French Level I– SY 2014 – 2015 AP THEME: Contemporary Life AP SUBTHEME: Travel: Survey of Francophone World; Geography of France Recommended pacing: Throughout Year: Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : FI.7 The student will develop an awareness of common perspectives, practices, and products of francophone cultures FI.8 The student will recognize that perspectives, practices, and products of francophone cultures are interrelated. FI.10 The student will compare basic elements of French to those of English and other languages. FI.11 The student will demonstrate understanding of the significance of culture through comparisons between francophone cultures and the cultures of the United States. FI.12 The student will explore situations in which to use French language skills and cultural knowledge beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes. COMMUNICATION CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE -Interpersonal -Interpretive (Facts & Skills) -Presentational Map skills INTERPRETIVE MODE: France Neighboring countries • Identify francophone countries on a map. CULTURES: COMPARISONS: • Identify France on a world/European map, showing rivers, mountains, and bordering countries and bodies of water. • Name and locate francophone countries on a map. • Compare and contrast different geographical characteristics between France and other countries. CONNECTIONS: COMMUNITIES: The French-speaking world INTERPERSONAL MODE: • Answer questions about personal origin. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce an oral / written report about a francophone country. • Discover the French name of your country of origin. . USEFUL VOCABULARY See the official VOC list in the AP Theme_Subtheme_Vocabulary folder in Vision RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate CPAs rubrics for speaking and writing assessments. • Recognize different modes of transportation available in francophone countries. Depending on when this is presented by the teacher être Colors (flags) Adjective placement Weather expressions Mapping activities : identify French speaking countries using colors, label items (countries, rivers, mountains, bordering countries) ; Choose a francophone country and report on their location, flag, food, clothing, etc. in a brochure format ; Suggested Interpretive Task Students identify the francophone countries of the world on a map coloring them following instructions. 1 Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Students ask each other where they are from and answer. Present a small poster of a francophone country; include a picture of a map, flag, typical food and dress, literacy rate, and one fun fact of your choice. 6/18/2014 2:44 PM French Level I– SY 2014 – 2015 Recommended pacing: 3 (Quarter 1) weeks Teachers need to AP THEME: Contemporary Life appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the AP SUBTHEME : Education : Numbers, Alphabet, Classroom Expressions, Calendar, Colors, objectives of the unit. Greetings, Leave-taking, and Introductions Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : FI.1 The student will exchange simple spoken and written information in French. FI.2 The student will sustain brief oral and written exchanges in French, using familiar phrases and sentences. FI.7 The student will develop an awareness of common perspectives, practices, and products of francophone cultures FI.8 The student will recognize that perspectives, practices, and products of francophone cultures are interrelated. COMMUNICATION CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE -Interpersonal –Interpretive (Facts & Skills) -Presentational Diacritical marks INTERPRETIVE MODE: CULTURES: COMPARISONS: Alphabet • Identify the correct response to basic mathematical • Discuss the way numerals are written in French. • Compare and contrast the different 1-31 questions. • Demonstrate how numbers are counted on one’s formats of writing the date in French and Classroom expressions hand. English. Cognates & false cognates • Explore cultural customs when greeting. • Compare and contrast different styles INTERPERSONAL MODE: Week starts with Monday • Introduce French holidays. of greeting and leave taking in French • Answer and pose mathematical questions Days & months not and English. • Conduct a discussion greeting others; both students capitalized. CONNECTIONS: and adults. C’est… • Complete simple mathematical computations in COMMUNITIES: Phrases for asking and telling French. