Toward Brain-Computer Interfacing 2010.10.5. 이정수 Contents I. BCI Systems and Approaches Introduction (p.27~30) 4.Graz-Brain-Computer Interface: State of Research (p.65~84) 6. The IDIAP Brain-Computer Interface: An Asynchronous Multiclass Approach (p.103~110) 2 Introduction Two paradigms of BCI study Active paradigm (chap. 2,3,7) Active & voluntary strategy for generating a specific regulation of and EEG parameter Motor-related μ-rhythm self-regulation of slow cortical potentials(SCP) Passive paradigm (chap. 2,4) Participants only have to view an item for selection Evoked responses such as P300 Steady-state evoked potentials(SSVEP) “Let the machines learn”, Berlin group (chap. 4,5,6) Learning is done by the computer not human The subject will inevitably learn once feedback has started Both aspect : subject & machine training 3 Introduction(cont.) Albany BCI(chap.2) A user is trained to manipulate this μ and β rhythms To control a cursor in 1- or 2D BCI control based on the P300 Tϋbingen BCI(chap.3) Train subjects to adapt to the system using SCP Mean for communication of ALS patients with the world P300, μ-rhythm-based BCIs, auditory stimulation, ECoG Graz BCI(chap.4) Whole BCI field : sensors, feedback strategies, cognitive aspects, novel signal processing methods, with excellent results 4 Introduction(cont.) Berlin BCI(chap.5) Only 30minutes for training subjects rather than weeks or months Advanced machine learning and signal processing technology Online feedback studies Martigny BCI(chap.6) Similar to the Berlin approach Machine learning rather than subjects training Online adaptation to realize a BCI Vancouver BCI(chap.7) Asynchronous BCI for patients Machine learning techniques 5 4. Graz-Brain-Computer Interface Abstract BCI Signals from the human brain -> commands of control devices or application Basic communication capabilities for severe neuromuscular disorders Graz-BCI system Oscillations of β or μ rhythms, SSVEP, SSSEP The use of complex band power features The selection of important features Phase-coupling & adaptive autoregressive parameter estimation to improve single-trial classification Control of neuroprosthses, spelling system, asynchronous BCI 6 Components of Graz-BCI 7 Components of Graz-BCI Graz-BCI Noninvasive EEG from the scalp ECoG recorded during self-paced movements To detect the motor action in single trials Dynamic oscillations of β or μ rhythms, SSVEP, SSSEP Three mental strategies Operant conditioning Birbaumer’s lab in Tϋbingen Predefined mental task Moto imagery(left or right hand, both feet, tongue) Similar cortical areas activation & temporal characteristics Attention to an externally paced stimulus Feedback Delayed(discrete) FB : correct or incorrect at the end Continuous FB : indicates immediately 8 Graz-BCI Control with Motor Imagery EEG signals from the sensorimotor cortex Desynchronization of β or μ rhythms at the time of movement onset Reappearance when the movement is complete Quantification of temporal-spatial ERD and ERS, motor imagery can induce different types of activation patterns Desynchroniztion(ERD) of sensorimotor rhythms Synchronization (ERS) of u rhythms Short-lasting synchronization of central B oscillation after termination of motor imagery Imagery related brain activity necessary to BCI, but subject with no changes in EEG Diversity of time-frequency pattern reported 9 Graz-BCI Control with Motor Imagery 10 Adaptive Autoregressive(AAR) Parameters Spectral properties of EEG are useful feature for BCI Due to use of FFT, feature extraction was block-based and no feedback in continuous time Other methods for spectral estimation Autoregressive model, stationary estimators, adaptive estimation algorithms(LMS, RLS, Kalman filtering) Adaptively estimated AAR parameters Obtained with a time-resolution as high as the sampling rate Possible to provide continuous feedback in real time Neural network -> linear discrimant analysis(LDA) Simple and fast training procedure Provide a continuous discrimination function Became the standard classifier for AAR 11 Complex Band Power Features Bandpower features : important for classification of brain pattern Squaring the values of the samples and then smoothing the result in the time domain FFT in frequency domain, yield phase information CBP(complex bandpower) feature To test importance of phase CBP vs CSP(common spatial patterns) CBP is superior to CSP Require fewer electrode Less training data than CSP Phase information is an important and useful feature in BCI 12 Phase Synchronization Features Almost all BCIs ignore the relationships btw EEG signals measured at different electrode recording sites Logarithmic bandpower feature or adaptive autoregressive parameter Quantifying the relationships among the signals of single electrodes PLV (phase locking value) PVL value of 1 : two channels are highly synchronized PVL value of 0 : no phase synchronization 13 Adaptive Classifier To automatically adapt changes in the EEG patterns of the subject To deal with their long-term variation ADIM Estimate online the Information Matrix to compute an adaptive version of the QDA ALDA Adaptive linear discriminant analysis based Kalman filtering Experiments AAR features and ADIM BP estimation Concatenation of AAR & BP combined with ALDA More details in chapter 18 14 Importance of Feature Selection Many feature extraction methods for BCI Bandpower :extracts features for specific frequency ranges Filter methods E.g., Fisher distance,r2 Wrapper methods Flexible & generally applicable but computationally demanding E.g., genetic algorithms(to find suitable wavelet features in ECoG data), heuristic search strategies So-called embedded algorithms E.g., linear programming, DSLVQ(Distinction sensitive learning vector quantization) electrode position and frequency components selection 15 Steady-State Evoked Potentials SSVEP,SSSEP Both sensory respond “resonance-like” frequency regions Visual system Near 10Hz : greatest SSVEP amplitude 1618Hz : medium amplitude Near 40-50Hz : smallest amplitude Somatosensory around 27Hz in EEG β range SSVEP 32LED bars (4X8), 6,7,8,13Hz modulation SSSEP Stimulation frequency 25-31Hz and 20-26Hz 16 Graz-BCI Applications Control of Neuroprostheses BCI for paralyzed limbs to restore their grasp Functional