Abstracts and keywords by № 3(39) 2013 1 THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTELLECTUAL NETWORK-CENTRIC SYSTEM (SMART GRID) OF ADAPTIVE RESOURCE ALLOCATION IN INTEGRATED NETWORKS OF GAS, HEAT AND ELECTRICITY D.S. Budaev, V.B. Larukhin, D.S. Kosov, E.V. Simonova SEC «Smart Solutions» 17? Moscovskoe Shosse, office center «Vertikal», Samara, 443013 The current trends of the Smart Grid concept are described .The creation of an intellectual customercentric system of gas, heat and electricity supply is described as a solution to the corresponding problems the creation of the intellectual customer-centric system of gas, heat and electricity supply is proposed. As a prototype of such a simulation modeling and the adaptive resource allocation in integrated networks of resource supply system is given. Keywords: Smart grid, multi-agent technology, network-centric, integrated network of resource supply. P. 6-14 2 DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF STABILIZING SELF-ADAPTING LINEAR AND AUTO-OSCILLATION NON-LINEAR SYSTEMS WITH AUTOMATIC COMPENSATION OF STATIC MISTAKES V.E. Vokryshev Samara State Technical University 244, Molodogvardeyskaya st., Samara, 443100 Self-adapting direction algorithms, providing for the elimination of static mistakes in linear systems and symetry of automatic oscillations in accord with demanded points in non-linear auto-oscillation systems having unsymmetrical directing limits and with constant additional revolts are worked out. Dynamic characteristics of the processes are also researched. Keywords: Self-adapting algorithm, relay direction system, static mistake. P. 15-20 3 THE CONCEPT OF DEVELOPMENT OF AN INFORMATION SYSTEM TO SUPPORT DECISION MAKING IN THE MANAGEMENT OF COMPLEX TECHNICAL SYSTEMS N.G. Gubanov, A.V. Chuvakov Samara State Technical University 244, Molodogvardeiskaya st., Samara, 443100 The generalized structure for the selection of alternatives, which allows for stages of conceptual and formal modeling of complex technical systems, and object-oriented specification reasonably determine the composition and structure of the problems to be solved in the emerging information system to support decision-making and to determine the composition and structure of the query to the appropriate Multiplebased models and complexes. Keywords: decision-making systems, management information systems, complex technical systems. P.21-31 4 SYSTEMS APPROACH IN PERFECTING OF ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF THE GAS-DISTRIBUTING ORGANIZATION N.V. Diligenskii1 , V.I. Nemchenko1, M.V. Posashkov2 1 Samara State Technical University 244, Molodogvardeyskaya st., Samara, 443100 2 Samara State Architectural and Structural University 194, Molodogvardeyskaya st., Samara, 443001 The complex analysis of operating organizational structure of the versatile enterprise on the example of the gas-distributing organization (GRO) is made. Stage-by-stage transformation of existing organizational structure is considered. Groups of the criteria characterizing balance, wholeness, controllability and reliability of organizational structure are created. The analysis of effectiveness of operating organiza- tional structure of the gas-distributing organization and its modifications with use of methodology of the graph theory is carried out. Keywords: systems analysis, organizational structure, environment, informational loading, top manager, manager of an average link, reorganization, restructuring, graph theory, decision-making center, target function. P. 32-42 5 WATERFLOODING PROCESS MODELING USING BY WEIERSTRASS ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS A.Y. Kasatkin Samara State University 1, Pavlov academician st., Samara, 443011 Waterflooding is one among several second oil recovery methods and it produces a high oil recovery rates by injection water into the oil keeping formation. Increasing waterflooding efficiency using by optimal well location scheme is an actual task. To achieve the corresponding goal we propose a program tool for well location schemes compare, both