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: date. . • Recite the date; • Discuss how in your own community or Formal and informal greetings • Recite the alphabet; household the date is spoken and Colors (with flags) • Recite the numbers ; written. • Produce oral and written reports/skit on greetings. USEFUL VOCABULARY • Recognize French words seen in daily life. See the official VOC list in the AP Theme_Subtheme_Vocabulary folder in Vision none De quelle couleur est…? Quelle est la date aujourd’hui? C’est … RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate CPA rubrics for speaking and writing assessments. Crossword puzzles, spelling bees, math problems, math flashcards, play Loto or dot-to-dot. Write the date in the notebook daily. Daily calendar person to recite the date to the class. to hear the alphabet Numbers listening quiz with three levels of difficulty Simple math listening quiz Classroom expressions recorded Numbers and colors game Suggested Interpretive Task Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Have a timed math quiz using words only. 2 Have a spelling bee. Have students introduce themselves and others Recite / sing the alphabet. Create and sing your own number song. Rap the alphabet. 6/18/2014 2:44 PM French Level I– SY 2014 – 2015 AP THEME: Personal And Public Identities AP SUBTHEME: Beliefs and Values / Language and Identity: physical descriptions and personality, characteristics, feelings, and emotions. Recommended pacing: 3 (Quarter 1) weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : FI.1 The student will exchange simple spoken and written information in French. FI.2 The student will sustain brief oral and written exchanges in French, using familiar phrases and sentences. FI.4 The student will use verbal and nonverbal cues to understand simple spoken and written messages in French. FI.5 The student will present information orally and in writing in French, using a variety of familiar vocabulary, phrases, and structural patterns. COMMUNICATION CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE -Interpersonal -Interpretive (Facts & Skills) -Presentational Cognates INTERPRETIVE MODE: Definite and indefinite articles • Demonstrate comprehension of content from audio CULTURES: COMPARISONS: visual texts relating to peer descriptions. • Discuss cultural generalizations and stereotyping based upon physical appearance. INTERPERSONAL MODE: • Answer questions about your best friend/yourself. CONNECTIONS: PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce oral and written reports/skit on descriptions of friends. USEFUL VOCABULARY RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES • Discuss traits of famous people from French cultures. . See the official VOC list in the AP Theme_Subtheme_Vocabulary folder in Vision • Compare and contrast the use of gender and adjective agreement. • Begin to compare and contrast schools in the French-speaking world and the United States. COMMUNITIES: • Discuss appearances in your own community or your school and compare them to issues in French speaking communities. Adjective agreement Descriptive vocabulary Oui and Non Negation Nationalities Origins Question & answer formation Etre-singular Subject pronouns-singular Voilà / voici Où, qui, comment, est-ce que, de quelle nationalité… ? Classroom expressions, numbers, date; Greetings. RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Make an accordion book describing yourself- the book builds with each page repeating the prior and adding a sentence. Students read their books aloud to each other. The teacher describes a student in the class- students guess who it is. game for nationalities and sports (cognates) ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate CPAs rubrics for speaking and writing performance assessments. Students hear a description of someone and identify the person from a picture. Suggested Interpretive Task 3 Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Students ask each other to describe their classmates and friends. Students play guessing games to identify someone (20 Questions, Guess Who). Students describe familiar characters or famous people. Students describe their best friend(s). 6/18/2014 2:44 PM French Level I– SY 2014 – 2015 AP THEME: Contemporary Life AP SUBTHEME: Education : classes, schedules, and classroom objects Recommended pacing: 3 (Quarter 1) weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : FI.1 The student will exchange simple spoken and written information in French. FI.2 The student will sustain brief oral and written exchanges in French, using familiar phrases and sentences. FI.3 The student will understand simple spoken and written French presented through a variety of media and based on familiar topics. FI.4 The student will use verbal and nonverbal cues to understand simple spoken and written messages in French. FI.5 The student will present information orally and in writing in French, using a variety of familiar vocabulary, phrases, and structural patterns. COMMUNICATION CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE -Interpersonal -Interpretive (Facts & Skills) -Presentational INTERPRETIVE MODE: Vocabulary related to school, • Identify the classroom objects from pictures or CULTURES: COMPARISONS: schedules, , and classroom realia. • Introduce the educational system in France. • Compare and contrast formal and objects • Identify which courses you like and don’t like, • Identify