Class structure

Electron Unit
September 24-October 5 (2015)
Day 1: Diagramming Orbitals
Objectives (SWBAT):
Physical Science 8- accurately describe electrons in terms of schrodinger’s model and diagram their
orbitals using Hund’s rule, the Pauli exclusion principle, and the Aufbau principle
Evaluated by:
Shapes and Diagramming Orbitals Worksheet
Class structure:
Do Now: What does the quantum mechanical model of the atom say about electrons?
1. Engage- NOTES: orbital shapes and filling rules
2. Explore- Students will diagram atomic orbitals using Hund, Pauli, and Aufbau rules
3. Explain- Students will write the electron configuration for each of the 12 elements on
the back of the worksheet
4. Elaborate- Students will finish the worksheet for homework.
Summary: According to the Quantum Mechanical Model of the atom, electrons reside in areas of
probability, called clouds, at set energy levels. These can be diagrammed with arrows representing
electrons to predict location.
Day 2: Electron Configuration- Longhand and Shorthand
Objectives (SWBAT):
Physical Science 8- use Hund’s rule, the Pauli exclusion principle, and the Aufbau principle to write
electron configurations for elements
Evaluated by:
Electron Configuration Worksheet
Class structure:
Do Now: Draw the orbital diagram form Sulfur.
1. Engage- Students will complete the first six problems of the worksheet using their
knowledge from day 1 of this unit.
2. Explore- Students will use their diagrams to write electron configurations in longhand
then shorthand (parts A and B).
3. Explain- Students will explain orbitals, energy levels, and broken rules in parts C, D, and
E of the worksheet. The teacher will connect textbook vocabulary to simpler vocabulary
in parts C and D.
4. Elaborate- The teacher will use electron configuration to edit students’ Bohr model
understanding. Exit Ticket: Draw the real Bohr models for the elements in part A.
Summary: For a quicker way to illustrate how electrons are arranged in an atom, electron configuration
can be used. This is just a list, in order, of the filled orbitals ending in the number of electrons in the last
occupied orbital.
Day 3: Electromagnetic Spectrum
Objectives (SWBAT):
Physical Science 8 and 9- calculate the wavelength and frequency of light waves and label the parts of a
Inquiry 5- Use mathematics to solve problems
Evaluated by:
Electromagnetic Spectrum Worksheet
Class structure:
Do Now: Write the electron configuration (longhand and shorthand) for Zinc.
1. Engage- Review quantum mechanical model of the atom and tie to the idea that
electrons act as waves.
2. Explore- Students will brainstorm different types of waves while the teacher records
them on the board (in their correct EM spectrum placements).
3. Explain- Students will explain how the waves listed are the same and how they are
different. The teacher will tie this to wave vocabulary (wavelength, frequency, energy,
and speed of light).
4. Elaborate- The teacher will demonstrate how to use the speed of light equation then
the students will use it, and their notes, to complete the 15 questions on the worksheet.
Summary: Light is a wave with a speed of 3x108 m/s. Red light is the most spread out, then orange,
yellow, green, blue, and violet is the tightest packed. This is because red light’s wavelength is the
longest, followed by orange, then yellow, green, blue, and finally violet with the shortest wavelength.
Day 4: Plank’s Equation and Pre-Lab, Mini Quiz: Electrons
Objectives (SWBAT):
Physical Science 8 and 9- calculate the energy, wavelength, and frequency of photons
Inquiry 5- Use mathematics to solve problems
Evaluated by:
Plank’s Equation Worksheet
Class structure:
Do Now: Name a wave with a higher frequency than violet light.
1. Engage- Students will attempt to answer the question….Which has more energy: waves
with long wavelength and low frequency or waves with short wavelength and high
frequency? The teacher will then introduce plank’s equation.
2. Explore- Students will solve the eight problems on the worksheet.
3. Explain- Students will show all their work.
4. Elaborate- Introduce the situation in which you can “break” the aufbau rule…ground vs
excited state. The teacher discuss jumping and energy levels by tying it to the video
below. Then, students will explain how this relates to electrons in the pre-lab for day 5.
