Webex VM-AT Training..

Video Modeling and the
Activity Trainer
Tuesday 12/9/2014
3:00 PM Eastern
Karl Smith, Founder
Accelerations Educational Software
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Certificate of Completion and Presentation Document.
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Personal Connection
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Accelerations Educational Software
• Products in
– over 1100 School Districts
– 100s of Private Schools &
– 1000s of homes
– 2 Foreign Versions
• Canadian & Spanish
• DT Trainer & Activity Trainer
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Products Advisory Board
• Peter Gerhardt, Ed. D.
Chairman Scientific Council for the Organization for Autism Research
• Dr. Stephen Shore
Professor of Special Ed, Board Member Autism Society of America
Author & Internationally Known Speaker on Autism, Individual with Autism
• Robert Stromer, Ph. D.
BCBA, Behavioral Scientist, Professor, Computer based technologies Expert
• Dr. Bridget Taylor
BCBA, Professor, Director of Eden II/Genesis Outreach Autism Center
• Dr. Mary McDonald
BCBA, Director of Alpine Learning Group, International Speaker on Autism,
VP of the Association for Science in Autism Treatment
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Our Other Product
Discrete Trial (DT) Trainer
Teaches Concepts
Designed for Autism
Virtual Teaching Assistant
Implements ABA Methods
Over 20 years of supporting
• Independent learning
• Even very low functioning
• ~260 Content Programs
• 100s of Reinforcers
Cognitive Disabilities
Severe, Moderate, Mild
At Risk
Preschool – Elementary
Severely Delayed Middle &
High School Students & Adults
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Activity Trainer
• Teaches Skills
• Assisted Learning
• Makes Video Modeling
• Supports
• Task Analysis, Sequences, Video to
Image Transitions, Data Collection, …
• Skills Library
• 300+ Ready to Use Activities
• User Library
• Create your own Activities
Cognitive Disabilities
Severe, Moderate, Mild
At Risk
Preschool – Elementary
Severely Delayed Middle &
High School Students & Adults
• Visual Schedule
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Used in Range of Settings
• School Districts
– Self Contained Classes
• Preschool
• Elementary
• Where students are significantly delayed at:
– Middle School
– High School
– Full day main-streamed students
– At risk preschool & kindergarten classes
Accelerations Educational Software
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Used in Range of Settings
Institutions & Private Schools
Autism Centers and Home Programs
Group Homes
Private Homes
– Autism & Intellectual Disabilities
– Typical Siblings
Accelerations Educational Software
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Range of Licenses
• Single Computer
– Subscriptions & Perpetual
– Unlimited Students or Single Student
– Institutional or home
• Site Licenses
– District Wide for Special Education
– Institution Wide for All or Target Population
– Special Cases
• Free Demo / Presentation Licenses
– For anyone needing to present to or train others
– Demo labs (AT resource centers, …)
Accelerations Educational Software
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Wealth of Supporting Research
• > 20 years of research
• Wide range of skills & behaviors
– Simple to Complex
• Wide range of learners
• Increases acquisition rates…
– Sometimes quite dramatically!
• Sample of research references at:
– www.dttrainer.com/products/activity-trainer/supportingresearch/
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Tiny Sample of Research
Apple, A. L., Billingsley, F., & Schwartz, I. S. (2005).
– Effects of video modeling alone and with self-management on compliment-giving behaviors of
children with high-functioning ASD. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 7 (1), 33-46.
Bellini, S. & Akullian, J. (2007).
– A meta-analysis of video-modeling andself-modeling interventions for children and
adolescents with autism spectrum disorder.. Exceptional Children, 73, (3), 267-287.
Charlop-Christy, M. H., & Daneshvar, S. (2003).
– Using video modeling to teach perspective taking to children with autism. Journal of Positive
Behavior Interventions, 5 (1), 12-21.
Charlop-Christy, M. H., Le, L., & Freeman, K. A. (2000).
– A comparison of video modeling with in vivo modeling for teaching children with autism.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 30 (6), 537-552.
Corbett, B. A., & Abdullah, M. (2005).
– Video modeling: Why does it work for children with autism? Journal of Early Intensive
Behavioral Intervention, 2, 2-8.
Coyle, C., & Cole, P. (2004).
– A videotaped self-modelling and self-monitoring treatment program to decrease off-task
behaviour in children with autism. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities, 29(1),
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General Conclusions
• Increases Acquisition Rates across wide
variety of skills
• Effective with Autism & other Learning
• Model generally does not matter
• Video Self Model can improve interest
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General Conclusions (cont.)
• Should be Common Practice… try VM where
students are not learning quickly with other
• Not a panacea…
– will not work for all skills and all students
• VM better than next best method
– 2 teachers... One modeling & one facilitating
– 2 teachers… We barely get 1 on 1!