of by quantitative and qualitative characteristics. The program realization based on the oil keeping reservoir pattern represented a homogeneous formation with fixed thickness and infinite borders covering by dual periodical lattice: it includes production and injection wells into her cells. Also this lattice requires dual periodical property from the speed function defined on her cells. So we had used modified Weierstrass dzeta-function to describe oil-water filtering process in modeling reservoir. Keywords: waterflooding, dual periodical lattice, Weierstrass dzeta-function, oil-water contact, production well filling, coefficient of oil extraction. P.43-49 6 WAYS OF OPERATIONAL PLANNING AND SCHEDULING DEVELOPMENT THE TOOL PRODUCTION IN MACHINE-BUILDING PLANT N.V. Konovalova Samara State Technology University 244, Molodogvardeyskaya st., Samara, 443100 This paper deals with some tool production peculiarities of an aerospace enterprise. Undeveloped issues in tool production process are discovered and the solutions to solve these problems are proposed. Keywords: planning, tool production, schedule, schedule, planning principles. P. 50-57 7 DESIGNING OF THE MODEL OF RAW MATERIALS SUPPLY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR THE INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES ON THE BASIS OF THE CLASSICAL AUTOMATIC CONTROL THEORY A.V. Sergeev, A.A. Novikov Samara State Technical University 244, Molodogvardeyskaya st., Samara, 443100 The new approach to the solution of a problem of raw materials supply management for the industrial enterprises which distinctive feature from existing is use of the classical means of the automatic control theory for designing of models, criteria and algorithms of supply management is stated. The example of the supply management systems model designing in the form of transfer functions and the results of numerical modeling of controlled processes in the software package Simulink are given. Keywords: supply management, automatic control theory, supply management model, warehouse, inventory items, insurance stock, stocks level, transfer function, disturbance, PID-controller, functional blocks, transitional processes. P.58-64 8 DESIGNING OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEM FOR CARGO TRANSPORTATION WITH CONSOLIDATION P.O. Skobelev, A.N. Lada, S.S. Kozhevnikov, D.S. Rybak, I.A. Pustovoy, A.V. Tsarev «SEC «Smart Solutions» 17 Moscovskoe Shosse, office center «Vertikal», Samara, 443013 Principles of designing intelligent scheduling system for transport logistics with cargo consolidations are described in the paper. The description of adaptive scheduling method based on multi-agent technologies are given. Keywords: logistic, cargo transportation, route, adaptive scheduling. P.65-74 9 USE SYSTEM-ANALYTICAL METHOD «DECISION TREES» TO THE PROCESS OF SELECTING THE ATTRIBUTES «CART» FOR BUILDING SYSTEM OF SHORT-TERM FORECAST I.M. Sunagatov, V.I. Batishchev Samara State Technical University 244, Molodogvardeyskaya st., Samara, 443100 The analytical method «A tree of decisions: CART» is considered and applied. Options of obtaining expected values of power consumption are considered. Errors of forecasting are analyzed. Keywords: classification and regression decision trees, CART, forecasting methods, energy, mathematical modeling. P.75-78 10 THE ACCURACY INCREASE OF MEASUREMENT OF HARMONIOUS SIGNALS PARAMETERS ON THE BASIS OF ADDITIONAL VOLTAGE FORMATION V.S. Melentiev, V.V. Muratova Samara State Technical University, 244, Molodogvardeyskaya st., Samara, 443100 The new method of measurement of harmonious signals parameters on their separate instant values is considered. Realization of a method provides exception of a voltage error of the phase-shifting block. Results of the analysis of a method’s error because of a deviation of real signals from harmonious model are considered. Keywords: parameters of periodic signals, harmonious model, the instant values, the phase-shifting block, an error on the module, a methodical error. P. 79-85 11 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF LASER INFORMATION-MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS FOR ESTIMATION OF THE AIRCRAFT SURFACE N.A. Sazonnikova Samara State Technical University 244, Molodogvardeyskaya st., Samara, 443100 Experimental investigations on aircraft surface reflecting characteristics were carried out. Reflectance behavior at pulse-periodic action at different intensity value was estimated. During investigation parameters of sound laser beam influence at probability of detecting and recognition the laser location installation was used. Contrast from incident angle, light wave and relative pulse duration dependencies were received. The experimental estimation of light wave to detecting probability influence at the aircrafts surfaces distance sounding was carried out. Keywords: laser surface sounding, detecting probability, reflecting parameters. P. 86-91 12 SHS POROUS METAL – CERAMIC SYSTEMS TI-B-C USING CHEMICAL FURNACE D.I. Andriyanov, A.R. Samboruk, V.S. Ischenko, D.I. Davidov Samara State Technical University 244, Molodogvardeyskaya st., Samara, 443100 The results of investigation of porous metal-ceramic systems Ti-B-C, obtained by self-propagating hightemperature synthesis using chemical furnace. The effect of titanium amount in the mix material, the den- sity of the workpiece on structure, chemical composition, porosity, and tensile strength of the samples have been investigated. The results of investigations with the Jeol JSM-6390A scanning electron microscope, ARL X'TRA diffractometer and of INSTRON 5988 multiple-purpose testing machine are given. Keywords: chemical oven, titanium, tensile strength, porosity, self-propagating high-temperature synthesis. P. 92-98 13 THE MICROBIOLOGICAL CORROSION MECHANISM OF OIL AND GAS PIPELINES IN THE FIELD AND LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS E.A. Borisenkova1, E.N. Sachkova2, A.V. Ioffe2 1 Samara State Technical University 244, Molodogvardeyskaya st., Samara, 443100 2 SamaraITC 49, Yarmorochnaya st., Samara, 443001 Relationship between presence of some bacterial genera on internal surface of oilfield equipment (adhesion forms of corrosion caused bacterial consortium) and corrosion of this equipment was revealed. The typical structure of bacterial consortium caused corrosion of oilfield equipment was determined. Keywords: microbiological corrosion, pitting corrosion, corrosion products, oil bacterial consortium, food solution, sulfate-reducing bacteria, thiobacteria, iron bacteria, carbon oxidizing bacteria, cathode polarization, dehydrogenase. P. 99-104 14 EFFECT OF AGING TEMPERATURE ON THE STRUCTURE AND HARDNESS OF THE ALLOY 40HNU-VI S. I. Kazarin «Miniature Bearings Factory» Ltd. 18 km, Moskovskoje shosse, Samara, 443072 Introduced the results of the study on the changes of the microstructure and hardness 40HNU-VI alloy, hardened in 1160-1140 ºС, depending on the aging temperature at the same holding time 5 hours. Keywords: nickel-base alloy, bearing, heat treating. P. 105-111 15 HARDENABILITY CACLULATION FOR 14XH3MA, 15H3MA, 19XГМА BIT STEELS PRODUCED BY OJSC «IZHESTAL» T.M. Pugacheva, Y.V. Borovikova, D.A. Miheev Samara State Technical University 244, Molodogvardeyskaya st., Samara, 443100 This paper contains comparative analysis of hardenability of end quenching test and values calculated by chemical composition in accordance with ASTM A 255. Hardenability estimates by hardness on 6.5 mm and 30 mm depth from standard sample surface. Analytic formulas (ASTM A 255) are shown to be not applicable for these steels. Analytic equations «Hardness - Chemical composition» which predict hardness on 6.5 and 30 mm depth from standard sample surface with quite high accuracy were determined by regression analysis. These equations can be used for hardenability analysis of these steels if the input control of rolled metal quality instead of currently used hard gradient quenching method. Keywords: hardness penetration, bit steels, chemical composition, gradient quenching, correlationregressive equations. P. 112-119 16 THE INVESTIGATION OF SHAVING