the structure of grade levels in French informal address in French and English. J’aime, je n’aime pas • Identify which teachers are strict or not strict. schools. • Compare and contrast the school day Time expressions INTERPERSONAL MODE: and school year in France and the United 24 hour clock States. • Discuss with another student why you like a Etre-all forms course. CONNECTIONS: All subject pronouns PRESENTATIONAL MODE: COMMUNITIES: • Identify courses that francophone students take Plural structures • Present a student schedule. • Present an oral or written presentation of your favorite course. • Present an oral or written presentation of the educational system of a Francophone country. that are the same as the US. . • Identify Francophone cultural influences in communities in the United States. USEFUL VOCABULARY See the official VOC list in the AP Theme_Subtheme_Vocabulary folder in Vision Numbers 32-69 Quel cours tu aimes? Quelle heure est-il? A quelle heure est…? Numbers, dates, days and months, classroom expressions, articles-indefinite & definite RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate CPAs rubrics for speaking and writing assessments. ·Students write their own schedule in French. ·Students work in groups to write with bulletin board paper: which teachers are strict, which student is really good in a course, what their favorite course is. Share the posters with the class and gather statistics; be sure that each group member has a task (writer, presenter, checker). la salle de classe video pronunciation of school subjects adjective agreement quiz Suggested Interpretive Task Students identify classroom objects from photos or realia or label classroom. 4 Suggested Interpersonal Task Students ask each other about their teachers, who are strict etc… about their schedule and classes. Suggested Presentational Task Students create and present their schedule to the class, stating why they like or dislike the class. 6/18/2014 2:44 PM French Level I– SY 2014 – 2015 AP THEME: Contemporary Life AP SUBTHEME: Leisure and Sports: Activities at School and After School Recommended pacing: 3 (Quarter 2) weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : FI.1 The student will exchange simple spoken and written information in French. FI.3 The student will understand simple spoken and written French presented through a variety of media and based on familiar topics. FI.5 The student will present information orally and in writing in French, using a variety of familiar vocabulary, phrases, and structural patterns. F.7 The student will develop an awareness of common perspectives, practices, and products of francophone cultures. FI.12 The student will explore situations in which to use French language skills and cultural knowledge beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes. COMMUNICATION CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE -Interpersonal -Interpretive (Facts & Skills) -Presentational INTERPRETIVE MODE: CULTURES: COMPARISONS: 1st Conjugation: • Comprehend simple, culturally-authentic Present tense of regular –er Identify at school and after school activities • Compare extracurricular activities announcements and advertisements related to leisure verbs (i.e. parler, danser, of students in France as related to school in American and francophone activities. regarder, etc.) schedule schools. • Identify activities being described. • Compare and contrast regular verb Adverbs of frequency • Determine whether a person likes or dislikes a conjugations in the present tense for Vocabulary for expressing particular activity. French and English. CONNECTIONS: likes and dislikes + infinitive INTERPERSONAL MODE: Vocabulary of places in and • Make connections between historical • Ask and answer questions related to activities at and COMMUNITIES: out of town contexts and current attitudes towards after school, including likes and dislikes. • Identify French descriptions or PRESENTATIONAL MODE: Identify school supplies and afterschool activities. directions on products used for/at • Tell if a person likes or dislikes various activities. rooms of the school, . school and after school activities. • Tell when and how frequently a person participates in Tu vs Vous various activities. • Visit a French school supply • Tell what leisure activities a person does or not. website Papeterie Gilbert Joseph See the official VOC list in the AP USEFUL VOCABULARY Qu’est-ce qu’il/elle fait? Theme_Subtheme_Vocabulary folder in Vision Qu’est-ce que tu fais le week-end? Qu’est-ce que c’est? Qu’est-ce qu’il y a ? Combien coûte…/C’est combien ? RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES • Negative sentences Question formation. Subject pronouns. RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Move game: students cut out and make a paper backpack, students cut out and label school supplies; teacher uses classroom commands mettez+ sortez; students insert and remove items to and from the backpack