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VM Works Because…
Consistent Model
Non Threatening
Separation of Modeling & Facilitation
Parallel Model and Execution
– Minimize representation
– Minimize observational memory
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VM Works Because…
• Clear Objective
– Perspective / Orientation
– Minimize extraneous information
– Maximize salient features
• Supports Visual Learners
• May be more interesting
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VM Works Because…
• Quicker success improves interest
• Success on sub steps creates increased
interest / cooperation on task
• Building history of success – cooperative
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Poor Observational Learners
• Poor observational memory
– Inability to mentally represent model
– Inability to remember long enough to preform
• Lack of ability to translate observation to
• Lack prerequisite skills for task
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Poor Observational Learners
• Not attending to salient features
• Attending to extraneous information
• Lack of understanding what they are supposed
to do
– Lack typical mimicking behavior
• Uninterested / Uncooperative
• Threatened by model or task
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Benefits to Student
• Improve cooperation / interest
• Improve self confidence
• Learn skills
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Benefits to Student
• Learn to learn
– Learn to attend
In general
Salient Features
More complex
– Improve observational memory
– Improve translation skills
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Practical Considerations
• Virtual extra teacher/teaching assistant
– Barely get one-on-one… otherwise should have
two-on-one (teachers to student)
• Allows staff more time to actually teach
– Students able to perform tasks previously
performed by staff…
• Potentially enables acquisition
– We tend to give up if not learning in some time
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Practical Considerations
• Takes time to create own video
– Planning
– Scripting
– Coordinating actor(s)
– Obtaining equipment
– Editing
– Rework
– Frequently net savings in time – substantially less
teaching time
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Possible Platforms
• TVs
• Computers
• Mobile devices
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Activity Trainer
• Problem to solve
– 20 years of research indicating VM should be used
– Not common practice
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VM Problems
• Tapes, CDs, and DVDs
– Clumsy at best
• Media Players
– No support for Task Analysis, Sequences,
Organization of Materials, Data Collection, …
• Video Modeling
– Not just about playing videos
– Is about micro-management of process
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VM Problems
• Creating Video Models
– Time consuming
– Most teachers not trained
• PowerPoint
– Supports useful features
– Still lacks support for organization, data collection,
– Task analysis and sequences are clumsy
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Solution: Activity Trainer
• Makes VM Practical, Easy, & Specific
• Extends VM - Activities
– Combines Video, Images, Texts, Audio
– Task Analysis, Sequences, Transitions from Videos
to Images & Images to Text, Data Collection,
Organization of Materials
– Worksheets
• Integrated with Visual Schedule
• Skills, User, Can support 3rd Party Libraries
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AT Demonstration
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Basic VM Teaching Strategy
• Build automatic mimic response to video
– Generally start with simple non-verbal imitation
– Build (as slowly as necessary) to more complex
– Goal is to use no or minimal facilitation
– Strategy will frequently be domain specific
• Facilitation will be different for verbal, social, daily
living, …
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• Facilitation / prompting
– Hand over hand
– Verbal
– Gestural
– Proximity
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• Only use facilitation techniques were
– Safety is an issue
– More information is needed to supplement video
to obtain success
– Lack of success building automatic mimic
• E.G. Needs extra fine motor support
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• From behind (where appropriate)
• Hand over hand (where necessary)
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Fading Facilitation
• Fading Facilitation
– Fading hand-over-hand
– Fading gestural prompts
– Fading verbal prompts
– Fading proximity
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Fading Video
Video source further away
Make picture smaller
Turn down sound
Play smaller portion of video
Play video prior to performance
Transition to image cue
Transition to text
Play on smaller device
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VM - Transition from Video
• Automatic
– Student automatically performs task in natural situation
• Transitional Teaching
– Teacher facilitates generalization to natural situation
• Transition to Image Cue
– Only needs image cue to initiate behavior
Transition to Verbal Instruction
Transition to Text instruction
Visual Schedules
To-Do lists
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Educational Considerations
• How vs. Why
– Teach how to do something
– Then teach why (and when)
• Reproducibility of scene objects
– For single student / small group: non issue
– For resource: use commonly available objects
• Allow teaching of “contrived” task
• Then generalizes to student’s actual environment
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Simple Action
• Single or simple action (for level of student)
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Repeated Action
• Repeats or just “more of the same”
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Complex Tasks
• Steps
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• Pauses
– Breaks between task steps
• Speed of action
– Different levels of learner
• Disjoint to fluid
– May require multiple VMs
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1st Person View
• Fine motor & other skills
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2nd Person – Opposite – Mirror View
• Simple actions
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3rd Person – Scene View
• Capture details of larger movements
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Other Views
• From Behind
• Over shoulder
• Angle view
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• Can do activity
• Age less important
– Generally use late teen or young adult
• To target wide range in age of learners
– Can use young models
• Especially for social skills
• If targeting just young children
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• Self Model
– If student can barely do activity
– Fake it!
• With multiple shots & editing can make student look
like he performed activity
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More Information
Free trials
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End of
Activity Trainer
Thank you for attending!
Karl Smith – Developer/Founder
Accelerations Educational Software
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