ISSAI 400 Compliance Auditing Elements (27 to 41) Principles (42 to 60) Framework (12 to 26) Purpose and Authority (4-11) Elements ISSAI 100 mentioned 4 elements *three parties, *subject matter-criteria-subject matter information * types of engagement –attest engagement or direct reporting engagement ISSAI 200 talks about additional aspects of elements mentioned in ISSAI 100 Subject matter may be (a) activities, (b) financial transactions or (c) information ISSAI 400 says ‘criteria’ for compliance audit …. come from the structure & content of Authorities It says ‘Authorities’ include laws, rules, regulations, budgetary laws, budgetary resolutions, policy, codes, agreements … …… (regularity)-para 28,29 Compliance audits can also focus on propriety where formal criteria are absent (?) or shortcoming in legislation concerning their application (?). Criteria would be general principles governing sound financial management and conduct of public officials. General Principles (8) (1) Adherence to ethical requirements & independence prescribed by the organisation (2) Auditor to comply with quality control requirements prescribed by the organisation (3) Auditor to possess the required knowledge, skills & capabilities (4) Auditor to plan and perform audit with professional scepticism and professional judgement General Principles (5) use professional judgement to reduce the audit risk to reduce inherent risk (where controls do not exist) and reduce control risk (controls fail to detect and prevent mistakes) (6) use professional judgement to determine the materiality of the misstatement (whether significant to influence the decision of users) (7) Auditor needs to keep an effective system of communication with management (8) Auditor needs to document the entire process particularly the extent of audit procedures used so that others (other auditor) can understand the process Principles related to Audit Process Auditors should determine the audit scope Auditor should identify the subject matter and suitable criteria (for attest engagements Auditors should develop audit strategy & audit plan Auditors should gather sufficient and appropriate evidence Auditor should reach conclusions by evaluating the audit evidence Auditors should prepare a report (long/short form) Framework for compliance auditing CA may cover wide range of subject matter Can provide reasonable or limited assurance Compliance audits may be attestation or direct reporting engagement or both at once May cover all levels of government Compliance audits of private entities are also possible focusing for revenue on tax payers, for expenditure; on those involved in management of public services or public property through partnerships, as recipients of grants or subsidies Para 20 to 26 Compliance Auditing is generally conducted either (i) in relation with audit of financial statement or (ii) separately from audit of financial statement or (iii) in combination with performance auditing Auditing standard for (i) is ISSAI 4200 and this audit is along with FA using ISSAI 1000-1810 Auditing standard for (ii) is ISSAI 4100 Under (iii), compliance is seen as one of aspects of 3Es Why do we need a separate CA? Compliance aspect can be additional element in FA,PA. Framework for compliance auditing Para 12: Compliance audits are carried out by assessing whether activities, financial transactions and information comply with authorities governing the entity (see para 28,29 what is authority). Compliance auditing is independent assessment of whether the given subject matter is in compliance with applicable authorities (identified as criteria). What is the purpose of compliance audit? How is it distinguished from FA and PA? What would compliance auditing in private entity involve ? Governments regulate various aspects of private business through promulgating laws and regulations Private sector entities are required to ‘comply’ with those laws and regulations. It is mandatory. Non compliance would involve penal action often impact the figures in balance sheet. AICPA, has 4 sets of standards. • SAS: Statements of Auditing Standards • SSAE: Statements on Standards for Attestation Engagements • SSARS: S...on Standards for Accounting & Review Services • SSCS: Statements on Standards for Consultancy Services SSAE 10 Compliance Attestation engagements related to an entity's compliance with requirements of specified laws, regulations, rules, contracts, or grants etc USA – Federal Grants to entities Audited by CPAs Single Audit Act of 1984 OMB Circular A-133 Compliance Audit in addition to certification of the accounts of the entity SAS 117 of AICPA: Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to form opinion and report at the level required in the governmental audit requirement on whether the entity complied with applicable compliance requirements. IAASB of IFAC International Standards on Auditing ISA 250 “considerations of laws & regulations in audit of financial statements” - Source of ISSAI 4200 which talks about CA in combination of FA IFAC Study Note 3 issued in October 1994 titled “Auditing for Compliance with Authorities -------A public sector perspective” - Source of ISSAI 4100 which talks about CA separately from audit of financial statement