CSE 8315 Software Acquisition Practices, Legal and Economic Issues Class Notes Fall 2006 John Pfister, Adjunct Professor OFFICE: (972) 344-2094 E-MAIL: j-pfister@prodigy.net Web Site: http://engr.smu.edu/cse/8315/ FAX: (972) 596-1484 (Home) FAX: (214) 768-3085 (SMU CS Dept) NOTE: These class notes are subject to change during any lecture Fall 2006 – John Pfister Last Updated: July 24, 1 2006 Texts Software Acquisition Management: Managing the Acquisition of Custom Software Systems by John Marcinak and Don Reifer Alpha-Graphics 3032 Mockingbird Dallas, TX 75205 (214) 363-1101 US054@alphagraphics.com Fall 2006 – John Pfister 2 References • Copyright Your Software by Stephen Fishman • Legal Battles That Shaped the Computer Industry by Lawrence Graham • Managing the Software Process by Watts Humphrey • Software Development – A Legal Guide by Stephen Fishman • Software Engineering Economics by Barry Boehm • The Software Developer's and Marketer's Legal Companion by Gene Landy • Managing Software Acquisition by B. Craig Meyers and Patricia Oberndorf Fall 2006 – John Pfister 3 Course Objectives Understand software acquisition process and issues from both the buyer's and seller's perspective. 1. Awareness of legal issues associated with intellectual property, data rights, and contracts 2. Specifying software requirements 3. Preparing a software proposal 4. Managing software subcontractors 5. Understanding the use of capability maturity models in an acquisition 6. Evaluating proposals Fall 2006 – John Pfister 4 Course Outline 1. Course Overview • Assignments and Grading • Text - Chapter 1, Introduction • Text - Chapter 2, The Software Acquisition Environment 2. Acquisition Management Overview • Text - Chapter 3, Acquisition Management • Text - Chapter 4, Software SOW Issues • Text - Chapter 5, Contracts and Contract Law 3. Protection of Intellectual Property • Software Copyright Law • Software-Related Patents • Software Trade Secrets and Confidentiality Agreements • Software Product Liability 4. Software Management • Text - Chapter 6, Software Management--The Buyer's Model • Text - Chapter 7, Software Management--The Seller's Model • Text - Chapter 8, Software Management--The Team Approach 5. Economic Issues • Text - Chapter 9, Cost Issues and Answers Course Outline 6. Quality Assurance • Text - Chapter 10, Quality Management • ISO 9000-Series Standards 7. Acquisition Management Topics • Text - Chapter 11, Special Topics in Acquisition Management • Text - Chapter 12, Future Directions in Acquisition Management 8. Best Practices • Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) • Acquisition Capability Maturity Model • • 9. Project Management Body of Knowledge The Program Manager’s Guide to Software Acquisition Best Practices Case Study • Request for Proposal (RFP) • Statement of Work (SOW) Assignment 1 Begin Research. The student will select a OR b, below, for a research project that will be delivered in Assignment 3: a) Analyze a Request for Proposal (RFP). Perform an analysis of an actual software acquisition project. Deliverables: 1) A synopsis of the RFP. 2) Either a copy of the RFP and its Statement of Work (SOW) or the URL pointing to where the RFP and SOW can be found on the Internet. b) Research a Software Legal Issue. Examples of topics are: Software licensing, software patents, software copyrights, software data rights, software product liability, etc. Deliverables: 1) A paragraph that describes the legal issue to be addressed in the research paper. The topic must be sufficiently narrow that it can be addressed in detail. This is not to be a high level survey of a topic. 2) An annotated bibliography with at least 5 sources for the selected topic (see Appendix A of Syllabus for format). Fall 2006 – John Pfister 7 Assignment 2 Task: Prepare Questions. Using the case study RFP (on the class web site), develop questions that you would want to get resolved during a pre-proposal Q&A meeting with the customer. Assume that all bidders must submit questions in writing and that there will be no opportunity for follow-up questions Deliverable: Ten (10) questions with references to relevant paragraphs. For each question, summarize the issue that the question addresses (e.g., why that question is relevant and how the answer could change your approach to the proposal). There must be at least four independent questions on the RFP and SOW. Provide the questions in the following format: Question Issue 1. 2. Fall 2006 – John Pfister 8 Reference Assignment 3 Task: Write paper selected in Assignment 1. Deliverable: One type written document in the format described in Appendix B of the Syllabus. Return of Papers: Papers are not returned to the student. Grading: The paper turned in for assignment 3 will be graded as follows: Substanc Degree to which topic is covered in depth e 80% Format Degree to which the format prescribed in Appendix B is followed 10% Writing Grammatical correctness 10% Fall 2006 – John Pfister 9 Grades and Due Dates Per Cent In-Class Distant Assignment 1 3% 16 Oct 23 Oct Assignment 2 6% 20 Nov 27 Nov Assignment 3 25% 27 Nov 4 Dec Mid-Term 33% 16 Oct 23 Oct Final Exam 33% 4 Dec 11 Dec A = 90 – 100 % B = 80 – 89 % C = 70 – 79 % All due dates are as of midnight CST on date shown. Late assignments are penalized at the rate of 10% per week (or any part of a week). Due date for Distant students will be adjusted if tapes are consistently delivered more than one week after in-class date. Negotiate a due date with instructor BEFORE an assignment is due. Graduating students may have to complete Final Exam earlier. Fall 2006 – John Pfister 10 Chapter 1 – Introduction • Acquisition Management is the process of managing the acquisition of custom software often involves: * Complex, diverse requirements * Large software development team * Users who may be involved in specifying requirements and in accepting the system, but not in the development process * Software that is not commercial off-the-shelf, but may include some * Developer is not the acquirer * Legal issues involving contracts, copyrights, trade secrets, patents, warranties, and product liability Fall 2006 – John Pfister 11 Introduction (Continued) • Software acquisition process includes the following activities: * * * * * * * * Planning Budgeting Specifying requirements Soliciting bids/responses Evaluating bids/responses Contracting/negotiating Monitoring development progress Evaluating/accepting system Fall 2006 – John Pfister 12 Software Development Environment • Software Development Process Models; e.g., • • Waterfall, Incremental Development, Spiral Software Engineering Environment Overlapping Management Responsibilities * Software Acquisition Management - process of assembling the requirements, planning the project, acquiring the resources, and monitoring and controlling the implementation * Software Project Management - process of managing the technical process. * Software Engineering Management - process of building the software product Fall 2006 – John Pfister 13 Buyer / Seller Model Organizational Environment Buyer Seller Corporate Finance, Organizational Management Director of Programs Planning, etc. Div is ion Staff Personnel Finance Staff Finance, Planning Human Resouces Other Programs Systems Engineering Manufacturing Contracting, Technical Svcs Program X Project X Staff Plans Data, etc. Test Subsystem Management Fall 2006 – John Pfister Etc. 14 Hardware Software Buyer/Seller Activities Before the Acquisition The Buyer plans for the acquisition by: • Detailing the requirements • Allocating the resources • Arranging for the selection of a seller • Contracting with the selected seller • Building an in-house team • Addressing the support requirements Fall 2006 – John Pfister 15 The Seller prepares for the acquisition by: • Deciding whether the resources and capability to bid on the contract are available • Deciding whether to bid • Developing a team to respond to the proposal • Estimating the resources required to accomplish the work Software Acquisition Management Problems The challenge on most projects is to align: Cost Schedule Performance Ideally, the Buyer should specify performance, and the Seller should bid cost and schedule Fall 2006 – John Pfister 16 Chapter 2 The Software Acquisition Environment • • • • The System Life Cycle The Software Life Cycle Management Processes The Role of Standards Fall 2006 – John Pfister 17 Systems Life Cycle • Concept Exploration Phase • Demonstration and Validation Phase • • (Program Development Risk Reduction) Full Scale Development Production and Development Fall 2006 – John Pfister 18 Systems Life Cycle Concept E x p l o r a ti o n o R e q u ire m e n t D e fi n i ti o n o P la n n in g o T r a d e -o f f s o P r o to ty p e s D e m o n s tr a ti o n a n d V a l i d a ti o n o Ad v a n ce d P r o to ty p e s E n g in e e rin g o R is k Id e n ti fi c a ti o n F u l l -S c a l e D e v e lo p m e n t o S y s te m D e v e lo p m e n t (H a r d w a r e a n d S o ftw a r e ) D e p lo y m e n t P r o d u c ti o n o M u l ti p l e C o p i e s P ro d u ce d o T ra in in g o O p e r a ti o n s o M a i n te n a n c e a n d S u p p o rt Fall 2006 – John Pfister 19 Software Life Cycle • • • • • Software Requirements Analysis Software Design Code and Unit Testing Subsystem Test and Integration Test and Integration Fall 2006 – John Pfister 20 Software Life Cycle Examples • Waterfall - each stage of development is • • executed with the system being delivered at the end. Incremental Development - each stage of development is executed with a major component of the system being delivered at the end. Spiral - each stage of development is executed in relatively short cycles with a subset (or even a prototype) of the total system being developed each time. Fall 2006 – John Pfister 21 Management Processes • • • • • Documentation Management and Engineering Reviews Configuration Management Quality Assurance Assessment Fall 2006 – John Pfister 22 Documentation & Reviews System Reqmts Design Software Reqmts Analysis Preliminary Design o SRS Detailed Design Code and o SDP o Software Design Specifications o Software Test Plan Functional Baseline Reviews: Unit Test o Source Code o Test Descrip. Subsystem Test & Int o Detailed Test Proc o User Doc Test & Integration o Prod Spec o Test Rpts Allocated Baseline SRR Fall 2006 – John Pfister Product Baseline PDR CDR 23 TRR Configuration Management • • • • Configuration Configuration Configuration Configuration Fall 2006 – John Pfister Identification Control Audit Status Accounting 24 Configuration Management Baselines: • Functional – System Requirements • Allocated – Software Requirements • Product – Fully designed, developed, and tested product Control Structure: • Configuration Control Board (CCB) – Controls changes • to formal baselines Software Fault or Discrepancy Review Board (DRB) – controls software changes that do NOT affect formal baselines Fall 2006 – John Pfister 25 Quality Assurance Assure quality of: • Deliverable software and its documentation • The processes used to produce deliverable software • Non-deliverable software [DOD, 1988] Quality means conformance to requirements Fall 2006 – John Pfister 26 Assessment (Metrics) Management indicators that provide feedback on: * * * * Process Product Project Productivity Standards facilitate communication between the buyer and the seller Fall 2006 – John Pfister 27 • Standards IEEE – Maps standard processes to: * * * * * Project Management Predevelopment Development Post-development Integral • Military – Structured processes that follow • • • the waterfall model NASA – Software Management and Assurance Program (SMAP) ISO – International Standards Organization Others – Automobile industry for example. Fall 2006 – John Pfister 28 Chapter 3 – Acquisition Management The Buyer • Determines: The Seller • Determines: * What the system requires * When it will be needed * How it will be accepted * How the software will be developed * What resources are required • Directs strategy at getting system at lowest cost and ontime Fall 2006 – John Pfister 29 • Directs strategy at