2013 Uswah Conference

2013 Uswah Conference
Muhammad Islamic Center Of
Greater Hartford, CT
The Qur’anic Uswah On Music
Presented By
Jesse Hameen II
May 11, 2013
Imam W.D. Muhammad
• We must develop an intelligencia for our
community’s intellectual and total
• This should be done by us, from us, for us.
• It should speak from our experience.
• We should not look for outside help.
ِ‫ٱلر ِح ِيم‬
ِِ ‫ٱلر ۡح َم ٰـ‬
ِِ ‫ِب ۡس ِِم ٱ‬
َّ ‫ن‬
َّ ‫لل‬
Belief In Revelation
• What is the Qur’anic Uswah on Earlier
revealed scripture?
ِ‫ٱلر ِح ِيم‬
ِِ ‫ٱلر ۡح َم ٰـ‬
ِِ ‫ِب ۡس ِِم ٱ‬
َّ ‫ن‬
َّ ‫لل‬
• ‫ين‬
َُ ‫بُۛ فِي ُِهُۛ ُه ً۬دى ِل ۡل ُمت َّ ِق‬
َُ ‫ب َُل َر ۡي‬
ُُ ‫ڪت َ ٰـ‬
َُ ‫س ۡو َر ُةُ البَقَ َرةذَٲ ِل‬
َُ ‫ٱلَّذ‬
ِ ‫ك ۡٱل‬
ُ (٢) ‫ِين‬
َُ ُ‫صلَ ٰو ُةَ َو ِم َُّما َر َز ۡقنَ ٰـ ُهمُۡ يُن ِفق‬
َُ ‫ب َويُ ِقي ُم‬
ُِ ‫ون ِب ۡٱلغَ ۡي‬
َُ ُ‫(يُ ۡؤ ِمن‬٣) ‫ِين‬
َُ ‫َوٱلَّذ‬
َّ ‫ون ٱل‬
َُ ُ‫ك َو ِب ۡٱۡل َ ِخ َر ُِة ُهمُۡ يُوقِن‬
َُ ‫ك َو َماُ أ ُ ِنز َُل ِمن قَ ۡبُِل‬
َُ ‫ون ِب َماُ أ ُ ِنز َُل ِإلَ ۡي‬
َُ ُ‫(يُ ۡؤ ِمن‬٤)
َُ ‫ك ُه ُُم ۡٱل ُم ۡف ِل ُح‬
َُ ‫ى ُه ً۬دى ِمن َّر ِب ِهمُُۡۛ َوأ ُ ْولَ ٰـُِٕٮ‬
ُٰ َ‫عل‬
َ ‫ك‬
َُ ‫(أ ُ ْولَ ٰـ ِٕٮ‬٥)
• Surah Al-BaqaraThis is the Scripture whereof there is
no doubt, a guidance unto those who ward off (evil).
(2) Who believe in the Unseen, and establish worship,
and spend of that We have bestowed upon them; (3)
And who believe in that which is revealed unto thee
(Muhammad) and that which was revealed before
thee, and are certain of the Hereafter. (4) These
depend on guidance from their Lord. These are the
successful. (5)
‫ونِۚ ُكل‬
َِ ُ‫ل ِإلَ ۡي ِِه ِمن َِّر ِبه ِه َو ۡٱل ُم ۡؤ ِمن‬
َِ ‫نز‬
ُِ ‫سو‬
َِ ‫َءا َم‬
ُ ‫ٱلر‬
َّ ‫ن‬
ِ ُ ‫ل ِب َماِ أ‬
ِ‫ن أ َ َحد‬
َِ ‫ق بَ ۡي‬
ُِ ‫ل نُفَ ِ هر‬
َِ ‫س ِل ِه‬
َِِّ ‫ن ِب‬
َِ ‫هِۚۚ َءا َم‬
ُ ‫ٱّلل َو َملَ ٰـ ِٕٮ َكتِ ِه َو ُكِت ُ ِب ِه َو ُر‬
َ َ ‫س ِمعۡ نَا َوأ‬
ُ ِۚ‫طعۡ نَا‬
َِ ‫َك َربَّنَا َو ِإلَ ۡي‬
َِ ‫غ ۡف َران‬
ُ ‫ِ همن ُّر‬
َ ِ‫س ِل ِه ِۚ َوقَالُوا‬
ُِ ‫ص‬
ِ َ (٢٨٥)
• Surah Al-Baqara 2:285 The messenger believeth in
that which hath been revealed unto him from his
Lord and (so do) believers. Each one believeth in
Allah and His angels and His scriptures and His
messengers - We make no distinction between any
of His messengers - and they say: We hear, and we
obey. (Grant us) Thy forgiveness, our Lord. Unto
Thee is the journeying. (285)
Who was the Qur’an sent to?
