A Workbook for Developing a Vision and Roadmap to 2nd+ Generation Healthcare Consumerism Ronald Bachman, FSA, MAAA President & CEO Healthcare Visions, Inc. Senior Fellow, Center for Health Transformation RonBachman@gingrichgroup.com 404-697-7376 Table of Contents Page # 2 3 4 5 8 11 14 18 20 40 Topic . Agenda Scope of Work Background Info Task #1 – Setting Principles for Change Task #2 – Vision Statement Development Task #3 – Identification of Acceptable Stategies Change Formula Actuarial Issues Consumerism Task #4 – Personal Care Accounts 65 78 93 102 111 Task #5 – Wellness, Prevention, & Early Intervention Task #6 – Disease Management Task #7 – Decision Support Tools Task #8 – Incentives & Rewards Task #9 – Viewing Consumerism by Generations 145 154 158 161 164 Task #10 – Create Consumerism Plans Task #11 – Setting Time Frame for Implementation Integrated Health Management Potential Savings from Healthcare Consumerism Actual Industry Experience Results 170 171 Task #12 (summary) – Potential Savings Consumer-driven Healthcare Surveys of Growth 1 Agenda Day# 1 Morning 1 Afternoon 2 Goal Agenda, Scope of Work, Background, (T1-3), Change Formula, Actuarial Issues, Consumerism, Building Blocks (T4), Building Blocks (T5) Building Blocks T(6-8), Multi-generational Issues (T9), Create MSFT Plans (T10), Time Frame for Implementation (T11) Review Decisions from Tasks 1-11, Financials Task 12, Final Input to Roadmap Tasks To Be Completed During 1.5 Day “Extreme” Consumerism 1. Principles 7. Decision Support Tools 2. Consumerism Vision Statement 8. Incentives & Rewards 3. Strategies 9. Viewing by Generations 4. Personal Care Accounts 10. Create Consumerism Plans 5. Wellness 11. Time Frames 6. Disease Management 12. Financial Analysis 2 Scope of Work for Developing the Roadmap and Beyond Design Perform Benefits Diagnostic Financial and and & Actuarial Contrib. Readiness Analysis Strategy Assessment (set (The Road metrics) Map) •Evaluate current plans •Interview •stakeholders •Develop •Est. Rel. Value baseline costs of Components •HDHP & Accts •Co.& Ee contrib. level •Wellness & DM Develop and Evaluate, Implement Monitor Select, Education, and Implement Comm., Evaluate Vendors Training, etc. •Vendors •Technology •Services •Communication Strategy •Web-based Training, education •Periodic reevaluation of baseline metrics •Consumer scorecards •Performance •Identify Basic •Model options •Transition •Print, video, •Survey, measure Principles for Change strategy other media uses success, •Accountability •Evaluate cost acceptance •Create Consumer • Internal vs. impact and •Optional •Reliability Vision Stmt Coverages External Services •Vendor/supplier revise audits •Select Strategies •Carve-out Programs •Develop •Support services measures of •Reassess & •Develop Obj. & success •Health vs. Healthcare modify as scope, set timeframe •Debit/Credit Cards appropriate •Incentive Programs •Match HR/business plan 3 Background & Issues Current Benefits, Design Issues, Service Issues, General Concerns, Anti-selection Reasons for Change, Interests in Consumerism, Driving Forces for Change, Perceptions of Employee Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction Other Problems and Positives with Current Plans 4 Task #1 – Setting Principles for Change Important…Not 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Important 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Have the Right Vision & Vision Stmt Have a 3-5 Year Roadmap/Strategic Plan Consider Other Related Corporate Initiatives Create plan as part of Employer of Choice Consider other HR metrics impacted by Healthcare 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Provide Information on Rx Costs & Alternatives Provide Information on Dr. & Medical Service Costs Provide Information on Hospital Costs Provide Information on the Quality of Dr. Care Provide Information on the Quality of Hospital Care 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Focus on Discretionary Costs (Rx and OV) Focus on High Cost Claims & Claimants Focus on Wellness and Preventive Care Focus on an Individual Behavior Changes Focus on Group Behavior Changes 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 Task # 1 – Setting Principles for Change 16. Use Incentives and Compliance Rewards 17. Increase Costsharing to Change Behaviors 18. Increase Employee Contributions to Offset Costs 19. Focus on Overall Plan Cost Reduction 20. Set the Right Measurements for Monitoring Progress Important…Not Important 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 21. Build Broad Employee Agreement for Change 22. Minimize Change from Current Plans 23. Make Choices and Plan Options available 24. Improve Access to Care 25. Maintain Existing Network of Providers 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 26. Provide 27. Provide 28. Provide 29. Provide 30. Provide 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 31. Alternative to cutting benefits or initiating contributions 1 2 3 4 5 $ for post-65 retirement healthcare $ for pre-65 retirement healthcare $ for non-plan medical $ for terminated ee’s healthcare $ for non-healthcare expenses 6 Task #2 – Sample Vision Statement Positioning to Balance Cost, Quality, and Access Sample Vision Statement: Create health and healthcare program options valued by employees that adapt effectively to environmental trends that increase the quality of services, improve access to care, and lower costs. Uncertain, Clinically Oriented Supply Driven Controls Third Party Reimbursement Quality Access Cost Consumer Valued Quality Demand Driven Controls Consumer Involvement & Transparency 7 Task #2 – Create a Consumerism Vision Statement Sample Vision Statements: 1. Providing high performing highly educated employees and their families with the security of comprehensive health and healthcare coverage that meets their diverse needs and rewards their personal involvement and responsibility as wise users of services to optimize their individual health status and functionality. 2. Affect employee behavior change towards healthier lifestyles and greater consumerism through the use of rewards and incentives. 3. Make employees better consumers of healthcare services by providing them with the necessary health education, decision support tools and useful information including provider cost and quality data. 4. Encourage greater employee awareness and involvement in healthcare and financial decision making, as a building block towards a defined contribution strategy for healthcare in the future. 8 Task #2 - Key Words / Phrases for Consumerism Vision Statement or Addition to Guiding Principles __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ 9 Task #3 - Identification of Acceptable Strategies High Priority...Low Priority 1.Create Transparency – support “employee’s right to know,” minimize distortions of third-party reimbursement system, create transparency in costs, provide education/ training on healthcare costs, use decision support programs. 1 2 3 4 5 2.Create Personal Involvement – establish greater financial involvement through HDHPs, HRAs or HSAs, reward good behavior, offer valued options, provide long term incentives, provide immediate feedback. 1 2 3 4 5 3. Be Bold and Creative - Shift from supply-side controls to demand-side control designs. Be an early adopter/fast follower, consider out-of-the box ideas. 1 2 3 4 5 4. Focus on High Cost “Pareto” Population - Provide financial protection to families in need due to high unexpected medical costs and/or chronic conditions 1 2 3 4 5 10 Task #3 - Identification of Acceptable Strategies Continued Important…Not Important 5. Focus on Saving Lives and Improving Health – Focus on improving the health of the entire population regardless of plan design selected. Implement prevention & wellness for long term savings and DM for immediate impact. 1 2 3 4 5 programs that change behaviors towards acceptance and compliance with wellness and early intervention, including pre-natal, non-smoking, diet, exercise, and safety 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6. Focus on Preventive Care – Create incentive 7. Minimize Impact of Cost Shifting – Use consumerism as an alternative to increased cost shifting or higher contributions. 8. Implement Optional Consumerism – Provide new programs and plan options on a voluntary basis. 11 Task #3 - Identification of Acceptable Strategies Continued High Priority…Low Priority 9. Implement Change on a Multi-Year Program – Establish a consumer-centric program with a predetermined multi-year introduction of options and use of accumulated HRAs and/or options. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 10. Focus on Information Sharing Only– Provide ees with decision support systems and information sources w/o accounts or incentives to reward behavioural change. 11. Use Packaged Programs – use full integration of plan design, information, disease management, and decision support systems from single vendor. 12. Use Existing Vendors – develop consumerist programs through current vendor relationships only. 13. Use “Best of Class” Programs – use selected vendors that May overlay core benefit designs as long as integration is Non-disruptive and transparent to members 1 12 A Reason To Consider Change The Definition of Insanity: “Endlessly repeating the same process, hoping for a different result.” - Albert Einstein 13 Employee Perceptions Lead to a sense of entitlement… Employees underestimate total premium cost 63% Underestimate 16% Close 21% Overestimate Employees overestimate their share of cost 20% Underestimate 11% Close 69% Overestimate Source: Watson Wyatt 14 Stages of Change Requirements & Stages of Change NO CHANGE Without Desire – “Back Burner” Without Vision – False Starts Without Process – Frustration - - - - - - - Alignment - - - - - - - C H A N G E Threshold No Gather Info C H A N G E Pros & Cons Awareness Desire for Change Comfort Level Cautious Doing CHANGE CHANGE Threshhold Gather Info Pros & Cons Awareness + Vision + Process = Change Requirements for Change 15 The Formula for Making Change Happen Set by Mgmt’s Direction Task at Hand Later - Next Steps Results Desire for Change + Vision / Roadmap + Process for Change = POSITIVE CHANGE Desire for Change + Vision / Roadmap + Process for Change = Put on Back Burner Desire for Change + Vision / Roadmap + Process for Change = Expensive False Starts Desire for Change + Vision / Roadmap + Process for Change = Frustration 16 Preliminary Actuarial Work & Issues (NOT performed by CHT) 1. Data Collection and Population Profiling 2. Distribution of claims (low-medium-high-catastrophic claims) 3. Types and Analysis of Chronic & Persistent Conditions 4. Review of Industry Data on Consumerism 5. Use of Actuarial Pricing Model 6. Behavioral Modification Recognition 7. Cost Impact of Strategies and Plan Designs Selected 17 Purpose of Actuarial Work Perform the actuarial and financial analysis to determine the impact of options available under a Consumerism Plan. Determine Potential: Plan designs Savings Elements / HRA, HSA, & Account Credits Combinations and interactions of “Building Blocks” Costsharing structure Contribution strategies Participation 18 Consumerism Supply Controls vs. Demand Controls “Them” or “You” Reform is Not Enough, Transformation is Required 19 Supply Controls or Demand Controls Plan Sponsors and Members have two basic choices to control costs: 1. Managed care & HMOs - The “supply of care” is limited by a third party who controls the access to medical services (e.g. utilization reviews, medical necessity, gatekeepers, formularies, scheduling, types of services allowed), or 2. Healthcare Consumerism - The member controls their “demand for care” because of a direct and significant financial involvement in the cost of care, rewards for compliance, and the information to make wise health and healthcare value driven decisions. 