TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Eurocode 5: Compression perpendicular to the Grain H J Larsen Denmark A J M Leijten TU-Eindhoven – The Netherlands T A C M van der Put TU-Delft – The Netherlands TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Acknowledsments Based on paper for CIB-W18 2008 by H J Larsen, Denmark A J M Leijten, TU-Eindhoven – The Netherlands T A C M van der Put, TU-Delft – The Netherlands TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Problem Introduction of a ”scientific” test method and definition for compression perpendicular to grain has halved the characteristic strength TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Problem Introduction of a ”scientific” test method and definition for compression perpendicular to grain has halved the characteristic strength Many traditional structures and details e. g. in timber frame houses will no longer be acceptable TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Standard Test Methods ASTM – D143 Australian (technological) test 51x51x152mm 51 152 European (scientifical) test EN 408 Compressive strength = 45 f c,90 Poussa et all. Proc.:CIB-W18-2007: paper 40-2-2 TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Standard Test Methods Compressive stress [MPa] Compressive stress c,90 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 2 4 6 Strain [%] 8 10 12 TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Definition Compressive strength European test EN 408 1% Compressive strength f c,90 1% off-set TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Comparison of test results Ref: Poussa et al. Helsinki CIB-W18 paper 40-2-2 TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Proposal Thelandersson & Mårtensson and others Regard exceedance of scientific compression strength as violation of a serviceability state (and not an ultimate limit state) TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Limit states Ultimate limit states Serviceability limit states TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Ultimate limit states Failure of whole structure or part of it Precise internationally agreed definitions On the whole agreed safety level TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Topping-up day TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Next day - failure TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Failure (at least in lower story) TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Failure (at least in lower story) TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Deformations preceding failure TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Serviceability limit states Unacceptable behaviour at normal use TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Serviceability limit states Unacceptable behaviour at normal use, e. g. visually unacceptable TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Serviceability limit states Unacceptable behaviour at normal use, e. g. visually unacceptable TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Serviceability limit states Unacceptable behaviour at normal use, e. g. visually or functionally unacceptable deformations TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Serviceability limit states In most cases: No precise requirements Criteria fixed by designer in agreement with client National tradition and taste TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Serviceability limit states Formally it is not required to perform a serviceability verification as long as it is possible to perform the ultimate state verification TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Serviceability, compression perp. It is difficult, to put it mildly, to understand why exceeding a marginal deformation in a block compression test should be taken as the governing criteria for structures where much larger deformations are normally acceptable and loaded in a completely different way. TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Serviceability, compression perp. It is difficult, to put it mildly, to understand why exceeding a marginal deformation in a block compression test should be taken as the governing criteria for structures where much larger deformations are normally acceptable and loaded in a completely different way. Especially when the use of the Serviceability limit state is accepted only half heartedly and without a proper definition and understanding TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Eurocode design equation EN1995-1-1 Impirical model Hilmer Riberholt Incomplete, discontinous, strange jumps TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 New design equation EN1995-1-1:2005/A1 Blass and Görlacher based on Borg Madsen (2000) c ,90 F F kc f c,90 Aeff b leff leff F kc,90 f c,90 bl l lef = l + 60mm 1,5 solid timber kc 1,75 glued laminated timber TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Alternative Model Based on Van der Put (1986) Slip-line theory TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Alternative Model f s kc f c,90 kc l eff l l 3h l Slope 1:1 for 1% off-set Slope 1:1,5 for 10% deformation TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Alternative Model Based on Van der Put (1986) Slip-line theory (Schoenmakers) TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Model comparison Load cases reported A B C D E Test results reported by many authors Test A: n = 418 Tests B to F: 1% n= 582 (52 samples) 10% n= 125 (23 samples) -Solid wood -Glued laminated wood F TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Comparison 1 % off-set TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Model comparison Model comparison at 10% deformation 25 Model prediction 20 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 Test data Van der Put EC5/A1 20 25 TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Comparison Model uncertainty comparison - 1% offset 14 12 frequency 10 8 6 4 2 0 -1 -0,8 -0,6 -0,4 -0,2 0 ln(data/prediction) van der Put EC5/A1 0,2 0,4 0,6 TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Comparisons ln(model/test)=ln(R) ideally: ln(R)=0 R=1 n = 582 Van der Put EC 5 Mean - 0,04 - 0,36 Standard deviation 0,17 0,20 TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Model evaluation ratio Data/model prediction Cross-section effect van de Put model 1,60 1,40 1,20 1,00 0,80 0,60 0,40 0,20 0,00 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 Test specimen cross-section [mm2] 1% off-set 10% off-set 70000 80000 TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Model evaluation Ratio Data/ model prediction Depth/width effect Van der Put model 1,60 1,40 1,20 1,00 0,80 0,60 0,40 0,20 0,00 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 Test specimen depth/width ratio 1% off-set 10% off-set 4,5 5,0 5,5 TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Conclusion Compression perpendicular to grain The evaluation of both models show that Van der Put model is far more accurate in predicting accurately the bearing strength perpendicular to the grain than the model currently in Eurocode 5/A1. TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Proposal for EC5 adoption Compression perpendicular to grain f s kc f c,90 for h < 4 b Deformation limit 1% kc l 2h 4 l l leff Deformation limit 10% kc l 3h 4 l l leff TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Proposal for EC5 adoption Compression perpendicular to grain f s kc f c,90 for h < 4 b Deformation limit 1% kc l 2h 4 l l leff Deformation limit 10% kc l 3h 4 l l leff TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Restriction Formally verified only for continously supported beams TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Restriction Formally verified only for continously supported beams Not too difficult to extend to concentrated supports TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Future Formally verified only for continously supported beams Not too difficult to extend to concentrated supports No tests for unsupported loads TEMTIS seminar Horsens 2008 Future Tests needed for unsupported loads !