Literacy – week 1 Skills Range Activities Monday W3. Writing in a range of forms Spelling Tuesday 4. reading/viewing extracts and complete texts: • with challenging subject matter that broadens perspectives and extends thinking, e.g. • that reflect the diversity of society in the twentyfirst century 1. writing for a range of purposes, 2. writing for a range of real or imagined audiences 3. writing in a range of forms 4. writing in response to a wide range of stimuli: visual, Comprehension – Indian words Creative writing – Message in a bottle W.6.Develop and use a variety of strategies to enable them to spell correctly 1. develop phonic, graphic and grammatical knowledge, word recognition and contextual understanding within a balanced and coherent programme Wednesday 1. use the characteristic features of literary and non-literary texts in their own writing, adapting their style to suit the audience and purpose Thursday audio and written. 8. draft and improve their work, using ICT as appropriate, to 9. present writing appropriately: • developing legible handwriting Friday To encourage the children to think about the questions they would like to explore and help them see learning as an active and exciting process All groups: h/f words revision: when, where, with, were, who + topic words: Chembokolli, India, sikh, hindu, sari. Carousel activity: wordsearch To identify words from another language Children to look at a range of common words we use that have originated from India. Children to work in mixed ability pairs to match up words with their meanings. Ready resources geography page 66 To write an imaginary letter Following topic introduction – children to write their own messages in a bottle. Imagine they are on a desert Island, describe surroundings – look, smells, sounds etc. Creative writing – Message in a bottle – re-draft for display Children to edit and re-draft messages for display, Questioning Ask questions related to context and listen before asking further questions. Thinking skills How to teach thinking and learning skills: ‘Remember to ask Thinking Questions’ Year 3 lesson 2 Success criteria/ Assessment I can....spell 10 words correctly I understand the meaning of words I can use adjectives in my writing. Literacy – week 2 Skills Range Monday W3. Writing in a range of forms Tuesday R3. experiencing and responding to a wide range of texts that include: • information, reference and other non-literary texts, including print, media, moving image and computer-based materials R4. reading/viewing extracts and complete texts: • with challenging subject matter that broadens perspectives and extends thinking, W.6.Develop and use a variety of strategies to enable them to spell correctly R6b.retrieve and collate information and ideas from a range of sources including printed, visual, audio, media, ICT and drama in performance Wednesday R5. consider what they read/view, responding orally and in writing to the ideas, vocabulary, style, presentation and organisation of image and language, and be able to select evidence to support their views Thursday Friday To encourage the children to think about the questions they would like to explore and help them see learning as an active and exciting process Questioning: Ask questions related to context and listen before asking further questions. Activities Success criteria/ Assessment I can....spell 10 words correctly Spelling Carousel All groups: h/f words revision: activity: Collins spelling 3+4, topic words: wordsearch Himalayas, River Ganges, Taj Mahal, sitar, Asia Comprehension – An introduction to India To answer questions from a non-fiction source Children read a fact sheet on India. Lower ability – complete a cloze procedure. Higher ability – complete questions I find information on India. Class book – The wreck of the Zanzibar To read a variety of texts Read and discuss the first few chapters of the book. Teachers notes – activity 1. Listen to audio clip, discuss extract clips (interactive resources.) Discuss jobs of girls and how things have changed today. In groups complete activity sheets. Thinking skills How to teach thinking and learning skills: ‘Things you never knew about.........’ Year 4 lesson 2 I can respond orally and written to what I have read Date:13/09/10 Weekly Maths Planning Year/Class: Year 5/6 Mrs Coates Group 2 Heinemann 5 N.C. Skills • try different approaches; use a variety of strategies, sequences of operation and methods of calculating • use flexible and effective methods of computation and recording • develop a variety of mental and written strategies of computation Range: Number 1. Understand number and number notation • count, read, write and order whole numbers • understand place value in relation to the position of digits Starter/Tune-in Counting in tens/arrow cards activities Activities 1. Place value revision – practical use of the arrow cards 2. Numbers to millions- Place value: Heinemann 5 textbook pg. 4 3. Numbers to millions – add/sub powers of 10: Heinemann 5 textbook pg. 5 4. Numbers to millions – comparing and ordering: Heinemann 5 textbook pg. 7 5. Numbers to millions-comparing and ordering: practical activity (+tb p.7b) 6. Numbers to millions – 10, 100 more/less: Heinemann 5 textbook pg. 1 7. Numbers to millions – 10000, 100000, 1000000 more/less: Heinemann 5 textbook pg. 3 8. Assessment check up 1 Extension Activities Heinemann 5 extension textbook page 1 Assessment They use place value in numbers up to 1000 to make approximations.