
Qualitative indicators reporting form – Ethics and society
CSR Community indicators, SN Power selective indicators (non GRI)
Reporting unit
Education: Percentage of illiteracy and unemployment rate
Social Infrastructure: Improved quality of daily life (to be measured by distance to drinking water,
feed-back from beneficiaries)
Disaster Preparedness: Number of self reliance households
GRI qualitative indicators, Ethics and Society
Reporting unit
S b - Organisation
Briefly describe how the ethics and society work is organised at Group and Business unit level.
Group coord
All employees fully trained in CoC/Anti Corruption, and SNP ethical principles, and has to sign for it.
JV partners, major suppliers and contractors trained
Relevant documents are posted and addressed in the PROMAS system
Our CoC is enclosed to all other major contracts, with suppliers, contractors and consultants
CoC for suppliers, contractors and consultants not yet approved by the EMT, after approval, mandatory to sign this
All employees fully trained in CoC,
and SNP ethical principles, and has to
sign for it
Most JV partners also trained
Relevant documents are posted and
addressed in the PROMAS system
Reporting unit
Our CoC is enclosed to all other
major contracts, with suppliers,
contractors and consultants
CoC for suppliers, contractors and
consultants not yet approved by the
EMT, after approval, mandatory to
sign this
Has been accepted by our partners but does not form a part of
the Contract document yet
Peru: The representativeness of the ethical and corporate issues is in charge of each of the company’s managers. General Manager, Legal Manager, Organization & CSR Manager and
Administration & Finance Manager, who are part of the Integrity committee, oriented to evaluate and/or to investigate any claim making reference to the code of conduct. The 100% of SNPP
staff has received SNP CoC and 88% has received training on it.
Integrity Committee in charge to evaluate and investigate ethical corporate issues
Members of SNPP staff that received CoC.
Members of SNPP staff trained on CoC. issues
S c - Targets and results 2011
Refer to key ethics and society targets and results.
Group coord
Targets 2011
Qualitative and quantitative indicators for CSR and Environment on a global level
Philippines: Target of zero notice of violation on environmental laws and permits. Also, the completion of a sewage treatment plant in Magat and the EMS deployment, implementation and
training are key activities in 2011.
Chile: TEJV informed about SNPI targets and results
India: Targets for 2011 are: TRI Construction < 4, TRI Operations < 3 and Zero fatalities. Qualitative and quantitative indicators for CSR and Environment on a global level: As per WB
guidelines and the stipulations of the Ministry Of Environment & Forest, Govt of India
0 cases of breaches of the code of conduct or claims under the same code
0 fines or sanctions for legal breaches
Reporting unit
0 incidents of discrimination
0 fatalities due to social conflicts and accidents
0 cases of environmental breaches
For further information see document attached
S d - Topics and measures 2011
Describe prioritized topics and adhering measures within the ethics and society area.
Group coord
Philippines: Proper storage, transport and disposal of oil wastes: reduce, re-use and recycle programs; conduct of EIA (called EPR MRP) for Magat Expansion; and activities with the
Multipartite Monitoring Team (MTT) on conformity with the environmental compliance certificate conditionalities.
Top Priorities:
Delivery and training of the code of conduct to new staff
Maintain the social license
Induction of contractors and communities on SNPP CoC. / guidelines / principles / policies
Key incidents:
Quiparacra Community, peacefully seized the facilities for Huangush Project, but allows SNPP to continue operating.
To sign agreement with communities (Cahua and Macashca) for electrification processes
To define limits of Arcata lake and its water license.
Cheves project: Blockages by Claro´s Family and Andajes Community. Negotiation on process
S e - Challenges ahead
Briefly describe the most important challenges within the ethics and society area for 2012 and beyond.
Group coord
To introduce the Code of Conducts for suppliers, contactors and consultants
Zero tolerance corruption
Philippines: For SNAP, the most important challenges are sedimentation control and getting the ISO 14001 certification. Also, the completion of the Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) – the
Management has approved the additional budget for the STP.
