ASA Council Teach-In

2008-2009 ASA Council
May 2, 2008
ASA Council Teach-In
Events – Zoe Tanaka & Susan Corley
IT – Zoe Tanaka (for Sungmoon Cho)
Fundraising – Clara Park
Budget/Finance – Oksana Hickok
Academics – Leah Caldarone
ASA Council Teach-In
My Role as VP – Student Affairs
ASA Council Teach-In
• To assist with event-planning for the school
• To serve as a liaison between student clubs and
the ASA Executive Board, Facilities, &
• To manage office space, event space, and
other resources for Student Clubs
• To assist new clubs in the process of becoming
an official club
• Other miscellaneous stuff (mostly emails)
ASA Council Teach-In
ASA Calendar Timetable
May 2
Teach-In/Leadership Succession Day
May 2-16
Complete preliminary list of
planned events
By May 16
Input events into the google docs
event spreadsheet
May 16-23
Resolve Conflicts
May 23
“Final” Schedule
May 30
Make sure your bulletin board
is up-to-date
ASA Council Teach-In
ASA Club Events: Reserving Rooms
Make your event online requests at website:
Wait until the fall academic schedule has been set and
is in the reservation system before requesting rooms
Office will send out an invitation email (August) alerting
you that the system is available to accept fall requests
Strict cancellation policy (p. 20 of Event Guidelines)
Club/Event Name
Event Contact
Date / Alternate Date
Time (start and end)
Size of event (# of people)
Room type needed
Audio/Visual requirements
Food and Beverage
ASA Council Teach-In
Anderson Events Website
Navigate to this from
TONS of info here!!!!
• Master Calendar
• Facility Info
• Resources available and who to contact for them
• Parking Information
Room Scheduling Link!!!
Gifts available for purchase to give to VIP guests
Vendor Contacts
UCLA Resources
ASA Council Teach-In
Executive Dining Room
Email all EDR request dates to Zoe so that we can
negotiate available dates ASAP
This is NOT a first come – first serve resource
The EDR is owned and managed by Executive
Education and they have right of first refusal
The Executive Program meets every Monday &
Tuesday, including dinner presentations in the EDR
We cannot guarantee that you will get the dates you
want, but we will try our best.
Dates can’t be confirmed until late summer
Put in excel template and send to:
ASA Council Teach-In
Resolving Conflicts
(May 16-23)
• Career nights get first priority
• No perfect formula to determine
“importance” of events
• Be considerate and flexible when working
out conflicts between yourselves
• Compromise!
ASA Council Teach-In
Anderson Master Calendar
After you receive an email confirmation of your event
and room, place your event on the Master Calendar
All events happening on campus or offsite should be
input by the student clubs
1. Go to:
2. Click on “calendar” link on the left side of the homepage
3. Post your activity/event on the Student Calendar
If you have technical problems – email
One person per club – to update/add information
ASA Council Teach-In
Additional Event Info for Student
Event Title:
CLUB: EVENT NAME (room resource)
Category: Leave Blank
Description: include attire, RSVP required, food
Write Access: List all events on Student Calendar
Use judgment for listing events on Master Calendar &
submitting events for Alumni Calendar
Update Contact Person
Posting an event on the Master Calendar does not
mean that you have a confirmation to use the facility.
ASA Council Teach-In
Key Dates for 2008-2009
Re-orientation (Class of 2009)
Fall Quarter Begins
Veterans’ Day Holiday
Thanksgiving Holiday
Sept 26
Sept 29
Nov 11
Nov 27-28
Dec 8-13
Winter Quarter Begins
MLK, Jr. Day
Make-up classes
Presidents’ Day
Make-up classes
Jan 5
Jan 19
Jan 23
Feb 16
Feb 20
Mar 16-20
Spring Quarter Begins
A-Days / C4C wknd
Memorial Day
Make-up classes
Commencement (Class of 2009)
March 30
Not decided yet – but keep in mind (in April)
May 25
May 29
June 5-11
June 12
ASA Council Teach-In
• Send me the email in the format that you would
like sent (wording, pictures, etc.)
• Indicate who should receive email: MBA08,
MBA09, all full-time MBA, FEMBA, EMBA, or all
• Subject line: “ASA Club: Event, Date, Time, Location”
Ex. ASA: Leadership Succession Day, 5/2, 11:30-5pm, North Lawn
• Limit of two emails per event
• Include:
• Required Event Attire
• Professional Conduct Reminder
• Example: Please ensure that you honor RSVPs, arrive on time, wear
appropriate attire, and wait until the event has ended to leave. We
appreciate your help in creating a respectful environment for our guests
which will ultimately reflect well on UCLA Anderson.
• Optional: whether there will be food at the event
ASA Council Teach-In
Some helpful ideas
• Example for event planning/checklists
• Include:
Catering needs
Marketing game-plan
Parking/gifts/name tags/ other logistics
“Day of” timeline
• When in doubt – (first refer to the Event
Guidelines) – then ASK!!! (me or Susan Corley)
• Plan early, plan often, and plan thoroughly
ASA Council Teach-In
Additional Notes
MBA competes for room resources with the rest of
Anderson (FEMBA, EMBA, Administration, etc.). Not all
desired dates will be available.