(3) They develop further mental strategies for adding and subtracting numbers with at least two digits.(3) They check their results are reasonable by considering the context or the size of the numbers.(4) They use a variety of mental and written methods for computation(4) Assessment Activity Check up 1 Pupils who didn’t meet expected goals Pupils who exceeded expected goals Date:13/09/10 Weekly Maths Planning Year/Class: Year 5/6 Mrs Coates Group 1 Heinemann 4 N.C. Skills • try different approaches; use a variety of strategies, sequences of operation and methods of calculating • use flexible and effective methods of computation and recording • develop a variety of mental and written strategies of computation Range: Number 1. Understand number and number notation • count, read, write and order whole numbers • understand place value in relation to the position of digits Starter/Tune-in Counting in tens/arrow cards activities Activities 1. Place value revision – practical use of the arrow cards 2. Numbers to 10000- Place value: Heinemann 4 textbook pg. 4 3. Numbers to 10000- add/sub 1, 10, 100, 1000: Heinemann 4 textbook pg. 5 4. Numbers to 10000- comparing and ordering: Heinemann 4 textbook pg. 6 5. Numbers to 10000-comparing and ordering: practical activity (+tb p.6b) 6. Numbers to 10000 – 10, 100 more/less: Heinemann 4 textbook pg. 1 7. Numbers to 10000 – numbers between: Heinemann 4 textbook pg. 3 8. Assessment check up 1 Extension Activities Heinemann 4 extension textbook page 1 Assessment They use place value in numbers up to 1000 to make approximations.(3) They develop further mental strategies for adding and subtracting numbers with at least two digits.(3) They check their results are reasonable by considering the context or the size of the numbers.(3) Assessment Activity Check up 1 Pupils who didn’t meet expected goals Pupils who exceeded expected goals Date:13/09/10 Weekly Maths Planning Year/Class: Year 5/6 Mrs Coates Group 3 Heinemann 6 N.C. Skills • try different approaches; use a variety of strategies, sequences of operation and methods of calculating • use flexible and effective methods of computation and recording • develop a variety of mental and written strategies of computation Range: Number 1. Understand number and number notation • count, read, write and order whole numbers • understand place value in relation to the position of digits Starter/Tune-in Counting in tens/arrow cards activities Activities 1. Place value revision – practical use of the arrow cards 2. Numbers with up to 8 digits- Place value: Heinemann 6 textbook pg. 1 3. Add/subtract multiples of 10 – Place value: Heinemann 6 textbook pg. 3 4. Place value – comparing and ordering: Heinemann 6 textbook pg. 2 5. Place value-comparing and ordering: practical activity (+ textbook pg. 2b)) 6. Place value – multiplying/dividing by 10,100: Heinemann 6 Textbook page 4 7. Place value – rounding: Heinemann 6 textbook page 6 8. Assessment check up 1 + 2 Extension Activities Heinemann 6 extension textbook page 1 Assessment They use place value in numbers up to 1000 to make approximations.(3) They develop further mental strategies for adding and subtracting numbers with at least two digits.(3) They check their results are reasonable by considering the context or the size of the numbers.(4) They use a variety of mental and written methods for computation(4) They use their understanding of place value to multiply and divide whole numbers by 10 and 100. Assessment Activity Check up 1+2 Pupils who didn’t meet expected goals Pupils who exceeded expected goals TOPIC – Castaway (Geography + DT) Skills Session 1– subject focus: Geography 1. identify and locate places and environments using globes, atlases, and maps, e.g. use coordinates and four-figure references 3. use maps, imagery and ICT to find and present locational information, Session 2+3 – subject focus: Geography 1. identify and locate places and environments using globes, atlases, and maps, e.g. use coordinates and four-figure references 2. identify similarities and differences to describe, compare and contrast places and environments Session 4 – subject focus: Geography 1. identify and locate places and environments using globes, atlases, and maps, e.g. use coordinates and four-figure references 2. identify similarities and differences to describe, compare and contrast places and environments Range – Living in other countries: two contrasting localities* in countries at different levels of economic development outside the United Kingdom – How is this place the same as or different from other places/environments and why? Is it always the same? Why is it changing? Activities Topic Introduction To locate places using maps and atlases A message in a bottle arrives in school. Children use internet to locate Chembakolli in India, following coordinates and clues. Children complete KWL grid to plan their learning Introduction to India I know the rivers, mountains and cities of India I know the rivers, mountains and cities of India and Wales To locate places using an atlas or map. Use flipchart ‘India’ (ngfl) to introduce India and the continent of Asia. Complete map of the world labelling the continents and the countries of