India: To introduce CoC for all the stakeholders including the partners. The latter could be easy but the challenge would be to do the same for contractors, suppliers and consultants. Zero
Reporting unit
tolerance to corruption is being incorporated and ratified in the share holder’s agreements with the partners. This being a part of the CoC also are accepted and signed by all the staff associated
with the project. All contracts incorporate this policy as well.
Nepal: Zero tolerance to corruption
Disclosure and internalization of new corporate values and internal code of conduct
Disclosure and alignment of contractors/suppliers/communities with the code of conduct
Strengthen of SNP credibility with communities
Maintenance of social license for our operations and projects.
Avoidance to corruption
Reporting unit
S g - Locally-based suppliers and senior management
Group coord
Describe principles and practices for use of locally-based suppliers and local hiring of senior management.
As stated in the FIDIC contracting framework, and through the CSR Policy, as much as possible should be engaged/purchased or hired locally
India: All local suppliers have to go through a two part competitive bidding process before they could be hired for any services. The first being technical pre-qualification and the second the
financial part. For hiring of senior management staff, services of well-known head hunters or staffing agencies will be used to ensure full transparency.
Peru: Local suppliers are selected following our methodology; which prioritizes safety practices and business principles from suppliers. Senior management of SN Power Peru has been hired
locally, except of Project Director for Cheves, which was approved by Project Steering Committee. CEO is selected by the Board of Directors and other senior managers recruited and selected
by the CEO. All the hiring procedures are in accordance to company standards.
S h - Infrastructure investments
Describe principles and measures on infrastructure investments (e.g. roads, schools, hospitals) and services
supported primarily for public benefit. List such investments for 2011 and describe both type of investments
and value of investment.
As in accordance with each project agreement
The Philippines
Group coord
Reporting unit
Chile: The following measures and services have been supported:
Funding of Architectural Project of Family Health Center in Canela County. Total of USD 30,000
Funding of geotechnical study to find new water resources in Canela County. Total of USD 37,500
Funding of community programmes in Tinguririca Valley through Tinguiririca Participates Fund Programme. Projects include minor rehabilitation activities and furnishing of
firehouse, medical stations, and community centres. Total of USD 50,000
Nepal: The following measures and services have been supported:
Community Self Development Programme (support for roads, community building, drinking water systems, irrigation systems, schools, tree nurseries, health centres): USD 80,000
Khimti Project School (catering mostly to local non-HPL related families): Total of USD 150,000
Project Clinics (catering mostly to local non-HPL related families): Total of USD 60,000
Khimti Rural electrification: Total USD……………………
Khimti Neighbourhood Development Programme (mini hydropower plant, rural electrification, rural infrastructure development): Total of USD 300,000
India: As a statutory requirement, the project has allocated 1.5% of the total project cost towards Local Area Development Activities (LADA), which is equivalent of around USD 7 million.
This fund is utilised by the local authorities based on the requirements of the people directly affected by the project. These could include construction of schools, roads, irrigation canals, support
programs for earning livelihood for people, medical facilities, community centres, water supply projects, sanitation, etc ...
Road maintenance in the areas adjacent to the operations
Financial support in maintenance, improvement or construction of public buildings such as churches, community civic centre, sport centre, etc
Preparation of technical documents and reports which are used to facilitate the financing and viability of the projects
Improvement of irrigation channel (Cahulole)
Construction of the casing channel (Conchan)
Construction of Fruit farm
S i - Human rights screening
Describe human rights clauses and/or screening related to investment agreements and execution of contracts.
Give examples of investments and contracts in 2011 that have undergone screening on human rights.
Child Labour
Freedom of Association
Chile: Child Labour: not a problem in Chile, although is specifically stated in contracts with providers.