getting the buyer to share risk while making a profit Procurement Life-Cycle • Concept exploration • Source acquisition • Performance management Fall 2006 – John Pfister 30 Acquisition Management (Continued) • • • • • • Acquisition Management Strategy Buyer Activities Seller Activities Request for Proposal Proposal Contract Negotiations Fall 2006 – John Pfister 31 Acquisition Management Strategies • Competitive Acquisition * Contractors compete thru a bidding process * Contract awarded on basis of proposal evaluation * Requirements are generally understood • Multi-Phase Acquisition * Contractors compete thru a bidding process for the first phase of the acquisition * Multiple contracts may be awarded for first phase * Subsequent phases awarded on basis of proposal and performance in first phase * Often used when requirements are not well understood • Sole-Source Acquisition * Contract awarded without competition * Requirements should be very well understood Fall 2006 – John Pfister 32 Strategy Selection Factors Risk Those technical factors with the potential to adversely impact cost, schedule, or performance. Complexity A relative gauge of the difficulty of the software product development Uniqueness The degree to which competition can be used during source selection. Cost A measure of the dollar resource available to do the job. Schedule A measure of the amount of time available to get the job done. Size A measure of the amount of effort required to get the job done; e.g., lines of code. Requirements Volatility A measure of the definition and stability of the requirements for the system. Fall 2006 – John Pfister 33 Strategy Selection Factors Factor Sole-Source Competitive Two-Phase Risk low low-medium high Complexity low medium high Uniqueness yes no no moderate high high Schedule tight flexible flexible Size small large large Req. Volatility stable volatile volatile Cost Fall 2006 – John Pfister 34 Buyer Activities • Writes Project Management Plan * Work Breakdown Structure * Schedule * Cost Estimate • Writes Request for Proposal (RFP) * * * * * * * Operational Concept Document System Specification Statement of Work Terms and conditions Deliverables Evaluation criteria Proposal preparation instructions Fall 2006 – John Pfister 35 • • • • • Prepares bidders list Distributes RFP Evaluates proposals Selects contractor Negotiates contract Seller Activities • Tracks potential procurements • Responds to requests for information and • • • • • • • comments on draft RFPs Identifies internal risk reduction activities Performs market analysis Justifies bid and proposal funding Identifies necessary resources Develops proposal Negotiates technical and cost terms and conditions Submits a best and final offer (BAFO) Fall 2006 – John Pfister 36 Request for Proposal • Initiates source selection phase • Scopes the technical requirements • Provides a statement of the work to be • performed Details the administrative terms and conditions Fall 2006 – John Pfister 37 Legal and Administration Actions • • • • • • • • • Equal opportunity requirements and reporting Compliance with labor law legislation Patent claims and rights to computer software Invoicing and payment terms and conditions Use of toxic chemicals in the workplace Termination for convenience and/or default Rights to inspect accounting records and claims Conflict of interest Use and replacement of key personnel Fall 2006 – John Pfister 38 Competitive Source Process Source selection process 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Complete selection package Prepare source list Issue solicitation Score and rank responses Issue questions Rescore based on responses Negotiate Award contract Source selection organization 1. Source selection authority 2. Source selection advisors 3. Source selection evaluators Fall 2006 – John Pfister 39 Writing a Winning Proposal • • • • • • • • Complete Solicitation Package Prepare Source List Issue RFP Score and Rank Responses Issue Questions Rescore Based on Responses Negotiate Award Fall 2006 – John Pfister 40 Negotiations and Appeasements 1. Technical terms and conditions 2. Financial terms and conditions 3. Contract terms and conditions Fall 2006 – John Pfister 41 Potential Problems Administrative workload Administrative burden of contract detracts from monitoring the technical issues. Creeping functionality Customer keeps trying to add scope to the project after it has started. Fragmentation Buyer/seller team members split time on other projects Gold plating Developers impose costly elegant solutions rather than simple ones “I’ paid to engineer” Buyer dictates the solution rather than the requirements Missing indicators Poor selection of metrics to measure progress Who’s in charge Too many bosses Fall 2006 – John Pfister 42 Contract Management and Close-out • Finalize overhead rates and make final • • • payment Dispose of excess property Release any claims and determine status of excess funds Document seller's performance Fall 2006 – John Pfister 43 Offshore Software Development • • • • Benefits Characteristics of offshore projects Characteristics of offshore companies CMM profile of offshore companies Reference: WWW. SWDEVELOPER.COM Fall 2006 – John Pfister 44 Offshore Software Development Benefits • Lower cost * Offshore companies can develop custom software at an affordable price * Professional labor offshore can be as much as 50% less * Savings in recruiting and training new staff * Savings in hardware and software investment needed to support the development stages • Availability of Technical Talent * Large pool of professional talent * Avoid immigration problems * Because of the lower cost, possible for time-critical projects to hire larger staff • Free up staff to work on higher priority tasks • Most offshore companies will sign non-disclosure agreements Fall 2006 – John Pfister 45 Characteristics of an Offshore Project • Labor intensive project • Series of short-term projects are better • • • candidates than a single long-term project Requirements should be well defined Deliverables can be independently tested and verified If software must be integrated into a system not developed by the offshore company: * Interfaces must be well defined * Responsibilities for integration and testing must be defined Fall 2006 – John Pfister 46 Characteristics of an Offshore Company • Highly skilled professional staff • Cost per professional staff/hour is significantly • • • • lower than locally available professionals Technical staff is conversant in English Good, high-speed data transmissions and easy access to Internet and e-mail Availability of advanced technology and technical training and support Experience with advanced technology Fall 2006 – John Pfister 47 Characteristics of an Offshore Company • Good infrastructure facilities; e.g., • • • workstations, servers, LANs, etc. Good configuration management and quality assurance practices Stable political environment with strong legal and legislative framework Incentives given by the government for these ventures Fall 2006 – John Pfister 48 USA and Offshore Organization Maturity Profiles 45.0% 42.7% 40.0% % of Organizations 35.4% 35.0% 30.0% 29.3% 27.3% 25.0% 20.0% 21.7% 17.6% 15.0% 11.5% 10.0% 8.3% 4.5% 5.0% 1.8% 0.0% Initial Repeatable Defined USA Managed Optimizing Offshore Based on 714 U. S. organizations and 444 offshore organizations – March 2002 2002 by Carnegie Mellon University Fall 2006 – John Pfister 49 Number of Assessments and Maturity Levels Reported Country Argentina Australia Austria Barbados Belgium Brazil Canada Chile China Colombia Denmark Egypt Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong Hungary India Ireland Israel Italy Fall 2006 – John Pfister Number of Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Assessments Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Reported Reported Reported Reported Reported Less than 10 27 Yes Yes Yes No Less than 10 Less than 10 Less than 10 15 Yes Yes Yes No 47 Yes Yes Yes No Less than 10 18 No Yes Yes No Less than 10 Less than 10 Less than 10 Less than 10 103 Yes Yes Yes Yes 21 Yes Yes Yes No Less than 10 Less than 10 Less than 10 153 Yes Yes Yes Yes Less than 10 27 Yes Yes Yes No 21 Yes Yes Yes No 2002 by Carnegie 50 Maturity Level 5 Reported No No Yes Yes No No Yes No No Mellon University Number of Assessments and Maturity Levels Reported Country Japan Korea, Republic of Malaysia Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Phillipines Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Russia Saudi Arabia Singapore South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Thailand Turkey United Kingdom United States Venezuela Fall 2006 – John Pfister Number of Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Assessments Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Reported Reported Reported Reported Reported Reported 46 Yes Yes Yes No Yes Less than 10 Less than 10 Less than 10 12 Yes Yes Yes No No Less than 10 Less than 10 Less than 10 Less than 10 Less than 10 Less than 10 Less than 10 15 Yes Yes Yes No Yes Less than 10 Less than 10 Less than 10 Less than 10 Less than 10 Less than 10 Less than 10 103 Yes Yes Yes No No 1496 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Less than 10 51 2002 by Carnegie Mellon University Federal Government Using Offshore Contractors Now that companies are taking a harder look at offshore outsourcing, does it make sense for the federal government to weigh the cost benefits with the security concerns (and potential political blow-back)? Outsourcing IT work overseas doesn’t bother Bush administration IT czar Mark Forman. “We don’t care if its built overseas or in the U.S., as long as it’s built to the same high standards,” says Forman, chief enforcer of the fed’s IT policy as associate director for IT and E-government a the Office of Management and Budget. But Forman doesn’t see much need to outsource overseas. Rep Tom Davis, R-Va., who chairs the House Subcommittee on IT and Procurement Policy, says that using overseas programmers to write nonsensitive, nonstrategic government software could be a way to save taxpayers’ money. “I don’t have a problem if work for the government – if it’s done cheaper, same quality, talking about best values – is going offshore.” Davis says most overseas work would likely be part of outsourcing contracts awarded to American firms. “I see my job as trying to be an honest broker here to get the best value for the country.” “IT Confidential: The Politics of Offshore Outsourcing,” by John Soat, Information Week, December 16, 2002 Fall 2006 – John Pfister 52 Chapter 4 – Statement of Work (SOW) • Purpose: Conveys management • requirements for tasks to be performed. Subject areas addressed include: *Reliability *Quality Assurance *Maintainability *Configuration Management *Logistics *Training *Supportability Fall 2006 – John Pfister 53 *Safety *Security *Metrics *Documentation *Acceptance *Test and Evaluation Request for Proposal (RFP) Outline Part I - The Schedule Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section A B C D E F G H Solicitation/contract form Supplies or services and price/cost Description/specs/work statement Packaging and marking Inspection and acceptance Deliveries or performance Contract administration data Special contract requirements Part II - Contract Clauses Section I Fall 2006 – John Pfister Contract clauses 54 RFP Outline (Continued) Part III - List of documents, exhibits and other attachments Section J List of attachments Part IV - Representations and instructions Section K other Representations, certifications and statements of offerors Section L Instructions, conditions, and notices to offerors Section M Evaluation factors for award Fall 2006 – John Pfister 55 Planning • Identify Organizational functions and • • • • • • personnel to participate in SOW preparations Initial organizational meeting Review of pertinent materials by SOW team SOW team meeting set work assignments Review of draft SOW Review of SOW by blue team Review and coordination of SOW prior to release Fall 2006 – John Pfister 56 System/Software Engineering