• The Qur’an was revealed to Prophet
Muhammad (PBU)
• The Qur’an was sent to humanity in general
and specifically as a guide for those who
believe in it.
ُ‫ب يَ ۡتلُونَ ُه‬
َُ ‫ين َءات َ ۡينَ ٰـ ُُه ُُم ۡٱل ِكت َ ٰـ‬
َُ ‫س ۡو َر ُةُ البَقَ َرةٱلَّ ُِذ‬
َُّ ‫ۥ َح‬
ُ ‫ق‬
َُ ‫ون ِب ِهۦُۗ َو َمن يَ ۡكفُ ُۡر ِب ِهۦ ُفَأ ُ ْولَ ٰـ ِٕٮ‬
َُ ُ‫ك يُ ۡؤ ِمن‬
َُ ‫تِ ََل َوتِ ِهۦۤ أ ُ ْولَ ٰـ ِٕٮ‬
َُ ‫س ُر‬
ِ ‫( ُه ُُم ۡٱل َخ ٰـ‬١٢١)
• Surah Al-Baqara Those unto whom We have
given the Scripture, who read it with the
right reading, those believe in it. And whoso
disbelieveth in it, those are they who are the
losers. 2:121
Allah (SWA) the Lord of all the systems of knowledge sent
a message to us in a the Arabic language.
If we strive as a community and as individuals to learn
the Arabic language, we can cut the chains of translation
dependency. We will better equipped to understand for
ourselves what he is saying to us.
• I heard that if you want to talk to Allah (SWA), pray.
• If you want Allah (SWA) to talk to you read Qur’an.
• We know that Allah (SWA) speaks to us in many ways
through his numerous signs.
َ َ ‫سف ِإنَّاُ أ‬
َُ ُ‫نز ۡلنَ ٰـ ُهُ قُ ُۡر َءٲنا ع ََر ِبيا لَّعَلَّ ُُك ُۡم ت َ ۡع ِقل‬
ُ ‫س ۡو َر ُةُ يُو‬
• Surah Yusuf 12:2 Lo! We have
revealed it, a Lecture in Arabic,
that ye may understand.
َ ‫ص‬
ُ ‫ُم ۡخ ِل‬
• Sincere, form four, causative, active noun.
• One who follows logic to it’s logical conclusion
َِۚ ِ‫أ ُ ۡس َوة‬
• (60:4)us'watun: an example, pattern
ۡ ‫ڪلُوُاْ ِم َّما ذُ ِك َُر‬
ُ ‫امو َما لَك ُُۡم أ َ َُّل ت َ ۡأ‬
ُ‫عُلَ ۡي ِه‬
َ ‫ٱّلل‬
َُِّ ‫ٱس ُُم‬
َ َ‫س ۡو َر ُةُ الٴنع‬
ۡ ‫علَ ۡيك ُُۡم ِإ َُّل َما‬
ُ ‫ٱض‬
َُّ ‫ۛ َو ِإ‬
ُۗ ‫ط ِر ۡرت ُ ُۡم ِإلَ ۡي ُِه‬
َ ‫ص َُل لَكُم َّما َح َّر َُم‬
َّ َ‫َوقَ ُۡد ف‬
‫ك ُه َُو ُأ َ ۡعلَ ُُم‬
َُ َّ‫ن َرب‬
َُّ ‫ۛ ِإ‬
ُۗ ُ‫ون ِبأ َ ۡه َوا ِٕٮ ِهم ُِبغَ ۡي ُِر ِع ۡلم‬
َُ ُّ‫َكثِ ً۬يرا لَّيُ ِضل‬
َُ ‫( ِب ۡٱل ُم ۡعت َ ِد‬١١٩)
• Surah Al-AnaamHow 6:119 should ye not eat
of that over which the name of Allah hath
been mentioned, when He hath explained
unto you that which is forbidden unto you
unless ye are compelled thereto. But lo!
many are led astray by their own lusts
through ignorance. Lo! thy Lord, He is Best
Aware of the transgressors. (119)
I have not found anyone who has
found where Allah (SWA) in his
glorious book has mentioned
music is haram
• Music as a body of knowledge or a system of
knowledge is not specifically mention by
• The Uswah of the Qur’an should lead you to
come to a logical conclusion.
