
AS Business Studies Unit 1
Aims and Objectives
• Understand budgeting
• Define budgeting
• Discuss the budget setting process.
• Analyse method of new businesses setting budgets.
• Evaluate the problems of budgeting.
Define a budget
• Financial target for a given period of time.
Fixed sum of money to be spent by a department over time.
• If every budget holder (person accountable for budget) was able to make sure their
budget was not exceeded, costs should not get out of control.
Income Budgets
Sales revenue target for a whole business or department.
• Can be motivating if used as targets
• If budgets are reasonable and realistic employees will do their best to achieve
• By delegating budgets employees can feel some financial responsibility.
Profit Budgets
Target profit for the business over a period of time.
• Provide clear goals and targets which are motivating
• Allow quick monitoring of performance against actual profits made.
Process of Setting Budgets
In your groups decide on a process of how a
business sets it’s budgets.
Eg. Stage 1:
Stage 2:
Stage 1
• Set clear objectives for the firm for the year.
Stage 2
• Gather information such as market research
and historic budgets to base figures on.
Stage 3
• Construct sales budget showing targets for
each product/region/department.
Stage 4
• Based on sales budget, set budget for major
cost areas such as labour, materials etc.
Stage 5
• Set profit target based on the sales and cost
budgets already made.
Setting Budgets for New
If a business does not have historical data to base
budgets on, it can be harder to set realistic targets.
They must follow the following rules.
Tip 1
Use spread sheet software and keep updating
Tip 2
Set budgets for at least 12 months as most
new businesses will be expected to make a
loss in the first few months.
Tip 3
Give great importance to monthly sales
Tip 4
Make sure all of the costs of operation
involved in producing and delivering product
to customers are included in budget.
Tip 5
Keep a running month by month total of
profit and losses to be able to spot trends.
Tip 6
Monitor each major budget monthly and take
corrective action accordingly.
Monitoring Budgets
Monitoring budgets is vital to make sure:
Money is being spent on the correct items and not misallocated.
All costs are accounted for.
Major costs ‘excesses’ are reported to managers before expenditure
Revenue and profits are meeting target levels. If not managers informed.
Problems of Budgeting
In groups brainstorm the problems of
Problems of Budgeting
Future is never certain, budgets can turn out very differently.
Changes to external environment.
Managers with authority may try and persuade their bosses to set
spending budgets higher than they need to be.
Inaccurate budgets made with no input from workers, may be
Problems of Budgeting
Short term decision to cut budgets, by using cheaper materials might
damage the businesses’ longer term reputation.
Budgets that are too easy to achieve will not be motivational.
The key sales budget is subject to so many constraints outside of the
firm’s direct control that planning is difficult.