Issues • Requirements management • Selection/definition of software • • subsystem/components Tools and environment Methods and methodologies Fall 2006 – John Pfister 57 Engineering Methods System Reqmts Design Code and peer reviews Structured analysis Code audits Data flow testing Software Reqmts Analysis Preliminary Design Detailed Design Code and Unit Test Subsystem Requirements Modeling Test & Int Test & Integration Functional decomposition Data flow Path analysis System I&T Structured analysis/design Program design language Random testing Functional testing Real-time testing ENGINEERING METHODS Fall 2006 – John Pfister 58 Management Methods Baseline control - Configuration Control Board Functional Baseline Allocated Baseline System Reqmts Design Software Reqmts Analysis Preliminary Design Detailed Design Risk analysis Code and Unit Test Subsystem Test & Int Requirements review Design reviews Test reviews Testing Documentation review Specifications, manuals, training materials, etc. Project review and Technical interchange meetings MANAGEMENT METHODS Fall 2006 – John Pfister 59 Test & Integration System I&T Management Issues • • • • • Software Documentation Engineering Data Management Configuration Management Quality Assurance Assessment Fall 2006 – John Pfister 60 Software Documentation • Formal description of the products of the • • engineering process Costs may range from 20-40% of overall development Should be tailored to needs of development effort Fall 2006 – John Pfister 61 Software Documentation • Requirements - the buyer should: * Require seller to describe methods to be used to generate, record, store, and control documentation * Require seller to describe management of documentation in the SDP * Specify the types and formats of documents required * Specify the detail expected * Specify how tailoring will be handled * Specify use of a standards and conventions document * Specify documentation, review, and approval process Fall 2006 – John Pfister 62 Software Documentation • Evaluation Criteria: * Does the seller have an overall plan for documentation preparation? * Does the seller have a standards and conventions document that includes procedures for preparing documentation? * Does the seller understand the use of documentation to support development? * Are seller tailoring and scaling recommendations consistent with the requirements of the development? * Does the seller demonstrate experience with documentation preparation? Fall 2006 – John Pfister 63 Engineering Data Management • All individual bits of information that hold • • together the engineering process Must be properly recorded Includes the information in engineering notebooks and software development folders Fall 2006 – John Pfister 64 Engineering Data Management • Requirements - The buyer should require the seller to describe: * The methods that will be used to record, store, and control engineering data * The management of engineering data in the SDP * How data generated will be used to support the processes of development from analysis through document preparation Fall 2006 – John Pfister 65 Engineering Data Management • Evaluation Criteria: * Does the seller understand the importance of engineering data to the development process? * Does the seller have a plan to mange engineering data? * Does the seller understand the use of software development folders to house engineering data throughout the project? * Does the seller provide for the integration of engineering data with the documentation products of the development effort? Fall 2006 – John Pfister 66 Configuration Management (CM) • • • • CM Plan Organization Tools Personnel Fall 2006 – John Pfister 67 Configuration Management • Requirements - the buyer should require the seller to: * Have a CM plan or develop one for the project. If the CM plan will not be delivered with the proposal, require the seller to address CM capabilities in the proposal. * Assign experienced personnel to perform CM on the project. * Use a modern library management system. * Have CM procedures that will support control of the products of development throughout the life cycle and not only the formal baselines invoked by the buyer. Fall 2006 – John Pfister 68 Configuration Management • Evaluation Criteria: * Does the seller have an in-place function for CM? Does it have the capability to ensure sound CM practice? * Does the seller have a company-wide CM plan and CM procedures? Are they used across the board? * Does the seller have experienced CM personnel? * Does the seller intend to use an automated tool for CM? Do CM personnel have experience with the tool? * Do the seller's internal procedures for CM include provisions for generating status accounting reports for managing changes? Fall 2006 – John Pfister 69 Quality Assurance IEEE: "To provide adequate confidence that the item or product conforms to established technical requirements" • Organization • Procedures • Personnel Fall 2006 – John Pfister 70 Quality Assurance • Requirement - The buyer should require the seller to: * Have an independent organization perform QA for the development project. * Have existing procedures for the conduct of QA. * Prepare a software quality assurance plan for the project. Fall 2006 – John Pfister 71 Quality Assurance • Evaluation Criteria: * Does the seller management actively support the QA function? * Does the QA function report independent of the project management team and is it integrated into the oversight management process? * Does the QA manager assigned to the project enjoy independent reporting within the seller organization? * Does the seller have internal procedures that address the conduct of reviews, audits, and inspections? * Does the seller have qualified personnel? * Does the seller have an existing QA plan? Has it been 72 Fall 2006 – John Pfister used on prior projects? Assessment (Metrics) • • • • • • Oversight Management Test and Evaluation Reviews and Audits Management Indicators Schedule Clean Room Activity Fall 2006 – John Pfister 73 Oversight Management • Requirements - the seller should describe how: 1. The organization provides oversight management of the development project. 2. It provides the buyer visibility into and control over the project. • Evaluation Criteria: 1. Does the project manager have the responsibility and commensurate authority to report on the development project? 2. Does the organization display an interest in the project? Will high-level managers be interested and involved? Fall 2006 – John Pfister 74 Test and Evaluation System Reqmts Static analysis testing Design Software Reqmts Analysis Preliminary Design Dynamic testing Detailed Design Qualification requirements stated Code and Unit Test Informal testing Test reviews Testing Detailed test procedures 75 Test & Integration System I&T Formal testing Software test plan Fall 2006 – John Pfister Test & Int Test requirements incorporated into design specifications Test concept in software development plan Subsystem Test results Test and Evaluation • Requirements - the buyer should require the seller to: * Describe the testing process that will be employed in the project. * Relate the testing process to the overall development process by: • • • • Addressing test requirements and design specifications, Addressing testing processes and methods in the SDP, Preparing adequate software test documentation, and Explaining the relationship between the testing process and the other processes of the development (such as QA). Fall 2006 – John Pfister 76 Test and Evaluation • Requirements - the buyer should require the seller to: * Describe the internal testing function and how it will be employed in development testing. * Explain the relationship of the testing function to testing conducted by the development team. * Explain the function for formal testing and its independence from the development team. * Specify the testing environment that will be employed. * Identify testing personnel and experience levels. Fall 2006 – John Pfister 77 Test and Evaluation • Evaluation Criteria: * Does the seller have an identifiable test function? Does the test environment contain the necessary tools and procedures? Do test personnel have experience with these tools and procedures? * Does the location of the testing function in the seller organization ensure independence of testing? * Does the seller demonstrate an understanding of the importance of test documentation and the integration of test requirements into the project requirements and design specifications? Fall 2006 – John Pfister 78 Reviews and Audits • Requirements - the seller must: * Perform internal reviews of the products and processes of the development project. These should include formal and informal reviews and inspections of the products and audits of functional processes such as QA and CM. * Describe procedures for conducting reviews in the SDP. Fall 2006 – John Pfister 79 Reviews and Audits • Evaluation Criteria: * Does the seller have an existing methodology for software development? Does that methodology include detailed procedures for conducting both formal and informal reviews, audits, and inspections? * Do seller personnel have experience in the conduct of reviews, audits, and inspections? Fall 2006 – John Pfister 80 Management Indicators • Requirements - the buyer should require the seller to: * Select a set of appropriate management indicators for use on the project, or alternatively, impose a selected set of indicators on the seller. * Evaluate the selected set and recommend changes. Fall 2006 – John Pfister 81 Management Indicators • Evaluation Criteria: * Does the seller understand the indicators selected and have experience in their application? * Is the selected set appropriate for the effort? * Does the seller display the expertise required to use the management indicators? * Has the seller demonstrated the ability to collect data to support the indicators and to effectively apply the results to the management assessment process? Fall 2006 – John Pfister 82 Schedules • Requirements - the buyer should require the seller to: * Provide a detailed schedule using a suitable scheduling technique such as milestone or Gantt charts to provide timely visibility into development progress. * Show how this schedule is integrated into the scheduling methods used on the project. Fall 2006 – John Pfister 83 Schedules • Evaluation Criteria: * Does the seller understand the need for presenting detailed schedule information and is that information tied to detailed project tasks? * Does seller oversight management employ these types of schedules as a normal part of management responsibility? * Are schedule needs and types described in the SDP? Fall 2006 – John Pfister 84 Clean Room Activity • Requirements - the buyer should require the seller to: * Provide a central location to track events in a project • Evaluation Criteria: * Does the seller employ a clean room for the management of projects? * Has the clean room been used on previous projects? * Is the clean room used by all project personnel in an effective and honest manner? Fall 2006 – John Pfister 85 Seller Organization Types • Matrix (Functional) Organization • Project Management Organization • Hybrid Fall 2006 – John Pfister 86 Matrix (Functional) Organization NEW SYSTEMS ENGINEERING PROGRAM A PROGRAM B Sys Eng Sys Eng Sys Eng Elec Eng Elec Eng Elec Eng Mech Eng Mech Eng Mech Eng S/W Eng S/W Eng S/W Eng Fall 2006 – John Pfister 87 Seller Organization • Requirements - the buyer should require the seller to: * Describe the project organization and its relationship to all supporting functional activities; e.g., CM. * Explain the degree of authority and responsibility of the project manager. * Explain internal reporting on the project. * Explain how supporting functions (QA, CM) will support the project. Fall 2006 – John Pfister 88 Seller Organization • Evaluation Criteria: * Does the project manager have direct control over personnel needed to implement the project? * Does the project manager have reporting responsibility to a high enough level to ensure control of