20 Supply Controls Are Failing High Healthcare Costs Climbing Higher Patients have lost control of their own healthcare, and are not truly engaged in the process of managing their health Patients are frustrated with managed care “rules” and the impact on time and productivity “Every System is perfectly designed for the results achieved.” Patients don’t understand healthcare costs – costs are not transparent 21 Mega Trends Leading to Demand Control 1. Personal Responsibility 2. Self-Help, Self-Care 3. Individual Ownership 4. Portability 5. Transparency (the Right to Know) 6. Consumerism (Empowerment) 22 Healthcare Consumerism - Defined Healthcare Consumerism is about transforming an employer’s health benefit plan into one that puts economic purchasing power—and decision-making—in the hands of participants. It’s about supplying the information and decision support tools they need, along with financial incentives, rewards, and other benefits that encourage personal involvement in altering health and healthcare purchasing behaviors. “The job of a leader is to create the possible” – Condi Rice 23 Consumerism – Saving Lives & Saving Money The Moral Imperative for Consumerism: Increasing the Quality of Care, Better Health, and Improving Lives The Economic Imperative for Consumerism: Saving Money (Lower Product Prices and More Jobs) 24 Objectives Of Consumerism Change participant health and healthcare purchasing behaviors Narrow market cost and quality variations using patient decisions • Increase transparency of healthcare costs to plan participants • Give plan participants more control over and “shared responsibility” for managing own healthcare and related costs • Supply participants with the tools to act as better informed healthcare consumers Reduce costs for “discretionary care” through informed purchasing & incentives Reduce long term costs with added incentives for “good health” Reduce costs of Chronic Conditions through improved compliance with treatments and disease management programs Reduce Acute Care costs with incentive hospital tiering based upon cost and quality 25 Basic Requirements for Successful Healthcare Consumerism Must work for the sickest members, as well as the healthy Must work for those not wanting to get involved in decision-making, as well as those that do 26 The Core of Consumerism The Unifying Theme for a Health and Healthcare Strategy is: Behavioral Change “Implement only if it supports behavioral change consistent with the strategy” 27 Healthcare Consumerism Roles & Responsibilities / Implications Employers Facilitators of change Provide increased information and decision making tools Improved employee morale with choice and access Link to productivity, absenteeism, disability, turnover, etc. Consumerism can improve costs/budgeting (current & future) Payers (Self-Insured Employers) Focus on high cost case mgmt/disease mgmt/population mgmt Will become responsible for more communications, training, education direct to consumers Value added services may change, including transactions and asset management Diminished role of managed care for routine care 28 Healthcare Consumerism Roles & Responsibilities / Implications Employees Increased responsibility for own health & healthcare Involved in own treatment and medical necessity decisions Improved access to care Involved in financial costs of health & healthcare (P4C) Providers More direct involvement with patients and treatment Service and quality will be determined by consumers Pricing will become more flexible and visible (P4P) Overall implications Roles will change for all players The picture change quickly - your strategy must prepare you for rapid market changes 29 Consumerism Choices Involve Options for Behavioral Change Consumerism Choices: Wellness Preventive care Early Intervention Lifestyle Options (diet, exercise, smoking, safety) Self-help, self care Discretionary Expenses (e.g. OV, ER, Rx) Value purchasing (e.g. DXL, o/p vs. in/p) Participation in Disease Management Programs Compliance with Evidence Based Medicine Treatment Plans 30 Consumerism – Much Broader than HDHP & Consumer-Driven Healthcare Consumerism is A Strategy ****************** It’s about moving from a “benefit” to an “accumulating asset.” 31 Evolution of Healthcare Consumerism Focus Impact Choices First Generation High Deductible Plans with HRAs or HSAs, Decision Support Tools Discretionary Expenses: Rx, ER, OV, D-X-L Initial Level and Type of Accounts with CDHC / HDHP Designs, Information and Decision Support Services Second Generation Behavior Change Through Rewards Chronic and Persistent Conditions, Pre-natal, Preventive Care Covered Benefits, Type and Level of Matching Funds and P4C / P4P Incentives for Prevention, Wellness, and Disease Management Programs Third Generation Health and Performance Organizational Health, Turnover, Absenteeism, Productivity, Disability, and Presenteeism Group rewards, Importance and Impact on non-health Corporate metrics Fourth Generation Personalized Health and Lifestyle Needs Personalized Health and Performance Outcomes, Genetic Predispositions Lifecycle Needs, Culturally Sensitive DM, Holistic Care, Information Therapy 32 The Evolution of Healthcare Consumerism Future Generations of Healthcare Consumerism Traditional Plans Traditional Plans with Consumer Information 1st Generation nd 2 Generation 3rd Generation 4th Generation Consumerism Consumerism Consumerism Consumerism /CDHC Focus on Discretionary Spending Focus on Behavior Changes Integrated Health & Performance Personalized Health & Healthcare Behavioral Change and Cost Management Potential Low Impact ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- High Impact 33 The Promises of Consumerism Major Building Blocks of Consumerism Personal Care Accounts Wellness/Prevention The Promise of Demand Control & Savings The Promise of Wellness Early Intervention Disease and Case Management Information Decision Support Incentives & Rewards The Promise of Health The Promise of Transparency The Promise of Shared Savings It is the creative development, efficient delivery, efficacy, and successful integration of these elements that will prove the success or failure of consumerism. 34 The Consumerism Grid Personal Accounts Wellness/Prevention Early Intervention Disease Management 1st Generation Consumerism Focus on Discretionary Spending Initial Account Only 2nd Generation Consumerism 3rd Generation Consumerism Focus on Behavior Changes Integrated Health & Performance Activity & Compliance Rewards 100% Basic Web-based behavior Worksite wellness, Preventive Care change support safety, stress & error programs reduction Decision Support Incentives & Rewards Personalized Health & Healthcare Specialized Accts, Matching HRAs, Expanded QME Genomics, predictive modeling push technology Information, Compliance Awards, Population Mgmt, IHM, Wireless cyber – disease specific Integrated Back-to- support, cultural DM, health coach allowances Information Indiv. & Group Corporate Metric Rewards 4th Generation Consumerism Passive Info Discretionary Expenses Cash, tickets, Trinkets Work Holistic care Personal health Health & performance Arrive in time info mgmt, info with info, integrated health and services, incentives to access work data information therapy Personal development Health Incentive Non-health corporate plan incentives, Accounts, activity metric driven incentives health status related based incentives 35 Creating Healthcare Consumerism Plans Understand Basic Consumerism Plan Designs Including Consumerism in All Plan Options Building Blocks 1. Understanding HRAs/HSAs to Create Personal Care Accts as a Basis for Health “Asset Accumulation” 2. Include Wellness Programs that Encourage Healthy Habits 3. Include Disease Management Programs that Encourage Compliance 4. Include Decision Support Tools for All Plans 5. Include Incentives/Disincentives to Change Behavior 36 Basic Plan Design Options & Healthcare Consumerism Traditional Health Plans Personal Accounts Most Healthcare Consumerism Plan Designs Typical CDHP Wellness/Prevention Early Intervention HMO & PPO & PPO & FSAs FSAs FSAs with Disease Management Case Management Information Decision Support Incentives & Rewards HRAs? HRAs? HRAs Must Meet HSA / HDHP Legal Definition HDHP PPO & HDHP PPO & Ltd FSAs & HSAs Ltd FSAs & HSAs & Ltd HRAs 37 Potential Use of PCAs to Support Consumerism Plan Designs Traditional Health Plans Personal Accounts HMO PPO Most Healthcare Consumerism Plan Designs Typical CDHP Wellness/Prevention Early Intervention Disease and Case Management Information Decision Support Incentives & Rewards Minimum Co-Payment Designs PPO Health Incentive Accounts? Initial $500$1000 HRA with Incentive HRAs Must Meet HSA / HDHP Legal Definition HDHP PPO HDHP PPO High Ded & Co-Insurance Designs Initial Er HSA Contribution Initial Er HSA Contribution With HRA Match & Incentive HRAs & HSAs 38 PPO/HRA and PPO/HSA High Deductible Health Plans Four components that work together to improve quality, outcomes, and lower cost. Preventive 100% Coverage Health Accounts (HRAs or HSAs) Health Tools and Resources HRA – ER provided $s Health Account (HRA/HSA) Deductible Gap Personalized Health Care 3. Web- and HSA - ER and/or EE PhoneProvided $s Based Tools HRA/HSA – Individual & Group Reward $s PPO “Benefit dollars” to pay for healthcare expenses. 1. Additional Health Coverage beyond the HRA/ HSA. 2. Wellness, Condition care Programs, Information and Decision Support Tools and Resources. Incentives and Rewards 4. 