9/23 or 24

Today: Inquiry 2 and Lab Safety...
Why use a sample instead of a population?
Random- each member of population has an
equal chance of being part of the sample.
Representative- ensuring that certain
parameters of your sample match the
Technical vs Experimental
Technical replicate- one treatment is divided
into multiple samples.
Experimental replicate- different, replicate,
treatments are done to different samples.
Testing blood sugar levels after eating a
Testing blood sugar levels after eating a
Divide a participants blood into 3 samples and
test blood sugar in each sample.
Technical or Experimental replicate?
Testing blood sugar levels after eating a
Test 3 different people.
Technical or Experimental replicate?
Testing blood sugar levels after eating a
Test the same person on 3 different days.
Technical or Experimental replicate?
What sample size do you need?
What sample size do you need?
It depends on the error you expect.
To determine an appropriate sample size, you
need to estimate a few parameters.
•Standard Deviation
The probability that an experiment will
have a significant (positive) result, that is have
a p-value of less than the specified
significance level (usually 5%).
This calculator will help you determine the
appropriate sample size:
What sample size do you need?
It depends on the error you expect.
(So it is impossible to predict with 100%
accuracy before the experiment is carried out.)
Inquiry 2 -Who?
•Groups of 3-5 people
Inquiry 2 -Who?
•Groups of 3-5 people
•Divide work
Inquiry 2 -Who?
•Groups of 3-5 people
•Divide work
•Be clear about responsibilities and
•Leave enough time to get everything done
without panic
Inquiry 2 -What?
Incredibly, amazingly, fantastically, critically
important, essential information has been
posted on the class webpage.
•Lab Safety
•Order Forms
•Updated Proposal and Report Formats
Inquiry 2 -What?
•May use gadgets, chemicals, kits, etc
-Analytical/physical chemistry storeroom
(order form)
-Media kitchen (via chem storeroom)
-Research Streams
CAS registry numbers:
unique identifiers for most chemicals
Inquiry 2 -Where and When?
You can work in PAI 4.14 during your
scheduled lab times, and/or during my other
lab times.
M 12-3pm
M 3-6pm
Th 12-3pm
Th 3:30-6pm
Inquiry 2 -Where and When?
You can work during the your scheduled lab
times, and/or during my other lab times.
Outside of lab times, you may only work
when a TA is present. These times will be
posted weekly.
Inquiry 2 -Where?
Lab Safety
Inquiry 2 -Where?
Lab Safety
•Closed toed shoes, sleeves, legs covered to
knees, hair out of harms way
Inquiry 2 -Where?
Lab Safety
•Closed toed shoes, sleeves, legs covered to
knees, hair out of harms way
•NO FOOD in lab
Inquiry 2 -Where?
Lab Safety
•Closed toed shoes, sleeves, legs covered to
knees, hair out of harms way
•NO FOOD in lab
•Be aware of what you are doing ans working
Inquiry 2 -Where?
Lab Safety
•Closed toed shoes, sleeves, legs covered to
knees, hair out of harms way
•NO FOOD in lab
•Be aware of what you are doing ans working
•Wash hands before leave lab
Inquiry 2 -Where?
Waste Disposal
You are responsible for the safe disposal of all
waste you generate.
Inquiry 2 -Where?
Waste Disposal
Inquiry 2 -Where?
Waste Disposal
You are responsible for the safe disposal of all
waste you generate.
This includes chemical waste and biological
If you make a mistake, spill something, have
an accident… tell someone immediately.
Inquiry 2 -How?
Mostly the same as inquiry 1
2 additional parts
Inquiry 2 -How?
Mostly the same as inquiry 1
2 additional parts
In the Experiment section
Include detailed information on equipment and
reagents to be used.
Where will you get them
Needed order forms
Inquiry 2 -How?
Mostly the same as inquiry 1
2 additional parts
Add a Responsibilities section
Describing who will do what…
Inquiry 2 -How?
Proposals will not be approved until sources
for all equipment and/or chemicals are
Orders will be placed during lab, after your
proposal is approved.
Inquiry 2 -How?
Written Reports
Similar to inquiry 1, but add a Responsibilities
Inquiry 2 -How?
Written Reports
Similar to inquiry 1, but add a Responsibilities
Everyone should participate in writing, some
may write the original text, while others work
on figures/tables, and others edit.
Inquiry 2 -How?
Oral Reports
•Should be 15 to 20 minutes long
Inquiry 2 -How?
Oral Reports
•Should be 15 to 20 minutes long
•Include all of the basic information from the
written report.
(Do not simply read your written report)
Inquiry 2 -How?
Oral Reports
•Should be 15 to 20 minutes long
•Include all of the basic information from the
written report.
(Do not simply read your written report)
•Everyone will present some part of the oral
Inquiry 2 -How?
Oral Reports
•Should be 15 to 20 minutes long
•Include all of the basic information from the
written report.
(Do not simply read your written report)
•Everyone will present some part of the oral
•Should be visually engaging
My group sucks, and now I am going to fail.
Don’t have a cow man.
Your will be graded as a
group and also only on
your sections.
Inquiry 2 proposals are due in
lab on Th 10/1 or M 10/5
•Homework #4 due now:
What was the hardest part of
inquiry 1, and how will you
make this easier for inquiry 2?
This weekend: Pecan Street
Arts Festival
Next week: Research Ethics