based on the teacher commands; a strong student may take over as the teacher. Students draw a picture to represent the new verb, conjugate on the back; Students create a short foldable book using photos and the new verbs in order of their day with one sentence per page. Students create a PowerPoint showing activities that they like/dislike. See Plaquettes Activites for community center list of after school activities Supplies for sale buy latest books CD’s DVDs, games, devices online listening quiz for er verbs (scroll down) search box Jacques Prévert middle school for schedule and after school activities ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate CPAs rubrics for speaking and writing assessments. Suggested Interpretive Task Students will read or hear a short conversation; they will decide if the person likes/dislikes an activity. 5 Suggested Interpersonal Task Create a skit related to after school activities. Suggested Presentational Task Students create a PowerPoint project about the activities they like/don’t like and present to class. 6/18/2014 2:44 PM French Level I– SY 2014 – 2015 AP THEME: Families and Communities AP SUBTHEME: Family Structures / Customs and Ceremonies Recommended pacing: 3 (Quarter 2) weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : FI.1 The student will exchange simple spoken and written information in French. FI.2 The student will sustain brief oral and written exchanges in French, using familiar phrases and sentences. FI.3 The student will understand simple spoken and written French presented through a variety of media and based on familiar topics. FI.7 The student will develop an awareness of common perspectives, practices, and products of francophone cultures. FI.8 The student will recognize that perspectives, practices, and products of francophone cultures are interrelated. COMMUNICATION CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational INTERPRETIVE MODE: CULTURES: COMPARISONS: • Demonstrates comprehension of content from audio visual texts relating to family descriptions. INTERPERSONAL MODE: • Explore cultural customs of nuclear and extended family composition. • Discuss the differences between American and French weddings • Conduct a discussion introducing and describing family to others. CONNECTIONS: PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Present a family tree. • Using Rousseau’s “Une noce à la campagne” talk about differences in American and French cultures. . • Compare and contrast different family styles of greeting and leave taking with personal cultures (la bise). • Compare and contrast the expression of possession in French and English. Family members vocabulary Expressing birthday celebration Age and birthdate Avoir-all forms Possessive adjectives Possession using de Numbers 70-100 COMMUNITIES: • Invite a French-speaking person/family to visit and present information about French family customs. • Identify local French speaking communities and cultural events. USEFUL VOCABULARY See the official VOC list in the AP Theme_Subtheme_Vocabulary folder in Vision RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Numbers, dates, descriptors Tu vs. Vous, Formal and informal expressions, Etre, Subject pronouns, Voilà / voici ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate CPAs rubrics for speaking and writing assessments. ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Students will create a family tree diagram. Students will create a foldable describing themselves, a family member and a pet (or additional family member if no pet). Interview on Birthdays Suggested Interpretive Task Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Students will listen and identify family members on a family tree 6 Students will write to a pen pal telling them about their family. Students will ask and tell another student about their family. Students will create a foldable in written form describing themselves, a family member and a pet. The student will present either their family member or pet orally. 6/18/2014 2:44 PM French Level I– SY 2014 – 2015 AP THEME: Global Challenges AP SUBTHEME: Environmental Issues: Weather and Seasons; Geography of France Recommended pacing: 3 (Quarter 2) weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : FI.1 The student will exchange simple spoken and written information in French. FI.