Summary: The energy of light waves is based on their frequency. Each wave emits light as packets, or
quants, of energy with a particular frequency and energy.
Day 5: Flame Test Lab
Objectives (SWBAT):
Physical Science 9- Estimate the amount of energy it takes to excite electrons in various metals using the
flame test
Inquiry 8- identify an unknown compound by the results of its flame test
Evaluated by:
Flame Test Lab
Class structure:
Do Now: Read through your procedure while your pre-lab is checked. Once checked, grab
goggles and an apron.
1. Engage- The teacher will review how to light Bunsen burners and the lab safety for the
day’s activities.
2. Explore- Students will gather data for the lab.
3. Explain- Students will calculate the wavelength, frequency, and energy of each light
4. Elaborate- Students will use the results from their lab to predict the composition of an
unknown compound then complete the post-lab questions.
Summary: The electron configuration of an element on the periodic table is called its ground state. If
energy is added to an electron, it can leap to a higher energy level called an excited state. When an
electron returns to its ground state, it releases the energy as light.
Day 6: Review and Organize
Objectives (SWBAT):
Physical Science 8 and 9; Inquiry 5- demonstrate at least 75% proficiency over the material of this unit
Evaluated by:
Electron Test Review
Class structure:
Do Now: Calculate the frequency and energy of a wave with a wavelength of 430nm.
1. Engage- As a class, review the flame test lab- what it meant and any questions about the
2. Explore- Students will organize their binders for day 7’s check and to determine their
strengths and weaknesses with this unit’s material.
3. Explain- The teacher will go over the answers to the test review.
4. Elaborate- Students will study at home for day 7’s test.
Summary: We have now covered chapters 1-5 in the textbook. The final exam will be all multiple choice
questions and answered on scantron. Past reviews, quizzes, and labs are excellent tools to help
students study.
Day 7: Test- Electrons
Objectives (SWBAT):
Physical Science 8 and 9; Inquiry 5- demonstrate at least 75% proficiency over the material of this unit
Evaluated by:
Test- Electrons
Class structure:
Do Now: Take out a calculator and something to write with, open your binder to the table of
contents and place it on the back bench, move your bags to the A/C, and clear your calculator RAM
Summary: Use your organized binder, graded, assignments, past tests, and the list of exam topics to
study for the comprehensive first nine weeks exam.
Day(s) Addressed
Inquiry 5
Utilize mathematics, organizational tools, and graphing skills to solve problems
3, 4, 5
Science 8
Analyze the development of the modern atomic theory from a historical
2, 3, 4, 5
Science 9
Draw accurate valence electron configurations and Lewis dot diagrams for selected
molecules, ionic and covalent compounds, and chemical equations
1, 2
Science 15
Predict the physical and chemical properties of an element based only on its
location in the periodic table
1, 2
Experiments/ Models
Bohr Model
Quantum Mechanical Model
Orbital Diagram
Electron Configuration (long
and short)
Orbital vs subshell vs energy
Aufbau Principle
Pauli Exclusion Principle
Hund’s Rule
C= λ*ν
(c= 3.0x108 m/s)
E= h*ν
(h= 6.63*10-34 Js)
Assessment Design- Unit 4
Basic: 6 Questions
Standard: 12 Questions
Expanded: 6 Questions
Essential Skills and Learning Objectives
Type of
(MC, CR, P)
(Remember &
(Apply &
(Evaluate &
Relate the wavelength, frequency, and energy of a wave
1 MC
2 MC
2 CR
Analyze the development of the modern atomic theory
from a historical perspective (Bohr vs Quantum)
1 MC
2 CR
2 CR
Draw accurate orbital diagrams, longhand electron
configurations, shorthand electron configurations, and Bohr
diagrams for a variety of elements
2 MC
6 CR
1 CR
Compare and contrast waves along the electromagnetic
2 CR
2 MC
1 CR