FORMING PROCESS DURING BT8 TITANIUM ALLOY SHAPING A.N. Belov Samara State Technical Universite 224, Molodogvardeyskaya st., Samara, 443100 The comperative results' investigation of shaving forming process during BT8 titanium alloy shaping with covering NbC and without covering are presented. Keywords: titanium alloy, shaving, NbC covering, cutting modes. P. 120-123 17 RESIDUAL STRESSES AND ENDURANCE LIMIT OF SURFACE HARDENED SPECIMENS WITH DIFFERENT DIAMETERS RADIUS V.S. Vakulyuk, V.F. Pavlov, A.V. Chirkov, S.A. Mikhalkina Samara State Aerospace University named after academician S. P. Korolyov 34, Moskovskoe shosse, Samara, 443086 Semicircular profile cut radius influence on cylindrical solid and hollow specimens made of steel 20 with 25 mm diameter endurance limit has been examined under outstripping superficial plastic deforming. It’s established that the endurance limit decreases with the increase of cut radius from 0,3mm to 1mm under the same type of hardening. It should be increase the specimens hardened superficial lay thickness under outstripping superficial plastic deforming for hardening effect conservation. Keywords: cylindrical specimen, outstripping superficial plastic deforming, different radiuscut, endurance limit. P. 124-131 18 INFLUENCE OF THE RECYCLED ABRASIVE GRAIN ON THE QUALITY OF GRINDING WHEELS ON A CERAMIC BOND N.I. Vetkasov1, L.V. Khudobin1, S.M. Mikliailin2, A.G. Morozova3, S.V. Zhdanov2 1 Ulyanovsk State Technical University 32, Severny Venets st., Ulyanovsk, 432027 2 Open Society «Dimitrovgradhimmash» 256, Kyeibysheva st., Dimitrovgrad, 433511 3 South-Ural State University 76, Lenina pr., Cheliabinsk, 454080 There are represented the results of physical and chemical researches of the recycled grain of white electrocorundum, including after its high-temperature heating. The influence of the recycled abrasive grain on geometrical parameters of semifinished products of wheels on a ceramic bond, the sizes and hardness of the grinding wheels containing from 10 to 75 % of recycled grain is investigated. Keywords: electrocorundum, abrasive grain, aggregated grain, recycled grain, bond, forming mixture, grinding wheel. P. 132-140 19 SIMULATION OF RAILCAR BODY VIBRATIONS Yu.S. Romen1, I.M. Klebanov2, E.A. Soldusova2 1 All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Railway Transport 10, 3rd Mytischinskaya st., Moscow, 107996 2 Samara State Technical University 244, Molodogvardeyskaya st., Samara, 443100 A complete system of rigid body dynamics equations applied to railcar body is introduced. This equation system is to model rail car multibody dynamics and to determine loads exerted on car elements in order to improve stability and safety of movement. Keywords: Rigid body dynamics, computer simulation, center of mass, body movements, railway car. P.141-147 20 CONSTRUCTION ANALYSIS AND MANUFACTURE TECHNOLOGY OF FISHING EQUIPMENT Т.А. Shashkina2, Y.I. Kurguzov1, I.E. Adeyanov1 1 Samara State Technical University 244, Molodogvardeyskaja st., Samara, 443100 2 ZAO «SibTreidServis» 32, building 208, Zemets st., Samara, 443052 In this paper was developed a physical model of the formation process of a threaded connection, which provides the reliability that is sufficient enough for fixing the fishing tool in the pipe body and the given load capacity for workover, and also a model of the process of surface hardening of thread microbeads. The recommendations to improve the process of manufacture of fishing equipment have been proposed. Keywords: tap, drill pipe, fishing thread, hardening, microbeads, residual stress. P.148-156 21 NATURE OF INTENSITY CHANGE OF THE MAGNETIC FIELD ROUND POWER FOUR-VEIN CABLES OR WIRES IN PRODUCTION AND OFFICE ROOMS V.A. Bespalov, A.V. Saltykov, V.M. Saltykov, A.N. Stoikin Samara State Technical University 244, Molodogvardeyskaya st., Samara, 443100 The nature of intensity change of total strain values of magnetic field of industrial frequency in the form of circular charts and maximum values round power three-phase four-vein cables of power supply systems for symmetric and not