_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Apps in Special Ed Categorized by Learning Outcomes An open educational resource (OER) effort in accordance with the recent changes from compliance indicators to educational outcomes in Special Education and the research findings. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Communication App Name TapToTalk App Logo Description Created by Assistyx LLC automatically turns an iPad, iPhone, or iPod into an AAC device. By tapping a picture, TapToTalk speaks. As each picture is tapped, a new screen of similar pictures will appear. TapToTalk can be modified for child and adult voices as well as Cost Free Our Comments Samples albums are available in multiple languages including English, Spanish, French, German and Italian. male and female voices. This is known as a must have app for special needs children with autism, cerebral palsy, and other speech delays. Proloquo2Go Created by AssistiveWare. An Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) solution for all iOS devices. $219.99 Comprehensive symbol support gives users a voice. Provides American, British, Australian and Indian English voices. RocketKeys A talking keyboard for users with speech disabilities, with special design consideration for users with unsteady or imprecise hand touch. $159.99 AAC app that helps users type efficiently, with one feature that allows typing with the fewest possible hand movements. TalkRocket Go A powerful communication $99.99 speech aid for many disabilities. Version 5.1 Users can learn to express themselves or to speak out loud by using contextually-relevant vocabularies , colors, and shapes . Locabulary Lite Created by Red Mountain Labs, Inc., Locabulary Lite uses an intuitive interface to communicate words, phrases, and sentences. Words and expressions are created from categories such as Quick Phrase, Moods, Assistance, and Restaurants. The ability to select a location and specify the gender of the voice Free Locabulary Pro ($129.99) can be purchased to increase the amount of words and phrases and Ideal for speech therapy See. Touch. Learn. allows users to customize the device based on individual needs. Updated versions allow users to save phrases by location and to type abbreviations to speak phrases. Saved locations such as “Home” allow a user to quickly pull up phrases that are commonly used within the home and abbreviations can be saved to quickly pull up commonly used phrases. make words available based on GPS location. Created by Brain Parade, See. Touch. Learn. replaces traditional flash cards and includes a starter set of high-quality picture cards designed by professionals specifically for those with autism or other special needs. In addition to teaching specific lessons, picture cards are used to help teach new words and foster selfexpression. Picture cards can be saved and used with multiple students. Free This app can be upgraded to See. Touch. Learn. Pro ($34.99) which allows access to additional libraries of flash cards and the ability to create personal picture cards. MyTalkTools Mobile Lite Created by 2nd Half Enterprises LLC, MyTalkTools Mobile Lite is an AAC device that makes it easy to customize how you communicate through a variety of images, pictures, symbols, and video using audio files. This app also has basic text to speech functions. A fully-functional version of this app is available for purchase ($99.99) allowing users to add increased cell capacity to the full version. Model Me Going Places 2 Created by Model Me Kids, LLC, Model Me Going Places 2 is a visual teaching tool for helping people learn to navigate within the community. This version contains locations such as mall, playgrounds, grocery stores, restaurants, and doctor’s offices and photos of children modeling appropriate behavior within each location. The app includes audio narration of each scenario and easy to navigate forward and backward buttons to transition between photos. Speak It! Text to Speech Created by Future Apps, Inc., is an inexpensive way to convert text into speech. This app can read emails, news articles, documents, web pages, and more. Words can also be highlighted as $1.99 Version 2.6 TTS applications provide students with mild reading disabilities greater access to text. Research has shown improvements in text comprehension when struggling readers used TTS remediation. In they are spoken to increase reading skills. App provides four voice choices, as well as pace control allowing the reader to slow or increase the read-back speed. The app also allows the user to save or record the voice over for listening in the future or for repeated listening. addition, reading accuracy scores increased showing promising effects on reading speed along with comprehension. (Douglas,, et al, 2009). Phonic and Reading with McGuffey Lite Teaches to visual, kinetic, and auditory learning for non-readers. Free Phonics Consonants FreeBeginning Sounds for Preschool, K, and First Grade Learn consonant letters and sounds with six interactive games Free One Minute Reader. Interesting, non-fiction stories that keep the reader engaged. Improve Reading. Free Painless Reading Comprehension Challenge Arcade game that tests one’s knowledge. Reading comprehension. Free Problem Solving App Name Description Cost Students watch a series of images to become familiar with a variety of public places and learn appropriate behaviors through modeling. Free Version 3.3 Everyday Social Skills The app takes users