39 Task #4 - Personal Care Accounts The Promise of Demand Control & Savings HSAs, HRAs, FSAs, FHSAs “Of the 5 building blocks, the greatest among them is the Personal Care Account” 40 HSAs and HRAs - Two Very Different Accounts to Support Consumerism HSA (2003 MMA) - A law, with specific requirements and benefit design requirements. - Most TAX ADVANTAGED vehicle ever created HRAs (6/26/2002) - A regulatory creation based upon an IRS ruling - Most FLEXIBLE vehicle ever created 41 Health Savings Accounts – Advantage Employees Tax-free savings vehicles for medical expenses, no use-it-or-lose-it rule Effective January 1, 2004 Eligibility: must be covered under high deductible health plan (HDHP) Portable 42 Health Savings Accounts Individual accounts To permit saving for qualified medical and retiree health expenses on a tax-free basis Must be offered in conjunction with a legally defined HDHP - “High Deductible Health Plan” Portable An HSA is owned by the individual, similar to IRAs, and transfers if the employee changes jobs Held in a trust or custodial account; trustees – banks, insurance companies, approved non-bank trustees 43 Health Savings Accounts: Contributions Contribution limits determined monthly based on status, eligibility, HDHP coverage as of first day of month (offset by other HSA contributions) 2005 Monthly limit – 1/12th of lesser of deductible or $2,650 (self-only), $5,250 (family), indexed Catch-up contributions, age 55 to 64, $600 in 2005, phased up to $1,000 annually in 2009 44 HSAs – Real Dollars, Portable, Vested Can be used or taken in cash at anytime, even when no longer eligible to make contributions Tax-free if used to pay for qualified medical expenses (IRC Section 213(d)) For other purposes, subject to income tax and 10% penalty - 10% penalty waived in case of death or disability - 10% penalty waived for distributions after age 65 or older HSA can be transferred tax-free to spouse on death; otherwise taxable to estate or beneficiary Transfers upon divorce, nontaxable, becomes spouse’s HSA 45 HSA Eligible HDHP High Deductible Health Plan – By Law Self-only: a deductible of at least $1,000; maximum HSA is $2,650; no more than $5,100 maximum out-of pocket expenses (incl. Ded.) Family coverage: a deductible of at least $2,000; maximum HSA is $5250; no more than $10,200 on out-of pocket expenses (incl. Ded.) 2005 Age 55 and over catch up amount of $600 Preventive services are not subject to the deductible OK for out of network costs to exceed maximum out-of pocket limits THE ABOVE 2005 AMOUNTS ARE SUBJECT TO ANNUAL INDEXING 46 HRAs- Advantage Employers National Accounts, Er Controlled Rules Employer does not fund and has cash flow value Employer can determine rules for HRA usage; they are subject to forfeiture; they are not portable, but can be subject to vesting HRAs are more flexible in plan design, can tailor scope of reimbursements, are less costly for employer Employer decides if HRA can used for (1) medical plan expenses not otherwise reimbursed, (2) non-plan QME 213(d), and/or (3) insurance premiums 47 Important Differences between Use of HRAs and HSAs for Supporting Behavioral Change Personal Care Accounts Health Reimbursement Arrangements Health Savings Accounts Generation 1 Initial Account Only Generation 2 Generation 3 Activity & Indiv. & Group Corporate Compliance Rewards Metric Rewards 1. Any Amount 2. Notional Acct 3. Employer Determined 4. Employer Only Contributions 1. Flexible Activity & Compliance Rewards 2. Employer Determined 3. Can not be cashed out 4. Must be used for healthcare 1. Amounts Set by law 2. Real Dollars in Acct 3. Er or Ee Contrib 4. Contributions up to plan deductible of $1000-2650 Single $2000-5250 Family 5. Non-substantiation 1. Ltd Potential – 1. Ltd Potential – (But For Rule) (But For Rule) 2. Must give Cash Option 2. All participants must 3. Awards must be same receive same amount or $ amt or same % of same % of deductible deductible 3. Difficult to use for Group 3. HSA can be used (with Incentives 10% penalty) for nonhealthcare expenses Generation 4 Specialized Accts, Matching HRAs, Expanded QME 1. Flexible Indiv & Group 1. Specialized Notional Rewards Accts, 2. Employer Determined 2. Can terminate by 3. Can not be cashed out employer rules 4. Must be used for healthcare 3. Potential IRS Expanded QME 1. Ltd Potential – (But For Rule) 2. 100% Vested & Portable 3. Can use matching HRAs, 4. Potential IRS Expanded QME 48 HRAs – Best for Larger Groups? HSAs – Best for Individuals and Small Groups? Current State Combination Accounts Employerbased healthcare Special Purpose Accounts Incentive Matching HRAs Employerbased Healthcare with Individual Accountability HSAs Individual-based Healthcare Er-Based with HSA Contributions Employer-based Defined Contribution Developments FSAs Employerbased Healthcare Traditional (Ltd Carry-over) Special Purpose NonPlan 49 Are HSAs the right vehicle for large employer groups? Yes, If……….. Or No, Because……. Need to Understand the Consumer Movement, Federal Health Policies, & the Market Transformation that is Underway 50 Are HSAs the Wave of the Future? Which Direction will Legislation Take? Yes, if…. … we recognize the HSA legislation and regulations as a good start and another building block for consumerism and behavioral change. …Er’s and Ee’s recognize current limitation and optimize available uses …there is additional legislation/regulation to support large Er interests in providing HSAs (use for healthcare only, Rx coverage problem, combination accounts). …there is legislative support for the common use of FSAs for targeted needs, HSAs as true “Health Savings Accounts” and HRAs as true “Health Reimbursement Arrangements. No, because…. … they were not legislated/regulated with large employers in mind. … of a desire to promote individual insurance over individual ownership (under employer and individual policies) … they are just a tool to cost shift to employees, they can not reward behavior change … they are only desirable to the young, healthy, and wealthy 51 Summary - PCA Comparisons 52 Summary - PCA Comparisons (cont) 53 The Fundamental Federal Policy Question Will Legislation/Regulation Use HSAs to … mainly promote portable Individual & Small Group Insurance, OR … expand Personal Care Account ownership through in both an employer-based and individual-based healthcare system thru HSAs, HRAs, and FSAs. 54 - The Answer Flexible Health Savings Accounts (FHSAs) FHSAs would have the tax advantages of HSAs and the key flexibilities of HRAs. Basic Principles: 1. Retain personal responsibility goal of HSA/HDHPs 2. Focus on Behavior Change 3. Recognize value of Pay for Compliance as a driver for behavior change and shared savings with personal responsibility 4. Expand adoption and funding of HSAs by large employers 55 Flexible Health Savings Accounts (FHSAs) The Next Generation Four needs that would allow FHSAs the flexibility to: 1. Provide financial Rewards and Incentives for Behavioral Change. 2. Encourage Employer/Carrier FHSA contributions towards healthcare 3. Be provided with plan designs other than HDHPs 4. Address FHSA/HSA Technical Issues 56 FHSA Flexibilty to Provide Financial Rewards and Incentives for Behavioral Change 1. Allow for compliance incentives under disease management programs (e.g. diabetes, asthma, CHF) and wellness initiatives (e.g. wellness assessments, smoking cessation, etc.). 2. Change Comparability Rule to mean all members under a given program of care or treatment, such as, a disease management or wellness program. 3. Rewards and/or incentives should not be limited by the deductible limit, but should be consistent with expected savings from programs for which participation is being rewarded. 57 FHSA Flexibility to Encourage Employer Contributions to Healthcare 1. Allow employers/carriers to voluntarily contract with employees to require employer/carrier funded FHSAs to be used only for healthcare expenses while employed and covered under the plan. 2. Remove cap on employer/carrier funded FHSA contributions or expand to at least the plan’s Maximum Out-Of-Pocket total exposure in a given calendar year. 58 FHSAs Flexibility to be Provided with Plan Designs Other than HDHPs 1. Preventive drugs include maintenance drugs. Drugs now defined as preventive by the Treasury Dept. can be covered below the deductible, while the cost of maintenance drugs is now included in the deductible. 2. Allow Rx to exist as carve out benefits at least for prescription drugs associated with chronic and persistent disease states 3. Allow “incentive only based” FHSAs for employer/carrier only funding under non-HDHPs (i.e. no initial FHSA funding or employee funding) 4. Allow some mental health and substance abuse benefits (besides EAPs) to be included under preventive care. 5. Allow use of HSA to pay for pre-65 Retiree and Individual Healthcare premiums 59 FHSA Flexibility - Technical Issues 1. Allow FHSA/HSAs to go into effect on the first day of coverage is effective. 2. Allow FHSA/HSA contributions for a full calendar year regardless of when a plan is effective. 3. Allow FHSA/HSAs to be used to pay for health coverage premiums (other than current limited use for (1) Premiums for coverage under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA), and (2) premiums for HDHP coverage for those who receive federal or state unemployment compensation). 4. Allow Flexibility to "post-date" the FHSA/HSA effective date so that FHSA/HSA dollars can cover expenses incurred before the account was established. Allow the account to be opened under a "provisional status" until the necessary paperwork is filed, at which time the account becomes active. 60 Growth of Personal Care Accounts 2000* 2001* 2002* 2003* 2004(est) 2005(est) 2006(est) 2007(est) * Deliotte Consulting HRAs None 19,000 53,000 394,000 1-1.5M 3.2M 6.0+M 12-15M HSAs None None None None 400,000 1,000,000 ??? ??? 61 The Consumerism Grid Personal Accounts Wellness/Prevention Early Intervention Disease Management 1st Generation Consumerism Focus on Discretionary Spending Initial Account Only 2nd Generation Consumerism 3rd Generation Consumerism Focus on Behavior Changes Integrated Health & Performance Activity & Compliance Rewards 100% Basic Web-based behavior Worksite wellness, Preventive Care change support safety, stress & error programs reduction Decision Support Incentives & Rewards Personalized Health & Healthcare Specialized Accts, Matching HRAs, Expanded QME Genomics, predictive modeling push technology Information, Compliance Awards, Population Mgmt, IHM, Wireless cyber – disease specific Integrated Back-to- support, cultural DM, health coach allowances Information Indiv. & Group Corporate Metric Rewards 4th Generation Consumerism Passive Info Discretionary Expenses Cash, tickets, Trinkets Work Holistic care Personal health Health & performance Arrive in time info mgmt, info with info, integrated health and services, incentives to access work data information therapy Personal development Health Incentive Non-health corporate plan incentives, Accounts, activity metric driven incentives health status related based incentives 62 Task #4 - Discussion on Type(s) and Use of Personal Care Accounts ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 63 Task #5 - Wellness, Prevention, and Early Intervention The Promise of Wellness 64 Wellness - Defined Wellness is a proactive organized program providing lifestyle and medical/clinical assistance to employees and their family members in maintaining good health. Wellness programs encourage voluntary behavior changes and support compliance with proven approaches to maintain health, reduce health risks and enhance their individual productivity. 