Freedom of Association: SNP Chile does not have a union, working as prescribed according to the Labour Law in Chile
Group coord
Reporting unit
India, Child Labour: As per the Indian Labour law-1966 and the Child Labour (prohibition & Regulation) Act of 1986 the minimum age for employment is 18 years. No person below the age
of 18 years to be employed in the construction site for any work. As Owner, this is the prime responsibility to ensure that all the contracts define this requirement very clearly and no child
labour is engaged in any form in the project site. This is being monitored periodically by the office of the Labour Commissioner in the respective area of work. The workmen are also protected
by the Workmen Compensation act of 1923.
India, Freedom of Association: As per the current practice the Labour are allowed to associate themselves with a particular political party and form an Union, which is mandated to safeguard
the rights of the labour against exploitation, etc. Likewise, all the office support staffs are allowed to form unions in order to safeguard their rights. However the officers and managers in an
organization are not allowed to associate themselves with any political party within the work hours nor be a part of any union. In case of disputes Unions are allowed to go on strike, which is
governed by the Trade Union Act of 1926 & 2001 and Industrial Dispute Act of 1947.
Nepal: SN Power and HPL adhere to Nepal's Labour Act, which specifically states that children (defined as persons below 14 years of age) shall not be employed in any establishment. Both SN
Power and HPL do not believe in, nor practice, child labour.
Peru: All contractors declare its agreement to our corporate principles (including respect to human rights). They are committed to supporting and respecting fundamental human rights
established in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Global Compact Principles of United Nations and ILO Conventions 138 and 182 of the International Labour Organization.
Also, contracts include specific clauses on respect for SNPP anti-corruption and social responsibility policies, which must be applied to all activities.
S j - Freedom of association and collective bargaining
Describe current practice regarding freedom of association and collective bargaining for employees and
contractors. Describe minimum notice period regarding significant operational changes.
Group coord
Yes, as described in the CoC and OECD Treaty
No specific minimum notice
Nepal: SN Power and HPL adhere to Nepal's labour laws, which protect the rights and interests of the workers. HPL recognizes, supports and works closely with the HPL Employees' Union to
jointly contribute to the progress and prosperity of the Company and all its employees. HPL held a number of meetings with the HPL Employees' Union in 2011 to discuss employees' benefits
and working conditions.
India, Yes, as described in the CoC and OECD Treaty: As per the Industrial Disputes Act 1947 (IDA), when parties engaging in collective bargaining are unable to arrive at a settlement,
either party or the government may commence conciliation proceedings before a government appointed conciliation officer whose intervention may produce a settlement, which is then
registered in the labour department and becomes binding on all parties. If conciliation fails it is open to the parties to invoke arbitration or for the appropriate government to refer the dispute to
adjudication before a labour court or a tribunal whose decision may then be notified as an award of a binding nature on the parties. Disputes may be settled by collective bargaining,
conciliation, or compulsory adjudication.
India, No specific minimum notice: As per the act the workers can go on a strike without giving any specific notice unless it involves public utility service. The parties may sort out their
differences either bilaterally, or through a conciliation officer who can facilitate but not compel a settlement which is legally binding on the parties, even when a strike or a lockout is in
progress. But if these methods do not resolve a dispute, the government may refer the dispute to compulsory adjudication and ban the strike or lockout.
Reporting unit
Peru: The setting up of unions, the free election of leaders and the association to federations are respected. Union permits are allowed and facilitated. Monthly meetings are held with unions to
inform about several organizational issues and to listen to the topics proposed by union leaders.
S k - Child labour and forced labour
Describe current practice and measures taken to avoid child labour and forced labour for employees and
Group coord
As in accordance to the COC, the ILO convention and the current domestic laws
Nepal: SN Power and HPL adhere to Nepal's Labour Act, which specifically states that children (defined as persons below 14 years of age) shall not be employed in any establishment. Both SN
Power and HPL do not believe in, nor practice, child labour.