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to sustain brief oral and written exchanges in French, using familiar phrases and sentences. FI.3 The student will understand simple spoken and written French presented through a variety of media and based on familiar topics. FI.5 The student will present information orally and in writing in French, using a variety of familiar vocabulary, phrases, and structural patterns. FI.7 The student will develop an awareness of common perspectives, practices, and products of francophone cultures. FI.8 The student will recognize that perspectives, practices, and products of francophone cultures are interrelated. FI.10 The student will compare basic elements of French to those of English and other languages FI.12 The student will explore situations in which to apply French language skills and cultural knowledge beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes. COMMUNICATION CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE -Interpersonal -Interpretive (Facts & Skills) -Presentational INTERPRETIVE MODE: Weather vocabulary CULTURES: COMPARISONS: Use of faire with weather • Identify weather and seasons based on spoken Prepositions en and and written descriptions. • Identify varying climates in different • Identify the different seasons in au with seasons • Identify weather and seasons as represented by geographic locations in France and various francophone countries. symbols (e.g., picture of sun labeled il fait chaud). francophone countries. Avoir chaud/froid INTERPERSONAL MODE: COMMUNITIES: Geography and physical features of France • Ask and answer questions about weather and CONNECTIONS: The regions seasons. • Interpret a French language • Ask and respond to questions about activities • Describe the use of metric system in giving weather report. and weather during different seasons. temperatures. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: . • Describe a variety of weather conditions and seasons. USEFUL VOCABULARY See the official VOC list in the AP Theme_Subtheme_Vocabulary folder in Vision RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES Regular –er verbs Negative sentences Adverbs of frequency Resources: METEO FRANCE current weather reports in France. Students create a 4 flap foldable-students list the weather in each season. Daily weather man - one student daily says the date, the weather, and the word of the day. PowerPoint of French geography and climate. Suggested Interpretive Task Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Students will hear various weather Students have a weather map of Present the weather for the day. conditions and categorize them as France. They ask each other about Select a francophone place and either good or bad weather. the weather in different locations. present the yearly weather there. RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate CPAs rubrics for speaking and writing assessments. 7 Quel temps fait-il? 6/18/2014 2:44 PM French Level I– SY 2014 – 2015 AP THEME: Contemporary Life AP SUBTHEME: Housing and Shelter Recommended pacing: 4 (Quarter 3) weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : FI.1 The student will exchange simple spoken and written information in French. FI.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to sustain brief oral and written exchanges in French, using familiar phrases and sentences. FI.3 The student will understand simple spoken and written French presented through a variety of media and based on familiar topics. FI.5 The student will present information orally and in writing in French, using a variety of familiar vocabulary, phrases, and structural patterns. FI.7 The student will develop an awareness of common perspectives, practices, and products of francophone cultures. FI.8 The student will recognize that perspectives, practices, and products of francophone cultures are interrelated. FI.10 The student will compare basic elements of French to those of English and other languages FI.12 The student will explore situations in which to apply French language skills and cultural knowledge beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes. COMMUNICATION CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE -Interpersonal -Interpretive (Facts & Skills) -Presentational INTERPRETIVE MODE: Furniture COMPARISONS: Rooms of the house •Read real estate ads and select a residence for a CULTURES: month’s stay in France. • Identify rooms of a house and dwellings in • Compare homes in France and the Prepositions of place Personal possessions francophone countries, H.L.M. United States. INTERPERSONAL MODE: Neighborhood vocabulary • Importance of privacy/closed doors • Compare and contrast adjective Il y a…Il n’y a pas de… • Ask and answer questions about homes and • Fences and hedges surrounding private placement and agreement in French Adjective placement and apartments. property/shutters and English. agreement (irregular forms) • Describe where you live. CONNECTIONS: BANGS (beauty, age, PRESENTATIONAL MODE: number, goodness size) • Distinguish between fortresses and palaces COMMUNITIES: adjectives and their • Describe your ideal house or apartment. in France. • Research on-line real estate using placement a French or Canadian realtor for property in France or the United States. See the official VOC list in the AP USEFUL VOCABULARY Qu’est-ce qu’il y a… ? Theme_Subtheme_Vocabulary folder in Vision Comment est ta maison ?... RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate CPAs rubrics for speaking and writing assessments. Regular –er verbs, Negative