UNIVERSITY OF BRADFORD School of Lifelong Education and Development Programme/course title: Foundation Degree in Leadership and Management for Retail Awarding and teaching institution: Final award: Programme title: Duration: UCAS code: Subject benchmark statement: Date produced: Last updated : University of Bradford Foundation Degree A (FdSc) [Framework for Higher Education Qualifications level 5] Certificate of Higher Education [Framework for Higher Education Qualifications level 4] Leadership and Management for Retail 3 years part-time Dec 2013 Introduction This programme has been developed in close cooperation with Morrisons plc and is designed specifically for the development of their staff. On completion of the programme you will have acquired the high level skills and educational underpinning required to function effectively in Middle Management. You will have an appreciation of the diverse context of the retail sector you work within. The programme integrates Morrisons training programmes such as ‘Essentials’ with work based learning and study to develop generic leadership and management knowledge and competencies. These include: an understanding of, and an ability to, manage the retail environment; the ability to work as part of a multi-disciplinary team and an understanding of the need to provide a quality service to customers. . The aims of all Foundation Degrees developed at the University of Bradford are to produce people with high level skills, employability skills and the ability to research, analyse, report on and to manage, information. This is a flexible programme delivered in a supportive manner for the benefit of all learners. Foundation Degree in Leadership and Management for Retail (16-12-13).docx Page 1 Programme Aims The programme aims to: (A1)Provide a supportive, structured environment in which you are encouraged to develop lifelong learning skills develop subject knowledge and understanding and develop your ability to reflect on work activities and learn from them. (A2)Prepare you for further study or improve opportunities for progression through personal and professional development; (A3)Facilitate the development of key and wider transferable skills to other academic and non-academic contexts This course is designed to meet the general higher-level skills and educational needs of middle management in the retail sector. The Foundation Degrees developed by the University have core modules, general modules, and specific modules, which meet the individual needs of the sector. The work based learning modules will give you an opportunity to apply the knowledge you gain in the taught modules, in your work at Morrisons. Programme Learning Outcomes On successful completion of the programme of study you will be able to demonstrate the following: Level 4 Learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding of the: (LO1) Nature and relevance of prior learning, the relevance of key skills in supporting academic study and the theories and ideas underpinning selfmanagement and study techniques (LO2) Principles and concepts that underpin retail operations (LO3) Terms ‘effectiveness and efficiency’ and the concepts and purpose of quality, quality assurance, quality control and quality audit. (LO4) Theories and concepts that underpin consumer behaviour within retail (LO5) Coaching theory and able to Manage a successful coaching and mentoring relationship Discipline skills. These include the ability to: (LO6) Appreciate the needs and expectations of a range of retail consumers and develop appropriate responses to them from different areas of retail management (LO7) Identify what is learned from work based experiences and demonstrate key skills development Personal transferable skills Foundation Degree in Leadership and Management for Retail (16-12-13).docx Page 2 (LO8) Investigate potential career opportunities (LO9) Develop self-management and study skills appropriate to your own needs and the requirements of your course of study Level 5 Learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding of the: (LO10) The theoretical and practical aspects of H&S management and the associated legislative framework (LO11) Issues related to cultural diversity and equal opportunities in the workplace and the concepts of enterprise and entrepreneurship (LO12) Organisational development and the process of organisational change and its effects (LO13) Identify different leadership styles and the importance of power and influence (LO14) Benefits of quality improvement and the importance of meeting customer requirements in terms of planning, delivery and specifications Discipline skills. These include the ability to: (LO14) Measure organisational, team and individual objectives and set target and performance indicators (LO15) Assess the impact on the cost behaviour of delivering a service or product (LO16) Apply critical problem solving skills through a work focused project Personal transferable skills (LO17) Make a financial case and present the findings (LO18) Identify personal learning needs and areas for further development (LO19) Determine own learning outcomes in order to facilitate learning in the workplace now and in the future (LO20) Evaluate critically your own performance in relation to both key skills and specialist skills requirements Curriculum Units of study are normally 20 academic credit modules; however the final work based learning module is 40 academic credits. You will study modules amounting to 240 credits (120 in Stage 1 and 120 in Stage 2). Foundation Degree in Leadership and Management for Retail (16-12-13).docx Page 3 Stage 1 Personal and Professional Development which is core to the programme will be studied in the initial study period. The intention of placing this unit at the forefront of the programme is to aid the diagnosis of current skill levels in areas of lifelong learning and personal development. Module Code LEDF100D LEDF101D LEDF113D LED1052D LEDF125D LEDF124D Module Title Type Credits