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Topic: wireless sensor network
This is a very small sensor knob which consist of sending data processing and
communicating components leverage the idea of sensor network based on joint
intellectual effort of a large number of knob. Sensor network represent a
significant improvement over traditional sensor which are deployed in the
following two ways, 1.sensor can be positioned far from the actual circumstance
,example something known by sense process, in this approach large sensors the
targets from environmental noise are required. 2.several sensors that perform only
sensing can be position, the position of the sensor and communications topology
are carefully engineered. They conveys time series of the sense circumstance to
the central knob where computation are performed and data are fused. A sensor
network is calm of a large number of sense know which are densely position either
inside the circumstance or very close to it, the position of sensor know need not be
engineered or decide. This means that sensor network protocol and algorithms
must posses self-organizing capabilities. Another unique feature of sensor network
is the cooperative effort of sensor nodes, sense knob are fitted with an on-board
processor instead of sending the raw data to the nodes responsible for the fusion,
sense nodes use their processing abilities to locally carry out simple computations
and transmit only the required and partially processed data .. Above these
features ensure a wide range of application for sense network, these application
are, military, health, home application etc.
1.Military application: This is the process where by the wireless sensor network can
be an integral part of military ,I.e. computing ,communication, surveillance and
targeting etc.
2.Health application: for sensor network are providing interfaces for the disabled,
i.e. drugs, administration in hospitals, diagnostic, monitoring the movement etc.
3. Home application: as technology advance smart sensor nodes inside the
domestic devices can interact with each other and with external network through
the internet or satellite.
Smart environment these design can have two perspectives, human-centred and
Human-centred: this is the process whereby a smart environment has to adopt the
needs of the end users in terms of input/output capabilities.
Technology-centred: this is the process whereby new hardware technology
networking solutions, middleware service are developed.
Some factor that influence sensor network design are.
1. Hardware constraints: these sensor knob is made up of four basic components,
these basic component are, a processing unit, a transceiver unit, a sensing unit
and a power unit, they also have application dependent additional components
such a location finding system, a power generator and a mobilizer.
A. The processing unit which generally associated with a small storage unit
manages the procedures that make the sensor node collaborate with the other
knob to carry out the assigned sensing task. B. A transceiver unit connect the knob
to the network. C. A sensing unit are usually composed of two subunit: sensor and
analog to digital converters(ADCS). D. Power units may be support by a power
scavenging unit such as solar cells.
2. Scalability: this is the process where by the number of sensor knob deployed in
studying a phenomenon may be in the order of hundred/thousand, they must also
utilize the high density nature of the sensor networks, the density can be range
from few sensor knob to few hundred sensor in a region which can be less than
1om in diameter. 3. Fault tolerance: this is the ability to sustain sensor network
functionalities without any interruption due to sensor knob failures.
Sensor network communication architecture
The sensor knob are usually scattered in a sensor field each of these scattered
sensor knob has the capabilities to take data and route data back to ask and end
users, Data are route back to the end users by a mullion infrastructureless
architecture through the sink, these sink communication with the task manager
knob through internet /satellite. This protocol stack combines power and routing
awareness, integrate data with networking protocols, communicate power
efficiently through the wireless medium and promotes cooperative efforts of
sensor knobs, the protocol stack consist of the application layer, network layer,
data link layer and transport layer.
1. Application layer: these protocols for sensor networks remains largely
unexplored region, there are three possible application layer protocol, sensor
management protocol(SMP), task assignment and data advertisement
protocol(TADAP), and sensor query and data dissemination protocol(SQDDP). 2.
Network layer: this is the process where the sensor knob are scattered densely in a
field either close to / inside the phenomenon. 3. Data link layer: this is responsible
for the multiplexing of data streams, data frame detection, medium access and
error control, it ensure reliable point-to-point and point-to multipoint connections
in a communication network. 4. Transport layer: this layer is especially needed
when the system is planned to be accessed through internet/other external
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research issues for smart environments, IEEE Personal Communications (October
[2] J. Agre, L. Clare, An integrated architecture for cooperative sensing networks,
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[3] I.F. Akyildiz, W. Su, A power aware enhanced routing (PAER) protocol for
sensor networks, Georgia Tech Technical Report, January 2002, submitted for
publication. [4] A. Bakre, B.R. Badrinath, I-TCP: indirect TCP for mobile hosts,
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Distributed Computing
Systems, Vancouver, BC, May 1995, pp. 136–143.
[5] P. Bauer, M. Sichitiu, R. Istepanian, K. Premaratne, The patient: wireless
distributed sensor networks for patient monitoring and care, Proceedings 2000 IEEE
EMBS International Conference on Information Technology Applications in
Biomedicine, 2000, pp. 17–21. [6] M. Bhardwaj, T. Garnett, A.P. Chandrakasan,
Upper bounds on the lifetime of sensor networks, IEEE International Conference on
Communications ICC’01, Helsinki, Finland, June 2001.
[7] P. Bonnet, J. Gehrke, P. Seshadri, Querying the physical world, IEEE Personal
Communications (October 2000) 10–15.
[8] N. Bulusu, D. Estrin, L. Girod, J. Heidemann, Scalable coordination for wireless
sensor networks: self-configuring localization systems, International Symposium on
Communication Theory and Applications (ISCTA 2001), Ambleside, UK, July 2001.
[9] B.G. Celler et al., An instrumentation system for the remote monitoring of
changes in functional health status of the elderly, International Conference IEEEEMBS, New York, 1994, pp. 908–909.
Table 5
Current research projects
Project name Research area HTTP location
SensoNet [3] Transport, network, data link and physical layers Power control,
mobility and task management planes
WINS [22,69] Distributed network and Internet access to sensors, controls, and
SPIN [35] Data dissemination protocols
SPINS [66] Security protocol _perrig/projects.html
SINA [75,84] Information networking architecture lAMPS [77] Framework for implementing
adaptive energy-aware distributed microsensors
LEACH [34] Cluster formation protocol
Smart dust [42] Laser communication from a cubic millimeter Mote delivery
SubmicroWatt electronics
Power sources
MacroMotes (COTS Dust)
Scalable coordination architectures for deeply distributed and dynamic systems
PicoRadio [70,71] Develop a ‘‘system-on-chip’’ implementation of a PicoNode Pico_Radio/PicoNode.htm
PACMAN [79] Mathematical framework that incorporates key features of computing
nodes and networking elements
Dynamic sensor networks
Routing and power aware sensor management Network services API
Aware home [36] Requisite technologies to create a home environment that can
both perceive and assist its occupants
COUGARdevice database
project [7]
Distributed query processing
DataSpace [38] Distributed query processing