4 students follow a wide common core although within each core subject there are opportunities for personalised learning. Currently all students take English, Maths, Science (double award or separate sciences), a Technology, ICT, PE, PSHE/Citizenship and a Humanities subject. We encourage our students to continue with a foreign language (French, German, Spanish) to GCSE level. There is a wide range of further options at both GCSE and Btec including expressive arts, an additional language, additional humanities subjects and vocational courses including, where appropriate, college link courses. We operate a predominantly GCSE based curriculum. Pastoral Organisation We have a vertical system of pastoral care based on the seven Curricular Tutorial Teams. The tutors in each pastoral team work closely together. A Pastoral Leader leads the tutorial team, but the tutor is the main point of contact between home and school. Our annual 1-1 Review Day is an opportunity for the tutor, student and parent to review academic progress and set targets for the coming year. Curriculum Extension Activities A wide range of curriculum extension activities take place from 2.40pm to 4.00pm daily, as well as during evenings and weekends. A high percentage of students and staff participate in these activities. Our Homework Club is a particularly successful feature of wider extra curricular provision. It is based in the Learning Resource Centre each day, where children who want to do homework are supported by our Homework Club Co-ordinator and Peter Symonds students. We have over half the school visiting this club each year. We have also opened the school during the holidays for specialist courses and revision clinics for students. Accommodation & Resources Our Building And Facilities The School consists of eight main buildings around the central administration block (Winchester). The facilities include a Learning Resource Centre, Information Communication Technology Suites, eight Science Laboratories, a Beacon Arts Centre which has excellent Drama facilities, Art Studios, and Music rooms, a Gymnasium and Sports Hall, Design and Technology Workshops, Learning Support and Hearing Impaired Unit. For outdoor sports and athletics there is an extensive area of grass as well as hard playing surfaces. The Sports Hall is used for Whole School Assemblies and also affords facilities for a wide variety of sporting activities. The Resource Centre is available for use by students at all times of the school day and is equipped with all the latest technology. Students may book in to use any facilities not otherwise in use, to assist their work for any CTT. In addition, all these resources, including the computers, are available for use at certain times after school for a variety of other activities. In April 2004 we opened an on-site day nursery, Henry’s Kindergarten. This benefits the local community as well as having places reserved for Henry Beaufort staff. A Conference Suite opened for both school and public use in 2009 and with the support from the Football Association, an Artificial Grass Pitch with floodlight facilities was built for school and community use with support from the Football Foundation. The school has recently undergone a £1 million refurbishment of its four storey building. Continuous Professional Development The school prides itself on the opportunities it creates for staff development. All staff receive an annual review as part of performance management and training needs are identified from the objectives set for each member of staff. Training can take the form of external courses, or in-house, in-service training. The school's aim is to develop and promote the use of its own expertise in developing staff, thereby offering further opportunities for professional development through the training of others. We also run a Middle Management Training programme to allow for school development issues to be discussed over the course of the year. These courses take place in our Training and Learning Centre on the School Site. We also run in-house Pastoral and Academic Forums for Middle Leadership Teams. Whole school inset is divided between in-house training and the chance to work with outside speakers. In the last two years we have undertaken whole school training on ICT, Assessment for Learning and the sharing of good practice in Teaching and Learning. Teams also have the opportunity to work together on aspects of their development that tie in with the school improvement plan. Recent INSET has focused on ‘Building Learning Power’ which has been introduced as a learning tool within the school known as (HB)2. Equal Opportunities It is acknowledged that Hampshire County Council is an Equal Opportunities employer. The school will do its utmost to meet this requirement. In pursuing this policy in support of the aims of the school, we recognise that: diversity amongst staff should be viewed positively in all Staff appointments, the best candidate should be appointed, regardless of age, gender, cultural background etc. Location A34 A33 Henry Beaufort Basingstoke M3 Harestock Stockbridge A272 Andover Road B3420 Weeke Winnall Town Centre Bar End Romsey A3090 Southampton M3 The Henry Beaufort School is situated to the north of the city of Winchester, set in extensive grounds off Priors Dean Road. There are good road and rail links with the M3 running close to the city and Winchester's main rail station being on the Waterloo line is only an hour from London. Hampshire Local Authority - Information As one of the largest authorities in the country, we can offer an unrivalled diversity in teaching opportunities; from the challenges of the urban and city school through to the rural primary which will provide a vibrant environment for development and promotion. Hampshire schools are encouraged to operate and develop in a way, which serves their local community, reflecting the cultural diversity the county has to offer. We feel this is best achieved through local management, with the LA providing a supporting role wherever needed. The county of Hampshire has over 170,000 school-age children in approximately 438 primary, 71 secondary and 30 special schools and other provisions. Whilst the majority are community schools, the LA has forged strong partnerships with Diocesan Bodies, and seeks to maintain the provision of places in Church schools. The county has 31 special schools, with an additional 42 units in mainstream schools, providing education and support for children with moderate, severe or complex learning difficulties, physical and sensory disabilities, and emotional and behavioural issues. With the County Office in Winchester, and Local Education Offices in Fleet, Havant, Winchester and the New Forest, Hampshire Authority has an established network of