Prophet Dawud
• What does the Qur’an mention
about Prophet Dawud (PBUH)?
ُ‫وح َوٱلنَّ ِب ِي ۧـ َن‬
ًُ۬ ُ‫ى ن‬
ُٰ َ‫ك َُك َماُ أ َ ۡو َح ۡينَاُ ِإل‬
َُ ‫ساء۞ ِإنَّاُ أ َ ۡو َح ۡينَاُ ِإلَ ۡي‬
َ ِ‫س ۡو َر ُةُ الن‬
َُ ُ‫ق َويَ ُۡعق‬
َُ ‫ى ِإ ۡب َرٲ ِهي َُم َُو ِإ ۡس َم ٰـ ِعي َُل َو ِإ ۡس َح ٰـ‬
ُٰ َ‫ِمنُ بَ ۡع ِد ِهۦُۛ َوأ َ ۡو َح ۡينَاُ ِإل‬
‫نُۛ َو َءات َُۡينَا‬
َُ ‫سلَ ۡي َم ٰـ‬
َُ ‫س َُو َه ٰـ ُر‬
َُ ُ‫وب َويُون‬
َُ ُّ‫ى َوأَي‬
ُٰ ‫س‬
ُِ َ‫َو ۡٱۡل َ ۡسب‬
َ ‫اط َو ِعي‬
ُ ‫ون َو‬
ً۬ ُ‫(ۥ ُدَ َزب‬١٦٣)
ُُ ‫ورا د‬
• Surah An-Nisa: Lo! We inspire thee as We
inspired Noah and the prophets after him, as
We inspired Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac
and Jacob and the tribes, and Jesus and Job
and Jonah and Aaron and Solomon, and as
We imparted unto David the Psalms; 4:163
ُ ‫نُۛ َُو‬
ُ ‫ڪَلُ َءات َ ۡينَا ُح ۡك ً۬ما َو ِعُۡل ً۬ما‬
َُ ‫سلَ ۡي َم ٰـ‬
ُ ‫س ۡو َر ُةُ الٴنبيَاءفَفَ َّه ۡمنَ ٰـ َها‬
َّ ‫ن َوٱل‬
ُ ‫ط ۡي َُرُۛ َو‬
ُُ ‫س َّخ ۡرنَا َم َُع د‬
َُ ‫ڪنَّا فَ ٰـ ِع ِل‬
َُ ‫س ِب ۡح‬
َ ‫ين َو‬
َ ُ‫(ۥ ُدَ ۡٱل ِجبَا َُل ي‬٧٩)
• Surah Al-Anbiya: And We made Solomon to
understand (the case); and unto each of them
We gave judgment and knowledge. And we
subdued the hills and the birds to hymn (His)
praise along with David. We were the doers
(thereof). 21:79
َُِّ ِ ُ‫ال ۡٱل َح ۡم ُد‬
َُ َ‫ن ِع ۡل ً۬ماُۛ َوُق‬
َُ ‫سلَ ۡي َم ٰـ‬
ُ ‫ّلل‬
ُ ‫ۥ ُدَ َو‬
َ َّ‫س ۡو َر ُةُ الن‬
ُ ‫ملولَقَ ُۡد َءات َ ۡينَا د‬
َّ َ‫(ٱلَّ ِذى ف‬١٥) ‫ن‬
َُ ِ‫ن ِعبَا ِد ُِه ۡٱل ُم ۡؤ ِمن‬
ُۡ ‫ير ِم‬
ًُ۬ ِ‫ى َكث‬
ُٰ َ‫عل‬
َ ‫ضلَنَا‬
ُُ ‫سلَ ۡي َُم ٰـ‬
َُ ‫َو َو ِر‬
ُ ‫ث‬
َّ ‫ق ٱل‬
ُُ ‫ط ۡي ُِر َوأُو ِتينَا ِمن ك ُُِل د‬
َُ ‫نط‬
ُِ ‫اس ع ُِل ۡمنَا َم‬
ُُ َّ‫ۥ ُدَُۛ َوقَا َُل يَ ٰـأَيُّ َها ٱلن‬
ۡ َ‫ن َه ٰـذَا لَ ُه َُو ۡٱلف‬
ُُ ‫ض ُُل ۡٱل ُم ِب‬
َُّ ‫(ش َۡىءُُۛ ِإ‬١٦)
• Surah Al-Naml: And We verily gave knowledge unto
David and Solomon, and they said: Praise be to Allah,
Who hath preferred us above many of His believing
slaves! (15) And Solomon was David's heir. And he
said: O mankind! Lo! we have been taught the
language of birds, and have been given (abundance)
of all things. This surely is evident favour. (16)
• 27:15 & 16
ۡ َ‫ۥ ۥ ُدَ ِمنَّا ف‬
ََ َ ُ َ َ ِِ
َ ِ َ
َّ ‫( َوٱل‬١٠)
َ‫ط ۡي َُر َوأَلَنَّا لَ ُهُ ۡٱل َح ِدي ُد‬
• Surah Saba: And assuredly We gave David
grace from Us, (saying): O ye hills and birds,
echo his psalms of praise! And We made the
iron supple unto him, 34:10
ُ‫س َّخ ۡرنَا ۡٱل ِجبَا َُل َم ُعَ ُه‬
ُِ ‫ش‬
ُِ َ‫ن ِب ۡٱلع‬
َُ ‫س ِب ۡح‬
َ ‫س ۡو َر ُةُ ص ِإنَّا‬
َ ُ‫ۥ ي‬
ُ ‫ى‬
ِۡ ‫(و‬١٨)
ُِ ‫ٱۡل ۡش َر‬
• Surah Sad: Lo! We subdued the hills to hymn
the praises (of their Lord) with him at
nightfall and sunrise, 38:18
What does Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
say about Prophet Dawud (PBUH)?
• Who was Prophet Dawud (PBUH)?