65 Wellness – The Need For every 100 members: 23-30% smoke (70% want to quit, 35% try each year) 29% have high blood pressure 30% have cardiovascular disease 80% do not exercise regularly 55% or more are overweight or obese 30% are prone to low back pain (many linked to obesity) 6-9% have diabetes 10% are depressed 35% are under significant stress 50% do not wear their seat belts 66 Wellness – The Desire for Change For every 100 members: 47% are trying to improve their diet 37% plan to undergo some health screening 30% state they exercise regularly Only 23% are aware of the health promotion and wellness programs offered by their employer sponsored health plans 76% of employers with over 11,000 employees offer health management programs Kaiser Family Foundation Survey, 9/03 67 Wellness - How Does It Impact Employees and Family Members? Well At-Risk / Acute Condition e.g., Inactivity, High Stress, Overweight, High Blood Pressure, Smoking e.g., Low Risk, Good Nutrition, Active Lifestyle No Claims % Ee 15% Generally Healthy O/P (Low) 48% 14% Prevention %$ 0% In/P (High) Maternity 3% 3% Wellness – Lifestyle 12% 15% 12% 5% Minimize Acute Episodes % Ee 63% 20% Maximize Recoveries % $ 12% 32% Early Intervention Chronically-Ill Catastrophic e.g., Diabetes, Musculoskeletal, Heart Disease, Asthma, MH/SA e.g., Cancer, Rare Diseases, Head Trauma O/P (Low) 12% In/P (High) In/P (High) 4% 1% Wellness - Lifestyle 21% 20% 15% Minimize Complications 17% Maximize Stabilization 56% Wellness - Clinical Wellness - Clinical Traditional Wellness Programs 68 Wellness – Examples for Employer Sponsored Programs Common Programs Weight Management Fitness/exercise/health clubs Smoking cessation Employer Support Communication and awareness (newsletters, health fair, posters) Screening (health awareness profiles, blood pressure check, blood tests, body fat analysis) Education (seminars/classes, self help kits, group discussions, lunch and learn) Behavioral Change (on-site fitness center, flu shots, lunchtime walks, yoga classes) 69 Wellness – Working within Consumerism Traditional Plans Cover selected wellness in benefit plan at 100% Supplement with non-plan wellness and work-site programs Other: same * as below PPO/HRA incentives PPO/HRA Include Employer defined wellness/prevention benefits at 100% * * * Include HRA Incentive for Wellness Appraisal Include HRA Incentives for personal wellness activities Include HRA Incentives for work-site wellness participation PPO/HSA Include IRS defined Preventive Care benefits at 100% Benefits contingent upon HSA contribution? Wellness Appraisal Other: same * as above with PPO/HRA incentives 70 Consumerism - Programs and Services Prescription Drugs Information Evidence Based Medicine Medical Care Guidelines Health Library Disease Management Condition Specific Assessment Tools Chronic & Persistent Wellness Voluntary Participation Voluntary & Incentive Based Mandatory Participation Mandatory & Incentive Based Stress Management Assessment Tools Self Help Tools Depression Screening Preventive Care – Lifestyle Early Prevention Wellness Online News Safety Lifestyle Pre-Natal Nutrition Well Baby Care Fitness Personal Health Management New Mom Programs Preventive Care – Clinical Medical Services Support Immunizations Self Care Management Information Hypertension Screening FAQ, Preparation for In/P Cholesterol Testing On-Line Health Risk Assessment End of Life Care Mammograms Pap Smears Personal and Family Tracking Provider Cost/Quality Blood Pressure Checks Incentives Colorectal Cancer Testing Health & Performance Population Management Diabetes Testing Regional Centers of Excellence Case Management Osteoporosis Testing Cost & Quality Management Chlamydia Tests 71 Wellness & Preventive Care for HSAs Preventive care includes, but is not limited to, the following: Periodic health evaluations, including tests and diagnostic procedures ordered in connection with routine examinations, such as annual physicals. Routine prenatal and well-child care. Child and adult immunizations. Tobacco cessation programs. Obesity weight- loss programs. Screening services However, preventive care does not generally include any service or benefit intended to treat an existing illness, injury, or condition. 72 HSA Safe Harbor Preventive Care Screening Services Cancer Screening Breast Cancer (e.g., Mammogram) Cervical Cancer (e.g., Pap Smear) Colorectal Cancer Prostate Cancer (e.g., PSA Test) Skin Cancer Oral Cancer Ovarian Cancer Testicular Cancer Thyroid Cancer Infectious Disease Screening • Bacteriuria • Chlamydial Infection • Gonorrhea • Hepatitis B Virus Infection • Hepatitis C • Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) • Syphilis • Tuberculosis Infection Heart and Vascular Diseases Screening Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Carotid Artery Stenosis Coronary Heart Disease Hemoglobinopathies Hypertension Lipid Disorders Mental Health/Subst. Abuse Screening • Dementia • Depression • Drug Abuse • Problem Drinking • Suicide Risk • Family Violence 73 Wellness – Planning Will the wellness program be for employees only, or employees and dependents? Will you purchase from vendor, internally developed, or a combination Consider in conjunction with plan covered wellness benefits (immunizations, mammograms, screening, EAP, physical exams, prenatal care, well child care, etc.) Consider in conjunction with worksite programs (safety, ergonomics, work-life programs, etc.) Incentives/rewards provided for compliance 74 The Consumerism Grid Personal Accounts Wellness/Prevention Early Intervention Disease Management 1st Generation Consumerism Focus on Discretionary Spending Initial Account Only 2nd Generation Consumerism 3rd Generation Consumerism Focus on Behavior Changes Integrated Health & Performance Activity & Compliance Rewards 100% Basic Web-based behavior Worksite wellness, Preventive Care change support safety, stress & error programs reduction Decision Support Incentives & Rewards Personalized Health & Healthcare Specialized Accts, Matching HRAs, Expanded QME Genomics, predictive modeling push technology Information, Compliance Awards, Population Mgmt, IHM, Wireless cyber – disease specific Integrated Back-to- support, cultural DM, health coach allowances Information Indiv. & Group Corporate Metric Rewards 4th Generation Consumerism Passive Info Discretionary Expenses Cash, tickets, Trinkets Work Holistic care Personal health Health & performance Arrive in time info mgmt, info with info, integrated health and services, incentives to access work data information therapy Personal development Health Incentive Non-health corporate plan incentives, Accounts, activity metric driven incentives health status related based incentives 75 Task #5 - Discussion on Type(s) and Use of Wellness and Prevention ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 76 Task #6 - Disease Management Programs The Promise of Health The “Holy Grail” of Cost and Quality Improvements 77 Disease or Condition Management – the Holy Grail of Potential Savings Primary cost drivers are chronic disease and serious acute conditions. 80% of costs Driven by 20% of claimants For a typical employer, 15-30% of costs are driven by controllable health risks 50% of costs Have a behavioral root cause (CDC 1999) The direct impact on productivity is comparable to the direct cost of health care 78 Disease Management Potential Focus on Hi-Volume / Hi-Cost Users Cost Curve % Members % Costs 1% -> 20% 15% -> 68% 50% -> 95% EBRI -Stakeholders in Consumer-Driven Health Care 79 Disease Management - Defined Disease Management is an proactive organized program providing lifestyle and medical/clinical assistance to employees and their family members with chronic and persistent conditions. Disease Management programs encourage voluntary behavior changes and support compliance with proven medical practices which stabilize conditions, reduce health risks and enhance their individual productivity. 80 Disease Management – The Need 60+% of an employer’s total medical costs come from chronic and persistent diseases such as, diabetes, asthma, congestive heart failure, back pain, and depression. 45% of Americans live with at least one chronic disease. 14% live with two or more chronic diseases. 76% of hospitalizations, 72% of physician visits, and 88% of Rx is due to chronic conditions The average cost of health care for a diabetic is $13,200/yr compared to $2,600/yr for a non-diabetic. 61 million Americans live with cardiovascular disease 50% of chronic disease deaths are traced to cardiovascular disease. Coronary artery disease is a leading cause of premature permanent disability. Obesity is becoming the #1 preventable cause of death 81 Today’s Health Care Environment and Trends Determinants of Health 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Determinants Access to Care Genetics Environment Behavior 10% 20% 20% 50% Source: IFTF, Centers or Disease Control and Prevention 82 Disease Management – The Desire for Change Very Little under Traditional System: 50% do not follow recommended standards of care 33% will high blood pressure do not know 33% of diabetics do not know it Patient’s lack of knowledge and information Patients without financial incentives to change health and healthcare behaviors Distortions of current 3rd party reimbursement medical financing system. Plans pay for treatments not prevention or compliance Physicians without incentives to take time and effort to deal effectively with chronic conditions 83 Disease Management – Elements for a Successful Program There are four elements of a successful disease management: 1. A delivery system of health care professionals and organizations closely coordinating to provide medical care and support the patient’s compliance throughout the course of a disease. 2. A process that monitors the compliance and describes outcomebased care guidelines for targeted patients. 3. A process for continuous improvement that measures clinical behavior, refines treatment standards, and improves the quality of care provided. 4. Incentive awards that support the disease management medical and clinical care services 84 20 Priority Areas per the Institute of Medicine 1. Asthma, supporting and treating those with chronic conditions. 2. Care coordination for patients with multiple chronic conditions. 3. Children with special health and care needs, particularly those with chronic conditions. 4. Diabetes, which can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, blindness and other complications. 5. End-of-life care for people with advanced organ failures, concentrating on reducing symptoms. 6. Frailty - preventing accidents, treating bedsores and improving advanced care. 7. High blood pressure - left untreated it can lead to heart attack, stroke and kidney failure. 8. Immunization. 9. Evidence-based cancer screening, which can reduce death rates for many cancers, including colorectal and cervical. 10. Ischemic heart disease, also known as coronary heart disease. Efforts should focus on prevention. 85 20 Priority Areas per the Institute of Medicine 11. Major depression, which currently has a much lower treatment rate that other major diseases. 16. Pregnancy and childbirth, especially improving the quality of prenatal care. 12. Medication management to prevent errors. 17. Self-management and health literacy, using public and private organizations to increase the level of health education. 13. Noscomal infections. These are infections acquired in the hospital and kill an estimated 90,000 Americans annually. 14. Obesity, which is blamed for as many as 300,000 deaths annually in the United States. 18. Severe and persistent mental illness; improving mental health care in the public sector, including state hospitals and community centers. 19. Stroke, the third highest cause of death in America. 15. Pain control in advanced cancer. 20. Tobacco-dependence treatment for adults. 