
Workforce Access Training Guideline
Important Info
URL: or
Generic teacher account access:
o Username: workforca2
o Password: workf717
The above account is one that is being used by our sales force. If you require an
account that is more of a sandbox, please send that request to Mike Moy
Generic student account access:
o Username: dom.dejesus
o Password: domin069
The above account is one that is being used by our sales force. If you require an
account that is more of a sandbox, please send that request to Mike Moy
System requirements
Minimum Operating Systems
Windows XP
Windows Vista
Windows 7
Mac OS X
Miscellaneous programs
Adobe Acrobat Viewer
Recommended browsers and settings that need to be adjusted
Internet Explorer 9.x
Firefox 24.0 and up
Chrome 30.x and up
Safari 6.x
Users should add and to
their trusted list and/or have their browser accept pop-ups from the sites. They can also
disable their pop-up blocker, but that's not something we recommend.
NOT recommended browsers
Workforce Access lessons and assessments will not work in Internet Explorer 8.
Designed for and tested on:
o Mac and PC computers?
o iPads?
o Android mobile devices?
o Win 8?
o Chromebooks?
There's a chance the program will work on other mobile devices outside of the iPad, but
we have not tested it on those platforms, which means we cannot guarantee that
lessons and tests will appear correctly or that progress and results will be consistently
User guides?
The instructor and student user guides should be available under the Help link at the top
of each Workforce Access screen.
Bulk user upload spreadsheet?
All rostering is accomplished via ConnectED. The standard ConnectED import sheet
should be used to create student users in ConnectED.
Top 10 call drivers
(since this is a new product, these are some of our assumptions on general user issues)
o Instructor: Why can't my students in ConnectED access Workforce Access? – In
order for students to appear in Workforce Access the instructor must launch
Workforce Access after creating the students in ConnectED. Workforce Access is a
"partner app" and must be launched to "refresh" the data. Instructors must also
assign students to classes and assign the content to them in ConnectED.
o Instructor: Why are my assignments in ConnectED not appearing in Workforce
Access? – Assignment creation is done in Workforce Access and not in
ConnectED. ConnectED is only used for roster management.
o Instructor: Why can't I change my class settings? – After a class has started, you
cannot change its settings. The main reason this is not allowed is to avoid
conflicts that might arise with a change to the passing criteria. In other words, a
change to a higher passing rate for the posttest might cause students to go from
passing a test to failing it, and this could cause a number of problems if the
students have progressed in the system.
o Instructor: Why do all my students have "30 minutes" in the Time in System
report? – If students are not using the "Logout" link when logging out of
Workforce Access, the time will sometimes not be captured correctly for the
Time in System report. In order for this report to be more accurate, instruct your
students to click "Logout" when closing the Workforce Access window.
o Instructor: Why can't I change my assignment mode from Auto to Custom or
Custom to Auto? – After selecting an assignment mode, you have until the class
starts (Auto) or the first assignment has been released (Custom) to change the
assignment mode for a class. After that start/release date has passed, you
cannot change the assignment mode for your class.
o Instructor: Can I set up a class using both Auto and Custom assignment modes? –
A class can only have one assignment mode. Instructors need to choose Auto or
Custom mode for a class, and they cannot mix and match the modes.
o iPad: My lesson says it's loading, but it never loads. Why is that happening? –
Sometimes the lesson will get stuck and not load properly. If you refresh the
lesson window/tab, it should fix the problem.
o Student: Why did my unfinished Skill Support lesson disappear from my In
Progress view? The completion criteria for a lesson is to complete the
Pretest/Lesson/Posttest. Skill Support lessons and tests are optional. However,
you can still complete the Skill Support after completing a lesson if you navigate
to the "Completed" view.
Required steps that the user must do upon starting to use the program
o Instructor
1. Log into ConnectED
2. Redeem or select Workforce Access course
3. Create students
4. Assign students to a class
5. Assign course/content to students or send students the redemption code
for course content
6. Launch Workforce Access
7. Create settings for the course and class
8. Choose assignment mode (custom or auto)
o Student
1. Log in to ConnectED
2. Redeem code or select a Workforce Access course
3. Launch course content
Tier 2 contacts? Name, phone, email
o Content
o Tech/functionality
o App support if appropriate
Please escalate ConnectED issues via the normal method used for other ConnectED
products. For all issues with Workforce Access, please escalate issues to your team leads
for Workforce Access. If it is some kind of emergency with system (ex. content is
completely gone, no customers can launch the system, etc.) you can send a direct
message to Mike Moy (
Basic program description –
Workforce Access develops academic and technical skills in high-growth career clusters.
Learners build the industry-specific knowledge and skills needed to be successful in a
global economy. Online modular courses provide a "bridge" for learners to continue
along career pathways by building a foundation of skills needed for success in further
post-secondary and career training.
Brief description of license activation process
This should be the normal license activation process used for other ConnectED products.
Length of subscriptions? Seats are tied to the institution and are recyclable during the
active subscription term?
The length of a subscription is six months, and seats are recyclable during the active
subscription term.
Only students occupy seats?
Levels of users and what each can do: ie. Admin, Teacher, Student
o Master Code Holder – can create instructors and students, assign courses to
o Instructors – can create students, assign courses to students, create classes,
assign students to classes, choose course content to use, set course order, set
pass rates for pre and posttests, choose course mode (custom or auto).
o Students – Can redeem/access course content.