• What is the Zabur?
• Hans Wehr: Page 372= (Book of Psalms)
• Abdul Mannan Omar: Page 228 (Psalms
• Lanes Lexicon: Same
• The Book of Psalms
• Traditional & modern views of the Book of
Psalms, and the role of Psalms in Jewish
• By Rabbi Louis Jacobs
More on Psalms
• Some Very Ancient Liturgy
• The Book of Psalms, Hebrew Tehillim, ("Praises"), is the first book of the
third section of the Bible, the Ketuvim or Sacred Writings, and comprises
150 psalms. Many of the psalms have superscriptions, describing their
contents, their author, and, it is generally assumed, in some cases, the
melodies to which they were sung in the Temple. In the Jewish tradition,
but not in the King James Version, these superscriptions are counted as
separate verses. (The New English Bible translation omits the
superscriptions altogether: an extremely odd procedure, since, even if the
superscriptions are later additions, they became part of the book at a very
early period, and one would have thought that the aim of any translation
should be to convey the book as it has come down though the ages.)
• Many of the psalms are obviously liturgical compositions. The Levites [in
the Temple] sang a psalm for each day of the week and on the Sabbaths
and festivals, accompanying the song with instrumental music.
Psalms Continued
• Are They All King David's?
• It has long been noted that the first Psalm
appears to be an introduction to the book as a
whole, as Psalm 150 appears to be an epilogue.
There is a concluding note at the end of Psalms
41, 72, 89, and106, which suggests that the book
is in five separate sections. The rabbinic midrash
[rabbinic interpretation from the period of the
rabbis of the Mishnah and the Talmud] to Psalms
states that David composed his Psalms in five
books, just as Moses wrote the five books of the
Pentateuch. In this Midrash, and very frequently
in the Rabbinic literature, David is assumed to be
More On Psalms
• But in the famous Talmudic passage (Bava Batra 14b) on the
authorship of the biblical books, it is said that David included in his
book psalms written by some who preceded him. The
superscription to Psalm 90, for instance, is: "A prayer of Moses, the
man of God." In fact, while seventy-two of the psalms are
attributed to David, this one is attributed to Moses, and some to
other authors. Some of the psalms are attributed to no particular
author and are known, in the tradition, as 'orphan psalms'. Itis
incorrect, therefore, to say that in the traditional view David is the
author of all the psalms in the book. Nevertheless, the tradition still
sees David as the final author of the book, although he is said to
have included the works of others in his final composition. In 2
Samuel 23:1 David is described as 'the sweet singer in Israel'.
