Revision – 05

Revision – 05
Consider the different technologies that will be in use in the
FilmPlex cinema complex:
• Use examples to discuss the different materials processing
technologies that will be in used in the complex. (march 2011)
Technology has dramatically changed how work is accomplished in
every industry- from mining to manufacturing to education to
health care. Technology helps us to make today’s service and
manufacturing systems operate productively and meet customer
needs better than ever.
Process technologies are machines and devices that create and/ or
deliver goods and services.
Filmplex cinema complex can use a variety of technologies to meet
customer needs. First the two broad categories of technologies:
1. Hard technologies – Satellite for the digital transmission of
movies, computers, sensors, Body Scanners.
2. Soft technologies – internet, software, reservation system e.t.c
Filmplex cinema complex can utilize material processing
technologies Such as machinery used in the projection room,
machinery used in the snack bar etc.
Integrated operating systems such as IOS can be used for faster
and better services and goods.
Electronic Point of sale systems, ERP systems also can be used
in the Fimplex cinema.
All these key process technology decisions are made according
to 3 major criteria.
According to market requirements
According to the operational resources that Filmplex cinema
complex have.
Finally according to the financial evaluation.
Again, the volume and variety also play a vital role in the
decision making. The higher the volume, the more will be the
use of technologies.
Remember, you can use the same format for
any question that is discussing the same
( processing technologies), but as usual don’t
suicide by using the very same examples and
words such as Filmplex Movie Theatre.
New reference book page 158 paragraph 1,
164, 166, 167, 174 can be used.
Use examples to discuss the different customer processing technologies
that will be in used in the complex .
The machines, equipment and devices which help the operation
transform customers in order to add value and fulfill the operation's
strategic objectives.
Customer processing technologies are very common today. Customer
processing technology is being used to give an acceptable level of
service, while reducing the costs of operation. There are passive and
active interaction technologies for customer processing. In filmplex
cinema theatre for example the online computer reservation is an
example for Active interaction. Another example is the use of 3D
equipments for the digital movies. There are passive technologies too,
where customer such as lifts or walk ways in the theatre.
There can be hidden technologies about what customers are not aware of.
For example in a movie theatre CCTV to monitor the customers.
There are different customer processing technologies used in Filmplex
cinema theatre to give the ‘ pleasure experience’ to the customers.
For example, the Hard Technologies such as Satellite transmission, film
projection equipments will give the customers with digital /live movie
experience in the theatre. Online reservation will be another
technology that the Cinema Theatre offering to customers.
All these key process technology decisions are
made according to 3 major criteria.
According to market requirements
According to the operational resources that
Filmplex cinema complex have.
Finally according to the financial evaluation.
Again, the volume and variety also play a vital role
in the decision making. The higher the volume,
the more will be the use of technologies.
Text Book – 234, 235,238, 239new reference book 158,
Explain how the volume/variety mix might be applied to The 19th
Hole Restaurant (not the bar) 2010 December.
• The greater the variety the lower the volume and visa versa.
Consequently, a knowledge of the number of tables/places in the
restaurant is paramount
• The manager might decide to offer a wide range of alternatives on
the menu, thus anticipating low numbers for each dish.
Alternatively, a small number of items might be offered, thereby
increasing the number of anticipated orders for each one
• The size and layout of the kitchen and number of staff available
will have a large influence on the final decision.
Reference – Text Book 16, 17
Select and briefly describe, using these three levels
of operations analysis, one organisation with
which you are familiar (for example, one that you
have worked for, one whose products or services
you use, your college, or an awarding body such
as NCC Education. You should not choose a
company that makes films or TV programmes).
September 2009
Operations management can use the idea of input-transformationoutput model to analyse business at three levels.
It can easily be classified as business operations
supply network which includes internal supplier and internal customer.
For example, NCC Education examiners supply the
Exams dept with examination questions, which
are then assembled into papers and printed for
distribution to customer service, who send to
partner centres.
Another example a purchasing dept. in a hotel
supply the kitchen with vegetables, meat other
ingredients and the kitchen prepares the food and
food and beverage dept serves the same to the
Reference – Text Book page 12, 13
diagram 1.4
How useful is this three level model for
understanding the organisation you have
selected? 2009 September
Page 14 paragraph 1 – Text Book ( critical
From your knowledge of supply chain management…
Discuss how issues of supply chain management are
important to and might affect the house design and
construction. Use specific examples to illustrate your answer.
Before you answer this question, please review your
understanding about supply chain.
Typical Goods Production Supply Chain
Based on: Evans & Collier
(2007) “Operations
Management: An Integrated
Goods & Services Approach”,
Thomson, p. 357.
of Materials &
& Finance
Retail Store
Answer ( 20 marks)
A supply chain is a strand of linked operations. A linkage or strand of
operations that provides goods and services through to end
customers; within a supply network several supply chains will
cross through an individual operation.
Draw a supply chain diagram.
The supply chain for a house design also having the same networks as
mentioned above.
They are:
architect and design/planning regulations, drainage suppliers
building materials suppliers
loans of plant and machinery suppliers
electrical and plumbing suppliers
Licensing suppliers for the construction
Each of these will have different suppliers, so it creates a chain of
linked operations. For example without architect, there won’t be
design, without design there won’t be planning and the other. So
these all links are connected together.