the project? * Is this reporting level commensurate with the importance of the project? * Does the reporting level suggest that the project will receive adequate review by seniorlevel managers within the seller organization? Fall 2006 – John Pfister 89 Chapter 5 - Contracts and Contract Law • Contract: A set of promises, the breach of which is • • provided a remedy by law. Agreement: Encompasses promises the law will enforce as well as those the law will not enforce. Essential elements of a contract: * * * * * At least 2 parties, each with legal capacity to act By offer and acceptance, the parties agree to terms Consideration of value exchanged Provisions for redress Enforceable by law Fall 2006 – John Pfister 90 Contracting Terms • Contracting Authority * Contracting officer - authorized to enter into, administer, and make changes to or modify the contract * Contracting officer's representative - authorized representative of the contracting officer to provide technical direction, approval, and/or surveillance of the technical requirements of a contract • Contract Changes * Contract order - unilateral action in accordance with a contract provision * Contract modification - an alteration in the specification, delivery point, rate of delivery, contract period, price, quantity or other contract provision Fall 2006 – John Pfister 91 Basic Principles • Contract terms and conditions - qualifies the promises to perform. • Divisibility - parties to a contract may divide their respective performances into installments or separate units. • Substantial performance - if the seller only partially, but the performance is substantial, the buyer can seek remedies only for partial damages, not the full contract price. • Discharge of contracts - the obligations incurred by buyer and seller when they entered into agreement no longer exist to bind performance. Fall 2006 – John Pfister 92 Fixed-Price Contracts • Firm fixed-price • Fixed-price with economic price • • adjustment Fixed-price incentive Fixed-price redetermination Fall 2006 – John Pfister 93 Firm-Fixed Price • Fixed price upon delivery of specified • • goods or services Requirements must be well understood All risk assumed by the seller Fall 2006 – John Pfister 94 Fixed Price with Economic Price Adjustment • Same as the firm fixed-price contract, but • • • with an additional clause Adjustment in the price may be adjusted up or down depending upon some specified economic factor For example: If heavy travel required over multiple years, cost of airfare may be factored in to the price Most risk assumed by the seller, but some shared risk Fall 2006 – John Pfister 95 Fixed-Price Incentive • Same as the firm fixed-price contract, but with an • • additional clause A factor is specified to motivate the seller to reduce overall cost, deliver early, or improve overall performance For example: Instead of a fixed-price, a not-toexceed-cost plus fee is agreed to * Any savings or are split between the Seller and Buyer according to an agreed upon ratio; i.e., the Seller’s fee can be increased by some percentage of the cost savings * Cost overruns are not allowed Fall 2006 – John Pfister 96 Fixed-Price Redetermination • Provides a means for shifting some • • indeterminable risks from the seller to the buyer after the initial price is negotiated Factors to be used in adjusting the price must be negotiated up front For example: This could be used when the requirements are not firm; firm price to develop the requirements with a tentative price for the project; renegotiate final price as the uncertainty is cleared up Fall 2006 – John Pfister 97 Fixed-Price Contracts FFP FPEPA FPI FPR Applicability • Firm design & • • • Possibility of cost Market & labor requirements conditions are unstable for Adequate competition exists extended time period Reasonable price & cost comparisons exist reduction • Performance improvements possible • Firm target price & profit can be negotiated • Realistic price cannot be estimated at start • Realistic price for later time periods cannot be estimated Essential Elements • Buyer/Seller must agree to fixed price at inception • Fair and reasonable price can be estimated at inception Fall 2006 – John Pfister • Established price • Ceiling on upward • adjustment Downward adjustment reasonable • Target cost • Target profit • Price ceiling • Profit adjustment formula • OK accounting system 98 • Ceiling price or initial price fixed • Agreement to renegotiate & redetermine price • OK accounting system Fixed-Price Contracts FFP FPEPA FPI FPR Variable fee employed to control cost Reduced cost risk in the renegotiated areas Cost Risk All of the cost risk assumed by seller Reduced cost risk in the adjustment areas Approvals Contracting officer If adjustments more than 10%, higher-level approval may be needed Contracting officer Contracting officer Strengths/Weaknesses • Minimum management burden • Minimum administrative burden Fall 2006 – John Pfister • Minimum Increased administrative burden management burden • Minimum administrative burden 99 Even more administrative and management burden Cost-Reimbursable Contracts • • • • Cost Cost Cost Cost and cost sharing (CS) plus incentive fee (CPIF) plus award fee (CPAF) plus fixed fee (CPFF) Fall 2006 – John Pfister 100 Cost and Cost-Sharing • Seller receives no fee • If a cost contract, seller is reimbursed for • all allowable costs If a cost-sharing contract, seller and buyer split the allowable costs in some redefined ratio Fall 2006 – John Pfister 101 Cost Plus Incentive Fee • Incentive fee is structured to motivate the • • seller to control costs Negotiations set a target cost, a ceiling price, and an adjustment formula Minimum and maximum fees are established and related to performance goals Fall 2006 – John Pfister 102 Cost Plus Award Fee • Buyer establishes a number of • • • • performance criteria that are difficult to measure quantitatively Incentives are structured based on subjective evaluation of these factors There is a base fee and the incentives Maximum profit is typically structured higher than in CPIF contracts Award fees typically follow a periodic evaluation Fall 2006 – John Pfister 103 Cost Plus Fixed Fee • • • • • Seller reimbursed for all allowable costs Profit is the fixed fee on top of the costs Normally used on R&D projects A cost ceiling may be specified Risk is assumed by the buyer Fall 2006 – John Pfister 104 Cost-Reimbursable Contracts CS • Uncertainties in • • performance and estimates Research and development jointly sponsored Research and development done with a nonprofit organization CPIF Applicability • Uncertainties in Fall 2006 – John Pfister • Uncertainties in performance and estimates • Performance improvements possible • Cost/schedule improvement possible • Variable fee can provide incentives • Predetermined cost • for both • buyer/seller • • No fee • • OK accounting • system CPAF performance and estimates • Performance improvements possible • Measurements of improvements subjective • Variable fee can provide incentives Essential Elements Target cost Target fee Min/maximum fee Fee adjust formula OK accounting system 105 • Estimated cost • Base fee • Maximum fee • Award fee criteria • OK accounting system CPFF • Uncertainties in performance and estimates • Research and development where the job cannot be defined and the level of effort is not known initially • Estimated cost • Fixed fee • OK accounting system Cost-Reimbursable Contracts CS CPIF CPAF CPFF Variable fee employed to control cost and performance Seller responsibility for managing cost Cost Risk Self-motivated to control cost and performance Variable fee employed to control cost and performance Approvals Head of contracting Contacting officer Contracting officer Contracting officer Strengths/Weaknesses Hard to get parties to agree Fall 2006 – John Pfister • Management • Most difficult to burden high • Administrative burden high administer • Difficult to derive award fee and to manage 106 • No incentives provided to control cost • Administrative burden high Other Contractual Devices • • • • Time and materials contract (T-M) Letter contract (LC) Indefinite-delivery contract (IDC) Basic ordering agreement (BOA) Fall 2006 – John Pfister 107 Time and Materials • Buyer pays seller a fixed rate per hour plus • • all allowable costs; e.g., material, travel, etc. Suitable when cost of work cannot be estimated Typically used for engineering services, repair, maintenance, and overhaul work Fall 2006 – John Pfister 108 Letter Contract • Preliminary contractual instrument • Permits the seller to begin work while • details of the contract are worked out Used only when a definitive contract cannot be negotiated in time to satisfy the buyer’s requirement Fall 2006 – John Pfister 109 Indefinite-Delivery Contract • Used when the exact delivery date is • • unknown Provides for delivery of a known quantity within a contract period Price is known Fall 2006 – John Pfister 110 Basic Ordering Agreement • A BOA is not a contract • Provisional agreement whereby buyer and • • seller agree on the services or supplies to be ordered in the future and prices to be paid or how the prices will be determined Terms and conditions for the future contract are known Used to minimize paperwork when a buyer anticipates a large number of orders with the same seller Fall 2006 – John Pfister 111 Other Contractual Devices T-M • Initially not • possible to estimate the extent or duration of the job Applicable to design or eng. services and maintenance and repair • Direct labor rate fixed • Burden and fee negotiated • Ceiling price established • OK accounting system Fall 2006 – John Pfister LC IDC BOA • Schedule for • Multiple jobs Applicability • Requirements are such that commitment is needed for work to start immediately • Cost/schedule estimates can be derived in the future delivery may be unknown • Quantity may be unknown • Requirements may need to be defined during start-up Essential Elements • Maximum liability • • spelled out As many contract provisions defined as possible OK accounting system 112 • Provisions for specifying time, amount, and req identified • Min and max order quantities • OK accounting system contemplated, which can be combined for ease of overall administration under a single agreement • Economies of scale exist • Estimated cost • Estimated fee • OK accounting system Cost-Reimbursable Contracts T-M LC IDC BOA Cost Risk Task orders used as minicontracts to control cost Cost could grow during negotiations Variable fee employed to control cost and performance None – not a contract Approvals Contracting officer Head of contracting Contracting officer Head of contracting Strengths/Weaknesses • Constant surveillance needed • Management burden high Fall 2006 – John Pfister Need to get under contract as soon as possible 113 • Easy to administer • Do not have to if fixed-price • Management burden high compete jobs • Still have to make contract Contract Selection Considerations • The degree of competition present • The availability of comparative data for • • • • use in evaluating the contractor's offer The volatility and difficulty of the requirements The urgency of the requirements The degree of risk involved in meeting the requirements The difficulty in measuring performance during the contract Fall 2006 – John Pfister 114 Contract Selection Considerations • The extent and nature of subcontracting • • contemplated The size of the contract The seller's experience Fall 2006 – John Pfister 115 Contract Clauses • Labor clauses • Socioeconomic clauses • Patent right, copyright, and trade secret • • clauses Rights in technical data and computer software clauses Other clauses * * * * * Conflict of interest Key personnel replacement Use of facilities and/or equipment Cost accounting standards Warranty Fall 2006 – John Pfister 116 Other Related Contracting Topics • Federal Acquisition Regulations (FARs) • Contract Administration and Termination * Performance Measurement * Contract Modifications * Contract Termination/Close-out Fall 2006 – John Pfister 117 Performance Measurement • Seller is primarily