full-phase modes of loading is shown. Keywords: power system, the magnetic field of industrial frequency. P. 157-166 22 MODELING OF TIME-OPTIMAL CONTROL SYSTEM OF THE INDUCTION HEATING PROCESSES WITH INTERVAL OF UNCERTAINTY CHARACTERISTICS OF THE OBJECT I.S. Levin Samara State Technical University 244, Molodogvardeyskaya st., Samara, 443100 The aim of this paper is to show the effectiveness of an optimal control system with identifier of uncertainty characteristics of the object in comparison with the control system where the all characteristics of the object are supposed to be known. Keywords: distributed parameter system, induction heating, control with interval uncertainty of characteristics of the object, computer modeling, comparative analysis, controller with an identifier. P.167-174 23 DEFINITION EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT PARAMETERS OF THREE PHASE ASYNCHRONOUS MOTORS V.S. Osipov, V.I. Kotenev, V.V. Kochetkov Samara State Technical University 244, Molodogvardeyskaya st., Samara, 443100 The problem of determining the parameters of the equivalent circuit of asynchronous electric motors with squirrel-cage rotor and slip ring on the catalog data in order to build their mechanical characteristics is considered. Method for determining the parameters of the equivalent circuit with subsequent evaluation of the results of convergence solutions is developed. Keywords: electric motor, asynchronous, stator, rotor, sliding, torque, voltage, stator current, resulted rotor current, resistance of the stator, resulted rotor resistance. P. 175-184 24 APPLICATION OF THE EXTENDED KALMAN FILTER FOR THE ESTIMATION OF THE ROTOR SPEED OF AN INDUCTION MOTOR M.V. Talanov, A.V. Karasev, V.M. Talanov Ogarev Mordovia State University 68, Bolshevistskaya st., Saransk, 430005 In this paper the estimation method of the rotor angular velocity by means of the rotor flux linkage analysis using the extended Kalman filter is suggested. Keywords: stationary reference frame, extended Kalman filter, induction motor, Digital Motor Control library, MATLAB, speed sensor. P. 185-191 25 TECHNOLOGICAL SUPPORT OF RELIABILITY OF THE AUTOMOBILE GENERATING INSTALLATION (GI) G.I. Tsopov, V.N. Ovsyannikov, N.A. Elshansky Samara State Technical University 244, Molodogvardeyskaya st., Samara, 443100 The most widespread types of refusals of automobile generating installation are considered. The general factors and the reasons of emergence of refusals are revealed. Recommendations of their elimination and the prevention are given. Keywords: refusal, bearing knot, magnetic noise, reliability, resource. P. 192-197 26 THE LINEAR COEFFICIENT INVERSE HEAT CONDUCTION PROBLEM BASED ON ALTERNANCE ORTIMIZATION METHOD A.N. Diligenskaya Samara State Technical University 244, Molodogvardeyskaya st., Samara, 443100 Inverse thermal conductivity problem is considered as coefficient problem for linear parabolic equation. To identify the average thermal parameters the problem is formulated as an optimization problem of process with distributed parameters. The conditional-correct formulation of problem is stated. Solution is based on the alternance properties desired extremals. Keywords: Coefficient inverse heat problem, conditional-correct formulation, the special problem of mathematical programming, alternance method P.198-202 27 OBTAINING EXACT ANALYTICAL SOLUTIONS OF HYPERBOLIC EQUATION WITHIN SIMPLE PIPELINE IN SURGE I.V. Kudinov, A.V. Eremin, S.V. Kolesnikov, A.E. Kusnetzova Samara State Technical University 244, Molodogvardeyskaya st., Samara, 443100 The exact analytical solution of the hyperbolic equation describing viscous fluid flow within a simple pipeline in surge is obtained. Keywords: viscous incompressible fluid, surge, hyperbolic equation, the Fourier transform, exact analytical solution, orthogonal methods of weighted residuals. P. 203-210 28 INVESTIGATION OF PROCESS OF HYDROTREATING OF PETROLEUM FRACTIONS AND SLOW CARBONIZATED GASOLINE ON THE BASIS OF TECHNICAL CATALYSTS. N.V. Zhavoronkova1, V.V. Konovalov2, P.P. Minaev2, A.A. Pimerzin 2 1 OJSC