India: All project related activities are governed by Indian Labour Laws of 1966, which includes Child Labour (prohibition & Regulation) Act of 1986 and National Policy on Child Labour of
1987. The Indian Labour Laws have adopted several conventions of the ILO.
Peru: In compliance with local law and IFC standards, SNPP and Cheves project does not employ people below 18 years old, and ensures that all contractors should not hire children for
rendered services through the enforcement of the company’s principles.
S l - Serious diseases
Describe current practice with regards to assisting workforce members, their families, or community members
regarding serious diseases. Give examples of such support in 2011.
Group coord
Fill in good examples here
Chile: No serious diseases caused by our operations since it beginning. In 2010 (for reference only), one employee died of leukaemia (not related to our operations) and SNP gave his family all
the facilities to be with him during treatment in Santiago (assistance to rent an apartment in Santiago, health insurance, death insurance, etc).
Nepal: All SN Power employees and the members of their families have had a total health check-up to ensure good health and well being.
India: The project is operating a fully equipped medical clinic / hospital to attend to the medical emergencies of the staff and the workers. In addition to this each Contractors engaged for the
project is required to have their own medical treatment facility. All the cases, which are beyond the limitations of the project clinic / hospital are referred to the local district level hospitals and
so on. Such exclusive tie ups are in place well in advance of the start of the project and the extent depends on the location of the project. Example: One SNP staff suffered from a mild heart
attack was first attend at the local clinic and the local district level hospital and was later transferred by air to Delhi’s best hospital for a better medical attention. Complicated cases from site are
transferred to Chandigarh for better medical attention as and when required.
Reporting unit
Peru: The company defines an annual occupational health plan, which aims at preventing occupational diseases (stress, deafness, etc.) and also other endemic diseases (ARDs). During 2011,
there were 10 cases of sick leaves longer than 14 days. All SNPP staff and their relatives (spouse and children) have health insurance granted by the company to ensure good health and well
being. In case an employee cannot go to workplace because of illness, he/she receives the support of a social worker for medical procedures, as well as a "get well soon" card sent to home.
In the communities, communication campaigns to prevent endemic diseases are carried out, as well as support to community medical centers with medical devices.
S m - Received awards (ethics and society areas)
List awards received in 2011.
Group coord
Any awards in 2011
India: ADHP has received recognition from National Safety Council for good traffic safety management system being implemented in the project.
Peru: Recognition granted by community of Huachón to SNPP due to the support and engagement to community development.
S n - Engagement with stakeholders
Describe briefly the company’s policy for stakeholder engagement.
Group coord
Follow the IFC procedures
Use of Public Affairs Toolkit
Stakeholder Management Plans
Nepal: Implementation of the Stakeholder Management Plan, including scheduled reviews of the plan.
India, Stakeholder Management Plans: The company follows the several Acts and Laws related to project implementation and sale of energy incorporated by the Indian constitution and
International bodies, where necessary.
Peru: The relation with the different stakeholders in SNPP is as follows:
Headquarter, through periodic reports
Workers, through the policies and talent management plans
Communities, through the policies and community relations plans
Shareholders, through board meetings and report mechanisms
Customers, through contracts and commercial information systems
Reporting unit
Environment, through the policies and environmental protection plans
Competition, through the different dialogues, and specific alliances
Government, through regulatory compliance and information channels established for regulatory issues
Suppliers, through contracts and induction processes prior to the rendering of service
Media, through publications about SNPP performance and its impact in society
Universities, NGO and others civil society associations, through SNPP participation in fairs, seminars, conferences, etc.
S p - Impacts of displacement
Describe principles and practice regarding displacement. Identify the number of people physically displaced
and the number of people compensated in 2011.
Compensation per IFC regulations P5 and P5c
No displacements in 2011
None compensated in 2011
Group coord
India, No displacements in 2011: The project had about 250 persons, who were directly affected by the project, who were required to sell their land for the construction of the project
components. Since this was a run of the river project there was no submergence and displacement of persons affected by the submergence.