Level Personal and Professional Development 1 Learning from Experience in the Workplace Effectiveness in the Workplace Coaching Skills and Application Managing Retail Operations Managing Customer Experience Core Core 20 20 4 4 Study period 1 1 Core Core 20 20 20 20 4 4 4 4 2 2 3 3 Module Title Type Credits Level Personal and Professional Development 2 People and Organisations Risk Management Organisational Improvement Competency in the Workplace Core Core Core Core Core 20 20 20 20 40 5 5 5 5 5 Study period 4 4 5 5 6 Stage 2 Module Code LEDF202D LEDF201D LEDF213D LEDF203Q The curriculum may change, subject to the University's course approval, monitoring and review procedures. Foundation Degree in Leadership and Management for Retail (16-12-13).docx Page 4 Study Schedule 1 Personal and Professional Development 1 Learning from Experience in the Workplace 2 Effectiveness in the Workplace Coaching Skills and Application 3 Managing Retail Operations Managing Customer Experience 4 Personal and Professional Development 2 People and Organisations 5 Risk Management Organisational Improvement Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 6 Competency in the Workplace Teaching and Assessment Strategies The Foundation Degree in Leadership and Management for Retail has been designed so that you will be given the opportunity to develop a range of skills appropriate to your work at Morrisons and the retail sector. It also has the capacity to acknowledge and build upon the knowledge and skills you may have acquired through previous learning experiences. Across the programme you will develop a full range of skills and competencies appropriate to the retail environment and the nature of the learning activities will enhance your capability to function as a self-directed learner. The programme will be delivered by University staff in your workplace and other Morrisons regional venues. This programme will use a range of teaching, learning and assessment strategies. You will be particularly encouraged and supported to develop an autonomous style of learning (LOs ,8,18,19 and 20). Directed reading and workbooks, reflective journals, problem solving and project work, tutorials, work based activities and student led seminars will be a feature of delivery. Similarly, a wide range of assessment strategies (see appendix 2) will be implemented. All these strategies are used to facilitate an interest in lifelong learning and personal development. Learning for some of the outcomes (LOs 2,3,4,5,6,10,11,12,13,14,15, and 17) is based on the principles of Team Based Learning. You will work in teams set by the tutor. The teaching delivery will be over a two day workshop, which will involve seminars, team work and workshop activities. Also learning will take place in the workplace (LOs 7and16) and supported by tutorial materials and Blackboard (the Virtual Learning Environment). The knowledge content of the programme will be met mainly through required reading of set texts. This will be supplemented by group discussion. Some presentations by the tutor will support the application of personal development techniques. Assessment will take into account individual performance and team performance. These will take the form of Individual and Team Readiness Assurance tests, an assessed team classroom activity and an individual written narrative reflecting on the effectiveness of personal development activities Foundation Degree in Leadership and Management for Retail (16-12-13).docx Page 5 Work based learning is an important and integral part of the programme requiring you to demonstrate through tutor led guidance the application of acquired knowledge/skills via your work. Assessment is a crucial component of your learning, and is necessary to monitor your progress, motivate learning, provide feedback and grade your degree. Assessment methods will reflect the diversity of provision and directly address the desired learning outcomes. The teaching and learning of the course has been designed to enable you to: balance your own academic and vocational learning requirements; to accommodate both intended/stated learning outcomes and unanticipated outcomes emerging from your study, work related activities, and personal development. Assessment Regulations This Programme conforms to the standard University Assessment Regulations which are available at the following link: Admission Requirements The employer will select all learners who are to join the Foundation Degree programme according to the criteria set by the University. All candidates must have the potential to benefit from their studies. If you have prior certificated learning or professional experience which may be equivalent to parts of this programme, the University has procedures to evaluate this learning in order to provide you with exemptions from specified modules contained within the curriculum. Candidates will normally be mature (normally three years relevant employment experience post secondary education) and may not have academic qualifications, but will have significant experience (normally three years) within a retail environment (normally Morrisons) and will have completed the ‘Essentials’ training programme. Where students do not have the requisite experience they will need to have ‘A’ Level qualifications equivalent to 200 UCAS points. All candidates will be required to have a GCSE grade C in English (or equivalent qualification). In addition to satisfying the University’s admissions requirements before entry onto the course you must successfully complete Morrison’s selection process which includes an interview, a presentation and a written piece of work. Foundation Degree in Leadership and Management for Retail (16-12-13).docx Page 6 Learning Resources Many resources will be available on the universities virtual learning environment and many key resources will be provided during the teaching sessions. However, you will be able to access the university library for electronic resources and if you