Novokuibyshevsk Refinery Novokuibyshevsk 446207, Samara region 2 Samara State Technical University 244, Molodogvardeyskaya str., Samara, 443100 In this paper the results of the investigation of the process of hydrotreating of petroleum fractions and slow carbonizated gasoline on the basis of technical catalysts of the 21-10/5К OJSC Novokuibyshevsk Refinery complex are represented. Keywords: hydrotreating, slow carbonizated gasoline, gasoline and diesel fraction, flow plant, general sulphur content, olefinic hydrocarbons, nitrogen content. P, 211-218 29 TO THE QUESTION OF THE STABILITY OF THE MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF COMPETITIVE BEHAVIOR OF THE TWO ECONOMIC AGENTS I.P. Bolodurina, T.A. Ogurtzova Orenburg State University, Orenburg 13, etc. Victory, Orenburg, 460018 The paper considers the stability of the nontrivial equilibrium position dynamic model of the competitive behaviour of the two economic agents, described the system of nonlinear differential equations with retarded argument. Keywords: Mathematical model, differential equations with delay, stability, the position of equilibrium. P. 219-222 30 SYNTHESIS OF FIR DIGITAL FILTERS FOR SOLVING SIGNAL RECONSTRUCTION USING CRITERIA OF MOMENTS I.I. Volkov, A.G. Zolin Samara State Technical University 244, Molodogvardeyskaya st., Samara, 443100 The method of two-dimensional inverse digital filters for solving inverse problems of image reconstruction based on an approximation approach with regularizing parameters. Keywords: image reconstruction, FIR filter, the weight function, the inverse filter. P. 223-226 31 METHOD OF ASSESSMENT OF HYDROGEN SULPHIDE FORMATION INTENSITY IN THE FURNACES FOR OIL HEATING L.G. Grigoryan, S.B. Konygin, M.S. Agrafenin Samara State Technical University 244, Molodogvardeyskaya st., Samara, 443100 Questions of oil components breakdown and hydrogen sulphide formation in the furnaces are described. Method of assessment of the process intensity is offered. Keywords: oil heating in the furnaces, hydrogen sulphide formation. P. 227-229 32 ERROR ESTIMATION OF METHOD OF INTEGRATED CHARACTERISTICS MEASUREMENT ON INSTANT VALUES OF THE SIGNALS DIVIDED IN TIME AND SPACE A.O. Lychev Samara State Technical University 244, Molodogvardeyskaya st., Samara, 443100 The analysis of method errors of integrated characteristics measurement with use of spatial and temporary division of instant values of harmonious signals is carried out. The received results allow choosing optimum parameters of measuring process for providing the least error. Keywords: integrated characteristics, harmonic signal, instant values of the signals, error. P. 230-234 33 NON-CONTACT METHOD OF THE LIQUID CONDUCTIVITY MEASURING WITH THE ACCURACY INCREASING O.G. Korganova, V.A. Kuznetsov Samara State Technical University 244, Molodogvardeyskaja st., Samara, 443100 Fluid conductivity sensor is considered. The error of sensor is reduced through the use of test methods to improve the accuracy of measurement. Keywords: Fluid conductivity, test methods, converter transformer, immersion sensor, microcontroller, adaptive error, multiplicative error. P. 235-238 34 EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE FLUCTUATIONS OF THE POLYMER MELT AT EXTRUDER OUTLET PERFORMANCE ON THE FORMATION OF CABLES A.S. Nechaev, V.N. Mitroshin Samara State Technical University 244, Molodogvardeyskaya st., Samara, 443100 The work was carried dependency analysis of operating characteristics and the quality of the coaxial cable from the LAN-void ratio when applied to the phase conductor is chemically foamed insulation. Was determined relationship between the residence time of the polymer in the metering and temperatures for decomposition of 90% blowing agent, based on which numerical values obtained impedance changes and the reflectivity of individual brands of cables due to temperature fluctuations in the melt within the extruder outlet 160 ± 0,5 º C . Keywords: The polymer melt temperature, porosity insulation, coaxial cables, LAN-cable, impedance, the reflection coefficient. P. 239-243