Lesson Title: The Function of Bird Feathers Subject(s): Science, Writing Grade(s): 4 Standards Science: NGSS.4-LS1-1.: Construct an argument that plants and animals have internal and external structures that function to support survival, growth, behavior, and reproduction. Montana Science Standards 3.1: Identify that plants and animals have structures and systems that serve different functions for growth, survival, and reproduction Writing (Common Core): Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly. With some guidance and support from adults, use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others; demonstrate sufficient command of keyboarding skills to type a minimum of one page in a single sitting. NETS: Creativity and Innovation Research and Information Fluency Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making Technology Operations and Concepts Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this lesson, students will create and construct a product that identifies and explains the characteristics and functions of a bird’s feather. Instructional strategies to meet the needs of a diverse learning group: Peer tutoring Students can read books on their instructional reading level about birds and feathers. A graphic organizer template with text written in Spanish. Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) devices for hearing or physically impaired students who need additional assistance. Materials: Feathers from various birds, nonfiction books about birds, science textbooks, magazines, encyclopedias, CD-ROM encyclopedias, and websites Computer Functions: 1. Students will use the Internet to search for information, graphics, and images of feathers. 2. Students will also use a graphic organizer program to: Create an outline Search, insert, and format text, graphics, images, and connecting links and symbols Arrange and organize components of the graphic organizer Specify Problem: Do all feathers on a bird have the same function? Research and Analysis: Students will use the Internet and search websites to locate information and images about feathers. Students will create a written outline comparing and contrasting feathers and their functions. Students will select words and images to include in a graphic organizer that explain each feather and its function. Students will select graphics and images of feathers. Analyze and evaluate each component in the graphic organizer. Results Presentation: Each student will create a graphic organizer and write a paragraph comparing and contrasting the functions of each feather. (Students who have trouble with the physical aspect of writing can create a digital audio recording of their explanation of the graphic organizer.) Planning Computer Activities: Computer Lab: Students will work in groups of 3-4 to research the different types of feathers and their functions. Before Computer Use: Teacher reviews with class the definition of adaptations in animals and has students identify some adaptations in animals. Teacher introduces the problem and reviews problem-solving steps. Teacher reviews the expectations of working collaboratively in a group. Individual student activities: Review science textbooks and classroom and library books to learn about feathers. Create a list or outline of ideas and possible graphics to use in a graphic organizer. Sketch a draft copy of a graphic organizer to identify and compare and contrast the functions of a feather. During Computer Use: The following computer tasks are divided among group members: Conduct Internet searches and CD-ROM encyclopedia searches. Paraphrase information and download graphics and images with proper citation information Use information from books, textbooks, and websites to create a graphic organizer outline of information. Create a graphic organizer using information in the outline and inserting text and images to explain links. Organize and revise information in graphic organizer model to effectively compare and contrast the functions of feathers. After Computer Use: Answer the following self-reflection “Think Sheets” questions: 1. Does the function of feathers change according to a bird’s habitat and its climate? 2. How has the adaptation of feathers evolved over time? 3. What functions do you think feathers may have served in winged dinosaurs? 4. What would happen if birds lost a feather during flight or swimming through water? 5. Can a feather ever regain its function if it was injured? Supporting/Extension Activities: Study the adaptations of beaks and feet of birds. Compare and contrast different types of animal coverings (fur, scales, skin, etc.) Observe and record what types of birds live in their community. Create a booklet on birds using a word-processing program to share with others. Create a Glog or wiki to display information about the functions of feathers. Create a multimedia presentation on the feathers. Attend a zoo to observe different types of birds. Assessment: Create a rubric with student-input: Use of relevant text and images Meaningful connections between links in graphic organizer Appropriate use of graphics and images and symbols Citations of text and images are appropriate Paragraph explains the functions of feathers Paragraph includes topic sentence, supporting details, and closing sentence Websites: http://askabiologist.asu.edu/content/23-functions-feathers http://www.birds.cornell.edu/AllAboutBirds/studying/feathers/feathers/document_view http://www.birds.cornell.edu/AllAboutBirds/studying/feathers/ http://www.ornithology.com/Lectures/Feathers.html http://www.allaboutbirds.org/Page.aspx?pid=1189http://projectbeak.org/adaptations/feath ers.htm http://www.thewildclassroom.com/biodiversity/birds/aviantopics/feathersandPlumage.html https://fishandgame.idaho.gov/sites/Wildlife/IDMasterNaturalist/Boise/Wildlife%20Articles/ Biological%20and%20Physiological%20Adaptations%20of%20Birds.pdf http://planet.uwc.ac.za/nisl/biodiversity/loe/page_154.htm http://birding.about.com/od/birdingbasics/a/howbirdskeepwarm.htm http://www.birds.com/blog/waterproof-feathers-birds/ http://birds.audubon.org/birdid http://www.eduplace.com/graphicorganizer/