India, Compensated in 2011: They were given financial compensation for sale of land as per the existing rates and were also employed by the project until the completion of the construction
project. In the T Line all the private land owners were given financial compensation for their land usage for erection of towers and were also paid financial compensation for usage of their land
to obtain Right of Way (ROW) for positioning of conductors.
Peru: In principle, our activities shall avoid displacements. Should any displacement be required, fair compensations would apply, as well as full compliance with law requirements will be
Qualitative indicators reporting form – Environment
(M=MO&IT, PG=Power Generation, SK=Skagerak, FK=Fjordkraft, SE=Southeast Europe, SNP=SN Power, WP=Wind Power, IN=Innovation, DH=District Heating, SH=Small Scale Hydro)
General qualitative indicators, environment
E a - Steering documents
Refer to the applicable Group steering documents for the environmental area.
Reporting unit
Group coord
Reporting unit
SN Power Peru relaunched an Integrated Management System (Health Occupational, Safety, Environment & Quality) during 2011. The improvements involve the following key documents:
1. IMS&HSE Manual
2. Documents control procedure
3. Internal audit procedure
4. Improve continue procedure
5. Management review procedure
6. Environmental impact assessment procedure
7. Hazards materials control procedure
8. Solid remainders management procedure
9. Emergency response plan procedure
10. Annual Health Occupational & Safety Program
SNP Business Principles (Cheves)
Environmental care is an important statement during construction stage, according with SNP Business Principles. By the way, Cheves HPP Project’s Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
was elaborated taking in to consideration IFC policies, and applicable SNP Business Principles. Actually, these principles are part of all contracts with Cheves’s main contractors and the
implementation of the EMP during construction stage is contractor’s responsibility.
SNP Group Policy CSR/Environment (Cheves)
Precautionary principle is an important component in the environmental management system of constructive activities. In addition, HSE weekly meetings are important tools in order to ensure
the continuous improve of environmental care and health and safety activities and the fulfilment of national applicable environmental legal framework, and other commitments assumed by
SNP Code of Conduct (Cheves)
Cheves personnel have been inducted in SNP Code of Conduct and shall have a hard copy of it, including new team additions.
SNP Code of Conduct, Suppliers, Contractors, Consultants (Cheves)
Main contractors shall develop or have their own code of conduct, considering our Code of Conduct, Business Principles and CSR/Environment policies.
SNP Contracting Framework, FIDIC (Cheves)
FIDIC is an important element in Cheves contracts and the Engineer has the responsible of beware the fulfilment of those specifications.
IFC Performance Standards (Cheves)
Reporting unit
Cheves is reporting every semester the IFC Performance Standards fulfilment. First and last report was submitted on August. Next report is going to be submitted during February.
OECD Framework of Treaty
E b - Organisation
Group coord
Briefly describe how the environmental work is organised at Group and Business unit level.
Peru: Environmental management for operations activities are led by IMS & HSE according by Business Plan to CEO and this is approved by Board. Follow-Up and monitoring of
environmental activities is led by IMS&HSE team (head and supervisors): controls are done with support from headquarters and staff from different areas and locations of the organization.
IMS&HSE head: Responsible for controlling and executing of approved environmental programs and controls.
HSE Supervisor: Responsible of periodical inspections, control & evaluation environment parameters in facilities, according to Peruvian law.
Environmental specialist: Responsible for social-environmental monitoring and ESIA
Cheves shall plan the environmental management in coordination and relevant participation of main contractors, according with legislation, IFC requirements and other commitments in order to
identify significant environmental aspects and prepare policies, programs and procedures to reduce environmental damage risk and be able to provide feedback to the system. Actually,
environmental management presented delays in it develop and implementation because C contractor has not a solid environmental organisation and some failures in their administrative process.
Cheves expects to fix and improve both issues with contractor.
According with the contract, C contractor shall be the one in charge of the proper implementation of the EMP and the fulfilment of IFC performance standards and environmental legal
framework and as the Engineer has not responsibility of supervise it implementation, Cheves ha assumed the supervisor role too, delaying management tools develop.