responsible for the timely and satisfactory performance of the contract requirements • Buyer must relate technical performance to schedule and cost status • Key buyer activities are: * Maintaining visibility into, communications with, and control over the seller’s work * Handling disagreements with the seller in a professional manner, calling in specialists, when warranted, to mediate problems * Analyzing cost, schedule, and technical performance quantitatively and determining if variances are within acceptable bounds * Monitoring costs, both direct and indirect,and taking action when they seem to be getting out of hand * Learning about the seller’s systems and procedures and using them to supply necessary management information Fall 2006 – John Pfister 118 Contract Modifications • Contract changes should be expected • Contract changes should be processed and • implemented in a timely manner Change proposals can be made by either the buyer or the seller * Sometimes a change control board is established to handle them * Changes that are within the scope of the original contract don’t require a new contract • Some contracts permit the buyer to make certain types of changes unilaterally Fall 2006 – John Pfister 119 Contract Termination • Termination for convenience * May occur at any time during the contract even when the seller is performing satisfactorily * Buyer obliged to compensate seller for work completed to date as well as the costs of termination * Seller is entitled to reasonable profit • Termination for default * Occurs when the seller fails to perform satisfactorily * Buyer obliged to put the seller on notice of default * If a fixed price contract, seller may be liable for cost of purchasing replacement goods and services * If a cost-reimbursement contract, seller may be entitled to all allowable costs incurred up to termination and not liable for the repurchase costs Fall 2006 – John Pfister 120 Contract Closeout Independent of how the contract was terminated: • Overhead rates may need to be finalized • Incentive and award fees may need to be computed • Excess property needs to be disposed of • Patent disclosures need to be made • Claims need to be released • Equipment needs to be returned • Excess funds need to be de-obligated • Seller performance needs to be documented Fall 2006 – John Pfister 121 Other Legal Issues • Copyrights • Software Patents • Trade Secrets and Confidentiality • • Agreements Employee Non-Competition Agreements Software Liability Issues Fall 2006 – John Pfister 122 Software Copyright Law • U. S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8: “The • Congress shall have Power … To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited times to Authors … the exclusive Right to their Writings.” Copyright Act provides the legal right to control: * * * * * Reproduction Distribution Creation of adaptations Public display Public performance Fall 2006 – John Pfister 123 Software Copyright Law (Continued) • The purpose of copyright law is to • encourage creation and expression by granting a legal monopoly for a new "work"; e.g., a book, song, or computer program. References: * Software Development – A Legal Guide, Stephen Fishman, 1998. * Copyright Your Software, Stephen Fishman, 1998 Fall 2006 – John Pfister 124 Software Copyright Law (Continued) • 1980 Amendment extended coverage to computer programs. * "Computer program" - a set of statements or instructions to be used directly or indirectly in a computer in order to bring about a certain result.” (17 U.S.C. 101) * Grants exclusive rights to the particular expression that constitutes the work. * Does not extend to "any idea, procedure, system, method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery" underlying the program. Fall 2006 – John Pfister 125 Software Copyright Law (Continued) • Requirement of originality * Level of originality "very slight" or "minimal" * Independent creation • Copyright not only protects all forms of computer code, but may extend to: * Program design documents * Supporting materials such as users’ manuals, documentation, etc. * The way a program itself is structured, sequenced, and organized * A program’s user interface; i.e., the look and feel Fall 2006 – John Pfister 126 Software Copyright Law (Continued) • Major limitation on copyrights: * Only protects the particular form that a program, book, manual, record, screen, script, etc. takes. * It does NOT protect the ideas or concepts contained within it. Fall 2006 – John Pfister 127 Software Copyright Law (Continued) • For works published after 1 January • 1978 and before 1 March 1989, the author was permitted up to 5 years to register the copyright and a reasonable effort had to be made to add a valid notice to all copies For works published on or after March 1, 1989, a copyright notice is NOT required * Software is "published" when it is first put into general distribution or public sale * Private showings to friends, investors, or publishers is not publication Fall 2006 – John Pfister 128 Software Copyright Law (Continued) • Must you register your software copyright? * Registration NOT required, but recommended * Copyright is secured automatically when program is recorded in some solid form (e.g., printout, diskette, or ROM chip) for the first time * All works published before 1978 had to contain a valid copyright notice • Failure to provide the notice resulted in automatic loss of copyright protection • Exception was where the copyright was omitted on a very few copies Fall 2006 – John Pfister 129 Software Copyright Law (Continued) • A copyright notice must contain three parts: * The word “Copyright,” the abbreviation “Copr.,” or a * The year the work was first published * The name of the copyright owner • Why register? * Registration with the U. S. Copyright Office is required to bring a lawsuit to enforce your copyright * Registration protects your copyright by making it public record * Timely registration makes it easier to win money in court Fall 2006 – John Pfister 130 Software Copyright Law (Continued) • When to register * Must register within prescribed time periods to receive benefit of statutory damages and attorney fees in infringement suits * Prescribed time for published works is: • Within 3 months of the date of the first publication or • Before the date the copyright infringement began * Prescribed time for unpublished works is: • Before the infringement occurred Fall 2006 – John Pfister 131 Software Copyright Law (Continued) • How long is your software protected by a copyright? * AFTER 1977: • Software developed as "work for hire" is protected for 75 years from date of publication or 100 years from creation, whichever is shorter • Software developed by an individual is for life of author plus 50 years • Software developed jointly by several authors is, for life of the last surviving author plus 50 years * BEFORE 1978, BUT AFTER 1964: • 75 years from date of publication * BEFORE 1964: • Initially, a 28-year term • Additional 47-year term IF a renewal application filed during the 28th year 132 Fall 2006 – John Pfister Software Copyright Law (Continued) • Most computer programs or code can be • described using general descriptive terms like, “entire text of computer program with accompanying documentation.” Other acceptable terms include: Computer software Text of program Routine Program instructions Entire program Wrote program Subroutine Entire program code Entire work Program listing Software Computer program code Entire text Program text and screen displays Text of computer game Program text Module Reference: Software Development, A Legal Guide, Stephen Fishman, Jan 1998. Fall 2006 – John Pfister 133 Software Copyright Law (Continued) Some unacceptable terms are: Algorithm Analysis Cassette Chip Computer game Disk Encrypting Eprom Firmware Format Formatting Functions Language Lay-out Logic Menu screen Mnemonics Printout Programmer Prom Rom Software methodology Structure Sequence Organization System System design Text of algorithm Reference: Software Development, A Legal Guide, Stephen Fishman, Jan 1998. Fall 2006 – John Pfister 134 Software Copyright Law (Continued) • Ownership rights may be transferred by way of either licenses or assignments: * Licensing means that one person or company is granting someone else permission or license to use the software under specified conditions. • Exclusive Licenses • Nonexclusive Licenses * Assignment means a transfer of all the rights a person owns in a piece of property. Fall 2006 – John Pfister 135 Software Copyright Law (Continued) • Examples of contractual arrangements to exploit your copyrights: * Software Assignments - Copyright owner transfers all ownership rights to a new owner. * Software Development Agreements Developer agrees to create software to specifications and then to transfer or license the copyright to another party. * Software Publishing Agreements - Developer grants to a publisher a license to duplicate and market the copyrighted software. The publisher makes royalty payments to the developer. Fall 2006 – John Pfister 136 Software Copyright Law (Continued) • Examples of contractual arrangements to exploit your copyrights: * Software Distribution Arrangements - Owner of copyrighted software makes an arrangement with a distributor to sell the software. The distributor gets the right to grant licenses to users. * End-User Agreements - End-user is granted a license to use, but not to sell the software product. Fall 2006 – John Pfister 137 Software Copyright Law (Continued) • Some important principles: * Principal of First Sale - Once you sell a copy of a copyrighted work, you cannot forbid or control the resale of the copy. * Sale of a copy does not transfer copyright ownership. * The author, or the author’s heirs, may terminate a copyright transfer made after 1977, after 35 years without paying anything. Fall 2006 – John Pfister 138 Software Copyright Law (Continued) • Rights of ownership of software copies: * * * * * * Unlimited use rights Right to copy the program into computer RAM Right to make archival copies Right to sell or give away the program Adaptation right Reverse engineering Fall 2006 – John Pfister 139 Software Copyright Law (Continued) • Things owners of software copies can’t do: * No copies other than back-up and RAM copy * Copy can only be used on a single computer at a time * No running the software on computer networks * No software rentals or lending * No derivative works Fall 2006 – John Pfister 140 Software Copyright Law (Continued) • Scope of Protection Under Copyright Law * Software is fundamentally different than other copyrighted items; e.g., object code, source code, structure, not all visible to user * Object and source code are clearly protected by the law -- even parts of the code are protected * Criminal prosecution is possible, but unlikely * Copy protection locks in code seldom used any more -- "salting" program with non-functional code is used * External characteristics of program (screens, keystrokes, etc.) are also protected by copyrights sometimes called the "non-literal elements" - Lotus Versus Quattro Fall 2006 – John Pfister 141 Software Copyright Law (Continued) • Copyright Act forbids extending copyright protection to any "idea" or "concept." * Test is one of "substantial similarity" * Author had access * Can't consider elements copied from public domain • "Derivative work" - based on another work • "Thin" copyright protection for databases Fall 2006 – John Pfister 142 Software Copyright Law (Continued) • Limits on Software Copyright Protection * No protection for functional elements inherent in the idea of the application * No protection for commonly used software elements * No protection for use of interfaces and file formats needed for compatibility * Duplicating without copying - "Clean Rooms" * No protection for some intellectual property • Inventions [Patent Law] • Product Names [Trademark Law] • Secret technology and techniques [State Trade Secret Laws] Fall 2006 – John Pfister 143 Software Copyright Law (Continued) • The Gray Areas * Uncertain