Sample Presentation - American Counseling Association

State Issues
The Opportunity
• Less “politics”
• Greater access
• Fewer competing voices
The Difficulties
• 50 States
• Short legislative sessions
• Lack of calendar transparency
– Short notice hearings
Part 1: Major Issues
• Scope of Practice
• Educational Requirements
• Conversion Therapy & Religious
Refusal Legislation
Conversion Therapy Legislation
• The fight to ban the practice
of conversion or reparative
– California, New Jersey*,
Washington DC
– Oklahoma
– Oregon, Illinois
– Massachusetts
– Colorado, New York, Rhode Island,
The Future?
• National Legislation
• 2016 State Priorities
• Religious Refusal Legislation:
Indiana, Arkansas, North Carolina
– Services: marriage, adoption,
Part 2: Diverse
Arizona: Elizabeth Forsyth,
Elizabeth received her Bachelor of Science in Psychology with Magna Cum
Laude honors from Arizona State University in 2009 and her Master of Science
in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from the University of Phoenix in 2013.
She is a lifetime member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS),
an active member of Chi Sigma Iota (CSI) honors society, and an active member
of Psi Omega Pi (POP), the University of Phoenix's chapter of CSI. Elizabeth is an
active member of the American Counseling Association (ACA), Arizona
Counselors Association (AzCA), and Association for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and
Transgender Issues in Counseling (ALGBTIC). Elizabeth joined the AzCA board in
June, 2012, when she became a founding member and first President of the
Arizona ALGBTIC (AzALGBTIC), serving this role through June, 2015. Elizabeth
also currently serves as the Chair-Elect of the Western Region of the ACA, PastPresident of AzCA, and Co-Chair of the national ALGBTIC's State Branch
Committee. Elizabeth's passion for representing Counselors has led her to host
social events in various communities throughout Arizona, organize educational
workshops and conferences, and speak on behalf of Counselors during
legislative hearings and Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners (AzBBHE)
meetings. Elizabeth has years of experience in public policy on both state and
national levels, advocating for professional identity, ethical practices, and
government mental health jobs. She is an active participant in the SB1374 Task
Force, which has successfully made changes in licensure laws for Counselors in
Arizona in terms of curriculum, supervision, and reciprocity. Elizabeth also
serves as a liaison for all Arizona government relations and AzBBHE agendas.
Colorado: Sean Boyd,
Sean Boyd is the current Executive Director for the 1300
member Colorado Counseling Association. He is also the
owner of an innovative business model supporting more
than 100 independent mental health professionals in
private practice. Sean enjoys building bridges between
counseling programs, consumer advocacy, and mental
health associations believing that by doing so, we are
better positioned to advocate for those in need. In the
next year, the Colorado Counseling Association will be
hosting its own State Institute for Leadership Training
(August, 2015), fall event featuring New York Times Best
Selling Author and Positive Psychology Expert, Shawn
Achor (October, 2015), Lobby Day (February, 2016), and
the states largest professional mental health conference
featuring Irvin Yalom (April, 2016).
New Jersey: Bill Green
[Insert Introductory Bio]
Starting Points for State
1. Contact your local ACA
2. Explore your State Legislative
3. Stay Informed
4. Dialogue with your State
Licensing Board
5. Contact ME (Kelly Nickel)
6. Be patient and persistent!
Contact Information:
Kelly Nickel
Office: 703-823-9800, ext. 210
Cell: 703-740-6363