86 Disease Mgmt - How Does It Impact Employees and Family Members? Well Chronically-Ill Catastrophic e.g., Inactivity, High Stress, Overweight, High Blood Pressure, Smoking At-Risk / Acute Condition e.g., Diabetes, Musculoskeletal, Heart Disease, Asthma, MH/SA e.g., Cancer, Rare Diseases, Head Trauma Generally Healthy O/P (Low) O/P (Low) 48% 14% e.g., Low Risk, Good Nutrition, Active Lifestyle No Claims % Ee 15% Prevention %$ 0% In/P (High) Maternity 3% 3% Wellness – Lifestyle 12% 15% 12% 5% Minimize Acute Episodes % Ee 63% 20% Maximize Recoveries % $ 12% 32% 12% In/P (High) 4% In/P (High) 1% Wellness - Lifestyle 21% 20% 15% Minimize Complications 17% Maximize Stabilization 56% Early Intervention Wellness - Clinical Wellness - Clinical Disease Management Program 87 Disease Management Programs Designed and Financially Aligned for Success Program Type: DM vendor pricing method Percentage of chronic diseased participating in program Return on investment of disease management programs Passive Phone and mail out- reach, no incentives Assertive Incentives (i.e., waiving Rx copays) Aggressive Incentives (i.e, waiving Rx copays, premium differential Per employee per month, all employees Low PEPM on all ees plus hourly or per case rate on participants only (rate varies based on participant risk status) Low PEPM on all ees plus hourly or per case rate on participants only (rate varies based on participant risk status) 10% 50% 75% 0 - .5 1.5 - 2 1.5 - 3 88 Disease Management Program Planning Identify key populations Focus on Compliance Manage expectations Respect privacy Follow Best practices (EBM, Outcomes Based Medicine) Integrate demand management, disease management and utilization management Give patients their own data Align Incentives for patients, providers, and Employer 89 The Consumerism Grid Personal Accounts Wellness/Prevention Early Intervention Disease Management 1st Generation Consumerism Focus on Discretionary Spending Initial Account Only 2nd Generation Consumerism 3rd Generation Consumerism Focus on Behavior Changes Integrated Health & Performance Activity & Compliance Rewards 100% Basic Web-based behavior Worksite wellness, Preventive Care change support safety, stress & error programs reduction Decision Support Incentives & Rewards Personalized Health & Healthcare Specialized Accts, Matching HRAs, Expanded QME Genomics, predictive modeling push technology Information, Compliance Awards, Population Mgmt, IHM, Wireless cyber – disease specific Integrated Back-to- support, cultural DM, health coach allowances Information Indiv. & Group Corporate Metric Rewards 4th Generation Consumerism Passive Info Discretionary Expenses Cash, tickets, Trinkets Work Holistic care Personal health Health & performance Arrive in time info mgmt, info with info, integrated health and services, incentives to access work data information therapy Personal development Health Incentive Non-health corporate plan incentives, Accounts, activity metric driven incentives health status related based incentives 90 Task #6 - Discussion on Type(s) and Use of Disease Management Programs ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 91 Task #7 - Decision Support Tools The Promise of Transparency & The “Right to Know” 92 Healthcare Consumerism – Already Active Consumers Consumers Search Internet for Medical Content Consumers Ask Physicians for Genetic Testing Consumers Work with Providers on Personalized Health Plans Consumers Monitor and Track Their Own Medical Status Regularly Consumers and Providers Coordinate Care and Understanding through Integrated Clinical and Information Therapies 93 Decision Support Tools Survey of Attitudes Patient decision making preferences “INFORMED” PARENTAL 17.1% INTERMEDIATE SHARED DECISION MAKING 45% 11% PATIENT AS DECISIONMAKER 22.5% 4.8% Employer Role: Recognize the “consumer-preference spectrum” Provide consumer-focused decision support tools for: Choice of Health Plan Choice of Provider Choice of Treatment Current and Future Financial Considerations 94 Decision Support Tools for Consumerism Basic Design Information Provider Selection Support HRA Fund Accounting Physician Quality Comparison Underlying PPO Plan Design Physician Cost Comparison Disease and/or Medical Management Hospital Quality Comparison HSA Fund Accounting Hospital Cost Comparison Debit/Credit Card Personal Benefit Support Plan Comparison Cost Estimator Account Balance On-line Claim Inquiry SPD Care Support On-line Provider Directory Provider Scheduling On-line Rx Comparisons On-line Patient Decision Support 24/7 Nurse Line Personal Health Management Health Risk Appraisal Health & Wellness Information Targeted Health Content Medical Record, History Health Coach 95 Decision Support Tools Employer Considerations • Employee Readiness Sophistication and orientation Internet competency and access • Due Diligence Accuracy Usability Independence Stability Integration issues • Targeted Clinical Support: Value-based Evidence Based Medicine Personalized Chronic Care Management Tools Consumer-Focused Stress Management 96 Consumerism – a new force Consumerism can be a force to address quality and cost variations in a given market 97 Decision Support Tools for Cost & Quality Information Lower LOS Lower Cost Episodes of Care Variation in Cost & Quality Hospitals – CABG* Align Strategy with the “Value Purchasing” Awareness Pay for Performance Tiered Networks Regional Centers of Excellence Cost Efficiency Quality Fewer Adverse Affects Lower Complication Rates Lower Mortality * Healthshare/SelectQualityCare weighted averages 98 The Consumerism Grid Personal Accounts Wellness/Prevention Early Intervention Disease Management 1st Generation Consumerism Focus on Discretionary Spending Initial Account Only 2nd Generation Consumerism 3rd Generation Consumerism Focus on Behavior Changes Integrated Health & Performance Activity & Compliance Rewards 100% Basic Web-based behavior Worksite wellness, Preventive Care change support safety, stress & error programs reduction Decision Support Incentives & Rewards Personalized Health & Healthcare Specialized Accts, Matching HRAs, Expanded QME Genomics, predictive modeling push technology Information, Compliance Awards, Population Mgmt, IHM, Wireless cyber – disease specific Integrated Back-to- support, cultural DM, health coach allowances Information Indiv. & Group Corporate Metric Rewards 4th Generation Consumerism Passive Info Discretionary Expenses Cash, tickets, Trinkets Work Holistic care Personal health Health & performance Arrive in time info mgmt, info with info, integrated health and services, incentives to access work data information therapy Personal development Health Incentive Non-health corporate plan incentives, Accounts, activity metric driven incentives health status related based incentives 99 Task #7 - Discussion on Type(s) and Use of Decision Support Tools ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 100 Task #8 - Incentives, Rewards, The Promise of Shared Savings Pay for Compliance & Pay for Performance “Two sides of the same coin” 101 Consumerism Incentives – Participation Based Incentives must be participation and activity-based rather than outcomes-based. HIPAA laws prevent rewards based on health standards. The law allows incentive designs if the following requirements are met: Limit the reward to a specified amount (not to exceed between 10%-20% of the cost of employee-only coverage). Be reasonably designed to promote health or prevent disease. Be available to all similarly situated individuals. There must be a feasible alternative for those that cannot reach the health standard because of a medical condition. Inform employees that individual accommodations and alternatives are available. 102 Wellness Incentives – Outcomes Based While HIPAA generally prohibits plans from differentiating benefits or premiums based on health status, employers can still design and implement wellness programs with financial incentives. Only a "bona fide wellness program" can provide a reward based on a health standard or health outcome (i.e., a low cholesterol level). To be a "bona fide wellness program," the law specifies that the program must meet four requirements: 1. Limit the reward to a specified amount (not to exceed between 10%-20% of the cost of employee-only coverage). 2. Be reasonably designed to promote health or prevent disease. 3. Be available to all similarly situated individuals. There must be a feasible alternative for those that cannot reach the health standard because of a medical condition. 4. Inform employees that individual accommodations and alternatives are available. - National Business Group on Health 103 Wellness Incentives – Participation Based All wellness programs that are based on participation rather than outcomes are permitted. For example, financial incentives or premium discounts for participating in a health fair, joining a health club, or attending smoking cessation program, regardless of the health outcomes or results, are allowed. - National Business Group on Health 104 Rewards & Incentives for Smoking Cessation The NGBH conducted a Quick Survey in December 2003 on "Smoking Cessation Incentives/Disincentives." The results from 26 respondents showed: 69% of the respondents offered discounts on annual health care premiums/contributions for non-smokers, and 15% offered another type of benefit enhancement. Similarly, 45% of the respondents offered premium discounts for employees that participated in smoking cessation/wellness programs. 57% included smoking cessation as part of a broader wellness initiative/incentives at the worksite. - National Business Group on Health 105 Incentive Awards - Three Very Different Personal Care Accounts 1. Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) – Traditional Group Plans with Use-it-or-Lose-it 2. Health Reimbursements Arrangements (HRAs) – Employers’ choice for cash flow flexible incentive based medical plan benefit designs (best suited for self-insured groups) 3. Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) – Employees’ choice for funded portable triple tax advantaged with “High Deductible Health Plans” (best suited for individuals and small groups) 4. Combination Accounts – creative but confusing 106 Using Information & Incentives To Address Wellness & Disease Management Behavioral Changes Low Users No Claims Mediu m Users Generally Healthy Acute Episodic Conditions O/P, Low In/P, High Maternity % Mem Prevention 15% - Lifestyle 48% Wellness 14% 3% 3% % Dollars 12%Minimize 15% 5% % Mem % Dollars 0% 63% Maximize 12% 32% Early Intervention 12% 32% Wellness - Clinical High Users Very High Users Chronic & ersistent . Conditions . O/P, Low In/P,High Catastrophic Wellness - Lifestyle 12% 4% Minimize20% 21% 1% 15% Maximize 17% Wellness - Clinical 56% 107 The Consumerism Grid Personal Accounts Wellness/Prevention Early Intervention Disease Management 1st Generation Consumerism Focus on Discretionary Spending Initial Account Only 2nd Generation Consumerism 3rd Generation Consumerism Focus on Behavior Changes Integrated Health & Performance Activity & Compliance Rewards 100% Basic Web-based behavior Worksite wellness, Preventive Care change support safety, stress & error programs reduction Decision Support Incentives & Rewards Personalized Health & Healthcare Specialized Accts, Matching HRAs, Expanded QME Genomics, predictive modeling push technology Information, Compliance Awards, Population Mgmt, IHM, Wireless cyber – disease specific Integrated Back-to- support, cultural DM, health coach allowances Information Indiv. & Group Corporate Metric Rewards 4th Generation Consumerism Passive Info Discretionary Expenses Cash, tickets, Trinkets Work Holistic care Personal health Health & performance Arrive in time info mgmt, info with info, integrated health and services, incentives to access work data information therapy Personal development Health Incentive Non-health corporate plan incentives, Accounts, activity metric driven incentives health status related based incentives 108 Task #8 - Discussion on Type(s) and Use of Incentives & Rewards ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 109 Task #9 – Viewing Healthcare Consumerism by Generations Review of Plan Design Concepts by Generation 110 1st Generation Healthcare Consumerism Focus on Plan Design and implementation of HRAs and/or HSAs and basic decision support tools. Impact: Discretionary Expenses Choices: Level and Type of Accounts with Plan Designs, information and Decision Support Services 111 1st Generation HRA Prototype • Employer Funds Only • Notional Account • Participant responsibility • Can fund thru Section 125 plan S.M.M. Insurance Deductible Gap • Ensures good health • Neutralizes “hoarding” • Part of the Insurance Plan • Section 105 Plan • Balance rolls over year to year • Employer controls growth % • Employer controls exit rules • Vesting • COBRA • Retiree medical • Qualified long-term care Health Reimbursement Arrangement Preventive Care (Insurance) • Consumer education • Chronic disease management • Health Promotion • Online tools • Telephonic support Education and Decision-Support Tools 112 1st Generation HSA/HDHP Prototype • Employer HSA &/or Ee Contributions • Participant responsibility • Can funded thru Employee Tax Advantaged HSA Contributions • Can Not be Funded by FSA, HRA or other Insurance • • • • Ensures good health Neutralizes “hoarding” Part of the Insurance Plan Defined by IRS • Interest earning Real Dollars in Real Accounts S.M.M. Insurance • Legally Defined by 2003 MMA • Balance rolls over year to year • 100% Vested at Point of Contribution by Er Deductible Gap • 10% Penalty and Taxable Income for W/D for Non-health if <65 • Non-substantiation W/Ds Health Savings Account Preventive Care (Insurance) • Consumer education • Chronic disease management • Health Promotion • Online tools • Telephonic support Education and Decision-Support Tools 113 HRA/HSA Healthcare Consumerism – Multiple Options $$$ Option Ins. Year 1: Employee elects $$$ Option with $1,000 risk corridor. Employee has $1,000 in claims, allowing Personal Account to carry $500 over. Year 1 Deductible $1000 Personal Acct $1,500 $$ Option Ins. Deductible $1500 $ Option Ins. Year 2 Deductible $1,500 Personal Acct $1,500 Personal Acct $1,500 + $500 Ins. Ins. Deductible $2,000 Personal Acct $1500 Year 1 Year 3 Deductible $2,000 Year 2: Employee elects $$ Option, maintaining $1,000 risk corridor. Employee has $1,000 in claims, allowing Personal Account to carry over $1,000. Year 3: Employee elects $ Option, again maintaining $1,000 risk corridor. Employee no longer has a need for the $$$ Option. Personal Acct $1500 +$1,000 114 The Consumerism Grid Personal Accounts Wellness/Prevention Early Intervention Disease Management 1st Generation Consumerism Focus on Discretionary Spending Initial Account Only 2nd Generation Consumerism 3rd Generation Consumerism Focus on Behavior Changes Integrated Health & Performance Activity & Compliance Rewards 100% Basic Web-based behavior Worksite wellness, Preventive Care change support safety, stress & error programs reduction Decision Support Incentives & Rewards Personalized Health & Healthcare Specialized Accts, Matching HRAs, Expanded QME Genomics, predictive modeling push technology Information, Compliance Awards, Population Mgmt, IHM, Wireless cyber – disease specific Integrated Back-to- support, cultural DM, health coach allowances Information Indiv. & Group Corporate Metric Rewards 4th Generation Consumerism Passive Info Discretionary Expenses Cash, tickets, Trinkets Work Holistic care Personal health Health & performance Arrive in time info mgmt, info with info, integrated health and services, incentives to access work data information therapy Personal development Health Incentive Non-health corporate plan incentives, Accounts, activity metric driven incentives health status related based incentives 115 2nd Generation Healthcare Consumerism Focus on Behavior Changes. How to use plan design to effectively change health and healthcare purchasing behaviors with individual and group incentives/rewards. Impact: Chronic & Persistent Conditions, Pre-Natal, Wellness & Preventive care. Choices: Covered Benefits, Type and Level of Matching Funds and Incentives for Prevention, Wellness, and Disease Management Programs 116 2nd Generation Healthcare Consumerism with Focus on Behavioral Changes Healthcare Consumerism models require a shift in responsibility from the employer to the employee in the purchase and use of health and healthcare. Communication, information, and education along with the reward system drives this change. Passive Users of Health Care Services Educated, Engaged, and Empowered Health Care Consumers Basic Benefit Consumerism Access to Health Care Education Behavior Information & Information Support Decision Support 117 2nd Generation Behavioral Change a Key Determinant of Health Today’s Health Care Environment and Trends Determinants of Health 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Determinants Access to Care Genetics Environment Behavior 10% 20% 20% 50% Source: IFTF, Centers or Disease Control and Prevention 118 Healthcare Consumerism Drives New Behaviors from All Participants Employee Passive Participant Active & Empowered Patient/Consumer, P4C Employer Primary Purchaser Plan Facilitator Financial Contributor Barrier Enabler / Education & Information Contracted Supplier Clinical and Service Standards, Care Manager, P4P Health Plan Provider 119 Consumer Behavioral Changes 1. Focus on Preventive Care 2. Live Healthy & Safely 3. Use Nurse Line for Common Issues 4. Treatment Compliance for Chronic Persistent Problems 5. Consider Health and Healthcare Issues Together 6. Use Lower Cost / Higher Quality Alternatives 120 Consumer Behavioral Changes 7. Choose Rx Substitutions 8. Talk to Doctors as Informed Consumers 9. Be Compliance with Disease Mgmt Treatment Plans 10. Learn About Diagnosis/Condition 11. Act Like a Consumer - Demand Value and Service 12. Consider Plan as an Accumulated Asset rather than a Time Limited Benefit 121 2nd Generation Programs to Change Behaviors Well e.g., Low Risk, Good Nutrition, Active Lifestyle At Risk / Acute Condition Chronic Conditions e.g., Inactivity, High Stress, e.g., Diabetes, Overweight, High Blood Pressure, Depression, Heart Lacerations, Infections Acute Conditions Disease, Asthma, e.g., Infections, Respiratory, Lacerations MS/SA Catastrophic Conditions e.g., Cancer, Hepatitis C, Head Trauma Health Promotion Health Management Chronic Disease Management Website Wellness Appraisal Patient Identification and enrollment Navigational Support Address Comorbid Conditions Patient Advocacy Healthy Lifestyle Promotion Targeted Behavior Modification Physical Activity Campaign Practice Guidelines Care Coordination High Cost Case Management Care Coordination Address Comorbid Conditions Integrated Services, Communications, Measurement and Evaluation 122 2nd Generation Consumerism – Improving Health and Lowering Costs with Behavioral Changes Low Users No Claims % Mem % Dollars 11% 0% Generally Healthy 29% 2% % Mem 40% % Dollars 2% Medium Users High Users Acute Episodic . Conditions . O/P, Low In/P, High Maternity Chronic & Persistent . Conditions . O/P, Low In/P, High 17% 9% Evidence Based 11% Medicine 17% 4% PreNatal care 3% 18% Very High Users 11% Evidence Based 18% Medicine 35% Catastrophic 1% Safety 14% Programs, Regional Disease Discretionary Management30% Centers of Expenses 30% Excellence Stress Management / Health & Performance 31% 67% Sample Impact Areas: Rx Rx Rx Rx Rx Rx Rx Office Visits Office Visits Hosp Admits Hosp Admits OfficeVisits Hosp Admits Hosp Admits DXL DXL, ER ER ER Specialists Specialists High Tech 123 The Consumerism Grid Personal Accounts Wellness/Prevention Early Intervention Disease Management 1st Generation Consumerism Focus on Discretionary Spending Initial Account Only 2nd Generation Consumerism 3rd Generation Consumerism Focus on Behavior Changes Integrated Health & Performance Activity & Compliance Rewards 100% Basic Web-based behavior Worksite wellness, Preventive Care change support safety, stress & error programs reduction Decision Support Incentives & Rewards Personalized Health & Healthcare Specialized Accts, Matching HRAs, Expanded QME Genomics, predictive modeling push technology Information, Compliance Awards, Population Mgmt, IHM, Wireless cyber – disease specific Integrated Back-to- support, cultural DM, health coach allowances Information Indiv. & Group Corporate Metric Rewards 4th Generation Consumerism Passive Info Discretionary Expenses Cash, tickets, Trinkets Work Holistic care Personal health Health & performance Arrive in time info mgmt, info with info, integrated health and services, incentives to access work data information therapy Personal development Health Incentive Non-health corporate plan incentives, Accounts, activity metric driven incentives health status related based incentives 124 3rd Generation Healthcare Consumerism Focus on Health & Performance. How healthcare consumerism plan design and behavior change affects work performance and the corporate bottom line. Impact: Manageable Costs - Organizational health, turnover, absenteeism, productivity, disability, and presenteeism 125 What are “Manageable Employment Costs”? Five components of “Manageable Employment Costs”: 1. Health care: the dollars spent on health care whether self-insured or insured. 2. Turnover: the direct hiring costs, temporary replacement costs, learning curve costs, and lost productivity costs. 3. Presenteeism: the time an employee is at work and assumed to be productive, but is not productive. 4. Disability: the direct costs associated with workers’ compensation and nonoccupational disability. 5. Unscheduled Manageable Absence: the cost of absence that could be positively influenced with proactive intervention. 