protection for the internal structure of a program * Unresolved question of reverse engineering * Doctrine of "fair use" * Creating "near clones" Fall 2006 – John Pfister 144 Software Copyright Law (Continued) • Examples of fair use include: * Library’s Special Rights • Archiving lost, stolen, damaged or deteriorating works • Making copies for library patrons • Making copies for other libraries’ patrons (interlibrary loan) * Performances and Displays in Face-to-Face Teaching and Broadcasts • Educational institutions • Governmental agencies Fall 2006 – John Pfister 145 Software Copyright Law (Continued) • Other examples of fair use include: * Quotations or excerpts in a review or criticism for purposes of illustration or comment. * Quotation of a short passage in a scholarly or technical work for illustration or clarification of the author’s observation. * Use in a parody of some of the content of the work parodied. * Summary of an address or article, with brief quotations, in a news report. Fall 2006 – John Pfister 146 Software Copyright Law (Continued) • Other examples of fair use include: * Reproduction by a library of a portion of a work to replace part of a damaged copy. * Reproduction by a teacher or student of a small part of a work to illustrate a lesson. * Reproduction of a work in legislative or judicial proceedings or reports. * Incidental and fortuitous reproduction, in a newsreel or broadcast, or a work located at the scene of an event being recorded. Reference: Software Development, A Legal Guide, Stephen Fishman, Jan 1998. Fall 2006 – John Pfister 147 Software Copyright Law (Continued) • Fair Use Tests * * * * What is the character of the use? What is the nature of the work to be used? How much of the work will you use? What effect would this use have on the market for the original or for permission if the use were widespread? Reference: Software Development, A Legal Guide, Stephen Fishman, Jan 1998. Fall 2006 – John Pfister 148 Software Copyright Law (Continued) • Congress specifically authorized two fair uses that relate to computer programs: * “An essential step in the utilization of the computer program in conjunction with a machine and that it is used in not other manner.” * The copy of adaptation is for archival purposes only (a single back-up copy) and is made and kept only by the person who owns the legally purchased copy. (17 U.S.C. 117) Fall 2006 – John Pfister 149 Software Copyright Law (Continued) • The Federal appeals court held that disassembly of object code (reverse engineering) is fair use if: * It is the only means available to obtain access to the unprotected elements of a computer program (ideas, functional principles, etc.) and, * The copier has a legitimate reason for seeking such access. Sega Enterprises, Ltd. V. Accolade, Inc., 977 F.2d 1510 (9th Cir. 1992) Fall 2006 – John Pfister 150 Software Copyright Law (Continued) • Criminal liability for infringement (a Federal crime): * Willful infringement not for financial gain: • If retail value greater than $1000 and less than $2500 – up to one year of imprisonment and up to $100,000 fine • If ten or more copies with retail value equal to or greater than $2500 – up to three years of imprisonment and up to $250,000 fine * Willful infringement for financial gain: • If less than ten copies with retail value less than $2500 – up to one year of imprisonment and up to $100,000 fine • If ten or more copies and over $2500 – up to five years imprisonment and up to $250,000 fine • Jail time can be increased to 10 years for second offense Fall 2006 – John Pfister 151 Software Copyright Law (Continued) • Collecting damages from infringement law suits: * Actual damages – lost profits and/or other losses sustained as a result of the copyright infringement * Statutory damages – requires no proof of any actual loss • If infringer did not act willfully or innocently, between $500 and $20,000 for all infringements by a single infringer for a single work • If infringer acted willfully, the penalty can be up to $100,000 • If infringer acted innocently, the judge has discretion to award as little as $200 – can’t claim this if work had a valid copyright notice • Statute of limitations is generally 3 years Fall 2006 – John Pfister 152 Software Patents • Generally, at least a 14-year exclusive right • • granted by the federal government to exploit an invention Patents can cover "any process, machine, manufacture or composition of matter" Patent law treats software as a "process" or a "machine" Fall 2006 – John Pfister 153 Software Patents (Continued) • United States Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) grants a patent after determining that the "process" or "device" is: * Useful * Novel * Not obvious to a skilled practitioner • Supreme Court ruling opened up software• related patents in 1981 IBM has the most software-related patents - adding about 200 new software patents each year Fall 2006 – John Pfister 154 Software Patents (Continued) • Patents give the holder the right to • exclude others from making, using, or selling devices that contain the invention. Right of exclusion potentially serves three purposes: * Royalty income * Exclusion of competition * As a bargaining chip Fall 2006 – John Pfister 155 Software Patents (Continued) • Software-related patents are a concern in the intellectual property field because: * The breath of patented software technology * Independent creation is not a defense * The difficulty of patent infringement determinations * Applications for patents are kept secret * The expense of resisting claims * The difficulty of determining "prior art" Fall 2006 – John Pfister 156 Software Patents (Continued) • Large successful companies and companies • • on leading edge of technology are most likely to be targets of patent infringement claims Small, start-up companies and companies with more mundane technologies are less likely to be targets of patent infringement suits Patent litigation is very expensive - $1520K per month for about two years Fall 2006 – John Pfister 157 Software Patents (Continued) • When the court finds patent infringement, it can: * Award damages (triple for intentional infringement) * Issue court order to prevent further infringement * Award attorney fees if intentional infringement • The following factors should be considered in deciding whether or not to seek a patent: * * * * * Originality Marketability Advancement over prior solutions Will the technology stand the test of time Are you willing to disclose the technology Fall 2006 – John Pfister 158 Software Patents (Continued) • Types of Patents: * Utility Patents are patents that have some type of usefulness. * Design Patents protect a device’s ornamental characteristics. * Plant Patents protect certain types of plants. Fall 2006 – John Pfister 159 Software Patents (Continued) • Examples of Utility Patents: * A process or method of getting something useful done; e.g., genetic engineering procedure, a manufacturing technique, or computer software. * A machine (usually something with moving parts or circuitry); e.g., cigarette lighter, sewage treatment system, laser or photocopier. * An article of manufacture; e.g., an eraser, tire, transistor, or hand tool) * A composition of matter; e.g., a chemical composition, drug, soap, or genetically altered life form. * An improvement of an invention that fits within one of the first four categories. Fall 2006 – John Pfister 160 Software Patents (Continued) • Patent Duration and Expiration * Utility Patents – 20 years after the date of regular patent application. * Design Patents: • 14 years if filed on or after June 8, 1995 • If filed before June 8, 1995: – 20 years from date of filing, or – 17 years from date of issuance, whichever is longer * A patent may expire if its owner fails to pay required maintenance fees. * Once a patent has expired for any reason, the invention described by the patent falls into the public domain. Fall 2006 – John Pfister 161 Software Trade Secrets • Trade Secret - Information used in a business that is held in confidence and gives the business an advantage over its competitors. * Protected by state laws * Generally two kinds of trade secrets: • Technology - Legal protection for the secret in all its various forms. • Customer and other confidential commercial information - sometimes considered like "confidential information," but protection is the same in either case. Fall 2006 – John Pfister 162 Software Trade Secrets (Continued) • Trade secret protection not automatic -• • • • must be protected by reasonable security measures Trade secrets last as long as the information remains secret and valuable If trade secret disclosure is limited, the trade secret may not be lost If trade secret is published, trade secret could be lost Criminal prosecution is possible for theft of scientific and technical data Fall 2006 – John Pfister 163 Software Trade Secrets (Continued) • Examples of Reasonable Security Measures: * * * * One person in charge of confidential measures Controls on access to confidential data Entry control and badges Confidentiality legends on documents, code, and other data * Confidentiality agreements for employees * Posted policy on confidentiality * New employee orientation * Exit interviews * Restrictions on code and other data kept out of the office * Measures for confidential disclosure to other companies 164 Fall 2006 – John Pfister Employee Noncompetition Agreements • Two categories of employees who may need to be restricted: * Employees who have access to trade secrets or confidential information usually technical employees * Sales employees who have gained customer loyalty • Requirements of reasonable scope and duration * Duration of non-competition agreements * Geographic scope for employees holding trade secret information * Geographic scope for sales employees • Governed by state laws Fall 2006 – John Pfister 165 Employment Agreements • New employees should be asked to review • • and sign employment agreement at time job offer is made Current employees must be given something of value in return Employee agreements for technical people are more specific and complex than for non-technical people Fall 2006 – John Pfister 166 Software Product Liability • Increasing uses of software opens new areas of risk: * * * * * * * Telecommunications Bank and brokerage transactions International currency transactions "Program trading" Air traffic control Monitoring nuclear reactors Designing buildings, bridges, etc. • Exposure is greatest when software is used to control sophisticated operations in safetycritical situations Reference: CMU/SEI-93-TR-013, Software Product Liability, August 1993. Fall 2006 – John Pfister 167 Software Liability Strategies • Investing in improved product quality - It is • • • • • far safer and less expensive to avoid the problem than to attempt to limit damages after the fact Replacing defective software without delay Using User documentation to limit liability Using contract provisions to reduce liability Liability insurance Incorporate the business Fall 2006 – John Pfister 168 Types of Recovery • Strict liability - that part of tort law that • • covers damage caused by or threatened by unreasonably dangerous products Negligence - conduct that falls below the standard established by law to protect persons against unreasonable risk or harm Warranty - contractually assure customers that the products they buy will perform as stated Fall 2006 – John Pfister 169 Strict Liability • Courts have held that software can be a • • • product subject to the doctrine of strict liability Injured party does not have to prove negligence Injured party only has to prove that the product was defective and that it caused the loss Contractual disclaimers, limitations of remedies, and limited warranties are no protection Fall 2006 – John Pfister 170 Negligence • Area of greatest risk for organizations • • • • • with software-intensive products Proof obligations for negligence can be difficult No need for actual or imminent physical damage Courts permit 3rd party suits Large awards for physical