Profiles Research Networking Software Users Group Meeting March 15, 2013 Agenda • Welcome to New Members • Upcoming Events • Profiles RNS 1.0.3 Profiles Users Group Members UCSF Fred Hutchinson CRC Oregon Health Sci U UC Davis (CBST) Touro University U Southern California UCLA UC San Diego Charles Drew U Hawaii Arizona State Montana State U Colorado Denver U Nebraska-Lincoln UW Madison UW-Milwaukee U Illinois U Chicago Baylor College Med UT Southwestern UT Houston Midwestern State Univ Jackson State (RTRN) Ohio State Cincinnati Children’s Case Western U Kentucky Vanderbilt Stem Cell U Arkansas Little Rock U Alabama Birmingham Symplectic Limited (UK) McGill University (Canada) Finders University (Australia) University of Cambridge (UK) Elysium, Geneva (Switzerland) Makerere University (Uganda) University of Leuven (Belgium) South-Valley University (Egypt) Erasmus University (Brussels) Beijing Normal University (China) University of the South Pacific (Fiji) Velammal Engineering College (India) University of Limpopo (South Africa) Nati Sci Lib, Chinese Acad of Sci (China) Clinical & Biomedical Computing Ltd (UK) Jonkoping University Engineering School (Sweden) Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (Mexico) Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia e Inovação (Brazil) Jaypee University of Information Technology (India) Centre Interdisciplinaire de Nanoscience de Marseille (France) Harvard Univ Minnesota Dartmouth Univ Mass Boston Univ Tufts Univ Boston VA Rensselaer Univ Connecticut Univ Rochester NYU Med Ctr Long Island University Mount Sinai Sch of Med New Jersey Med Sch MedMeme Thomas Jefferson UPenn Johns Hopkins USUHS-CNRM NIH George Wash U Penn State Childrens Nat Med Ctr Duke Cancer Institute Wake Forest Leadership in Med HSSC Georgia Tech Piedmont Healthcare Emory University Upcoming Events • AMIA TBI/CRI, San Francisco, CA, March 18-22, 2013 • UCSF Poster: Usage of a Research Networking Tool at a large Academic Biomedical Institution • UCSF Presentation: Open Research Networking Gadgets (ORNG) • Harvard Poster: EAGER-Profiles: Using Researcher Profiles to Demonstrate the Impact of Investments in Science • Science of Team Science Conference, Evanston, IL, June 24-27, 2013 • VIVO Annual Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, August 14-16, 2013 Profiles RNS 1.0.3 • New Features • Concept Profile Page (MeSH Info, Top Journals) • Publication Profile (Subject Areas) • Performance enhancements • Jobs, .NET caching, snapshot isolation, etc. • Bug fixes • Overview editing, Pubmed disambiguation failures, etc. • Process • Managed by Recombinant by Deloitte • Still distributed from • Source code in GitHub at • What’s next? • OpenSocial from UCSF VIVO Ontology: Select Classes and Object Properties Main classes used by Profiles RNS 1.0 are highlighted in bold. foaf:Agent vivo:mailingAddress vivo:mailingAddressFor vivo:Address vivo:FacultyMember vivo:authorInAuthorship vivo:linkedAuthor vivo:hasResearchArea vivo:researchAreaOf vivo:Relationship skos:Concept vivo:Authorship vivo:linkedInformationResource vivo:informationResourceInAuthorsip vivo:subjectAreaFor vivo:hasSubjectArea bibo:Article vivo:Project vivo:hasMemberRole vivo:memberRoleOf bibo:Patent vivo:hasTeacherRole vivo:teacherRoleOf vivo:Role vivo:Position vivo:TeacherRole vivo:FacultyPosition vivo:MemberRole vivo:NonAcademicPosition event:Event vivo:Course bibo:AcademicArticle bibo:Book vivo:URLLink vivo:personInPosition vivo:positionForPerson vivo:roleRealizedIn vivo:realizedRole vivo:InformationResource bibo:Document vivo:webpage vivo:webpageOf foaf:Person vivo:roleRealizedIn vivo:realizedRole vivo:positionInOrganization vivo:organizationForPosition foaf:Agent foaf:Organization core:Department event = foaf = skos = vivo = core:Division Profiles RNS 1.0.3 Installation Data Flow Diagram Selected data sources (circles), tables (grey boxes), and procedures (red boxes) used during the installation of Profiles RNS 1.0.3. Source Data [Ontology.Import]. [Owl] Ontology *.OWL Files Intermediate Processing Tables InstallData.xml [Framework]. [InstallData] [Ontology.Import]. [Convert OWL2Triple] [Ontology.Import]. [Convert Triple2OWL] [Ontology.Import]. [Triple] [Ontology.]. [UpdateCounts] [Ontology.]. [UpdateDerivedFields] [Framework.]. [LoadInstallData] [RDF.Stage]. [LoadTriples FromOntology] [RDF.Security]. [NodeProperty] [RDF.Stage]. [Triple] [Profile.Import]. [Beta.LoadData] Data [Framework.]. [RunJobGroup] HR Database Custom Process to Load [Profile.Import].* Tables Disambiguation Services [Profile.Data]. [Publication.PubMed. GetPersonInfoForDisambiguation] SemGroups /MeSH.xml [Profile.Data]. [Concept.Mesh.File] Extended Schema Tables [Utility.NLP]. [UpdateThesaurus] [RDF.Stage]. [LoadAliases] [RDF].[Alias] [Search.Cache]. [Public.UpdateCache] [Search.Cache]. [Public.*] [Search.Cache]. [Private.UpdateCache] [Search.Cache]. [Private.*] [RDF.Stage]. [ProcessTriples] [RDF.Stage]. [ProcessDataMap] [RDF.Stage]. [InternalNodeMap] [Profile.Data]. [Concept.Mesh. ParseMeshXML] _* (Derived Fields) [Ontology.].* [Framework.].* [Framework.]. [CreateInstallData] [Profile.Import]. [BetaSetDisplayPreferences] Profiles Beta Tables Used by the Website [RDF.].[Node] [RDF.].[Triple] [Utility.NLP]. [Thesaurus] Concept – MeSH Info, Journals Publication – Subject Areas