Chapter 11:

Allocation of Joint Costs and

Accounting for By-Product/Scrap

Cost Accounting:

Foundations and Evolutions, 9e

Kinney ● Raiborn

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Learning Objectives

 How are the outputs of a joint process classified?

 What management decisions must be made before beginning a joint process?

 How is the joint cost of production allocated to joint products?

How are by-product and scrap accounted for?

How should retail and not-for-profit organizations account for the cost of a joint activity?

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Joint Process

 Joint process —single process in which one product cannot be manufactured without producing others

Extractive industries

Agriculture industries

Food industries

Chemical industries

Industries that produce both first-quality and factory seconds merchandise in a single operation

When the process is unstable and is unable to maintain output at a uniform quality level or

The output quality varies

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Joint Costs

 Joint costs —material, labor, and overhead incurred during a joint process

Allocate to primary products of a joint process using

Physical measures

Monetary measures

 Interpret costs allocated to joint products carefully

Product profitability is determined largely by the allocation method

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Joint Process Products

 A joint process produces

Joint products —primary outputs of a joint process; substantial revenue-generating ability

By-products —incidental output of a joint process with a higher sales value than scrap but less than joint products

Scrap —incidental output of a joint process with a low sales value

Waste —residual output with no sales value

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Cost at Various Stages of Production

Separate cost —incurred in later states of production; assignable to specific primary products

Split-off point —when joint products are first identifiable as individual products

At split-off, joint costs are allocated to joint products

Joint costs are sunk costs once the split-off point is reached

Joint costs may be reduced by the sales value of byproducts and/or scrap

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Illustration of a Joint Process

D’s Chicken Soup Company

Chicken Noodle

Chicken & Dumplings

Chicken Rice




Prepare vegetables, discard waste

Cook vegetables and chicken in water

 Chicken, water, spices and vegetables are joint inputs

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Illustration of a Joint Process

split off point add

Cooked, canned, and into FG inventory


Noodle Noodles

Basic chicken soup Rice







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To Process or Not to Process?

Decide before the joint-process is started

Will revenues exceed total costs?

Revenue from sale of joint process outputs


Joint costs

Processing costs after split-off

Selling costs

What is the opportunity cost?

Is income from the joint process greater than income from other uses?

Is the joint production process the best use of capacity?

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To Process or Not to Process?

Decide at the split-off point

 How to classify outputs





Joint costs, reduced by the value of by-products and scrap, are assigned to primary products only

 Sell at split-off or process further?

If primary products are marketable at split-off, process further only if value added to the product (incremental revenue exceeds incremental cost)

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Allocating Joint Costs

Each method may allocate a different cost to joint products

Physical measure

 Common physical characteristic

Monetary measure

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Physical Measures

 Physical Measures

Treats each unit as equally desirable

Assigns same cost to each unit

Provides an unchanging yardstick of output over time

Use for products with unstable selling prices

Use in rate-regulated industries

Ignores revenue-generating ability of joint product

Joint Cost

Pounds =


300 lbs

 Examples of Physical


Tons of meat, bone, and hide in meat packing and chicken processing

Tons of ore in mining

Linear board feet in lumber milling

Barrels of oil in petroleum refining

Number of computer chips in semiconductors

= $0.50 per lb

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Monetary Measures

 Monetary Measure

Recognizes the revenue —generating ability of joint products

The base is not constant — unchanging

 Choices

Sales value at split-off

Net realizable value (NRV) at split-off

Approximated NRV at split-off

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Monetary Measure Allocation Steps

Choose a monetary allocation base

List values that comprise the base for each joint product

Sum the values

Divide each individual value by the total value; this is the numerical proportion for each value

Multiply joint costs by each proportion; this is the amount to allocate to each product

Divide allocated joint cost for each product by the number of equivalent units to obtain a cost per equivalent unit

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Monetary Measure Allocation


(slide 1 of 3)

Choose a monetary allocation base

Sales value at split-off

List values that comprise the base for each joint product

Product Revenue (at split-off)




$ 1,000

$ 4,000

$ 5,000

Sum the values

$1,000 + $4,000 + $5,000 = $10,000

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Monetary Measure Allocation


(slide 2 of 3)

Divide each individual value by the total value; this is the numerical proportion for each value

Product Revenue




$ 1,000 1,000/10,000 = 10%

$ 4,000 4,000/10,000 = 40%

$ 5,000 5,000/10,000 = 50%

$10,000 100%

Multiply joint costs ($3,000) by each proportion; this is the amount to allocate to each product

Joint Cost

Product Joint Costs Proportion Per Product




$3,000 *

$3,000 *

$3,000 *




$ 300




$3,000 of joint costs are allocated to Products A, B and C

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Monetary Measure Allocation


(slide 2 of 3)

 Divide allocated joint cost for each product by the number of equivalent units to obtain a cost per EUP

