Gerona Junior College Pob. 3 Gerona, Tarlac Tel No. (045) 931-3673 REPORT ON COMPLIANCES WITH REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7877 KNOWN AS THE “ANTI SEXUAL HARASSMENT ACT OF 1995” Among the salient provisions of the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995 or Republic Act No. 7877 is the formation of a Committee on Decorum and Investigation (CODI). The formation of the CODI may well be considered as a breakthrough in gender sensitivity and as a vaiable tool in understanding and preventing sexual harassment in the workplace. The commitees are jointly composed of members of GJC faculty and administrators. It is envisioned that both management will continue to be partners in battling sexual and other forms of harassment in the workplace. The CODI shall: 1. Receive complaints of sexual harassment; 2. Investigate sexual harassment complaints in accordance with the prescribed procedure; 3. Submit a report of its findings with the corresponding recommendation to the disciplining authority for decision; and 4. Lead in the conduct of discussions about sexual harassment within the agency or institution to increase understanding and prevent incidents of sexual harassment. GERONA JUNIOR COLLEGE College Department Date of CODI Formation: August 10, 2013 Chairperson: PURITA L. BUENO Ed.D Members: ARMANEL R. LIBUNAO MaEd LENNIELOU M. VILLARICO CASSIANO V. ARCIAGA JENNY M. GALANAG ANACLETO R. AGBULIG Ed.D *there are no complaints have been received. Sexual Harassment is an act or a series of acts involving any unwelcome sexual advance or demand for sexual favor, or other verbal or physical behavior of a sexual nature, commited by a student or a teacher in the school community. SEXUAL HARASSMENT MAY TAKE PLACE: 1. In the premises of the workplace or office or of the school or training institution; 2. In any place where the parties were found, as a result of work or education or training Responsibilities or relations; 3. At work or education- or training-related social functions; 4. While on official business outside the office or school or training institution or during work or School or training-related travel; 5. At official conferences, fora, symposia or training sessions; or 6. By telephone, cellular phone, fax machine or electronic mail. EDUCATION OR TRAINING RELATED SEXUAL HARASSMENT IS COMMITTED WHEN: 1. The submission to or rejection of the act or series of acts is used as a basis for any decision affecting the complainant, including, but not limited to, the giving of a grade, the granting of honors or a scholarship, the payment of a stipend or allowance, or the giving of any benefit, privilege or consideration; or 2. The act or series of acts have the purpose or effect of interfering with the performance, or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive academic environment of the complainant; or 3. The act or series of acts might reasonably be expected to cause discrimination, insecurity, discomfort, offense or humiliation to a complainant who may be a trainee, apprentice, intern, tutee or ward of the person complained of. FORMS OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT 1. Physical a. Malicious touching b. Overt sexual advances c. Gestures with lewd insinuation 2. Verbal, such as but not limited to, requests or demands for sexual favors, and lurid remarks 3. Use of objects, pictures or graphics, letters or written notes with sexual underpinnings 4. Other forms analogous to the foregoing. SEXUAL HARASSMENT IS CLASSIFIED AS: 1. Grave Offenses a. unwanted touching of private parts of the body (genitalia, buttocks, and breast); b. sexual assault; c. malicious touching; d. requesting for sexual favor in exchange for employment, promotion, local or foreign travels, favorable working conditions or assignments, a passing grade, the granting of honors or scholarship, or the grant of benefits or payment of a stipend or allowance; and e. other analogous cases. 2. Less Grave Offenses a. unwanted touching or brushing against a victim’s body; b. pinching not falling under grave offenses; c. derogatory or degrading remarks or innuendoes directed toward the members of one sex or one’s sexual orientation or used to describe a person; d. verbal abuse or threats with sexual overtones; and e. other analogous cases. ACTIONS/PROCEDURES for ANTI-SEXUAL HARAASMENT At the pre-filing stage the CODI may adopt mechanism to provide assistance to an alleged victim of sexual harassment which may include: 1. counseling; 2. referral to an agency offering professional help; and 3. advice or options available before the filing of the complaint. STANDARD PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENT IN HANDLING A SEXUAL HARASSMENT CASE 1. A complaint for sexual harassment can be filled anytime atleast in-person. 2. The requirements for a complaint must be in writing, signed and sworn to by the complainant and contains the following: full name, year/course, and address of the complainant, full name, year/course, and address of the respondent, brief statement of the facts, signature. (see attached complainant form) 3. Counseling session with the Guidance Counselor. PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION: 1. The CODI shall conduct a preliminary investigation with the student complaining and with the other student who will serves as a witness in such act. 2. Upon the investigation a close conference will be conducted together with the parents/guardian, the chairperson, and the guidance counselor. 3. Strict confidentiality of the proceedings during preliminary investigation by the CODI shall be exercised. 4. The preliminary investigation shall commence not later than 5 days from receipt of the complaint. FORMAL INVESTIGATION: 1. Direct group counselling with the complainant and the respondent. FINAL DECISION 1. The CODI will conduct a close conference regarding the unlawfully act of the student who commit harassment. 2. All decisions will be made in the basis of the GJC handbook. Policies on the Imposition of Suspension/Exclusion 1. For first and other offenses which are not serious in nature, a suspension from school not to exceed three days may be justified. 2. For a persistent offender or one guilty of a serious offense, a suspension of more than three days may be imposed. 3. In all cases of suspension, a written promise of future exemplary conduct signed by the by the parent or guardian shall be required as a condition for readmission. student and countersigned 4. offense: Offenses punishable by suspension or exclusion depending on the seriousness of the a. gross misconduct b. cheating and stealing c. assaulting a teacher, any school authority or his agents, or students d. vandalism e. gambling of any sort f. carrying and concealing deadly weapons g. extortion or asking money from others h. fighting, causing injury to others i. using, possessing, or selling prohibited drugs j. hazing in any form or manner k. membership in fraternities and sorrorities k. immorality/sexual harassment l. instigating, leading, or participating in concerted activities leading to stoppage of classes m. threatening students, faculty members, or school authorities or preventing the same from discharging their duties or from attending classes or from entering the school premises n. forging or tampering with school records or forms 5. Disciplinary measures may also be imposed even if offenses are committed outside the school campus, especially so if, in the act of committing the offense, the student is positively identified as a GJC student. *GJC handbook 2013. Page 25-27 . .