Case Comps: must meet with Susan Corley before
planning any competition and secure approval
You will not be able to sneak your event in without going
through the calendar process. Offending clubs will have
their event relegated to last priority.
Clubs sort out conflicts between themselves
See Jeff (B201) to get the gift form authorized & signed
Take authorized gift form to Denise (D208) to pick up gifts
 Check on the Anderson webpage for Gift form
 4-6 weeks for personalized, 3 weeks for large orders
A Note on FEMBAs
ASA Council Teach-In
• Dues need to be the same
• Rules for Career Nights
• Fair, based on % of membership
• Need to give priority to 1st year FT and 2nd year
• FEMBAs represent a great opportunity for us
to expand our network… make sure to include
them on everything!!!
ASA Council Teach-In
Additional Vendors (in guidelines)
Banners and Signs are done through the marketing
department – more info on Events Website under Facilities
Gorilla Marketing (t-shirts, caps, mugs, tote bags, Ethernet
cords, banners)
• Joe Kalish (310) 550-1972 (
T-shirts, name-tags, business cards, stationary through
Akhil International:
For Photography, go to publications office in Anderson
When in doubt, check the Anderson Event Guidelines
ASA Council Teach-In
Bulletin Boards
• Please have your bulletin boards updated by
May 30 & club website content ASAP
• Please keep in mind that recruiters, alumni, and
potential students will be looking at bulletin
boards & websites so keep them professional
• Background materials available in the ASA office
ASA Council Teach-In
Club Website – Current Changes
• Clubs are categorized as ‘professional’, ‘identity’ or
‘interest’ on ASA website.
• Clubs that are inactive, or websites without up-to-date
information are de-linked (hyperlink) to not confuse
prospective students.
• All the links still remain alive on myAnderson’s Student
Life page.
Club Website – Going Forward
ASA Council Teach-In
Anderson Automotive Association (AAA)
Mission Statement
“To provide the club and Anderson community with… ”
Annual Events
Club Website
• Each official club will have an intermediary page
which contains mission statement, board
members, club activities and club websites.
• This change does not affect each club’s
website. The intermediary pages will only be
used on ASA’s website.
ASA Council Teach-In
ASA Council Teach-In
My role as VP External Affairs
• Coordinate efforts with Office of Development,
Alumni Relations, PCMC
• Help companies decide which events and
clubs best meet their needs
• Connect sponsors and clubs
• Get Access Anderson published & distributed
• Report to the administration on fundraising
ASA Council Teach-In
• UCLA Anderson Office of Development
• Access Anderson
• The Fundraising Process
• Where Does the Money Go? Who Calls?
• All Fundraising
• Keys To Success
• Paperwork
• Sponsorship Invoice
• Gift Donations
Fundraising 101
ASA Council Teach-In
• Corporate $$$ is hard to get
• Lots of competition, so earlier the better
• Help companies make smart choices about
where to spend their money
• The more professional and organized we
are, the more money we can raise
• This is a TEAM EFFORT...even if you raise
money for an event that is not affiliated with
your club, it will increase overall ASA budget
that is used to support YOUR club.
Who’s Involved
ASA Council Teach-In
• Corporate & Foundation Relations (CFR)
• MBA Program, Student Affairs
• Parker Career Management Center (PCMC)
• Alumni Relations
• ASA Leadership – ASA VP External Affairs
and YOU! ASA Clubs
Access Anderson
ASA Council Teach-In
• Published once a year
• Lists all club activities for year
• Sent to numerous companies
• Get your events planned
• Its sort of the Who’s Who of Anderson
• If you have not sent me your club’s updates yet,
please see me!!
ASA Council Teach-In
Where does the money go?
• All money goes to the ASA pool from which the
clubs/committees get budgeted. The more we
raise the more every club/committee benefits.
• 50% of incoming $ goes to ASA discretionary,
50% is allocated to your club.
• If you need more money, JUST ASK for it in an
official budget request
ASA Council Teach-In
Fundraising and Budgeting
• Clubs that fundraise will be rewarded for
their efforts
• Do not be concerned!
• Some clubs have more fundraising ability than others
• We take this into consideration but don’t expect that
money grows on trees.
Fundraising and Budgeting
ASA Council Teach-In
1) Fundraising your club already HAS
a) Submit your current fundraising contacts to
2) Contacts from ASA if you need them
a) ASA can give you a list of new contacts
Companies recruiting next year
Companies that donate last year
Organized with Office of Development
Randy Lakeman (
• The amount of fundraising you do WILL
be positively correlated with the size of
your budget
ASA Council Teach-In
All Fundraising
• All corporate fundraising activities MUST be
coordinated through the ASA VP-External Affairs
( or else we
can’t disperse the money to you.
• Most of the fundraising is done during the summer
and early fall, but can continue throughout the year.
