girl scout relay for life patch program

Relay For Life Patch Program
What is Relay For Life?
Relay For Life began in 1985 in Tacoma, Washington when Dr. Gordy Klatt
walked around a track for 24 hours. He raised $27,000.00 for the American
Cancer Society…and Relay For Life was born. Relay For Life is the American
Cancer Society’s signature activity. It is a unique event that offers
communities an opportunity to participate in the fight against cancer.
Relays are 12 –24 hours in length, and go overnight.
Teams of 8 to 15 people camp out at a local high school, college, park or
fairground and take turns walking, jogging or running around a track. Each
team is asked to have a representative on the track at all times during the
event. Because Relay For Life is a community gathering rather than an
athletic event, anyone and everyone can participate.
After dark, a luminaria ceremony is held where candles are lit in honor or
in remembrance of those who have been touched by cancer. This is a time
that truly highlights the importance of defeating this disease. Money is
raised through team commitment fees, team and individual fundraising,
and sponsorship.
Relay is our venue for interactive education and information delivery.
Participants learn about the American Cancer Society, its programs and
ways to prevent cancer. Your troop’s participation in the American Cancer
Society’s signature event will heighten their awareness of cancer education
and advocacy for healthy behaviors.. Through participation they increase
their knowledge, build leadership skills, provide services and have lots of
fun in the process!
Patch Requirements
Relay For Life is a community-based event designed to celebrate cancer
survivors and honor those who have lost their battle to the disease. While Girl
Scouts do not participate in the fund-raising aspect of the Relay, they can help
the American Cancer Society achieve its Cancer Control Mission by attending
the event and completing activities from the educational topic of their choice.
If your troop wishes to earn the patch please scan and send the Troop Information Form and Waiver
form to as soon as possible.
Daisies – Attend Relay For Life on November 8th and do one activity.
Brownies – Attend Relay For Life on November 8th and do two activities from different categories. **,
Juniors - Attend Relay For Life on November 8th and do three activities from different categories. ***
Cadettes – Attend Relay For Life on November 8th and do four activities from different categories. ***
Seniors/Ambassadors – Attend Relay For Life on November 8th and do five activities from different
categories, one of which must be Advocacy. ***
In order to receive the patch girls should turn in a paper explaining what requirements they fulfilled and
the signed signature page at the end of this form.
** For Brownies who attend the Outdoor Progression Training on November 7th – 9th. They may attend
the Dog Walk in lieu of the Relay Event along with two activities from different categories to get the
patch. Please remember to bring a can of pet food to the Dog Walk and get the paper signed.
*** With the exception of Daisies, attendance at the Paws for a Cause Dog Walk on October 18th can
count as one activity. Girls must turn in a can of pet food to Troop 2047’s table and get the back page
signed as proof of attendance.
What I did
Activity #1 ( DY – AMB) Category __________________
Activity #2 ( BR – AMB) Category __________________
Activity #3 ( JR – AMB) Category __________________
Activity #4 ( CD – AMB) Category __________________
Activity #4 (SR - AMB) Category _Advocacy
Signature Page
For the Dog Walk
_________________________ (girl’s name) attended the Paws for the Cause Dog Walk on
October 18th and turned in a pet food item
Girl’s Troop #
Dog Walk papers are signing by a member of Troop 2047
For Relay
_____________________________________ (girl’s name) attended the November 8th
Relay For Life event.
Girl’s Troop #
Relay papers can be signed by Allison Dogaer of Hits Home.
The “What I Did” and “Signature” pages must be scanned and sent to to receive patch.
The deadline to complete all activities and turn in the paperwork is January 31, 2015
Category #1 - Skin Cancer
1. Hold a Slip, Slop, Slap, Wrap Game
Bottles of SPF 15 Sunscreen
Preparation: Tell participants to divide into teams. Have them spread out equal distances from each
other. Line up the slip, slop, slap, wrap items approximately 20 feet in front of the teams. As you yell out
the key words (slip, slop, slap, wrap) have a team member run to an item and place it on themselves. The
team who finishes first gets a prize.