In Cheves’s organization, the HSE & Permits Analyst in coordination with Social environmental supervisor in CSR team is the one in charge of manage all environmental issues, defining with
contractors significant environmental aspects
E c - Targets and results 2011
Refer to relevant key environmental targets and results at Group level.
Peru: Main result 2011: Zero breaches against environment. As breaches against environment is considered:
Significant number of absences or serious violations of environmental standards or Permissions
Serious violation as defined in national laws
Group coord
Cheves: Against limitations in the environmental management, is relevant to notice the absence of environmental commitments breaches, with monitoring program results as were expected: no
trespassing national water/air quality standards but with delays in the implementation of this program and in the reporting from main contractor. In order to reduce significantly possible risks
related with reporting, Cheves had programmed all monitoring campaigns and deliverables dates for C Contractor in order to reduce the possibility of reporting delays during 2012.
E d - Topics and measures 2011
Describe prioritized topics and adhering measures within the environmental area.
Reporting unit
Group coord
LEGAL RISKS: Cahua Septic Tank / Plant wastewater treatment
From 2004 to 2008, the PCB content analysis was performed to all equipment in SNPP. The inventory of equipment with PCBs is shown below:
a) Equipment in operation
b) Equipment out of service in operations areas
c) Equipment out of service and ready for final disposal
Remove the PCB-contaminated equipment in operation within the shortest possible times (02 circuit breakers at S.S. Excelsior. 01 power transformer at S.S. San Juan (Cerro de Pasco).01
power transformer at S.S. La Oroya (La Oroya). 01 power transformer at S.S. Antuquito (Casapalca).
Control of transformers in operations (02 transformers SS Mahr Tunel, Yauli -La Oroya; S.S: Casapalca Norte, Casapalca). Transformers with PCB in operation are fitted with retention
ponds, and their contents are not handled directly.
Selection of supplier in accordance with detailed technical and scope specification of bid process.
Identification of materials and components of electric power generation equipment with potential asbestos content in SNPP operation centres.
Analysis of the presence and type of asbestos in samples (Cahua 39 samples, 45 samples Pariac, Gallito Ciego 10 samples, Arcata 28 samples, La Oroya 53 samples, Malpaso 31 samples,
Pachachaca 20 samples, Yaupi 27 samples)
During current year: Environmental Management Plan implementation, according with ESIA. This implementation includes:
Waste Management Program.
Environmental Monitoring Program
Claims and Complaints Response Procedure
Relocation of listed species and survival control
Required complementary environmental management plans approved, in order to develop current activities.
Specific 13.8 kV TL Environmental Management Plan is under elaboration, before TL implementation.
Corporative HSE Audit
Scoping sewage treatment, waste management and drinkable treatment in the town immediately upstream the Project
According with commitments signed with IFC:
Ecological Flow Management Plan (additional Base Line data)
Participative Environmental & Social Monitoring Program is under tender process
Reporting unit
Social and Environmental Third Part Audit.
E e - Challenges ahead
Briefly describe the most important challenges within the environmental area for 2012 and beyond.
LEGAL RISKS: Septic wells / Plant wastewater treatment
Recycling of paper.
Control of vehicle emissions in accordance with local legislation
Environmental Campaigns in communities located in the direct influence area
According with Ecological Flow Management Plan recommendations is possible to need new measurements in Huaura River.
Environmental internal audits.
Complementary hydrogeological studies, according with commitments with peasant communities.
Review environmental request related with sewage treatment and waste management upstream Cheves HPP Project.
Improvement of industrial/perforation effluents treatment plants and waste management.
220 kV Transmission Line construction and implementation.
Group coord
Specific qualitative indicators, environment
Reporting unit
E f - Optimisation measures 2011
Describe efforts resulting in increased efficiency of existing hydropower plants. If possible, submit figures
that illustrate achieved efficiency.