are able, visit the university libraries. As a University of Bradford student we would encourage you to visit the campus if you can. The JB Priestley Library on the city campus and our specialist library in the School of Management provide a wide range of printed and electronic resources to support your studies. We offer quiet study space if you want to work on your own, and group study areas for the times when you need to discuss work with fellow students. Subject librarians for each School provide training sessions and individual guidance in finding the information you need for your assignment, and will help you organise your references properly. Student PC clusters can be found in all our libraries and elsewhere on the campus. Many of these are open 24/7. You can also use the University's wireless network to access the internet from your own laptop. Most of our online journals are available on the internet (both on and off campus), and you can also access your University email account, personal information and course-related materials this way. Staff are on hand during the daytime to help you if you get stuck, and there is a 24/7 IT helpline available. Learner Support and Guidance Course Team The nature of teaching, learning and assessment on this delivery mode creates a group learning environment through Blackboard discussion, tasks and exercises, followed by periods when you are working on your own as independent blended learners with support from the work based learning mentors. As such the course requires a number of levels of learner support and guidance. The Course Director and a Course Management Team provide strategic direction, an academic overview and support to both you and module tutors. The role of the University Tutors will be to deliver the workshops and assess you according to the module specification. The work place learning mentors will support you in achieving the learning outcomes of the course and to provide written feedback of progress for you, on an informal basis. Each cohort as a group will also be encouraged by tutoring staff to provide peer support and sharing of experience both within and outside the taught elements of the course. You will not be able to physically access the university library; however Morrisons are committed to ensuring that all learners have access to key texts. You will however have access to the full range of electronic materials of the university library such as e-journals and ebooks. Full use will also be made of learning support Foundation Degree in Leadership and Management for Retail (16-12-13).docx Page 7 services, including, e-mail and e-learning facilities. Training on each being included within the course content. The support provided by the School is enhanced by a strong University infrastructure, including the Hub, Disability Office, Student Counselling Service, Careers Service and Computer facilities. Student Support web links can be found at It is anticipated; however such issues would be initially addressed though Morrisons own systems. In the School of Lifelong Learning Development there is a Staff Student Liaison Committee which meets twice per semester. This is student-led and looks at coursewide or School issues. It reports to the School Academic Committee, which in turn reports to the School Board and in its turn to the Senate. A private discussion board will be available for learners which will enable them to discuss issues in complete confidentiality with their peers. The nominated learner representative will be asked to summarise any issues and submit these to the Course Director at least twice per semester. Learners on this programme will also be invites to tack part in these activities. Students’ Union We value the feedback provided by all our learners and collaborate with the Students’ Union, through a system of course representatives and formal staff student liaison committees, so that any issues you wish to raise are addressed rapidly. The Students’ Union and the University of Bradford work in partnership to provide confidential counselling and welfare services where you can get help with any aspect of your personal or academic life. Student Financial and Information Services (based in the Hub) will provide you with information about a diverse range of issues such as council tax, personal safety and tourist information. International Students can access a range of additional advice and support services through the Student’s Union. Learner Development Unit (LDU) The Learner Development Unit provides support in all aspects of academic, maths, numeracy and interpersonal skills. The LDU has a wide range of interactive online materials available from the LDU website. Disability Disabled students will find a supportive environment at Bradford where we are committed to ensuring that all aspects of student life are accessible to everyone. The Disability Service can help by providing equipment and advice to help you get the most out of your time at Bradford and is a place where you can discuss any concerns you may have about adjustments that you may need, whether these relate to study, personal care or other issues. For more information contact the Disability Service by phoning: 01274 233739 or via email: Foundation Degree in Leadership and Management for Retail (16-12-13).docx Page 8 University policies and initiatives Ecoversity: Ecoversity is a strategic project of the University which aims to embed the principles of sustainable development into our decision-making, learning and teaching, research activities campus operations and lives of our staff and students. We do not claim to be a beacon for sustainable development but we aspire to become a leading University in this area. The facilities we create for teaching and learning, including teaching spaces, laboratories, IT labs and social spaces, will increasingly reflect our commitments to sustainable development. Staff and student participation in this initiative is crucial to its success and its inclusion