Slip = T-Shirt
Slop = Sunscreen
Slap = Hat
Wrap = Sunglasses
2. Create a brochure that can be handed out to educate people about sun safety. Pass out the brochure at
your school, church or neighborhood
3. Create a “Sunscreen Police Uniform”. Put on hats, sunglasses, t-shirts and sunscreen. Wear the
uniform to the Relay event to and remind participants to wear sunscreen.
4. Designate someone as the Sun Patrol Police Officer. Give them yellow sashes and allow
them to give citations for no hat, no sunscreen, wrong SPF. Make it fun!
Category #2 - Nutrition
Research cancer-fighting fruits and vegetables. Create a poster, banner or display that will provide a
healthy message and post it at your school, church or troop.
2. Create a “Healthy-Eating” cookbook and donate it to a local daycare center.
3. Create a healthy eating game and play it with a younger troop.
4. Review the American Cancer Society’s nutrition and physical guidelines for cancer
prevention. Make brochures about the importance of good nutrition, especially eating fruits and
vegetables. Hand them out at your school, church or neighborhood.
Category #3 - Tobacco
1. Find out what chemicals there are in cigarettes that cause cancer and make up a poster
showing this.
2. Create a Smokers Wheel and ask trivia questions about the dangers of smoking. If possible
have incentives for those who are able to answer the question correctly.
3. Design a banner that encourage people not to smoke. Bring it to Relay to display.
4. Create a rap or song about why smoking is unhealthy. Teach it to a younger troop or
create a video for You Tube.
Category #4 - Active For Life
1. Make up motivational messages to keep people moving at Relay for Life. Hand the
messages out while walking on the track.
2. Hold an exercise workout session with your troop or a younger troop. Have an exercise
leader leading the group.
3. Create a poster educating participants about the benefits of frequent exercise.
Display it at your school, church or neighborhood.
Category #5 - Healthy Kids Network
1. Create a display of what a “Healthy School” would look like. Remember to include
nutritious food, the school nurse and health and physical education classes.
2. Develop a school lunch pyramid with the major food groups. Draw it on poster
board showing food listed on local lunch menus and placed by appropriate food groups on
your pyramid.
3. Make up a chart showing what parents can do to make sure that their kids are not
overweight, undernourished or sedentary.
Category #6 - Advocacy
1. Recruit people to “speak their mind to legislation.” Have people fill out an Advocate form on
the American Cancer Society’s current legislation issues. Take their picture and attach a statement
to a name and a face.
2. Find out who the local legislative officials are in your community. At Relay For Life, be able
to tell people where your local legislators stand on American Cancer Society issues.
Category #7 - Early Detection
1. Make 50 pink ribbons (for the Dog Walk) and/or 50 Purple Ribbons (for Relay) and hand
them out.
2. Look up types of screening are available for to detect cancer. Make up a brochure
promoting these screenings and hand them out at your school or church
3. Create a “Screening or Test to take when you are 50” poster.
Suggestions for “Relay For Life Service” Projects
Help organize the distribution and clean up of luminaria around the track
Help with the recruitment of survivors by distributing literature
Assist with the Survivor Reception
Convening Cancer Control educational sessions in your communities
Thank guests and participants at the end of the event
Compile survey results
Conduct a Cancer Control presentation at team captain's meeting
Conduct Cancer Control presentations at their schools or meeting sites
Assist with the assembling of materials prior to the event
Perform a flag ceremony and Pledge of Allegiance at the opening ceremony
Assist with the set up or clean up of the Relay event
Help with on-site registration
Set up and Clean up
Cheerleaders along the walk
Make sure your service project is age appropriate for the girls in your troop level.
Please note that these service project cannot be used as a substitute for a patch