Psalms Definition
• First let us define what the word "Psalm" or "Psalms"
• A collection of sacred poems forming a book of canonical
Jewish and Christian Scripture. Often capitalized [Middle
English, from Old English psalm, from Late Latin psalmus,
from Greek psalmos, literally, twanging of a harp, from
psallein to pluck, play a stringed instrument] First
appeared before 12th Century A sacred song or poem
used in worship; especially : one of the biblical hymns
collected in the Book of Psalms From the America Online
Prohet Dawud (PBUH)
• David - Biblical Jewish KingBy Shira SchoenbergAncient
Jewish History: Table of Contents | Kings of Israel | Twelve
• The biblical King David of Israel was known for his diverse
skills as both a warrior and a writer of psalms. In his 40
years as ruler, between approximately 1010 and 970 B.C.E.,
he united the people of Israel, led them to victory in battle,
conquered land and paved the way for his son, Solomon, to
build the Holy Temple. Almost all knowledge of him is
derived from the books of the Prophets and Writings:
Samuel I and II, Kings I and Chronicles I.
• David was the eighth and youngest son of Jesse
from the kingly tribe of Judah. He was also a
direct descendent of Ruth the Moabite. David
began his life as a shepherd in Bethlehem. One
day, the prophet Samuel called him out of the
field and anointed him without the knowledge of
the current king, Saul. David simply returned to
his sheep. His first interaction with Saul came
when the king was looking for someone to play
music for him, and the king’s attendant
summoned the skilled David to play for him. Saul
was pleased with David and kept him in his
service as a musician.
Prohpet Dawud (PBUH)
was a musician!
• This is a historical fact!
• It cannot be denied!
• Logical conclusions again!
‫س ۡو َر ُةُ ال ُمزمألَو‬
َُ ‫علَ ۡي ُِه َو َرتِ ُِل ۡٱل ُقُ ۡر َء‬
َ ‫( ِز ُۡد‬٤)
ُ : ُ‫ان ت َ ۡرتِيَل‬
• Surah Al-Muzzammil:
and recite the Qur’an clearly with tartil (in a
distinct and measured tone). 73:4
We Must Look at the Logical
• Allah (SWA) did not leave anything out of his
Sacred Book, The Glorious Qur’an!
• Music, rhythm and harmony are very
important issue in the lives of humans and in
• We must use our intelligence!
َ َ ‫سف ِإنَّاُ أ‬
َُ ُ‫نز ۡلنَ ٰـ ُهُ قُ ُۡر َءٲنا ع ََر ِبيا لَّعَلَّ ُُك ُۡم ت َ ۡع ِقل‬
ُ ‫س ۡو َر ُةُ يُو‬
• Surah Yusuf 12:2 Lo! We have
revealed it, a Lecture in Arabic,
that ye may understand.
What Did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Say About Prophet Dawud (PBUH)?
• Narrated Abu Musa: "That the Prophet said to
him 'O Abu Musa! You have been given one of
the musical wind-instruments of the family of
David.' (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Virtues
of the Qur'an, Volume 6, Book 61, Number
• Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him allowed music:
• From Bukhari Volume 2, Book 15, Number 70: Narrated
Aisha: Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) came to my house while
two girls were singing beside me the songs of Buath (a
story about the war between the two tribes of the Ansar,
the Khazraj and the Aus, before Islam). The Prophet
(p.b.u.h) lay down and turned his face to the other side.
Then Abu Bakr came and spoke to me harshly saying,
"Musical instruments of Satan near the Prophet (p.b.u.h) ?
" Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) turned his face towards him and
said, "Leave them." When Abu Bakr became inattentive, I
signaled to those girls to go out and they left.
• It was the day of 'Id, and the Black people
were playing with shields and spears; so either
I requested the Prophet (p.b.u.h) or he asked
me whether I would like to see the display. I
replied in the affirmative. Then the Prophet
(p.b.u.h) made me stand behind him and my
cheek was touching his cheek and he was
saying, "Carry on! O Bani Arfida," till I got
tired. The Prophet (p.b.u.h) asked me, "Are
you satisfied (Is that sufficient for you)?" I
replied in the affirmative and he told me to
• This same Hadith is reported to us again in Sahih Muslim: Book
004, Number 1942: 'A'isha reported: The Messenger of Allah
(way peace be upon him) came (in my apartment) while there were
two girls with me singing the song of the Battle of Bu'ath. He lay
down on the bed and turned away his face. Then came Abu Bakr
and he scolded me and said: Oh! this musical instrument of the
devil in the house of the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon
him)! The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) turned
towards him and said: Leave them alone. And when he (the Holy
Prophet) became inattentive, I hinted them and they went out, and
it was the day of 'Id and negroes were playing with shields and
spears. (I do not remember) whether I asked the Messenger of
Allah (may peace be upon him) or whether he said to me if I desired
to see (that sport). I said: Yes. I stood behind him with his face
parallel to my face, and he said: O Banu Arfada, be busy (in your
sports) till I was satiated. He said (to me): Is that enough? I said:
Yes. Upon this he asked me to go.