through common daily activities stepby-step. It includes 75 videos that provide the user skills to for social situations. The app uses real people and signs making it more effective than cartoon-type visuals. $0.99 Version 2.1 (Schrandt, et al. 2009) Scootpad Personalized learning experience for K-5 students in Math, reading, spelling, writing, and vocabulary. Free Learning adaptive platform for Common Core Standards in K-5 (Math, Reading, Writing, and Vocabulary) Pizza Fractions: Beginning with Simple Fractions Introduction to fractions in a game environment Free Submarine Math HD Racing submarine games to improve math. Improve math Free Version 1.6 Model Me Going Places 2 App Logo skills (+,-,x) Our Review Research has shown that modeling behavior has been effective in teaching empathy and perspective-taking skills to children with Autism. (Schrandt, et al. 2009) Sushi Monster Interactive monster game to strengthen math skills. Extend Free math fluency. Strengthen reasoning strategies for whole number addition and multiplication Tell Time !! Fun matching game to tell time. Free Teach children how to tell time. Oh no Fractions!- Curious Hat Lab Simple app that allows the user Free to simply swipe left or right to answer if the fraction on the left is LESS, GREATER or EQUAL than the one on the right. Practice and understand Fractions. SpellingCity Playing engaging learning games using word lists. Learning spelling and vocabulary words. Free Fast Facts Multiplication Designed to help students learn multiplication tables Free Fraction Basics Video that teaches fractions in a quick and simple way. Free Geometry: Volume of Solids Lite Videos are used to help understand and learn how to calculate volumes of solids Free AutisMate Helps build communication and socialization skills. Allows users to add media content to create visual scenes to help students acquire social and communication skills. $149.99 version 2.5.3 Creavity App Name App Logo Description Cost Our Review Pic Collage Create and share amazing collages using photos, fun stickers, text with cool fonts and frames. Free Version 4.5.18 Creativity and organization Toontastic Create animated storytelling cartoons with musical scores. Free version with starter characters and backgrounds. Paid version ($19.99) with 150+ characters and 40+ backgrounds Version 2.7.0 Creativity & thinking Talking Tom Cat Pet cat Tom responds to the user’s touch and repeats everything the user says with a funny voice. Free Version 2.3.1 Screenchomp A simple doodle board, markers, and one-click sharing tool. Learn to create a sharing your ideas. Free Sketchbook MobileX Sketching tool used through a streamlined and intuitive user interface. Painting and drawing application. Free Skitch How to express through drawing. Say things through drawing and images. Very easy to use. Resembles a scaled version of Photoshop. Free Vocab-a-splat Game that requires students to collect enough paint to color pictures in vocab-a-SplatGallery.Build on and teaches meaning of high frequency vocabulary words. Free Communication & Creativity All Guitar Chords Beginner learners Free Educreations Interactive WhiteBoard Create and share video lessons Free How to Make Origami Provides step by step and animated 3D instructions to making Origami’s Free iBrainstorm Drawing pad or whiteboard. Collaborative tool. Free Poetry Creator-Verses, Poetry, Poems & Poets Merging poetry and words to create your own verses Free Sketchbook MobileX Sketching tool used through a streamlined and intuitive user interface Free Voice Thread Create and share conversation Free Thinking & Organization App Name App Logo Description Cost Our Review Sticky Creating notebooks that help users stay organized in a colorful, fun, and tactile manner. Free Version 3.3.1 PhotoMind Use pictures as reminders, to-do-lists, or notes. $2.99 Version 2.2 Grammar Wonderland Learn parts of speech by flying, swimming, feeding, and tossing to grammar mastery. Free Thinking and learning Elementary Lite version & through playing. Primary version SeeTouchLearn Free SeeTouchLearn Free, Pro, Site Edition Evernote Users can easily take notes, organize and share notes, as well as create audio and visual notes. Free Version 7.3.0 Pdf-notes free for iPad (pdf reader-viewer) Easy to use. Use your fingers to scroll, read, find, drop, and save. Free Word Mover Uses found poetry to promote literacy and supplement classroom instruction Free Ace the SAT Practice test questions to better prepare for SAT Free Managing class assignments, taking notes, and organizing paper-based work has been found to be an ongoing problem for high functioning students. Organization apps can help with organization and note taking skills (ASHA, 2013) Dictionary.comDictionary and Thesaurus for iPad FractionCalc Basic calculator app Free Leafsnap for iPad Take pictures of leaves, flowers, petiole, and bark to identify the trees species. Free References: ASHA Leader. (n.d.). App-titude: Apps for High Schoolers With Autism. Retrieved February 2, 2014, from http://www.asha.org/Publications/leader/2013/130401/App-titude--Apps-for-High-Schoolers-With-Autism.htm Douglas, K., Ayers, K., Langone, J., Bell, V., & Meade, C. (2009). Expanding Literacy for Learners with Intellectual Disabilities: The Role of Supported eText. Journal of Special Education Technology, 24(3), 35-44. Schrandt, J., Buffington, D., & Poulson, C. (2009). Teaching Empathy Skills to Children with Autism. Journal of Applied behavior Analysis, 42(1), 17-32.