• You must run the company by Clara first.
• For example, say the Marketing Association, the
Retail Management Association & the Public
Speaking Club are looking to gain sponsorship
from XYZ Company. If all three clubs call without
realizing the other is calling, and they receive
three requests it makes Anderson look
ASA Council Teach-In
Keys To Successful Fundraising
• Solicit timely
• Be well-prepared
• Be professionally persistent: sell
• Document your correspondence
• Ask questions before you contact the
• Can they pay by personal credit card?
• Is the donation tax deductible?)
ASA Council Teach-In
Open Communication
• Be aware of multiple people
contacting the same company
• Cross check with the Ofc of Dev for
pending gifts ($$$)
• Document & use the sponsorship
invoice located at:
“Student Life” Tab
“ASA Sponsorship Invoice Form”
ASA Council Teach-In
Goal: $200,000+
ASA Council Teach-In
What is my role?
ASA Council Teach-In
• VP-Finance responsibilities include:
• Managing budgeting process
• Tracking and reporting financial status
• Assisting with expense/reimbursement
• Assisting with fundraising
ASA Council Teach-In
The Budgeting Process
“It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it.”
George W. Bush
The Budgeting Process
• Budget Deadline
ASA Council Teach-In
• Templates to be sent out to you by Friday, May 9
• Submit completed template via e-mail to Oksana Hickok
DUE May 30th
• Clubs with own bank account must submit a photocopy of
most recent bank statement and place in Oksana Hickok’s
mailbox by same date.
• What to include (for Fall 2008 thru Spring 2009)
• Club-generated Revenues (Membership dues,
sponsorships, etc.)
• Expenses
• All events (incl. catering, parking, printing materials)
• T-shirts
• Odds & ends (Mailings, copying, office supplies)
• ASA Requested Budget Amount (= Expenses – Revenues)
The Budgeting Process
ASA Council Teach-In
• What happens after that?
• ASA cabinet reviews requests
• At start of fall quarter, the ASA will notify each club of
the amount the ASA will contribute to your yearly
• What happens if I am late submitting my budget?
• New allocation = Approved allocation – 5% per day
(incl. weekends)
ASA Council Teach-In
Expense Procedures
ASA Council Teach-In
Expense Procedures
• Money budgeted to clubs is NOT issued in the
form of a check payable to your club. The
money is held in a UCLA account
• All club expenses must be pre-approved by
Student Services (Susan Corley)
• Expenses for club events and activities are
covered through the following:
• a Recharge ID# – Internal (UCLA) vendors
• LVO (Limited Value Order) or PO (Purchase Order) –
External approved vendors
• Reimbursement – rare exception basis only!
Expense Procedures (cont’d)
ASA Council Teach-In
• Recharge ID#
• used to pay for club expenses when internal UCLA vendors
are used (e.g., UCLA Catering, UCLA Parking)
• Clubs DO NOT have individual Recharge ID#s. Student
Services will provide the Recharge ID# directly to vendors
• POs and LVOs
• used with vendors outside of UCLA (including ASUCLA
Catering, Neli’s, Wally’s Liquor, Kinko’s)
• Student Services will assist you with securing PO or LVO #s
• Students are NOT to pay for activities with cash,
credit cards, or personal checks. In rare cases,
Susan Corley will authorize advance payment by a
student. You must get approval before making these
arrangements or you will risk not being reimbursed
• Procedures are detailed in the Event Guidelines for UCLA
Anderson Student Clubs & Events
Expense Procedures (cont’d)
ASA Council Teach-In
You are responsible for keeping track of your spending!
I will provide periodic updates, but the updates will be
subject to a time lag of about a month
Any club that overspends its budget will reimburse
ASA within 2 weeks of notification
ASA Council Teach-In
ASA Council Teach-In
Feedback about Academics
•Goal: ASA wants to make sure that
academics support students’ career &
personal goals
•Key Questions:
•How can the Core support your club’s
student needs?
•How can electives support them?
•What academic initiatives are most
important to your club?
ASA Council Teach-In
ASA Council Teach-In
Contact Info
ASA Leadership
Susan Corley
Student Services (D202)
Zoe Tanaka
ASA VP Student Affairs
Michael Heafey
Building Services (C106c)
Denise Seifried
Event Services (D208)
Donna Robinson
Parker CMC (C201)
Oksana Hickok
ASA VP Finance
Clara Park
ASA VP External
Sungmoon Cho
Leah Caldarone
ASA VP Academic
ASA Council Teach-In
Reserving Rooms and Planning
Send Executive Dining Room reservations to me:
For all classrooms for lunchtime (11:45-12:45) and evening
event reservations, place the request directly through the
online system (Event Pro Room Reservation site)
 no more than 1 month before each quarter begins
(look for email invitation from Denise in late August)
EDR scheduling will take several months
Please refer to Susan Corley’s Event Guidelines for info
Keep relevant people in the loop (e.g., Parker CMC, Susan
Corley, Michael Heafey)