in the programme specification is a clear signal that it is at the forefront of our thinking in programme development, delivery, monitoring and review. For more details see The Modules and the negotiated learning outcomes will confirm to the University’s guidelines on education sustainable development. The underlying values which education for sustainable development must promote include at least the following: Respect for the dignity and human rights of all people throughout the world and a commitment to social and economic justice for all. Respect for the human rights of future generations and a commitment to intergenerational responsibility. Respect and care for the greater community of life in all its diversity which involves the protection and restoration of the Earth's ecosystems. Respect for cultural diversity and a commitment to build locally and globally a culture of tolerance, non-violence and peace. This represents a new vision of education, a vision that helps people of all ages better understand the world in which they live, addressing the complexity and interconnectedness of problems such as poverty, wasteful consumption, environmental degradation, urban decay, population growth, health, conflict and the violation of human rights that threaten our future. The programme has been designed to be part of the candidates CPD activity and as such will encourage lifelong learning and enable students to develop their full potential. Morrisons have a significant environmental footprint and work constantly to reduce impact and help their customers to play their part, reduce reuse and recycle. Second, is the major issue of carbon emissions reduction, which is a key overarching benchmark for environmental performance. When people think of emissions, they tend to think of energy, but in fact refrigeration, transport and waste are also significant factors. Increasingly, attention is turning to carbon in the wider supply chain, which commentators highlight as being the greatest challenge. We agree, but from a practical point of view we believe strongly that our focus should remain on our direct emissions where we can exert the most control. Foundation Degree in Leadership and Management for Retail (16-12-13).docx Page 9 Their business model means that they own a greater part of the supply chain than other supermarkets. Their emissions programme (and the efficiencies we gain from the extent of our network) means that there are inherent carbon benefits from the way we are set up to operate. Wider supply chain issues, emissions associated with agriculture, global food supply and water all present challenges that we will have to tackle as an industry, working with government at all levels. Clearer scientific research, like that undertaken in their Farm Research Programme, is an important part of this collaboration. Further Information For further information, please check the University prospectus or contact Admissions. The Admissions Office The University of Bradford Richmond Road Bradford BD7 1DP UK Bradford University School of Management Emm Lane Bradford BD9 4JU UK +44 (0)1274 233054 +44 (0)1274 235682/234386 corporate/management-and-business-morrisons/ The contents of this programme specification may change, subject to the University's regulations and programme approval, monitoring and review procedures. Foundation Degree in Leadership and Management for Retail (16-12-13).docx Page 10 FdSc Leadership and Management in Retail Appendix 1 Curriculum Map LEVEL 4 Module Code LEDF100D LEDF101D LEDF113D LED1052D LEDF125D LEDF124D LEVEL 5 Module Code LEDF202D LEDF201D LEDF220D LEDF213D LEDF203Q Module Title Learning Outcomes LO1 Personal and Professional Development 1 Learning from Experience in the Workplace Effectiveness in the Workplace Coaching Skills and Application Managing Retail Operations Managing Customer Experience LO2 LO3 LO4 LO6 LO7 A LO8 LO9 A A A A A A A Module Title A Learning Outcomes LO10 Personal and Professional Development 2 People and Organisations Risk Management Organisational Improvement Competency in the Workplace LO5 LO11 LO12 LO13 LO14 LO15 LO16 LO17 A A A LO18 LO19 A S LO20 A A Foundation Degree in Leadership and Management for Retail (16-12-13).docx A A A A A Page 11 FdSc Leadership and Management in Retail Appendix 2 Assessment Map Module Code Module Title Methods of Assessment 1 2 3 4 5 6 LEDF100D Personal and Professional Development 1 LEDF101D Learning from Experience in the Workplace X LEDF113D Effectiveness in the Workplace X X X X X LED1052D Coaching Skills and Application X X X X X X LEDF125D Managing Retail Operations X X X X X X LEDF124D Managing Customer Experience X X X X X X LEDF202D Personal and Professional Development 2 X X X X X X LEDF201D People and Organisations X X X X X X LEDF220D Risk Management X X X X X X LEDF213D Organisational Improvement X LEDF203Q Competency in the Workplace X 7 8 X X X Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Work Based Assignment Individual Readiness Tests (TBL) Group Readiness Tests (TBL) Group Activity (TBL) Peer assessment (TBL) Individual Presentation Course Assignment Project Foundation Degree in Leadership and Management for Retail (16-12-13).docx Page 12 FdSc Leadership and Management in Retail Appendix 3 Teaching Methods Module Code Module Title Teaching Methods 1 2 X 3 LEDF100D Personal and Professional Development 1 X LEDF101D Learning from Experience in the Workplace X X LEDF113D Effectiveness in the Workplace X X LED1052D Coaching Skills and Application X X LEDF125D Managing Retail Operations X X LEDF124D Managing Customer Experience X X LEDF202D Personal and Professional Development 2 X X LEDF201D People and Organisations X X LEDF220D Risk Management X X LEDF213D Organisational Improvement X LEDF203Q Competency in the Workplace X 4 X X Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. Work Based Learning Lecture Team Based Learning Guided Research Foundation Degree in Leadership and Management for Retail (16-12-13).docx Page 13