126 3rd Generation Health & Performance Strategy Health & Performance is a benefits strategy that is designed to balance the rising costs of health care while optimizing employee health & performance through targeted, strategic, and value-added interventions. Targeted, Strategic, Value-added Interventions Better Health Employee Performance 127 3rd Generation – Incentives and Rewards Optimizing Individual and Organizational Health & Performance 3rd Generation “Account Based” Benefits and Incentives Platform • •Holistic Health & Productivity Focus • Culture of Health & Wellbeing • Seamless Population Management • Shared Responsibility/Accountability • Organizational Alignment & Support • Data Driven Process Excellence 128 3rd Generation Health & Performance ROI Health & Performance ROI will be measured by: Reduced unscheduled sick days Reduced paid time off Fewer disability claims, more and faster recoveries Reduced turnover Improved survey results on teaming, creativity, staff moral Resulting in: More productive employees More effective employees Increased teaming, creativity, moral, workplace conflicts Better bottom line results 129 3rd Generation Creating the Health & Performance ROI Keep in mind: This is a multi-year strategy that results in cumulative savings over time ROI estimates are based on static number of members • expect more to enroll each year which will increase savings Estimates assume the same benefit levels • changes to the plan design could increase the ROI in the shorter term 130 Example of 3rd Generation Concept Consumerism Stress Management Consumerism Stress Management is a process improvement methodology designed to quickly improve bottom line saving and progresses into a business strategy that optimizes a company’s human capital an innovation efforts. Consumerism Stress Management emphasizes employee participation, the inclusion of corporate and operational performance metrics, and the power of the Internet to achieve savings by quantifying and positively influencing stress-related “Manageable Employment Costs”. 131 3rd Generation – Stress Management and Corporate Impact Research suggests that stress has been directly attributed to: 21.5% of total health care costs 40% of the primary reasons that employees leave a company 50% of presenteeism is a function of stress 33% of all disability and workers’ compensation costs 50% of the primary reasons that employees take unscheduled absence days 132 Related / Imbedded Health Costs From Stress Source of Demand And Pressure Major Body Systems Affected by Stress Job Family Personal Social Financial Environment Muscular System Digestive System Cardiovascular Emotional Endocrine, Immune Cognitive 133 The Consumerism Grid Personal Accounts Wellness/Prevention Early Intervention Disease Management 1st Generation Consumerism Focus on Discretionary Spending Initial Account Only 2nd Generation Consumerism 3rd Generation Consumerism Focus on Behavior Changes Integrated Health & Performance Activity & Compliance Rewards 100% Basic Web-based behavior Worksite wellness, Preventive Care change support safety, stress & error programs reduction Decision Support Incentives & Rewards Personalized Health & Healthcare Specialized Accts, Matching HRAs, Expanded QME Genomics, predictive modeling push technology Information, Compliance Awards, Population Mgmt, IHM, Wireless cyber – disease specific Integrated Back-to- support, cultural DM, health coach allowances Information Indiv. & Group Corporate Metric Rewards 4th Generation Consumerism Passive Info Discretionary Expenses Cash, tickets, Trinkets Work Holistic care Personal health Health & performance Arrive in time info mgmt, info with info, integrated health and services, incentives to access work data information therapy Personal development Health Incentive Non-health corporate plan incentives, Accounts, activity metric driven incentives health status related based incentives 134 4th Generation Healthcare Consumerism Focus on Lifestyle, Lifecycle, and Personal Health needs. How healthcare consumerism plan design and behavior change affects personal health and healthcare based on lifestyle and personalized needs. Impact: Lifecycle needs, Personal health, genetic pre-dispositions, predictive modeling, healthy habits, and wellness. 135 4th generation – Individual Ownership and Portability 1. Ownership, security, and portability of the PCA. 2. Access to accounts post-employment. 3. Vesting will be important to employees to secure the value of the accounts. 4. Compared to HSAs, employees may ultimately expect “notional interest” on HRAs. 5. Demand for more immediate use of the funds for non-plan QMEs and use of HRAs for paying health premiums. 136 4th generation – Individual Ownership and Portability (cont.) 6. Added HRA credits from unused vacation or sick leave. 7. PCA will need to accommodate personal lifestyle expenses items such as, alternative medicines and acupuncture. 8. Ability to use debit/credit cards to cover internet purchases and cyber-office visits. 9. The IRS will have pressure to expand the definition of QME to cosmetic surgery and other personal care services. 137 4th Generation – Personalized Health and Healthcare Based on genomics, predictive modeling, and push technology. Preventive care will include both lifestyle and clinical factors. Treatments will include culturally sensitive care and guidance Cyber-health Aides - decision support systems and wireless connections that link each person to a personalized health and healthcare cyber-support system (e.g. diabetes phone). Personalized Internet Search engines based upon individual profile health and healthcare needs. Cyber-support systems built to profile activity and anticipate areas of interest (e.g. TIVO/Travelocity) Connected to services through monitors that will provide real time feedback on health status, lifestyle, and health concerns. (e.g. Health Buddy) 138 4th generation – Decision Support tools and Individual needs “Arrive in time” information and services at critical moments for care. “Information therapy” is the active use of patient oriented information with clinical evidence based medicine. Information needs to be embedded into the process of clinical care—as information therapy. Potential areas for Information Therapy: Prostate surgery Back surgery ACL surgery Coronary artery bypass surgery Medication for depression End-of-life care Prescription of beta-blockers following heart attacks Early-stage breast cancer testing Colon cancer screenings Immunizations and eye test reminders for diabetics 139 Nondiscrimination Rules Health plans may not discriminate against similarly situated individuals on the basis of a health status-related factor with respect to 1) eligibility for the plan, or 2) premiums for the plan. Health plans may not charge an individual a higher premium than applies to similarly situated individuals because of health statusrelated factors. However, health plans are allowed to make enrollment in the plan, or receipt of particular benefits, contingent on regular completion of health awareness or promotion activities that do not require individuals to satisfy a particular health standard. Moreover, employers are allowed to provide any kind of financial incentive to plan enrollees who provide documentation of completion of such activities. 140 Individuals & Health Status Factors Health status-related factors include diagnosis of overweight, obesity, results of cholesterol tests and a history of overweight or eating disorders. They are defined in a variety of ways, as follows: • Health status • Medical condition (including both physical and mental illnesses) • Claims experience • Receipt of health care • Medical history • Genetic information • Evidence of insurability • Disability 141 The Consumerism Grid Personal Accounts Wellness/Prevention Early Intervention Disease Management 1st Generation Consumerism Focus on Discretionary Spending Initial Account Only 2nd Generation Consumerism 3rd Generation Consumerism Focus on Behavior Changes Integrated Health & Performance Activity & Compliance Rewards 100% Basic Web-based behavior Worksite wellness, Preventive Care change support safety, stress & error programs reduction Decision Support Incentives & Rewards Personalized Health & Healthcare Specialized Accts, Matching HRAs, Expanded QME Genomics, predictive modeling push technology Information, Compliance Awards, Population Mgmt, IHM, Wireless cyber – disease specific Integrated Back-to- support, cultural DM, health coach allowances Information Indiv. & Group Corporate Metric Rewards 4th Generation Consumerism Passive Info Discretionary Expenses Cash, tickets, Trinkets Work Holistic care Personal health Health & performance Arrive in time info mgmt, info with info, integrated health and services, incentives to access work data information therapy Personal development Health Incentive Non-health corporate plan incentives, Accounts, activity metric driven incentives health status related based incentives 142 Task #9 - Additional Considerations for Building Blocks of Healthcare Consumerism PCAs ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Wellness____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Disease Management _________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Decision Support ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Incentives _________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 143 Task #10 – Create/Design Basic Framework of MSFT Consumerism Options Design: Deductibles, Copays, Coinsurance, Max OOP, Fund Balances, Wellness, Disease Mgmt, Incentives, Carve-outs, etc. Traditional PPO Plan PPO with HRA PPO with HSA Other 144 Potential Anti-Selection from Consumerism on an Optional Basis Introduction of Consumerism on an optional basis will limit the cost reduction. In particular, with HDHP’s fewer members will be impacted and are those selecting HDHP’s are likely to have an existing favorable health status (anti-selection). Companies and members can benefit most by introducing consumerism with both a HDHP option and consumerism features for current plans. Example - Selection in An Option Environment OPTION # 1 OPTION # 2 % Members Participating Clms/Part.Mbr. Vs Clms/All Mbrs. Remaining Members Clms/Part.Mbr. Vs Clms/All Mbrs. 10% 75% 90% 103% 30% 85% 70% 106% 50% 100% 50% 100% 145 Design a PPO Plan Traditional PPO Desirable PPO Preventive Preventive Deductible Deductible 20% Coins to a Maximum OOP PPO 80% Coverage In-Network 100% Coverage 20% Coins to a Maximum OOP What would you Include? Any Coinsurance? PPO 80% Coverage In-Network 100% Coverage How large of a Deductible? In-Network Coins? In-Network Max OOP? OON Coins? OON Max OOP? Plan Maximum? Other: Carve-out Vision, Dental? 146 Design a High Deductible PPO/HRA Option PPO / HRA Preventive Sample PPO / HRA Preventive HRA Deductible Gap ($500-1000) Deductible Gap 20% Coins to a Maximum OOP $2-5,000 100% Coverage __% Coins to a Maximum OOP of $_______ How Much in Initial HRA? How Large of a Deductible Gap? HRA ($500-$1000) PPO 80% Coverage PPO 80% In Network Coverage In-Network What would you Include? Any Coinsurance? PPO __% Coverage In Network OOP of $______ 100% Coverage In-Network Coins? In-Network Max OOP? OON Coins? OON Max OOP? Plan Maximum? Other: Carve-out or Incl.?: Rx, MH & SA, Vision, Dental HRA Incentives? Wellness, DM. Other? 147 Design a High Deductible PPO/HSA Option PPO / HSA Preventive Sample PPO / HSA How Much in Initial HSA? Preventive HSA=($1000=2600) What would you Include? Any Coinsurance? HSA = _____ In-Network Coins? In-Network Max OOP? OON Coins? OON Max OOP? 20% Coins to a Maximum OOP $5000 (incl deductible) PPO 80% Coverage In Network 100% Coverage ___% Coins to a Maximum OOP _______ PPO __% Coverage In Network 100% Coverage Plan Maximum? Other: Carve-out or Incl.?: Rx, MH & SA, Vision, Dental HSA Incentives? HRA Incentive? Wellness, DM. Other? 