Technical Working Group on HIV & AIDS (Network of NGOs & CBOs)

HIV TWG Annual report 2009
and Plan 2010
HCMC HIV sub group meeting April 15th 2010
HIV TWG Annual report 2009
Objectives 2009
TWG Hà Nội
1. Share practical experience and lessons learned
2. Strengthen the cooperation in common issues
3. Develop the cooperation among multi sectors,
4. Build the partnership with new agencies
5. Advocate for enable environment for HIV & AIDS
6. Advocate for the better performance of national HIV &
AIDS programs
Objectives 2009
Aim: to improve the quality of HIV & AIDS
programs in HCMC
Specific objectives
• Share information among multi sectors,
organizations on HIV & AIDS
• Avoid the overlap among implementing
• Promote the cooperation among
• Advocate to become a sub group of Hanoi
Update on Key Activities 2009
1. Main themes during 2009
 In 2009 the Chair and Co-Chair continue to support more
interactive meetings to promote stimulating discussion
2. HIV TWG meetings in 2009
 TWG- 11th February 2009: HIV in Closed Settings
 TWG- 15th April 2009: Children and HIV
 TWG- 17th June 2009: HIV and Microfinance/Microcredit
 TWG - 9th September: Sero-discordent couples
3. Other Activities
 Lunchtime Seminars
 Partnership with Hanoi School of Public Health
 Summary of activities of the Subgroups of the HIV Technical
Working Group
Update on Key Activities 2009
Monthly lunch seminars
1. Qualitative research on the pleasure
of PLHIV undergoing ART
2. Foster care models for children with
3. Successful models of behavior
4. Cohort study on injecting drug users
undergoing ART
Update on Key Activities 2009
HCMC HIV sub group
12 February 2009: joining TWG, annual
16 April 2009: inhalant drug uses in HCMC
25 June 2009: Methadone in HCMC
23 September 2009: Children, Stigma and
Discrimination, and HIV
HIV TWG Plan 2010
Plan 2010
Share information and networking among
stakeholders on HIV & AIDS in Vietnam
Response information needs and
coordination for civil society organizations
and other stakeholders.
build on its strengths as a forum for civil
society organizations to dialogue on HIV
to continue to deliver under its mandate
in an effective and useful way.
Plan 2010
HCMC HIV sub group
1. to serve as a forum for information sharing,
capacity building and coordination among
organizations working in Southern Viet Nam.
2. To hold monthly supplemental meetings based
on the interest and demand, to build critical
skills, such as developing evidence based HIV
programs and conducting effective literature
3. Enhance the cooperation among organizations
working on HIV & AIDS
Challenges 2010
 To be a good forum for CSOs to dialogue HIV
How to work?
 Bi monthly meetings
 Monthly lunch seminars
 Cooperate with Public health Univerity
Challenges 2010
 Challenges
HCMC HIV sub group
 Attract more organizations to involve in and support for the
 Share more appropriate information (children, prevention, care
and support, treatment, advocacy …)
 Advocate for the benefits of targeted vulnerable groups
 How to work?
 Bi monthly meetings: on the third Thursday of Jan, April, Jun,
Aug, Oct
 Other ways of sharing information: supplemental meetings, E
mail contacts and forum based communication (Wiki Space by
Sara, AED)
 Doing something together: Holding events on Mid autumn
festival for children, World AIDS day, research and advocacy
Plan 2010
HCMC HIV Sub group
Topics for bi-monthly meetings:
1. Skills: Literature review skills (Part 2)
2. Children:
 Practical child counseling and support on ART adherence
 Child disclosure
 Care and protection of the rights of children affected by HIV &
3. Prevention:
 Integrate HIV prevention to Sexual Reproductive Health and
 Advocacy among MSM in Vietnam and SE Asia region
4. Care and support:
 Referral networks between clinic and community based care
 Model of positive living for PLHIV
Plan 2010
HCMC HIV Sub group
Monthly supplemental meetings:
 Skills:
 Advocacy and networking skills (Sara)
 Baseline survey /need assessment (sara)
 Practical counseling for children
 Children
 Memory work
 Alternative care for children with HIV and foster care in
 Prevention
 Integration of SRHR and HIV prevention (Sara can help)
 Care and support
Plan 2010
HCMC HIV Sub group
Support for the events on mid autumn and World AIDS Day
Advocacy activity
• Survey on the training needs of CBOs, FBOs, SHGs
in HCMC (if it is not done by PAC)
• Evidence based research on OVC to schools
• To advocate for the rights to schools for children with
Plan 2010
HCMC HIV Sub group
Topics for bi-monthly meetings:
1. Jan 2010: Literature reviews
2. April 2010: Planning and literature review continued
3. Jun 2010: Referral networks between clinics and
community based care services
4. Aug 2010: Child disclosure – care and protection of
the rights of children affected by HIV & AIDS
5. Oct 2010: Advocacy among MSM in Vietnam and SE
Asia region
6. Dec 2010: Model of positive living for PLHIV in QN
Plan 2010
HCMC HIV Sub group
Topics for Supplemental meetings:
1. May 2010: Alternative care and foster care for
children in Vietnam (by HN children TWG)
2. June 2010: advocacy and networking (Sara, AED)
3. Jul 2010: integration of SRHR and HIV prevention
4. Aug 2010: Child counseling and ART adherence
5. Sept 2010: Memory work
6. Oct 2010: Baseline survey and need assessment