Established new routines for environmental reporting and new focus related to regional challenges
Established new global network and increased collaboration and knowledge sharing
Performed one environmental audit increasing the focus
Peru: To continue with the O&M plan
Group coord
Reporting unit
Monthly videoconferences related with environmental and social issues.
Derivable reports and monitoring campaigns 2012 Schedule agreed with C contractor
Tender process to start monthly database of effluents discharges.
E g - Carbon quotas and green certificates
Describe the Group’s activities regarding trading with carbon quotas and green certificates. Describe the
Group’s activities with JI (joint implementation) and CDM (clean development mechanism) projects.
Group coord
Philippines: The Ambuklao and Binga plants were registered as CDM projects in June 2011.
Peru: Not applicable for SN Power Peru (operations).
Cheves: Cheves HPP Project is an PDD project, validated and accepted by UN.
E h - Management of water courses
Briefly describe Statkraft’s policy and practice regarding management of water courses, including
implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive.
Not applicable. Water management will become a new focus in 2012
Group coord
Philippines: SNAP complies with the Philippine water quality standard for water discharges. Discharge permits, issued by the environmental agency of the government, are available. Settling
ponds are installed prior to discharge to rivers.
Peru: SN Power Peru develops monitoring of water courses accord to the Peruvian law. This information is provided to the Energy Minister and OSINERGMIN (Regulator for power
activities). Parameters controlled: oil and grease contents, pH, total suspended solids and temperature. In case of deviations, these are report to Energy Minister and OSINERGMIN.
SN Power Peru identifies control and monitoring points, additional to environmental legislation, in order to guarantee the quality of effluent resulted of electricity generation.
Cheves: The main issue related with management of water courses is development of an additional and strong biophysical base line in Huaura and Checras Rivers, in compliance with IFC
financial conditions. Field works are going to finish during 2012 (September) and a management plan with alternatives, additional measurements and/or recommendations is going to be
approved and must be included during operation stage. In addition, during construction, Cheves implemented domestic and industrial (perforation) effluent treatment plants. Domestic ones are
fulfilment method statements but industrial plants shall be improved. A monthly monitoring campaign is going to start during 2012, independently regular environmental monitoring campaigns.
Finally, as a CSR strategy, sanitary concepts are going to be included in the Ethic & Society report.
E i - Multipurpose hydropower plants
Describe the company’s strategy and status regarding multipurpose hydropower plants.
Reporting unit
Group coord
No specific strategy on the issue. However, the focus has been implicit on our projects. Nevertheless, this will be a focus as part of the “Water management” focus
Philippines: Adherence to the daily requirements of irrigation and rule curves set by water authorities in the Philippines (Magat). For flood control, the government decides on spilling prior to
typhoons to accommodate massive reservoir inflows. The timing and the amount of the discharge is decided by the government (the weather bureau) and not by SNAP.
Peru: All of SN Power Peru power plants are of run of – river type.
Some few water reservoirs are handled for power generation activities (i.e. daily regulation). Small ponds for daily regulation are designed and operating considering all risks involved, in order
not to affect population of irrigation downstream.
Some of our power plants are located downstream of multipurpose water reservoirs, which are operated by irrigation authorities and no control from SN Power Peru.
Cheves: Cheves was designed as a run of-river hydropower plant. In addition, downstream economic activities are related, mainly, with sugar cane cultivation. By the way, in the Cheves HPP
design is included a compensation reservoir (named Picunche), in order to grantee water availability for farmers. This reservoir is going to be located few kilometres downstream tailrace tunnel
(turbinated water discharge).
E j - Impacts on biodiversity
List significant potential ecological conflicts with adhering description of conflicts and measures.
Group coord
Lists and overview of red listed species within our projects have been established.
Peru: Enlargement of Huangush Bajo dam
Huangush Bajo project was proposed in order to increase the storage capacity of the dam from 0.69 to 4.5 Mm3, and to increase the generation of Yaupi HPP by 3.8 GWh/year in average.