A supply network means all the operations linked together to provide goods
and services
These different links or strands/ connections also be referred to a ‘pipeline’; a
supply chain pipeline is a linkage or strand of operations that provides goods
and services to end customers; within supply network several supply chains
will cross through an individual operation.
For example if the architect fails to deliver a practical design, all other
suppliers also will have the problem for delivering according to the
requirements. Again, this will adversely affect the perception of the
customer or the owner of the proposed house.
The impact of any weak performer may be a delay in the receipt of
movies for the cinema – this can adversely affect the perception of
the cinema in the public eye. Thus, the chain has to work together
and if any element does not then it negatively affects the others.
The extent of this perceived negativity depends on the issue –
running out of roof tiles is obviously much less serious than not
having enough concrete for the house foundations. Customers as
the recipients of the supply chain can suffer as a consequence.
The central or main objective of supply chain management is to satisfy
the end customer. All stages in the chain must eventually include
consideration of the final customer.
So, managing a supply chain requires numerous operational decisions,
such as selecting transportation service, evaluating suppliers,
managing inventory e.t.c
Finally a supply chain management is the management of all activities
that facilitate the fulfillment of a customer order for a
manufactured good to achieve satisfied customers at reasonable
cost. For designing a house while dealing with number of suppliers /
networks , we also must manage the flow of information to
coordinate the activities. This can be achieved by the help of supply
chain operations reference such as
• Remember that this question is simple, but slightly
confusing and requires a minimum number of 11 or
12 points with explanations to score the full mark.
Again, understand this question, so that in the event
of having a same type of question, you only need to
change the example of house design and answer
exactly the same way!
New reference book – 47, 139, 174, 175, 356 – 388,
593, 594
Text book - 402 – 427, 148 – 160
A diagram is a must here since we have to score 20
Discuss how issues of supply chain management are
important to, and might affect, the FilmPlex cinema
complex. Use specific examples to illustrate your answer.
( march 2011)
Same, same, but different example!!!!!!!!
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link and in the case of
the FilmPlex cinema complex there are several supply chains:
food for the snack bar, alcohol and soft drinks for the bar,
movies for the cinemas, etc. Each of these will have different
Here the most important thing to remember –
Understand who will be the suppliers for a filmplex cinema
Example…. Listen
For a cinema theatre, you need movie, for movie you need
directors and producers who make film.
Again for the restaurant in the theatre you need food.
For the bar, you need soft drinks and alcohol
So understand in this manner and just follow the previous
answer. ( draw the diagram)
For the online university, what are the possible consequences
of poor supply chain management? (March 2010)
A supply chain is a strand of linked operations. A linkage or
strand of operations that provides goods and services through
to end customers; within a supply network several supply
chains will cross through an individual operation.
For a university the supply chain is consisted of various links as
1. Customer – students
2. Suppliers - academic board who prepare the curriculum,
Text book publishers, examiners who prepare the questions.
Student Relation Dept, Teachers or tutors, management of
university, marketing dept, sales dept, cafeteria, security,
Poor management can also relate to a number of things, for example,
poor communications, poor tutor selection, not taking full advantage
of new technology to increase efficiency (i.e. internet and eenrolment,
global sourcing of tutors), poor distribution of learning materials
management, not coordinating course places with demand, poor
demand forecasting leaving resources under-utilised.
The central or main objective of supply chain management is to satisfy
the end customer. All stages in the chain must eventually include
consideration of the final customer. There are five major objectives
for supply chain as follows:
( now check text book -403) and add
enough here
• Quality – Poor quality can lead to poor student satisfaction, high
student drop-out rates and ultimately fewer students.
Speed - how fast to respond to student queries
dependability – on time results, examinations and other activities
Flexibility – ability to change or shift according to the
requirements of customers. ( variety of programs for different types
of students, activities)
Cost – minimizing the cost when it reaches to the customer by
taking proper supply selection
There few other problems also may occur with poor supply chain
• Supplier selection mistakes – poor selection suppliers will lead
to delay problems, agility problems and again higher cost
• Poor physical distribution – improper distribution management
of university can lead to the loss of customers. For example a
new university campus in an under-developed country.
Select AND describe THREE strategies that the university could use in
an attempt to improve Supply Chain Performance. WHY is it felt that
these strategies may be effective in improving Supply Chain
performance? March 2010
Reference Text Book – 423, 424, 425, 426, 427
Write the 2 paragraph of 423 as introduction.
• Channel alignment
• • Information sharing
• • Time compression in an attempt to increase throughput
• • Management of specific supply chain risks
• • Attempts to simplify throughput through the chain (Operational
• • Partner Supply Relationships
• • Customer Relationship Management
• • Efficient/Responsive Supply Chain Policies
• • Supplier Selection – i.e. weighted supplier.
Examples of service technology
page 165 table 5.3 new reference book
Frame work of operations strategy – new reference book page
136, 4.4
Common techniques to measure supply chain performance –
364 new reference book 9.4
Bullwhip effect of supply chain – 367 new reference book
Designing the supply chain – new reference book 368
Location decision in supply chain 376, 9.9
Supply chain management issues – new reference book – 385,
386, 387, 388
Design decisions in supply networks – text book 150, 151, 152,
Supply chain management – text book 402 onwards