Name: The Outsiders Chapters 1 and 2 Vocabulary Vocabulary

Name: _____________________________________
The Outsiders Chapters 1 and 2 Vocabulary
Vocabulary Words
Sentence from the book
“I reckon we’re wilder, too.”
To think or suppose
“He had on a madras shirt.”
A light cotton fabric of various weaves, especially one in multicolored plaid or stripes, used for shirts, dresses, jackets, etc.
Cowlick (pg. 6)
“He has dark brown hair that kicks out in front and a
slight cowlick in the back…”
A tuft of hair that grows in a direction different from that of the rest
of the hair
“…which he couldn’t have acquired without his first
To come into possession or ownership of
Acquired (pg. 10)
“He liked fights, blondes, and for some
unfathomable reason, school.”
Not able to be completely understood
“I touched my cheek gingerly.”
With great care or caution
“Two Bit nodded sagely.”
“…but here, organized gangs are rarities.”
Something rare, unusual, or uncommon
“That’s the greaser who jockeys for Slash J
A person who rides horses professionally in races
“Dally grinned roguishly.”
“Dally got up and stalked off…”
To walk with measured, stiff, or haughty strides
“’Okay,’ I said nonchalantly.”
Coolly unconcerned, indifferent, or unexcited; casual
“She gave him an incredulous look.”
Indicating or showing disbelief
“Incidentally, we don’t mind being called greaser by
another greaser.”
Apart or aside from the main subject of
Reckon (pg. 3)
Madras (pg. 5)
Unfathomable (pg. 10)
Gingerly (pg. 12)
Sagely (pg. 12)
Rarities (pg. 11)
Jockey (pg. 21)
Roguishly (pg. 22)
Stalked (pg. 25)
Nonchalantly (pg. 25)
Incredulous (pg. 24)
Incidentally (pg. 28)
Name: _____________________________________
The Outsiders Chapters 1 and 2 Vocabulary