Joint Cost

Product Per Product

A $ 300 /




$1,500 /









Per EU




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Monetary Measure:

Sales Value at Split-Off

Sales value at split-off

Uses relative sales value at split-off point

All joint products must be marketable at splitoff

Uses a weighting technique based on both

 Quantity produced

 Selling price of production

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Monetary Measure:

NRV at Split-Off

Sales revenue at split-off less product disposal costs equals NRV

NRV at split-off

Assigns joint costs based on the proportional NRVs of the joint products at the split-off point

All joint products must be marketable at split-off

Approximated NRV at split-off

Some or all joint products are not marketable at split-off

Uses simulated NRV at split-off in place of actual NRV at split-off

 Incremental separate cost equals all processing and disposal costs incurred between split-of point and point of sale

Assumes that incremental revenue from further processing is equal to or greater than the incremental costs of further processing and selling

Final sales price less incremental separate costs equals simulated NRV at split-off

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Choosing Monetary Measures

 Which monetary measure method to use?

Sales value at split-off

NRV at split-off

Approximated NRV at split-off

 Superior method of measuring benefits

Matches costs of joint processing with its benefits

Provides expected contribution of each product line to the coverage of joint costs

More complex due to required estimates

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Accounting for By-Products and


(slide 1 of 3)

By-products, scrap, and waste may provide substantial revenue

Companies are devoting time, attention, and creativity to developing innovative revenue sources from by-products, scrap, and waste

Sales value of by-products/scrap is recorded using

NRV Method or

Choose method based on

Realized Value Method

Magnitude of NRV

Need for additional processing after split-off

Decide before joint costs are allocated to the joint products

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Accounting for By-Products and


(slide 2 of 3)

Selling Price

Less Process, Storage, Disposal Costs equals NRV of By-Product/Scrap NRV

Use this method when NRV is significant

Scrap or by-product recorded at NRV

NRV reduces joint cost of main products

Any loss is added to cost of the main products

Indirect method

NRV reduces cost of goods sold for joint products

 Conservative; joint cost is reduced when the product/scrap is sold

Direct method

NRV reduces work in process for joint products

 Joint cost is reduced when by-product/scrap is produced

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Accounting for By-Products and


(slide 3 of 3)

 NRV is the traditional method, not necessarily best method

 By-products have either no assignable costs or costs equal to their net sales value

 Difficult for management to

Monitor production and further processing of byproducts

Make effective decisions for by-products

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By-Products & Scrap: Realized


(slide 1 of 2)

 First option

Proceeds recorded as

Other Revenue

Costs of additional processing or disposal added to costs of primary products

Provides little information to management as it does not match revenues and expenses

By-product/scrap value is recognized when items sold

 Second option

Proceeds less related costs shown as Other Income

Matches revenues and related expenses for storage, further processing, transportation, and disposal costs

Highlights the revenue enhancement provided by managing the costs and revenues related to byproducts/scrap

Allows for better control and improved performance

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By-Products & Scrap: Realized


(slide 2 of 2)

 Other clerically efficient options

Proceeds added to gross margin

Proceeds reduce cost of goods manufactured

Proceeds reduce cost of goods sold

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Impact of Realized Value and NRV

 If most jobs create byproducts or scrap

Proceeds reduce the manufacturing overhead account

The journal entry using the realized value approach is:

 If only specific jobs create by-products or scrap

Proceeds reduce work in process for the specific job

The journal entries using the NRV approach are:


Manufacturing Overhead

Scrap Inventory

Work in Process


Scrap Inventory

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Joint Costs in Retail Organizations

 Joint costs include

Advertising for multiple products

Printing for multipurpose documents

Events held for multiple purposes

 Not required to allocate joint costs

 Allocation base

Physical (number of locations)

Monetary (sales volume)

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Joint Costs in Not-for-Profit Organizations

Joint costs related to


Organizational programs (program activities)

Conducting an administrative function

Joint costs must be allocated for NPFs and state and local government entities

Method must be rational and systematic

Clearly show the amount spent for various activities

Three tests for allocation — purpose , audience , and content

If tests not met, the costs are fund-raising

Compensation tied to contributions is automatically fund-raising

Purpose is to ensure that users of financial statements can identify fund-raising costs

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 What is a joint product?

 How are costs allocated to joint products?

 What accounting methods are used to record the proceeds from the sale of by-products?

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Potential Ethical Issues

 Product decisions based on sum of joint and separate processing costs

Misclassifying a joint product as by-product or scrap

Misclassifying products as waste and selling “off the books”

Manipulating joint costs in ending inventory

Using sales values of by-products and scrap to manipulate overhead allocation rates

Disposing of hazardous waste in a harmful way

Misallocating costs to programs or management activities to reduce fund-raising costs reported by a not-for-profit organization

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