However, this project will involve a flooding of 500 pine sapling. Negotiation process and reforestation project are planned.
There are no protected or high biodiversity areas in the direct influence project’s area but some red list flora species were found and re-located before constructive activities. This flora are
mainly cactaceaes:
Mila caespitosa, Haageocereus pseudomelanostele, Haageocereus acranthus, Jatropha basiacantha, Jatropha macrantha and Melocactus peruvianus.
E k - Initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 2011
Group coord
Reporting unit
Describe initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from own activities, and achieved emissions
Philippines: SNAP has implemented programs of reduce, re-use and recycle. Annual accounting of GHG is also being done. SNAP regularly monitors energy, water, fuel consumption and
paper usage. In addition, SNAP practices resource conservation by switching lights off during breaks, having regular inspection of fixtures and by practicing carpooling during official travels.
Peru: All activities are related to hydropower generation, this no emissions are derived from ordinary course of business. No other registered activities in this topic.
Cheves: No initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions considered during 2011.
E l - Water discharges 2011
Describe significant water discharges, including thermal discharges, and describe how these affect respective
water body.
Group coord
Philippines: Water discharges from the plants comply with the Philippine water quality standards and sites are issued with discharge permits.
Peru: SN Power Peru develops monitoring of water in accordance to Peruvian law. Parameters controlled: oil and grease contents, pH, total suspended solids and temperature. In case of
deviations, these are report to Energy Minister and OSINERGMIN. SNPP implement treatment plants for sewage in the camps of production centers. In case of deviations, these are report to
Energy Minister and OSINERGMIN.
Cheves: There are two main categories of water discharges during construction activities of Cheves HPP Project:
Domestic Effluents: Cheves HPP project has two sources of domestic effluents: Pampa Libre and Mirahuay Camps. Both are related with settled personnel at site. Sewage water has
an aerobic treatment and after it effluent could be used for road and work fronts watering; and, direct discharges to Huaura River. C contractor is in charge of treatment plant
operation and regular monitoring campaigns in order to ensure operational efficiency. By the way, Cheves is going to hire a laboratory to start monthly monitoring campaigns in order
to follow up discharges to rivers. This monthly campaigns shall start in 2012.
Industrial (perforation) Effluents: These effluents could have in their composition: oil & greases, suspended solid particles related with shotcrete and drilling activities and thermal
water. An effluent characterization was developed in July and September and ions with relevant concentrations are silicon, calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium. Peruvian legal
framework related with Maximum Permissible Limits only command us to check: oil & greases, pH, temperature and total solid suspended. C Contractor is in charge of the
implementation and operation of treatment plants and to develop monitoring programs in order to ensure properly operational performance. Despite it, C Contractor has serious delays
in full implementation of treatment plants, according with their own method statements. Cheves is going to include all industrial effluent treatment plants in monthly campaigns that
are going to start in 2012, in order to grantee correct treatment and good operational performance.
E m - Offset habitats
Group coord
Reporting unit
Describe Statkraft’s strategy regarding offset habitats when influencing ecosystems and biodiversity.
Peru: CSR strategy includes mitigation plans and specific negotiation procedures for compensation
Cheves: There is not considered offset habitats in Cheves HPP ESIA until now. We do not expect any offset habitat as a result of the Ecological Flow Management Plan.
E n - Received awards (environmental area)
List awards received in 2011.
Group coord
Philippines: SNAP-Benguet was awarded the 2011 Gold Award “Asia’s Environmental Company of the Year” by the Charlton Media Asian Power Magazine.
Peru: None.
Cheves: Not yet.
E p - Memberships and partnerships
List memberships in environmental associations and advocacy groups and briefly describe Statkraft’s
UN Global Compact
Peru: Social-Environmental Energy sector committee
Cheves: Cheves has not membership in any environmental association.
Group coord