Session 2 0620 1 182.50KB 2015-09

In-Service Teacher Training
Assessment in IGCSE Chemistry 0620
Session 2: Question papers and mark schemes
• Introductions
• Background
• Aim of training
Session 2 looks at:
How question papers are set
The construction of questions
Grade descriptions
Strategies for marking questions
Analysis of candidates scripts and creating
mark schemes
How question papers are set (1):
Using assessment objectives
• Questions are set with reference to the three
assessment objectives
• The overall percentage of recall in Papers 2
& 3 is generally no more than about 30%
How question papers are set (2):
Using assessment objectives
• The percentage of recall in a paper is
generally greater in Paper 2 than in Paper 3
• Questions involving practical application,
interpretation and evaluation also form a part
of Papers 2 & 3
How question papers are set (3):
Levels of difficulty
• Questions are written so that each follows a
logical pattern
• Earlier parts of questions may give key
information for use later on in a question
How question papers are set (4):
Levels of difficulty
• In general, easier questions are put at the
beginning of a paper
• Within a given question there is often a
gradation of increasing difficulty towards the
end of the question
How question papers are set (5):
Mark schemes
• The mark scheme can be related to the
grade descriptions as well as to the syllabus
• Some assessment objectives are more
likely to access higher grades than others
• The mark scheme for a particular question
may be amended to take account of
candidates’ answers
How question papers are set (6):
Setting questions in context
Setting questions in context:
• Increases their difficulty
• Allows assessment of:
technological applications
economic and environmental applications of
the candidate’s ability to think logically when
confronted with a novel situation
The construction of questions (1):
Command words
• Command words are key words used in
• Students should understand the meaning of
the command words if they are to answer
questions to the best of their ability
• The meaning of a command word
sometimes depends on its context
The construction of questions (2):
Analysing command words
• Command words may require either
concise answers or extended answers
• Command words may require either recall
or making logical connections between
pieces of information
• Some command words require only single
word or single figure answers
Grade descriptions (1):
Why have grade descriptions?
• Make clear the level of performance
required for different grades
• Help Examiners to set questions of the
appropriate difficulty
• Help teachers assess the level of their
• Form a basis for the descriptors for school
based practical assessment
Grade descriptions (2):
Reading grade descriptions
• Each grade description has six strands
• Each strand requires more linkage of facts
going from grades F to A
• Each strand requires a greater extent of
understanding and application of
knowledge going from F to A
Strategies for marking questions (1):
Levels of marking
• The marking of questions depends on the
level of response required by the
• Mark schemes may be modified to take
into account the range of candidate
• Mark schemes may be altered to allow a
wider or narrower range of responses
Strategies for marking questions (2):
General strategies
The following problems need to be solved:
• Unexpected answers which are correct
• Answers where the candidates have
contradicted themselves
• Multiple answers to a single question
• Limitations of incorrect spelling
Strategies for marking questions (3):
Marking equations
• Word or symbol equation?
• Word equations with two available marks
• Symbol equations with two marks – usually
one marks for correct formulae and one
mark for balance
Strategies for marking questions (4):
Multiple answer questions
Sample for discussion: ‘Choose two transition metals
from the following list:
aluminium, chromium, lead, potassium, vanadium’
• Candidate A answer: chromium, lead
• Candidate B answer: vanadium, lead, chromium
• Candidate C answer: vanadium, chromium,
Strategies for marking questions: (5)
Dependent answers
State a test for chloride ions in the laboratory. Give the result
of the test. (2 marks)
• Answer A: to the chloride, we add acid and then silver
nitrate. There is a whiteness seen.
• Answer B: we add silver nitrate to the chloride after adding
some hydrochloric acid to dissolve the solid. A white
precipitate is seen.
• Answer C: First add nitric acid to dissolve the chloride.
Copper nitrate is then added to the chloride and a white
precipitate is formed.
Strategies for marking questions (6):
Questions involving longer explanations
• The main points should be present – note
form is acceptable
• Candidates should not contradict
• Diagrammatic explanations may gain
candidates marks
• Candidates should not write much more
than is required by the space available
Creating a mark scheme (1):
General points
The mark scheme should:
• Give concise answers in note form
• Show clearly (on separate lines where
necessary) where the marks were
• Show the range of acceptable answers
• Indicate unacceptable answers
Creating a mark scheme (2):
Making a mark scheme
In your own time construct a mark scheme
for the question you have been given.
For each part of the question:
• Decide the number of marks you are going to give
• Write as briefly as possible the answers you will allow
• Write down what answers you will not accept
Creating a mark scheme (3):
Reviewing the mark scheme
• Use the mark scheme you constructed to
mark the candidates’ responses
• Were the number of marks given adequate
for each part?
• After reading the candidate responses will
you change or modify your mark scheme?
Creating a mark scheme (4):
A suggested final mark scheme (1)
(a) Any 3 suitable observations that can be
floats on water/ moves about/ bursts into
flame/ fizzes OR bubbles/ disappears/ goes
into a ball
moves about on surface =2
IGNORE: reference to flame colour
NOT: gas produced/ smoke/ fumes/
NOT: reacts violently
Creating a mark scheme (5):
A suggested final mark scheme (2)
(b) 900-1100
very rapid reaction/ very vigorous reaction
ALLOW: faster/ fastest/ violent [1]
(c)(ii) white
Creating a mark scheme (6):
A suggested final mark scheme (3)
c)(iii) ions can’t move in solid
ions free to move in solution
ions free to move only in solution = 2
NOT: charges don’t move in solid
NOT: electrons don’t move in solid
NOT: no free ions in solid
Closing comments