Submission form - Grant Thornton

The 2015 Private Business Growth Award
Presented by The Canadian Chamber of Commerce
and Grant Thornton LLP
The Private Business Growth Award is looking for companies with growth strategies that encompass a broad
range of activities across their business: innovation, market development, development of people and culture,
strategic leadership and improvements in financial measures.
Please complete all of the information requested in the Submission Form and upload the completed form
during the submission process on the website at
The submission must be typewritten in at least a 12-point font and shall not exceed 10 single-sided pages.
Extra pages of attachments, media clippings, etc. may be submitted but will be included in the 10-page limit.
No videos or products will be accepted. Application materials will not be returned. Incomplete or late
applications will automatically be disqualified. Complete submissions must be received by 11:59 pm on July
10, 2015
Please visit the website at to review the rules and regulations, or email any
questions to
The Private Business Growth Award Application package – page 2 of 4
Company name
Click here to enter text.
Street address 1
Click here to enter text.
Street address 2
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Postal Code
Click here to enter text.
Award contact information
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Number of offices
(across Canada and
around the world)
Click here to enter text.
Number of employees
(total from all locations)
Click here to enter text.
General description of
business (max. 250 words)
This text may be used in
advertising materials
related to the promotion
of the Growth Award.
Click here to enter text – max 250 words.
Please describe the ownership structure, including names of majority shareholders
Click here to enter text.
Please indicate who are the company’s closest business advisers (name, title, company)
Click here to enter text.
Is the company privately owned?
Yes ☐
No ☐
Is the company Canadian-owned?
Yes ☐
No ☐
Has the company been in operation for at least three years?
Yes ☐
No ☐
Did annual revenue in the last fiscal year exceed $5 million CDN?
Yes ☐
No ☐
The Private Business Growth Award Application package – page 3 of 4
Submissions will be evaluated in each of the selection criteria. Nominees do not have to satisfy each of the
selection criteria to be considered, although the winning business must demonstrate that it has achieved
growth across a number of the selection criteria. Nominees that satisfy more selection criteria may receive a
higher overall score from the judges.
Answers below can be written in essay format.
A) Please describe how your company has grown through innovation (product and service
development; improvements in the efficiency and effectiveness of internal processes)
Dynamic companies are always asking how they can do things better, and in order to accomplish this, they must be innovative.
This category might include industry leadership in research, development of industry-leading or industry-changing practices or
products, or developing a completely new approach to an old problem in a way that shows “out of the box” thinking. This also
includes industry-leading new products and services, or re-thinking or re-defining the product or service mix. This may even
include companies that radically overhaul their product offerings or scale back to focus on a few core products as part of an overall
growth strategy. This category also includes things such as simplifying complex processes, facilitating easier communications or
enabling faster decision-making.
Click here to enter text.
B) Please describe how your company has grown through market development (go-to-market
strategy, expansion into new domestic or international markets)
Having a well-defined and focused strategy for going to market with products and services is critical to business success. This
category includes the success achieved in expanding the business into new markets, either domestically or internationally, and/or
expanding into new product or business lines. Dynamic businesses are also innovative in how they facilitate expansion, using such
means as joint ventures and strategic partnerships to achieve their growth goals.
Click here to enter text.
C) Please describe how your company has grown through people and culture (helping employees
learn and develop as a critical part of overall growth)
Dynamic, growth-oriented companies seek out ways to help employees learn and develop, whether it’s direct, job-related training,
or innovative programs to engage employees and help them achieve higher performance while maintaining a healthy work-life
balance. Dynamic businesses often introduce initiatives designed to improve the overall culture within the company in a way that
underscores the relationship between individual performance and overall, long-term corporate success.
Click here to enter text.
D) Please describe how your company has grown through strategic leadership (leadership team,
strategic direction, succession planning, stakeholder relations, community involvement)
Please describe the strengths of the leadership team and their contribution to the growth of the business, as well as any changes or
innovations in setting the strategic direction for the business. If there is a longer-term succession plan in place to ensure the
continuity of the business, please describe. In addition, every company has a variety of stakeholder groups that they must deal with
in order to achieve success, including clients, vendors, the local community, regulators, and more. Examples might range from
The Private Business Growth Award Application package – page 4 of 4
Government Relations initiatives to strengthen relationships with key decision-makers to re-organizing the sales team to ensure
clients/customers are better served. Please also include a description of how you are enriching the community in which you work
and live through charitable initiatives, as well as any industry involvement.
Click here to enter text.
E) Improvements in financial measures
Holistic growth is growth beyond the top line—it encompasses all areas of the business. However, this is not to say financial
measures aren’t important, too. This recognizes pure financial growth in terms of revenue and/or profit improvement.
Financial information is an important and quantifiable indicator of success for our judges. It is required that revenue and
profitability information be included as part of your submission. Attachments and additional data tables can be appended.
Financial information will be kept in strict confidence and will only be made available to jury members and representatives
responsible for collecting information on behalf of the jury.
Total revenue/sales $
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Growth %
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Net income $
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Growth %
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Breakdown of revenue/sales %
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Number of countries
doing business in
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Number of employees
Click here to enter
Click here to enter
Click here to enter
Click here to enter
Click here to enter
Number of physical
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Click here to enter
Click here to enter
Please complete all of the information requested in the Submission Form and upload the completed form
during the submission process on the website at
The Private Business Growth Award Application package – page 5 of 4
By submitting this application, you agree that (i) you have read and agree to these rules and regulations; (ii) you have complied
with all eligibility requirements; (iii) the Award will be accepted as presented; (iv) the information you are submitting is true,
complete and accurate; (v) the information being submitted as part of the application process will be used by Grant Thornton
LLP and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with their third party service providers and judging panels in
selecting an Award recipient and consent for such purpose is herein provided; (vi) Grant Thornton LLP and the Canadian
Chamber of Commerce shall have the unrestricted right to produce, reproduce, publicize, broadcast, exhibit, distribute and
otherwise use in any fashion, the winner’s name, logo, trademark, and any photograph, voice or likeness of any personal
representative thereof whose consent the winner will be responsible for obtaining, for advertising and publicity purposes without any
additional compensation; and (vii) Grant Thornton LLP and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce and their respective officers,
directors, members, partners, principals and employees are hereby released from any and all liability, loss, damages or cost related
to participation in the Award process or the acceptance, use or misuse of the Award. Grant Thornton LLP and the Canadian
Chamber of Commerce assume no liability for any lost, late, illegible, falsified, misdirected or incomplete submission, notification,
reply or the unauthorized use of or access to same, or for any technical malfunction, loss or delay in data transmission, omission,
interruption, deletion, defect, damage or failure of any computer, equipment, software, website, e-mail, server, online system,
network, lines or browser related to or resulting from participation in the Award. Grant Thornton LLP and the Canadian
Chamber of Commerce assume no liability whatsoever for any loss, damage, cost, injury or claim howsoever caused.