sentences Adverbs of frequency classified real estate ads map and photos of Loire castles labeled photos of Monet’s home exterior and rooms Suggested Interpretive Task Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Read about different types of You are spending a vacation with Build or sketch a model of your ideal housing in Francophone cultures and family friends in the French Alps. or apartment or favorite room and where French people live. Describe your room to your friend in describe it to a small group. an e-mail. 8 6/18/2014 2:44 PM French Level I– SY 2014 – 2015 AP THEME: Contemporary Life AP SUBTHEME: Leisure & Sports : Dining Out, Activities and Transportation Recommended pacing: 5 (Quarter 3) weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : FI.7 The student will develop an awareness of common perspectives, practices, and products of francophone cultures. FI.8 The student will recognize that perspectives, practices, and products of francophone cultures are interrelated. FI.10 The student will compare basic elements of French to those of English and other languages FI.11 The student will demonstrate understanding of the significance of culture through comparisons between francophone cultures and the cultures of the United States. FI.12 The student will explore situations in which to use French language skills and cultural knowledge beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes. COMMUNICATION CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE -Interpersonal -Interpretive (Facts & Skills) -Presentational Café and restaurant vocabulary INTERPRETIVE MODE: Prendre • Identify items on a menu. CULTURES: COMPARISONS: • Identify basic food offerings. INTERPERSONAL MODE: • Ask and aswer questions to order food and pay the bill. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Discuss menu items unique to francophone countries. • Discuss history of the euro. • Discuss table settings and manners and meal times. • Discuss family evening meal. • List items for sale. • Tell about favorite restaurant(s) and what type of food is served. CONNECTIONS: • Convert US currency to francophone rates. • Compare prices between countries. • Compare cuisines between francophone countries and the US. • Compare dining culture with regard to tipping and animals. COMMUNITIES: • Understand recipes/menus on the Internet from francophone countries. • Present and discuss French McDonalds and fast food chains (Quick). • Present and discuss French street foods. USEFUL VOCABULARY See the official VOC list in the AP Theme_Subtheme_Vocabulary folder in Vision RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES Numbers, places in and out of town, likes and dislikes Tu vs. Vous Use of de meaning from, of and ‘s as a possessive RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate CPAs rubrics for speaking and writing assessments. S’il vous plaît History of the euro Table settings and manners Meals Je voudrais Aller Aller + infinitive Contractions: à and de Avoir faim Avoir soif Modes of transportation : à pied, à vélo, en avion, en métro, en voiture, en taxi… Question formation- Combien coûte…? C’est combien ? Ça fait combien? Create a menu. Create a placemat on 11 X 17 paper. Students draw and label two meals on each side. Laminate the papers and send home for home use. current breakfast menu listening activity/ café orders Suggested Interpretive Task Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Students identify items from a menu. Students create a dialogue about ordering Create a foldable booklet of three Students identify places in and out of in a café or restaurant, one waiter and two meals and the utensils needed for town where they go and how they go customers. each meal. there. Class presentation of your plans for the day using PowerPoint visuals. 9 6/18/2014 2:44 PM French Level I– SY 2014 – 2015 AP THEME: Contemporary Life AP SUBTHEME : Advertising and Marketing : Meals and Food / Shopping Recommended pacing: 4 (Quarter 4) weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : FI.7 The student will develop an awareness of common perspectives, practices, and products of francophone cultures. FI.8 The student will recognize that perspectives, practices, and products of francophone cultures are interrelated. FI.10 The student will compare basic elements of French to those of English and other languages. FI.11 The student will demonstrate understanding of the significance of culture through comparisons between francophone cultures and the cultures of the United States. FI.12 The student will explore situations in which to use French language skills and cultural knowledge beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes. COMMUNICATION CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE -Interpersonal -Interpretive (Facts & Skills) -Presentational Food shopping vocabulary INTERPRETIVE MODE: Faire • Identify items for sale in an advertisement. CULTURES: COMPARISONS: • Identify where