damages; enormous awards for economic losses Contracts between corporations and individuals may be judged to be unconscionable; i.e., unequal parties Fall 2006 – John Pfister 171 Warranties • Explicit limited warranties • Implied warranties - Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) * Fitness for a specific purpose; i.e., software will do what your customer said was wanted * Merchantability; software must be of the general kind described and reasonable fit for the general purpose for which it was sold Fall 2006 – John Pfister 172 Software Product Liability Personal injury? Property damage? Caused by a product? Was there a contract? Yes No Yes No Prove negligence? Court uphold contract? Yes Yes No Failure to perform? No Recover under strict liability Recover under negligence Yes Recover under warranty No recourse Reference: CMU/SEI-93-TR-013, Software Product Liability, August 1993. Fall 2006 – John Pfister 173 Can You Go to Jail? • Copying Software for Fun and Profit? * Copyright Act has criminal penalties * Revised on December 16, 1997 to include cases where there was no profit • Viruses and Hacking? * Computer Fraud Abuse Act of 1986 has criminal penalties * State laws Fall 2006 – John Pfister 174 Can You Go to Jail? • Trade Secret Theft? * Economic Espionage Act of 1986 provides criminal penalties of up to $250,000 fine and ten years in jail * Trademark Counterfeiting Act of 1984 provides penalties of $2 million fine and ten years in prison for individuals, and $5 million fine for corporations. Fall 2006 – John Pfister 175 Chapter 6 - Software Management Buyer’s Model • Project Planning • Important Considerations • Project Management Office Roles and • • • Responsibilities Performance Management and Assessment Techniques Engineering Support Contractors IV&V Contractors Fall 2006 – John Pfister 176 Project Planning • • • • • • • • • Project Organizational Structure Key Personnel Responsibilities Standards and Methodologies Documentation Development Tools Budget Schedules Staffing Assessment, Customer Approval and Certification Fall 2006 – John Pfister 177 Important Considerations • Establishing Requirements • Estimating Resources • Risk Management Strategies Fall 2006 – John Pfister 178 Establishing Requirements • Outline Example • Requirements Characteristics • Requirements Risks • Requirements Risk Mitigation The purpose of Requirements Management is to manage the requirements of the project's products and product components and to identify inconsistencies between those requirements and the project's plans and work products. Reference: CMMI-SW, V1.1 Fall 2006 – John Pfister 179 Requirements Outline Example Note: This outline is intended for use with the Rational Unified Process. The Software Requirements Specification (SRS) captures the complete software requirements for the system, or a portion of the system. This is a typical SRS outline for a project using only traditional natural-language style requirements – with no use-case modeling. 1. Introduction 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Purpose Scope Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations References Overview 2. Overall Description 3. Specific Requirements 3.1 Functionality 3.1.1 <Functional Requirement One> 3.2.1 <Usability Requirement One> 3.3.1 <Reliability Requirement One> 3.2 Usability 3.3 Reliability Fall 2006 – John Pfister 180 Requirements Outline Example 3.4 Performance 3.4.1 <Performance Requirement One> 3.5.1 <Supportability Requirement One> 3.6.1 <Design Constraint One> 3.9.1 3.9.2 3.9.3 3.9.4 User Interfaces Hardware Interfaces Software Interfaces Communications Interfaces 3.5 Supportability 3.6 Design Constraints 3.7 Online User Documentation and Help System Requirements 3.8 Purchased Components 3.9 Interfaces 3.10Licensing Requirements 3.11 Legal, Copyright and Other Notices 3.12Applicable Standards 4. Supporting Information Fall 2006 – John Pfister 181 Requirements Characteristics • The DoD says that • Another author says: they should be: * Correct * Complete * Compete * Traceable * Consistent * Testable * Unambiguous * Consistent * Verifiable * Feasible * Understandable * Uniquely Identified * Traceable * Design Free * Modifiable In specifications, using the word “shall” indicates a binding provision; i.e., one that must be implemented by the specification users. To state non-binding provisions, use “should” or “may.” Use “will” to express a declaration of purpose or to express future tense. Military Standard Specification Practices, MIL-STD-490A, U.S. Department of Defense, 4 June 1985 Fall 2006 – John Pfister 182 Requirements Risks • But we gave you exactly what you asked for • I know that I think I know what your requirements • • • • • • • are Overboard assumptions The expectations cloud The never-ending requirements story I don’t know what I want, but I’ll know it when I see it Rapid development requirements risks Failure to recognize that faulty requirements represent a risk Can’t you read my mind? “Requirements Risks Can Drown Software Projects,” CrossTalk, April 2002 Fall 2006 – John Pfister 183 1995 DoD Software Study Fall 2006 – John Pfister 184 Requirements Risk Mitigation Strategies • Develop and follow sound processes and procedures * * * * * * Requirements elicitation Requirements analysis Documentation of requirements Requirements verification, review, and approval Configuration control of requirements Requirements traceability • Incorporate requirements into all software life cycles Fall 2006 – John Pfister 185 Requirements Risk Mitigation Strategies • Provide training to those responsible for • • • • • requirements management Require user involvement Always document requirements Validate software requirements Hold formal requirements reviews Strictly manage requirements changes Fall 2006 – John Pfister 186 Estimating Resources • Accurate cost estimates very difficult • Best estimate follows completion of design • If cost risk too high, use prototyping or risk-reduction phase to better understand requirements and design Fall 2006 – John Pfister 187 Risk Management Strategies • Different views of risk: * To the end user -- risk involves suability and performance * To the buyer - risk involves budget and schedule to meet contractual requirements * To the seller -- risk involves meeting contractual requirements while making a profit * To the maintainer -- risk involves system maintainability Fall 2006 – John Pfister 188 Risk Management Strategies • Basic Risk Management Process: * * * * Assessment Analysis Evaluation Management • Risk Management Plan Should: * Identify risk * Attempt to quantify impact * Identify mitigation plans Fall 2006 – John Pfister 189 Program Management Office Roles and Responsibilities • • • • • • • • • • Project Management Engineering Test Training Quality Assurance Contract Administration Program Control Data Management Interface Management Logistics Support Fall 2006 – John Pfister 190 Performance Management & Assessment • • • • • • • Reviews Schedules Problem Reporting Test Independent Testing Management Indicators Documentation Fall 2006 – John Pfister 191 Reviews • Generally two kinds of reviews: * Formal -- should be structured around welldefined procedures and objectives and occur at major project milestones; e.g., PDR, CDR, etc. * Informal - generally not monitored by buyer unless SQA is participating; e.g., code walkthroughs Fall 2006 – John Pfister 192 Schedules • Generally two kinds of schedules: * Gantt charts - top-level milestone chart * PERT/CPM - detailed precedent-related event chart Fall 2006 – John Pfister 193 Problem Management • Management procedures should provide for: * * * * * Review of the problem Reporting Status Management Correction Fall 2006 – John Pfister 194 Test • To establish a test program, ensure that: * The qualification requirements are incorporated into early specifications * The early planning documents cover the testing program * The development contractor has and will employ a test environment that maintains the necessary tools to support the testing program * Long lead actions are identified and the seller has a plan for implementing these actions * A viable test organization with responsibility and authority for conducting the program is in place * There are appropriate checks on the testing process Fall 2006 – John Pfister 195 Management Indicators • • • • • • • Memory utilization Problem reports Software size Personnel stability Development progress Incremental release Test progress Fall 2006 – John Pfister 196 Management Indicators • • • Goal-Question-Metric Paradigm Define the goals that against which you want to measure progress/performance Define questions that have quantifiable answers relate directly to the goals Select metrics that provide quantitative answers to the questions Basili, V. R., and D. M. Weiss. "A Methodology for Collecting Valid Software Engineering Data, " IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. SE-10, No. 3, pp. 728-738, Nov. 1984. Fall 2006 – John Pfister 197 Engineering Support Contractors • Types * Services Contractors * System Engineering and Technical Assistance (SETA) Contractors * Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) Contractors • Considerations * * * * Technical Risk Independent Testing Management Support Integration Fall 2006 – John Pfister 198 IV&V Contract • Definition: An in-depth independent assessment of the software development process and an independent determination of whether the developed system performs all intended mission functions. * Verification - ensures that the development process in sound * Validation - ensures that the products of development meet operational requirements Fall 2006 – John Pfister 199 IV&V Contract • The SOW should include: * The buyer's intent to use an IV&V function to monitor the development effort and assess the utility of the operational product * The specific objectives of the IV&V effort, including, for example, identification of the specific portions of the system to which IV&V will be applied * The authority of the IV&V contractor, for example, in participation in reviews, access to documentation, participation in testing, and conduct of activities Fall 2006 – John Pfister 200 IV&V Contract Use IV&V Contractors if: System Characteristic Development Characteristics High Risk Low Cost Med Risk Med Cost Low Risk High Cost Manned Systems Yes Yes Maybe Unmanned Remote Systems Yes Yes Maybe Critical to Development Yes Maybe No Complex System Maybe Maybe N/A Data-Sensitivity (privacy) Yes Yes No Commercial (e.g., banking) Maybe No No Fall 2006 – John Pfister 201 IV&V Contracts • IV&V Cost Considerations: * Two objections to use of IV&V contractors: • Cost too much • Unnecessary because the development contractor is highly reputable and maintains an excellent development environment * Typical cost ranges from 10 - 30 % of development cost * Life cycle cost benefit based on cost avoidance can make it a good investment Fall 2006 – John Pfister 202 Chapter 7 - Software Management The Seller’s Model • Project Management Office Roles and Responsibilities: * * * * Single point of contact Achieve contract requirements Control budget Negotiate allocation of resources • Organizational Approaches: * Matrix * Project * Hybrid Fall 2006 – John Pfister 203 Project Manager Tasks 1. Interface Management * Interface between internal and external organizations * Coordinate activities * Tap internal resources 2. Project Management * * * * * Plan and control work Ensure all contractual requirements are addressed Scope management controls Provide leadership and direction Encourage communications and teamwork Fall 2006 – John Pfister 204 Project Manager Tasks (Continued) 3. Resource Management * Manage people, time, money, equipment, materials, information, and technology * Perform make/buy analysis * Coordinate procurements * Maintain a management reserve * Monitors cost-to-complete and schedule-to-complete 4. Change Management * Uses CCB to manage changes * Negotiates changes with buyer 5. Risk Management * Builds options into plans * Identifies and