What is digital citizenship?

The Heart of Effective, Global, Digital
Curriculum – Digital Citizenship
Talitha Kingsmill
LLB MEdL DipEd(Sec) CertRE CertIVTAA
©Talitha Kingsmill, 2012
St Columban’s College – a snapshot…
St Columban’s College 1:1 Laptop Program
commenced in 2009
©Talitha Kingsmill, 2012
Ongoing student training (application and Web 2.0)
Ongoing staff training (application and Web 2.0)
Parent Information Nights
Family and staff training evenings/afternoons
Staff reflection sessions
Hosted Open Days/Apple Showcase Day to other schools
Weekly Staff IT Updates
Newsletter communication with wider community –
celebrated the learning which was happening
©Talitha Kingsmill, 2012
Suite of AUPs,
MacBook Use
& Care Policies
and Cyber
Safety Policy
©Talitha Kingsmill, 2012
BY 2010…
 Issues of technology misuse and abuse increased
 A lot of time and energy spent addressing cyberbullying,
sexting, broken machines etc.
 Searching for a more effective way forward
©Talitha Kingsmill, 2012
©Talitha Kingsmill, 2012
The obvious is that which is never seen until
someone expresses it simply.
Kahlil Gibran
DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP = Proactive, Holistic,
©Talitha Kingsmill, 2012
What is digital citizenship?
It is citizenship in, and of the digital age
It is a set of norms of appropriate and responsible
behaviour regarding technology use (Ribble & Bailey,
©Talitha Kingsmill, 2012
Digital citizenship is doing what is right and responsible
within the social context of the virtual world. It is
character education for the digital age (Ohler, 2010).
It is a set of skills that must be taught and practiced
(Petersen Jensen, 2008).
©Talitha Kingsmill, 2012
Common to all the definitions is that digital citizenship is
a defined set of skills enabling participation, and
therefore citizenship, in the Information Age.
©Talitha Kingsmill, 2012
Approaches to Teaching Digital Citizenship
Jason Ohler’s De-Tech-Tives Process
Susan Brooks-Young 3 Stage Approach – Respect Yourself,
Respect Others and Respect Outside Limits
Andrew Churches’ Six Tenets of Citizenship:
Respect Yourself
Respect Others
Protect Yourself
Protect Others
Do Not Steal
Honour Intellectual Property
©Talitha Kingsmill, 2012
21st Century Fluency Project –
5 Fluencies of the Global Digital Citizen
DC Focus:
Respect Yourself
Respect Others
Protect Yourself
Protect Others
Respect IP
Protect IP
Ribble & Bailey’s 9 Elements Digital Citizenship Framework
Ribble’s EDUCATE, RESPECT, PROTECT Digital Health Approach
©Talitha Kingsmill, 2012
Our Choice – Ribble & Bailey’s 9 Elements
of Digital Citizenship WITH OUR OWN
Talitha Kingsmill, 2012
Talitha Kingsmill, 2012
Project Purpose/Goals
©Talitha Kingsmill, 2012
To define what we believe St Columban's
students need to learn to prepare for the
digital present and future.
As educators we must prepare students to
them learn how to WORK WITH OTHERS, VIRTUAL or
Ribble, 2011
©Talitha Kingsmill, 2012
The Process - 6 stages
 What is Digital Citizenship?
 Audit process - what are we currently doing? AND what are
the natural connections?
 Inter-Faculty synopsis and analysis
 Curriculum planning and integration
 Learning community awareness
 Professional online learning group
©Talitha Kingsmill, 2012
The Vision
 2012 - Middle Phase units of work integrating Digital
Citizenship elements rollout
 2013 – Business Technologies, Religious Education and The
Arts Senior Phase units of work integrating Digital Citizenship
elements rollout
 2014 – Further Senior Phase rollout together with The Arts &
HPE Middle Phase rollout
 2015 – complete the Senior Phase rollout (including VET)
©Talitha Kingsmill, 2012
How will we know if we’re making
a difference?
 increased knowledge among curriculum leaders and staff of digital
citizenship and its role in a secondary school curriculum
 increased occurrence of explicit teaching and learning
opportunities focused on digital citizenship with the College
 raised awareness and understanding in students of their status
as a digital citizen and the accompanying rights of responsibilities
of digital citizenry
 demonstrated increase in student generated awareness projects
focusing on elements of digital citizenship
©Talitha Kingsmill, 2012
Presenter Contact Details
Talitha Kingsmill
St Columban’s College
Consultancy Service:
Contemporary Citizenship Enterprises
M: 0414 816 409
Contact Information