advisors, which provides a responsive and flexible service to the schools in their respective areas. There is also a strong ethos for collaboration and liaison, with regular meetings of Headteacher‘s in phase, cluster and area groupings, aimed at maintaining a policy of communication and cooperation with the LA and between schools. In Hampshire, we pride ourselves on providing first-class learning opportunities for our teachers both internally and with outside course providers. This year the three Winchester Schools of Kings’, Westgate and Henry Beaufort have formed closer links through the ‘Active Trust’ Partnership which provides opportunities for joint training and school development work. Further information on Children’s and other services provided by Hampshire County Council can be found on the Hampshire website: JOB DESCRIPTION TEACHER OF MATHS – NQTs welcome to apply The Post We are seeking to appoint an enthusiastic and inspiring teacher of Maths to join a dynamic and forward-thinking department. The successful candidate will be keen to work collaboratively in a supportive team where fresh and innovative ideas are welcomed. We welcome applications from both NQTs and experienced teachers. The Henry Beaufort School ethos of ‘Believe and Achieve’ is fully supported by the Maths department, where we are dedicated to helping all students maximise their own potential. We offer excellent NQT and CPD coaching and development and the person appointed will enjoy the wholehearted support of all the staff within the school. All NQTs are assigned an induction mentor, who ensures that they are progressing in line with the QTS standards. Key elements To prepare, develop and deliver appropriate schemes of work, which provide challenging lessons that stimulate students and allow them to succeed. To teach across the full age and ability range. To encourage effective learning through the use of a variety of teaching methods which motivate students of all abilities. The ability to use a range of teaching strategies to maximize student potential To ensure that students’ work is marked regularly and that they receive constructive feedback. To keep accurate up-to-date records of student progress in order to inform teaching and target setting. To set homework in accordance with the school homework policy and ensure that appropriate feedback is given. To provide information to parents about the achievements and progress of their child as required through parents’ evening and reports. To liaise with other staff over issues such as learning support. To contribute to the whole school aims towards meeting the principles of Every Child Matters (ECM) To be responsible for a positive learning environment, student handbooks and exercise books. To contribute to the wider curriculum through involvement in extra-curricular activities. To participate in appropriate meetings. To take on the role of a tutor within the team and be responsible for academic and pastoral well being of a tutor group. To take an active interest in their own personal development and keep professional skills upto-date To complete all other reasonable tasks as directed by the Headteacher or line manager. All teachers should be able to demonstrate A passionate commitment to and a thorough knowledge of their subject Excellent classroom practice with the proven quality relationships A willingness to contribute to whole school development We are looking for a candidate who has A thorough knowledge of their subject. The skills to motivate students of all abilities. The ability to use a range of teaching strategies to maximize student potential. The commitment needed to play an active role within a well-motivated and close knit team. Maths Department Subject area details Each curriculum area at Henry Beaufort School is referred to by the name of a European city. The Maths department is called the Moscow team. Within the Moscow block there are seven classrooms for Maths and a well-resourced central Maths area. This means that each full time member of the team has their own teaching base and so all the Maths teaching is done in specialist rooms. All classrooms are equipped with an Interactive Whiteboard and each teacher has their own laptop with wireless access. We are keen to develop mathematical concepts through the use of ICT and have a class set of laptops and two class sets of graphical calculators with accessories. The Maths team is supported by a full time LSA. In Maths, students are set on arrival at the school using KS2 results and other primary records. Regular testing and other assessment enable us to monitor pupil progress and students are moved accordingly. All pupils follow an accelerated KS3 course, sitting the assessment at the end of year 8. The department is justifiably proud of its success at GSCE: in 2009 students achieved 77% A*-C, 70% in 2010, 78% in 2011, 71% in 2012 and 82% in 2013. In addition, one group of between 25 and 30 students studies for a Freestanding Mathematics Qualification covering A-Level content in KS4. We are looking for a candidate who has high expectations of themselves and their students and will play an important part in moving the department forward. Although examination success is an important criterion for success, we also strive to engage and motivate students through the quality of teaching and through the excitement inherent in the subject. Current Staff Danielle Townsend Robert Burgess David Creed Emer Doherty Sue Humphrys Penny King Luke Wood Jon Hicks John Reid Academic Leader Assistant Academic Leader Teacher Teacher (p/t) Teacher (p/t) Teacher (p/t) Teacher Deputy Head Assistant Head Applications Applications should be made to the Headteacher using the Hampshire form, which should be returned by the date set out below. This form is available in an electronic format on the school website. Schedule of appointment Closing date for applications Wednesday 23rd April 2014 (noon) Interviews Tuesday 29th April 2014 Potential candidates are invited to contact Danielle Townsend, Academic Leader of Maths, on 01962 880073 or by e-mail to to discuss the post informally. You are also welcome to visit the school before interview if this can be arranged. Please contact Karen Harper (Head’s PA) – details below. Return Address Miss Sue Hearle Headteacher The Henry Beaufort School East Woodhay Road Harestock Winchester Hampshire SO22 6JJ For any further information please contact: Karen Harper (Head’s PA) Email: Tel: 01962 880073 Fax : 01962 883667 School website address: THE HENRY BEAUFORT SCHOOL IS COMMITTED TO SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN All successful candidates will be subject to a Disclosure and Barring Service check (formerly known as a Criminal Records Bureau check) along with other relevant pre-employment checks.