prioritizes risks Fall 2006 – John Pfister 205 Planning and Control • Before Contract is Let, Proposal Manager Develops * * * * * * * Proposal Win Strategy Technical Approach Top-Level Management Plan Work Breakdown Structure After Contract Award, Software Manager Updates Software Development Plan Negotiates Schedules, Budgets, Deliverables, and Management Controls Fall 2006 – John Pfister 206 Project Plan Objectives 1. Communicate work and expectations 2. Establish baseline for control over work-inprocess by establishing intermediate goals and milestones 3. Focus efforts toward accomplishment of project-related objectives 4. Integrate budget and schedule 5. Exercise control Fall 2006 – John Pfister 207 Software Project Plan Outline (IEEE) Title Page Revision Sheet Table of Contents List of Figures List of Tables 1. Introduction 1.1 Project Overview 1.2 Project Deliverables 1.3 Evolution of the Plan 1.4 Reference Materials 1.5 Definitions and Acronyms Fall 2006 – John Pfister 208 Software Project Plan Outline (IEEE) 2. Project Organization 2.1 Process Model 2.2Organizational Structure 2.3Organizational Boundaries and Interfaces 2.4Project Responsibilities 3. Managerial Process 3.1 Management Objectives and Priorities 3.2Assumptions, Dependencies, and Constraints 3.3Risk Management 3.4Monitoring and Controlling Mechanisms 3.5Staging Plan Fall 2006 – John Pfister 209 Software Project Plan Outline (IEEE) 4. Technical Process 4.1 Methods, Tools, and Techniques 4.2Software Documentation 4.3Project Support Functions 5. Work Packages, Schedule, and Budget 5.1 Work Packages 5.2Dependencies 5.3Resource Requirements 5.4Budget and Resource Allocation 5.5Schedule Fall 2006 – John Pfister 210 Software Project Plan Outline (IEEE) Additional Components Index Appendices Fall 2006 – John Pfister 211 Software Development Plan (DoD) Title Page Table of Contents 1. Scope 1.1 Identification 1.2 System Overview 1.3 Document Overview 1.4 Relationship to Other Plans 2. Referenced Documents Fall 2006 – John Pfister 212 Software Development Plan (DoD) 3. Software Development Management 3.1 Project Organization and Resources 3.1.1 Contractor Facilities 3.1.2 Government Furnished Equipment, Software, and Services 3.1.3 Organizational Structure 3.1.4 Personnel 3.2 Schedule and Milestones 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 Fall 2006 – John Pfister Activities Activity Network Source Identification 213 Software Development Plan (DoD) 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 Fall 2006 – John Pfister Risk Management Security Interface with Associate Contractors Interface with Software IV&V Agent(s) Subcontractor Management Formal Reviews Software Development Library Corrective Action Process Problem/Change Report 214 Software Development Plan (DoD) 4. Software Engineering 4.1 Organization and Resources - Software Engineering 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 Organizational Structure - Software Engineering Personnel - Software Engineering Software Engineering Environment Software Items Hardware and Firmware Items Proprietary Nature of Government Rights Installation, Control, and Maintenance 4.2 Software Standards and Procedures 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 Software Development Techniques and Methodologies Software Development Files Design Standards Coding Standards 4.3 Non-Developmental Software Fall 2006 – John Pfister 215 Software Development Plan (DoD) 5. Formal Qualification Testing 5.1 Organization and Resources - Formal Qualification Testing 5.1.1 Organizational Structure - Formal Qualification Testing 5.1.2 Personnel - Formal Qualification Testing 5.2Test Approach/Philosophy 5.3Test Planning Assumptions and Constraints Fall 2006 – John Pfister 216 Software Development Plan (DoD) 6. Software Product Evaluations 6.1 Organization and Resources - Software Product Evaluations 6.1.1 Organizational Structure - Software Product Evaluations 6.1.2 Personnel - Software Product Evaluations 6.2 Software Product Evaluations Procedures and Tools 6.2.1 6.2.2 Procedures Tools 6.3 Subcontractor Products 6.4 Software Product Evaluation Records 6.5 Activity-Dependent Product Evaluations Fall 2006 – John Pfister 217 Software Development Plan (DoD) 7. Software Configuration Management 7.1 Organization and Structure - Configuration Management 7.1.1 7.1.2 Organizational Structure - Configuration Management Personnel - Configuration Management 7.2 Configuration Identification 7.2.1 7.2.2 Developmental Configuration Identification Identification Methods 7.3 Configuration Control 7.3.1 7.3.2 7.3.3 7.3.4 7.3.5 Fall 2006 – John Pfister Flow of Configuration Control Reporting Documentation Review Procedures Storage, Handling, and Delivery of Project Media Additional Control 218 Software Development Plan (DoD) 7.4Configuration Accounting 7.5Configuration Audits 7.6Preparation for Specification Authentication 7.7Configuration Management Milestones 8. Other Software Development Functions 9. Notes 10. Appendixes Fall 2006 – John Pfister 219 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) • Primary planning tool • Decomposes work hierarchically into • component parts Schedule and resources allocated to each task 1.0 Project Name 1.1 Management 1.2 Requirements & Design 1.3 Construction & Implementation 1.4 Deployment & Support 1.1.1 Planning 1.2.1 Requirements 1.3.1 Construction 1.4.1 Deployment 1.1.2 Reviews 1.2.2 Design 1.3.2 Implementation 1.4.2 Training 1.1.3 Travel 1.4.3 Verification 1.4.4 Support Fall 2006 – John Pfister 220 Organization & Staffing Realities • • • • • • • Recruiting Key Personnel Competition with other projects Good technical skills Good non-technical skills Keeping Good People Buffer outside distractions Facilitate open communications Fall 2006 – John Pfister 221 Providing Leadership and Direction • Foster Teamwork • Building Synergistic Teams • Coaching and Motivating * * * * * * * Interesting work Growth Recognition Achievement Responsibility Advancement Interpersonal relations Fall 2006 – John Pfister 222 Performance Measurement • Allow visibility into project • Use management indicators to pinpoint • • • problems early Isolate causes of problems Provide insight into quality and progress Reassure customer and upper management on progress and status Fall 2006 – John Pfister 223 Reviews and Audits • Customer Reviews and Audits * * * * * * * Requirements Review Preliminary Design Review Critical Design Review Test Readiness Review End-Product Acceptance Review Functional Configuration Audit Physical Configuration Audit • Quality Reviews and Audits * Quality reviews (circles) * Quality audits (evaluation) * Quality inspection Fall 2006 – John Pfister 224 Reviews and Audits (Continued) • Project Reviews * * * * Management Reviews Upper management reviews Steering committee reviews Peer management reviews * * * * Walk-throughs Inspections Round-robin reviews Walkbacks • Peer Reviews Fall 2006 – John Pfister 225 Configuration Management and Library Controls • • • • • Required for all large projects Generally already in place Problem reporting system May have multiple CM systems Need to adapt Fall 2006 – John Pfister 226 Quality Assurance and Metrics Analysis • Independent quality assurance organization • • required by some contracts Tools and techniques tailored to needs of project Typical criticisms: * Upper management paid only lip service to quality * The quality organizations were staffed with junior people * The quality organizations were undertooled and undercapitalized * The quality organizations relied on inspections Fall 2006 – John Pfister 227 Risk Management and Control • Top-Ten List * * * * Identify top ten risks each month Analyze Prioritize Minimize * * * * * Use on large, complicated jobs Meet monthly Chaired by software manager Invite customer Identify and prioritize top ten risks • Risk Advisory Council Fall 2006 – John Pfister 228 Common Software Risks People 1. Personnel shortfalls 2. Fragmentation Resources 3. Unrealistic schedule (not enough time) 4. Inadequate budget (not enough money) Requirements 5. Developing the wrong functions 6. Poorly defined requirements 7. Gold plating 8. Continuing change (feature creep) 9. Too little user involvement Fall 2006 – John Pfister 229 Common Software Risks Receivables 10. Other projects don't deliver as promised 11. Legacy does not live up to expectations Technology 12. Technology shortfalls Fall 2006 – John Pfister 230 Chapter 8 - Software Management The Team Approach • Communication and mutual trust between buyer and seller are essential ingredients for the success of large complex software projects • Degree of interaction between buyer and seller will be a function of the contract type used • Buyer and seller managers have the same objective: meet all requirements within the allocated resources • Problems arise because of different motivations: * Buyer wants to reduce risk (and therefore cost) by imposing additional requirements - reviews, documentation, controls, etc. * Seller wants to reduce risk (and costs) by paring down those requirements -- providing more flexibility Fall 2006 – John Pfister 231 Key Player Roles & Responsibilities • • • • • • • Planning Engineering Documentation Configuration Management Quality Assurance Software Tools Testing Fall 2006 – John Pfister 232 Planning • Before contract award: * Buyer must deal with internal "politics" while "selling" the project -- results in shortchanging engineering and management decisions * Seller concerned with contract award -assesses technical capability available staff, competition, and available B&P funds • After contract award Seller must assemble • staff -- danger that proposal staff may not be available to execute contract Buyer can minimize problems by sticking to tight procurement schedule Fall 2006 – John Pfister 233 Engineering • Staffing difficulties are not uncommon • Engineers tend to add functionality -- make • more complex Requirements management essential Fall 2006 – John Pfister 234 Documentation • Inadequately addressed by Buyer during planning * Not equipped to make decisions * End users unable to specify need for documentation • Seller recognizes the overall requirement, but: * Reluctant to recommend because of costs * Not wise to tell customer he or she is wrong * May want to de-emphasize documentation to pull up schedule Fall 2006 – John Pfister 235 Documentation (Continued) • Documentation most important aspect of • software development because it is primary indicator of progress Informal documentation must also be managed Fall 2006 – John Pfister 236 Configuration Management • CM essential to software development • • • process Buyer may not appreciate importance Seller may not have an effective CM process in place CM resources often cut during proposal to be more competitive Fall 2006 – John Pfister 237 Quality Assurance • Frequently misunderstood function • QA resources often underscoped • Often de-emphasized or eliminated on • small contracts Necessary part of engineering process Fall 2006 – John Pfister 238 Software Tools • Modern tools improve quality and • • productivity Buyer often not interested unless tools being delivered with system Cost of tools usually come out of Seller's overhead Fall 2006 – John Pfister 239 Testing • Frequently misunderstood and poorly • • • practiced Testing begins with requirements Buyer views testing as demonstration that it meets requirements Seller views testing as the means for sellingoff the product Fall 2006 – John Pfister 240 Building Synergistic Buyer/Seller Teams • The Contract - In selecting a contractor, the Buyer should consider: * Ability of the seller to perform * Organization * Experience • The Development * * * * * Project leaders Personality conflicts Crowd control Personnel stability Key personnel stability Fall 2006 – John Pfister 241 Communication and Trust • • • • • Informal Networking Electronic Communications Project and Telephone Lists Minutes and Reports Newsletters Fall 2006 – John Pfister 242 Reward and Punishment • Organizational Awards * Cost * Award Fee • Personal Awards Fall 2006 – John Pfister 243