Student Faculty Forum 10-12-2009

Student Faculty Forum 10/12/2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Sarah Molton, RN
Bryan Murray, RN
Anjonette Jackson, RN
Tonia Mandio, RN
Sarah Allison, VN
Tracie Goodfield, VN
Leticia Gonzalez, VN
Cynthia Marasco, RN
Natalie MonpoehoRN
Amanda Tisdale, RN
Faculty/Administration Present: Rae Brooks, Virginia Gerber, Judy Gentry, Joyce Johnson,
Cora Young, Karen Myers
Skills lab- VN students think that 48 hours are a lot of hours to be required. Lab is too
crowded, needs more space, and more computers. Students were more comfortable
when they were given the option of special projects that would apply to skills lab hours.
Example discussed was 6-8 hours for the skills lab when students created story boards
with guidelines for the project.
Students want longer clinical days to enable them to pass medications more
Students like it when instructors follow the course objectives closely
More instructors need to use Blackboard for grading, testing, and more supplemental
learning materials
Dosage calculation needs to be taught more in first semester RN classes. Students feel
that there is a large learning curve if they did not take the Dosage Calculation class as a
prerequisite prior to entering the RN program. VN students would like more exposure to
dosage calculation during first semester. Both student groups agreed that more
resources on dosage calculation on Blackboard would be beneficial. Students liked how
Cora Young incorporates dosage calculation on every examination. Students agreed
that dosage calculation during clinical pre conference and post conference would be
Spring Success Academy needs to be more than one day. Dosage Calculation needs to
be separated into a basic and advanced class. Students liked the head to toe,
documentation, and lab and diagnostic test classes. Requesting a more detailed class
on concept mapping
OB and Peds- students liked that the OB and Peds class is being extended over a
period of 8 weeks instead of 4 weeks. Student verbalized that the overlap with Medsurg
and Mental Health was going to be difficult, but still liked the 8 week plan.
Student Faculty Forum 10/12/2009
8. Fourth semester RN student commented that they liked the medical surgical classes all
four semesters
9. Students like to be able to stay with the same cohort and not be split up by registration
10. Third semester students had concerns about having two different instructors. Cora
Young reassured student that all instructors abide by the syllabus and their course
11. Students request that future course instructors give syllabus and assignments out early.
Students want to be prepare during the summer for their fall classes, and winter for their
spring classes. Student request that welcome letters to each course should reflect
assignments for the first weeks of class
12. LVNs liked the letter that Dr. Z sends out for the first semester students about books
needed, and chapters to read ahead of time. VN students wish that this would occur for
every course
13. Book store is not receptive about getting books early. Syllabus are sometimes late in
the book store, and not available for purchase before class.
14. Students all agreed that syllabus on line would be better
15. The 3 part QA form should be provided to students, QA form should be handed out to
students by instructors
16. Second semester VN students verbalized they would like more exposure to medication
pass. Their current clinical instructor only allows them to pass meds in the morning.
Third semester RN students verbalized that they are only getting 3 days of medication
pass and would like the opportunity to do more med passing.
Submitted by Rae Brooks, 10/12/2009