specific items can be purchased. • Discuss products unique to francophone • Compare bargaining practices between Partitive INTERPERSONAL MODE: countries. francophone countries. Use of definite article with • Ask and answer questions about stores and types of • Discuss food shopping habits. • Compare systems of measurement. likes and dislikes merchandise. Acheter • Discuss shopping experiences. COMMUNITIES: Pouvoir and vouloir PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Identify cognates related to shopping. CONNECTIONS: • Describe and item for sale. • Tell about the purchase or sale of an item. • Convert US currency to francophone rates. • Compare prices between countries. USEFUL VOCABULARY See the official VOC list in the AP Theme_Subtheme_Vocabulary folder in Vision RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate CPAs rubrics for speaking and writing assessments. • Discuss French influences in American economies. Question formation- Combien coûte…? C’est combien ? Ça fait combien? Numbers Tu vs. Vous Je voudrais Aller Contractions with à Students create a shopping list and what stores they are going to visit. Students create a food pyramid with food in each category. Includes food lists by food group to click for recipes Games for likes and dislikes Suggested Interpretive Task Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Students identify items for sale in an advertisement. 10 Students create a dialogue shopping in a store. Create an advertisement poster and present to class. 6/18/2014 2:44 PM French Level I– SY 2014 – 2015 AP THEME: Beauty and Aesthetics AP SUBTHEME : Ideals of Beauty : Clothing and shopping for clothes Recommended pacing: 5 (Quarter 4) weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : FI.1 The student will exchange simple spoken and written information in French. FI.2 The student will sustain brief oral and written exchanges in French, using familiar phrases and sentences. FI.3 The student will understand simple spoken and written French presented through a variety of media and based on familiar topics. FI.5 The student will present information orally and in writing in French, using a variety of familiar vocabulary, phrases, and structural patterns. FI.7 The student will develop an awareness of common perspectives, practices, and products of francophone cultures. FI.8 The student will recognize that perspectives, practices, and products of francophone cultures are interrelated. FI.10 The student will compare basic elements of French to those of English and other languages. FI.12 The student will explore situations in which to use French language skills and cultural knowledge beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes. COMMUNICATION CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL -Interpersonal -Interpretive KNOWLEDGE -Presentational (Facts & Skills) INTERPRETIVE MODE: COMPARISONS: Use of possessive de • Demonstrates comprehension of content from audio • Compare and contrast different styles of porter, mettre CULTURES: visual texts relating to clothing and colors. greeting and leave taking with personal • Explore cultural customs of clothing. essayer cultures. INTERPERSONAL MODE: • Discuss the influence of climate and geography comparative adjectives COMMUNITIES: • Answer questions about what you, your friend, or as it affects clothing in francophone countries. croire, voir family member are wearing. • Discuss appearances in your own trouver community or your school and compare PRESENTATIONAL MODE: CONNECTIONS: favori, favorite them to issues in French speaking • Produce oral and written reports/skit describing the • Make connections between color choices in à la mode, demodé… communities. clothing of friends and family. clothing. USEFUL VOCABULARY See the official VOC list in the AP Theme_Subtheme_Vocabulary folder in Vision Qu’est-ce qu’on vend…? Qu’est-ce que tu portes aujourd’hui ? Qu’est-ce qu’on met pour… ? Greetings, descriptions, family members, -er verbs, articles, être, avoir, geography as related to clothing, weather & seasons. RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate CPAs rubrics for speaking and writing assessments. Adjective agreement and placement, colors Acheter, payer Coloring activities with the directions in French. Play the clothing game. Flyswatter game identifying clothing. Students line up and move forward based on the article of clothing mentioned by the teacher: La personne porte… Students create a catalog of clothes for men, women, shoes and accessories for both +adjectives and prices. Suggested Interpretive Task Students hear a description of a person and choose the person being described. 11 Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Students go shopping together and ask their friend(s) their opinion(s) of the clothing. Produce a fashion show describing the clothing of friends and family. Write a booklet/foldable describing yourself and what clothing you are wearing. 6/18/2014 2:44 PM