electrical stimuliation(FES) Two male with high spinal cord injury(SCI) One patient (30 years) Left hand grasp function restored with FES After 4 month training, learned to induce 17Hz oscillations A drinking glass The other patient (42 years) Freehand system implanted in his right hand and arm Only Three days training, power decrease of EEG amplitude during left hand movement imagination 17 Graz-BCI Applications(Cont.) Control of a Spelling Application A 60-year-old male patient with ALS To enable the patient operate the cue-based two-class “virtual keyboard” Artificial ventilated, totally paralyzed Two bipolar EEG channel from four gold electrodes placed over the left and right sensorimotor area(C3, C4) Cue-based motor imagery trials 18 Graz-BCI Applications(Cont.) Uncued Navigation in a Virtual Environment Three bipolar EEG channels 19 6. IDIAP Brain-Computer Interface Portable BCI system based on the online analysis of spontaneous EEG signals with scalp electrodes Relies on an asynchronous protocol Variation of EEG over several cortical areas related to imagination of movements, arithmetic operations, or language To discover task-specific spatiofrequency pattern embedded in the continuous EEG signal Able to recognize three mental tasks with a statistical Gaussian classifier Virtual keyboard, video game, mobile robot 20 Operant Conditioning & Machine Learning Subjects training learn to control their brain activity appropriate, but lengthy training to generate fixed EEG patterns that the BCI transforms into external actions Machine learning approach Based on a mutual learning process where the user and the brain interface are coupled together and adapt to each other accelerate the training time (few hours of training) Rejection criteria to avoid making risky decisions A low classification error is a critical performance criterion Bayesian techniques for rejection purposes 21 Synchronous & Asynchronous BCI Synchronous BCI EEG is time-locked to externally paced cues repeated every 410s limited by a low channel capacity (below 0.5bits/s) Facilitate EEG analysis the starting time of mental states are precisely known differences with respect to background EEG activity can be amplified Normally recognize only two mental states Asynchronous BCI Subjects make self-paced decisions Response time is below 1s, channel capacity(1 ~ 1.5 bits/s) To steer a wheelchair, BCI delivers rapid & accurate command “idle” states : no particular mental task Giving “no” response without explicit training of classifier 22 Spatial Filtering EEG signal : poor SNR & spatial resolution Surface laplacian(SL) derivation Normally 64-128 electrodes Better cortical activity below electrodes immediately Global method Raw EEG potential interpolated using spherical splines Second spatial derivative is taken Local method The average activity of neighboring electrodes(normally 4) is subtracted from the electrode of interest Common average reference(CAR) Raw EEG potentials is transformed to CAR Remove the average activity of all the electrodes Other spatial filtering algorithms(chap 13) 23 Experimental Protocol Users select three mental tasks “relax”, “imagination of left and right hand movements”, “cube rotation”, “subtraction”, “word association” In training session Subjects is seated & performed selected task for 10-15s Consecutive training trials lasting about 5min and breaks 5~10m (repeated normally 4) Time-shift btw starts performing & label for the next task Acquired EEG data is not time-locked to the events Feedback through three buttons on the screen 24 Experimental Protocol(Cont.) Signal acquisition & signal processing EEG with 8~64 electrode Raw EEG potential is transformed using SL Extract relevant features from a few channels(8~15) and corresponding vector is used as input to the classifier the Welch periodogram algorithm to estimate the power spectrum of each selected SL-transformed channel averaging three 0.5-s segments with 50 percent overlap(2 Hz) Normalization of the frequency band 8–30 Hz The resulting EEG sample is analyzed by the statistical classifier. No artifact rejection algorithm is applied Statistical Gaussian Classifier More details in chapter 16 25 Brain-Actuated Prototypes BCIs is used for brain-actuated applications A virtual keyboard on a computer screen Whole keyboard(26 English letter & space key), 3 X 9 Divided in three blocks, each associated to one mental task Same colors as the training phase Three decision steps to write a single letter 3.5s waits to undo in case of wrong selection Takes 22.0s for trained subject to select a letter Brain game Classical Pac-man game Two mental task, turn left or turn right Computer cursor in 2D Trained subjects to control two independent EEG rhythms 26 Virtual Keyboard RED : “cube rotation” Yellow : “subtraction” Green : “word association” 27 Brain-actuated Prototypes Mobile robot - a motorized wheelchair Millan et al(2004), first asynchronous analysis of EEG signal Fast and frequent switches are required A key subject can issue high-level commands at any moment shared control between two intelligent agents :the human user and the robot user gives high-level mental commands that the robot performs autonomously, “turn right at the next occasion” robot executes these commands autonomously using the readings of its on-board sensors Asynchronous , not requiring waiting for external cues The robot relies on a behavior-based controller to implement the high-level commands to guarantee obstacle avoidance and smooth turns on-board sensors are read constantly and determine the next action 28 Discussion Real-time control of robots and neuroprostheses is most challenging application of BCI 1. More powerful adaptive shared autonomy framework for the cooperation of the human user & the robot 2. Better electrical activity all across the brain with high spatial accuracy using noninvasive scalp EEG Local field potentials(LFP): electrical activity of small groups of neurons Estimated LFP has the potential to unravel scalp EEG Grave de P Menedez(2005), more details in chapter 16 3. To improve the robustness of a BCI More details in chapter 18 4. analysis of neural correlates of high-level cognitive states Errors, alarms, attention, frustration, confusion More details in chapter 17 29