Asia. Name the rivers, mountains, capitals etc. Of India Introduction to India To compare India and Wales Use flipchart ‘India’ (ngfl) to introduce India and compare with Wales. Complete map of the world labelling Wales and India – their rivers, mountains, capitals etc. Complete grid comparing India and Wales Success criteria/ Assessment I can locate Chembakolli on a map TOPIC – One World (Geography, Art + DT) Skills 1. identify and describe natural and human features, e.g. weather conditions, types of buildings 3. communicate findings in a variety of ways, 1. identify and describe natural and human features, e.g. weather conditions, types of buildings 3. communicate findings in a variety of ways, Range – Living in other countries: two contrasting localities* in countries at different levels of economic development outside the United Kingdom – How is this place the same as or different from other places/environments and why? Is it always the same? Why is it changing? Activities Indian landmarks To describe natural and human features Use flipchart ‘QCA unit 10 a village in India’. Recap over previous learning. Look at a variety of famous landmarks in India. Children to complete a fact file on physical and human features of India – Taj Mahal, Himalayas, River Ganges. Physical and human features To identify natural and human features Children to sort key features looked at in previous session into ‘Human’ or ‘physical’ features. Resource – grid from flip chart. Success criteria/ Assessment I can create a fact file. I identify natural and human features Topic / Area of Study – Science (DT) 2. investigate how existing products look and function as a source of ideas for their own products, • tasks in which they explore and investigate simple products in order to acquire technological knowledge and understanding that can be applied in their designing and making 1. Introducing materials and structures To gather given information Use Ngfl flipchart to look at different types of structures. Children to complete question sheet on properties and uses of a structure in groups. Indian Music To listen to a variety of music from India Listen to and appraise a variety of Indian music. Children to express preferences and identify individual instruments. I can identify musical instruments Stabec To give factual and personal information Programme Un –Watch video and discuss key words. Reinforce sentence of the week – brawddeg yr wythnos. Follow up from Athro Cymreag Reinforce basic questioning covered in lesson. Develop the use of ‘Sawl…?’ – ‘How many…?’ I can ask and answer personal questions I can identify the different uses of structures. Topic / Area of Study – Music Children should learn • about cyclic patterns Children • identify different aspects of pulse by clapping and moving Topic / Area of Study – Welsh O1. view and listen carefully, extracting the main points O3. communicate: • clearly and confidently • in a manner that is suitable for the audience and purpose • using appropriate gesture and intonation 2. experience a range of audio, audio-visual, electronic, visual and written stimuli, ideas and texts, e.g. DVDs, tapes, interactive white board material, a theatrical performance Topic / Area of Study – P.E. . develop, consolidate and then apply the skills and techniques needed to take part in a variety of competitive activities 4. Competitive activities: activities that are learned for the purpose of competition between an individual, group or team and others. Invasion Games Unit 3 – Hockey Lesson 1 – Target hockey, develop skills with a hockey stick, pushing and passing. Lesson 2 - Target hockey, develop skills with a hockey stick, passing and dribbling (Adventurous activities – camp craft in a block) Topic / Area of Study - ICT 3. select suitable information and make simple judgements about sources of information • use a range of ICT resources and equipment independently and collaboratively, e.g. cameras, scanners, CD/DVD players, MP3 players, mobile phones, PDAs Unit 5B – Analysing data Smart learning year 6 – unit 1:1 Activity: Pupil activity book – pages 8 and 9 Smart learning year 6 – unit 1:2 Activity: Pupil activity book – pages 10 and 11 Topic / Area of Study – R.E. To discuss and reflect upon the communities and groups to which they belong Where do I belong? What makes a community? Religious communities (Core unit 2) 1. Our secret club – Discuss with the communities and groups to which they belong. Group work – create new community or gang. Use ‘Special places’ page 9. Topic / Area of Study – PSE To understand the characteristics of democracies and dictatorships. The global community Democracies and dictatorships: Political systems Use the internet to research which countries are democracies and which are dictatorships Resource – activity sheet ICT Cross Curricular session Geography– using Google Earth to locate Chembakolli Topic / Area of Study – Contingency activities Thinking skills Wizards Challenge Curriculum follow up AfL lolly sticks – make faces. Target work Topic / Area of Study – HOMEWORK Topic: Research 3 facts about India Spelling: 10 words to learn Maths: Home activity 1 Target setting Children to work with the teacher to choose a focus for the term. Personalised learning packs to be completed on a daily basis Year 5/6 Evaluation Fortnight beginning 13th September 2010