Once again in Bukhari, this event is recorded: Volume 5, Book 58,
Number 268: Narrated Aisha: That once Abu Bakr came to her on the
day of 'Id-ul-Fitr or 'Id ul Adha while the Prophet was with her and there
were two girl singers with her, singing songs of the Ansar about the day of
Buath. Abu Bakr said twice. "Musical instrument of Satan!" But the
Prophet said, "Leave them Abu Bakr, for every nation has an 'Id (i.e.
festival) and this day is our 'Id." And then in Bukhari, another Hadith
relates a connection between musical instruments and the family of David
(saw). Further evidence that, indeed, the Psalms were musical in nature:
Volume 6, Book 61, Number 568: Narrated Abu Musa: That the
Prophet said to him' "O Abu Musa! You have been given one of the
musical wind-instruments of the family of David .
• Muslim Vol 1:
• Page 380 (1735) Footnotes 1070, 1071, 1072
Sweet voice like David.
• Muslim Vol 2:
• Page 565 (2595) (2596) (2597) (2598)
fast is that of David. Fast on one day, break on the
other day.
• Page 420 (1938) (1939) (1940) Two girls playing
tambourines and singing.
• There is a report that Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH). Was giving a lecture and some people
were passing by playing music and the
audiences attention went towards the parade.
• The Prophet (PBUH) told them to keep their
attention on him and not on the people
passing by. He didn’t say what they were
doing was haram. I have to find that hadith
The Adhan
• From Muslim Book 004, Number 0735: Ibn Umar
reported: When the Muslims came to Medina, they
gathered and sought to know the time of prayer but no
one summoned them. One day they discussed the
matter, and some of them said: Use something like the
bell of the Christians and some of them said: Use horn
like that of the Jews. Umar said: Why may not a be
appointed who should call (people) to prayer? The
Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: O
Bilal, get up and summon (the people) to prayer
The Suggestion Of A Call To Prayer With a Horn
• From Muslim Book 004, Number 0735: Ibn Umar
reported: When the Muslims came to Medina, they
gathered and sought to know the time of prayer but no
one summoned them. One day they discussed the
matter, and some of them said: Use something like the
bell of the Christians and some of them said: Use horn
like that of the Jews. Umar said: Why may not a be
appointed who should call (people) to prayer? The
Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: O
Bilal, get up and summon (the people) to prayer
Same notes used in Gospel,
field hollers, blues, etc.
• The melody of Adhan was in the genes of the
Muslim West African slaves.
The Concept Of Hadith in The Qur’an
• How the word is used according to the Qur’an
ً۬ ‫ث ِكت َُٰـ‬
ُّ ُ‫س ۡو َر ُة‬
‫الز َمر‬
‫ٱّللُ نَ َّز َُل أ‬
ُ ُّ
‫ى ِذ ۡك ُِر‬
ُٰ َ‫ين ُجلُودُ ُه ُۡم َوقُلُوبُ ُه ُۡم ُِإل‬
ُُ ‫ن َربَّ ُہ ُۡم ث ُ َُّم ت َ ِل‬
َُ ‫ين يَ ۡخش َۡو‬
َُ ‫ِم ۡن ُهُ ُجلُو ُدُ ٱلَّ ِذ‬
ۡ ُ‫شا ُُءُۛ َو َمن ي‬
‫ٱّللُ فَ َُما‬
َُّ ‫ض ِل ُِل‬
َُ َ‫ٱّلل يَہۡ ِدى ِب ِهۦ َمن ي‬
َُِّ ‫ك ُهدَى‬
َُ ‫ٱّللُۛ ذَٲ ِل‬
ُ‫ن َهادُ لَ ُه‬
ُۡ ‫(ۥ ِم‬٢٣)
• Surah Az-ZumarAllah has revealed (from time to time)
the most beautiful Message in the form of a Book,
consistent with itself, (Yet) repeating (its teaching in
various aspects): the skins of those who fear their
Lord tremble thereat; then their skins and their
hearts do soften to the celebration of Allah's praises.
Such is the guidance of Allah: He guides therewith
whom He pleases, but such as Allah leaves to stray,
can have none to guide. (23)