Day 01 - Lesson 4 - The University of Oklahoma


Lesson 25

The object-oriented thought process

Python Mini-Course

University of Oklahoma

Department of Psychology

1 Python Mini-Course: Lesson 25 6/16/09

Lesson objectives




Define the key terms used in objectoriented programming (OOP)

Understand the difference between an object and a class

Describe the types of relationships that are possible between objects

2 Python Mini-Course: Lesson 25 6/16/09

Procedural vs. OOP

Review from Lesson 6

Procedural programming separates the program operations and the data

Object-oriented programming packages the program operations and the data together in object

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What is an object?

The building blocks of an O-O program

A program that uses O-O is basically a collection of objects

Objects interact much like things in the real world do

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What is an object?

Objects have two components:

Data (i.e., attributes)

Behaviors (i.e., methods)

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Object attributes

Store the data for that object

Example (taxi):





6 Python Mini-Course: Lesson 25 6/16/09

Object methods

Define the behaviors for the object

Example (taxi):





• GetDriver

• SetDriver

• GetNumPassengers

7 Python Mini-Course: Lesson 25 6/16/09

Object interface

To use a method, the user

(programmer) must know:

Name of the method

Parameters to pass to the method

What (if anything) the method returns

8 Python Mini-Course: Lesson 25 6/16/09

Object implementation

The user does NOT need to know how the method works internally

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What is a Class?

A blueprint for an object

Classes can be thought of as templates or cookie cutters

Given a class description, we can

instantiate objects of that class

Classes are high-level data types

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OOP concepts


Data and behaviors are packaged together, but the object only reveals the interfaces needed to interact with it

Internal data and behaviors can remain hidden

11 Python Mini-Course: Lesson 25 6/16/09

OOP concepts


Fundamental means of communication between objects

Should completely describe to user

(programmer) how to interact with the object

Should control access to attributes

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You can create new classes by abstracting out common attributes and behaviors from a parent (or base) class

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14 Python Mini-Course: Lesson 25 6/16/09

Is-a relationship

Because sub-classes inherit from their base class, they have an isa relationship:

Lion is a cat

Cat is a mammal

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Allows similar objects to to respond to the same message

(method call) in different manners

Sub-classes can override base class methods

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OOP example:

class Animal: def __init__(self, name): # Constructor of the class = name class Cat(Animal): def talk(self): return 'Meow!' class Dog(Animal): def talk(self): return 'Woof! Woof!'

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Objects can contain other objects

This is called a has-a relationship


Taxi has-a driver

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