148 A Unified Theory of Plan Design All Medical Plans can be view as catastrophic plans with first dollar benefits funded by: 1. Post-tax self pay – Pure high deductible 2. Insurance – traditional HMO, EPO, POS, PPO, or Indemnity 3. Health Reimbursement Accounts (HRAs) - HRA with Deductible Gap 4. Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) – Legally defined High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) 5. Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) 6. Combinations of the above 149 PPO Plans Differ Mainly in the Way Initial Dollars are financed Traditional PPO Insurance Funding of Early Expenses Preventive PPO with HRA Funding of Early Expenses Preventive Deductible PPO with HSA Funding of Early Expenses Preventive HRA HSA Deductible Gap 20% Coins to a Maximum OOP PPO 80% Coverage 100% Coverage 20% Coins to a Maximum OOP PPO 80% Coverage 100% Coverage 20% Coins to a Maximum OOP PPO 80% Coverage 100% Coverage Similar Catastrophic Protection 150 Sample Consumerism PPO Plan Designs Traditional PPO Insurance Funding of Early Expenses Preventive 100% coverage Deductible $250 20% Coins to a Maximum OOP of $4,750 PPO with Er HRA Funding of Early Expenses Preventive 100% coverage Er HRA $1000 Deductible Gap PPO 80% Coverage 100% Coverage 20% Coins to a Maximum OOP of $4,000 PPO with Voluntary Ee HSA Funding of Early Expenses and Er HRA Match Preventive 100% coverage Voluntary Ee Funded HSA up to $1000 $1,000 PPO 80% Coverage 100% Coverage $1000 HRA Er Match to HSA to cover part of: PPO 80% Coverage 20% Coins to a Maximum OOP of $4,000 100% Coverage Max OOP = $5000 Max OOP = $5000 Max Ee Cost = $5000+Prem Max Ee Cost = $5000+ Lower Prem Max OOP = $5000 Min OOP = $4000 w/ HRA Match Max Ee Cost = OOP+ +HSA+Lowest Premium Incentive HRAs from Initial “$0” Balance Incentive HRAs from Initial $1000 Balance Incentive HRAs for CY Co-Insurance Only 151 Task #10 – Create/Design Basic Framework of Healthcare Consumerism Options PPO PPO/HRA PPO/HSA Other Preventive Care Benefits Front-end Deductible Beginning Account Balance Deductible Gap PPO Coinsurance – In/Net PPO Coins Max OOP-InNet PPO OON Coinsurance PPO OON Coins Max OOP Carve-out Programs: Rx, Vision, Dental Incentives - DM Incentives - Preventive Care Matching Er HRA to Ee HSA Other Decision Support Tools 152 Task #11 – Implementation Planning & Time Frames The Challenges and A framework for Implementation 153 Employer Challenges in Developing a Healthcare Consumerism Strategy Lower Costs, Increased Employee Satisfaction, Quality/Value Driven Healthcare, Improved Access to Care Enterprise-wide Impact of Health & Healthcare Collaboration Standardize IT Platforms Focus on High Cost / High Volume Users Building the Future Employer Benefits Program Pay-for-Performance Consumerism Healthcare Consumerism Demand-Driven Healthcare 154 Communication Milestones Accept Health Plan as an Accumulating Asset Rather than a Short Term Benefit Acceptance I accept the changes Practical Application What does it mean to me? Education Awareness How does it work? What is it? Employee Decision-Making Cycle 155 Time Frame for Implementation of Consumerism (may be Dependent Upon Vendor Capabilities) Personal Care Accounts Wellness/Prevention Early Intervention Disease and Case Management Information Decision Support Incentives & Rewards Yr__- __ Yr__-__ Yr__-__ 1st Generation Consumerism 2nd Generation 3rd Generation Consumerism Consumerism Focus on Discretionary Spending Focus on Behavior Changes Initial Account Only 100% Basic Preventive Care Information, health coach Passive Info Discretionary Expenses Cash, tickets, Trinkets Activity & Compliance Rewards Integrated Health & Performance 4th Generation Consumerism Personalized Health & Healthcare Indiv. & Group Specialized Accts, Corporate Metric Matching HRAs, Rewards Expanded QME Worksite wellness, Web-based behavior change safety, stress & error reduction support programs Compliance Awards, disease specific allowances Personal health mgmt, info with incentives to access Health Incentive Accts, activity based incentives Yr__-__ Genomics, predictive modeling push technology Integrated Hlth Wireless cyber – Mgmt, Population support, cultural Mgmt, Integrated DM, Holistic care Back-to-Work Arrive in time info Health & and services, performance info, information integrated health Therapy work data Non-health Personal dev. plan corporate metric incentives, health driven incentives status related 156 Integrated Health Management 1st Generation Consumerism 2nd Generation Consumerism 3rd Generation Consumerism A Logical Stake in the Ground ? Focus on Discretionary Spending Focus on Behavior Changes Integrated Health & Performance Personal Care Accounts Wellness / Prevention Early Intervention Disease Mgmt & Case Management Information & Decision Support Tools Incentives & Rewards Initial Account Only 100% Basic Preventive Care Information, health coach Passive Info Discretionary Expenses Cash, tickets, Trinkets Activity & Compliance Rewards Web-based behavior change support programs Compliance Awards, disease specific allowances Personal health mgmt, info with incentives to access Zero balance acct, activity based incentives 4th Generation Consumerism Personalized Health & Healthcare Indiv. & Group Specialized Accts, Corporate Metric Matching HRAs, Rewards Expanded QME Worksite wellness, safety, stress & error reduction Genomics, predictive modeling push technology Integrated Hlth Wireless cyber – Mgmt, Population support, cultural Mgmt, Integrated DM, Holistic care Back-to-Work Health & Arrive in time performance info, info and services, integrated health information work data therapy Non-health Personal dev. plan corporate metric incentives, health driven incentives status related 157 Integrated Health Management Program Implementation Option for Multiple Generations General Manager Personal Care Accts. FSAs, HRAs, HSAs Integrated Absence Mgmt Acute Case Mgmt Disease Mgmt Programs The secret is cooperation and synergy between components supporting the corporate strategies Demand Management Prevention Wellness Utilization and Case Management Communication Education NETWORK A / TPA A NETWORK B / TPA B 158 Potential Savings & Actual Industry Results from Early Generation Implementations More than just Theory and Promises “To achieve transformation to a 21st Century Intelligent Health System, all participants must advance in a consistent way to the future model.” 159 The Value Proposition 5-8% Savings over 5 years with 2% lower trends Low Range of Savings 5% x 5 years + 2% x 5 years = 35% High Range of Savings 8% x 5 years + 2% x 5 years = 50% 20-35% lower Rx costs Low Range: 20% x 20% = 4% High Range: 35% x 20% = 7% 160 Potential Savings from Full Implementation of Consumerism Achievement of savings and improved outcomes is dependent upon both the Type and Effectiveness of the programs implemented. Gross* Savings as % of Total Plan Costs (Programs Applicable to All Members) Traditional plans Effective Programs Implemented Consumerism Plans Passive 1st Generation 2nd Generation 3rd Gen & Future Basic 2% 3% 7% 10% Expanded 3-4% 5-8% 12-15.0% 20.0+% Complete 4% 7% 17% 25% Comprehensive (Future) 5% 10% 20% 30% *Excludes Carry-over HRAs/HSAs and any added Administrative Costs of Specialized Programs 161 Healthcare Consumerism Experience Results 162 Aetna Health Fund (AHF) Product Type: Study by: Study Basis: HRA with high deductible PPO Aetna 13,800 members (19 groups) enrolled in AHF vs. “randomly selected similar population” in traditional PPO Comparison of Jan-Sept, 2003 to Jan-Sept, 2002 experience Released March, 2004 Results - 2003 Experience vs. 2002 Experience for Members Enrolled in AHF in 2003 1. 30% increase in preventive care office visits vs. 14% for traditional group 2. 1.5% medical cost increase per employee per month vs. 15.7% for traditional group 3. 5.1% decrease in ER visits, 10.3% decrease in outpatient visits, and 14.5% decrease in inpatient admits 4. 51% with HRA balances left over 5. 31% of total HRA dollars rolled over 6. 48%+ more use (than traditional group) of consumer health info (e.g. Intellihealth) 7. 100% more use (than traditional group) of pharmacy price and generic substitution information 8. 13%+ more use (than traditional group) of online provider directories Results - One Group with Integrated Pharmacy in the High Deductible Plan 11.1% decrease in prescriptions per 1000 for AHF members vs. 1.8% increase for traditional plans 34-44% increase (2002 to 2003) in generic usage for AHF vs. 40-45% increase for traditional plans 163 United Healthcare Product Type: HRA with high deductible PPO Study by: United Healthcare Study Basis: Two years experience for 20,000 members enrolled in traditional plan year one and in iPlan year two Two years experience for 25,000 members enrolled in traditional plans for two years Released June, 2004 Results for iPlan Members 1. Higher registration rate on myuch.com than non-iPlan members 2. Higher use of preventive services than non-iPlan members 3. Decrease in total emergency room visits; indication of more selective, responsible use of emergency services after enrollment in AHF (in year two) 4. Reductions in the use of specialists, outpatient procedures, and radiology and lab in year two 5. Less than 1% (per member/per month) year-over-year cost increase when iPlan was a full replacement 6. Most iPlan members carried an HRA balance into 2004 7. In-network utilization was in the 90th percentile 8. Satisfaction ratings greater than 90% with customer service and decisionsupport tools 164 Humana Product Type: Study by: Study Basis: SmartSuite Multi-Option plans Humana 10,000 Humana employees in 2001-2002; 5.6% enrolled in consumerism plan (SmartSuite), remainder in traditional HMO/PPO Released December, 2002 Results 1. 5.6% enrollment in SmartSuite (consumerism) products 2. Early adopters of consumerism were “super-healthy”, of average age, and of higher average salary than non-adopters 3. More SmartSuite enrollees waived dependent coverage 4. Apparent “spillover” of behavioral changes to traditional products due to communications and tools resulted in a 4.9% cost increase for 2003 for entire group (10,000 employees) vs. 19.2% projected trend Plan Option PMPM: 7/1/01 – 6/30/02 Expected (Trended) PMPM: 7/1/01 – 6/30/02 Actual HMO $127 $139 Tiered PPO $163 $141 PPO Standard $101 $110 SmartSuite Option 1 $64 $39 SmartSuite Option 2 $78 $51 165 Definity Health (Now United Health Care) Product Type: HRA or HSA with high deductible PPO Study by: Galen Institute Briefing on Consumer Choice Health Care Study Basis: 85 self-insured clients with 300,000 consumer-driven members, experience for Jan-Nov, 2003 Released February, 2004 Results 1. 10% enrollment average for first year clients where Definity is an option 2. Enrollment from a broad demographic cross-section of the population, no apparent favorable demographic selection 3. Large claim (> $50K)incidence rate of 4.6 per 1,000 members compared to standard claim distribution incidence rate of about 2.3 per 1,000 members 4. 95% re-enrollment rate 5. 90% member satisfaction 6. Overall renewal increase over Definity book of business of 0% in 2003 and 3.2% in 2004 7. Average pharmacy utilization rate for groups range from .57 to .69 prescriptions per member per month (12% below the low industry benchmark and 34% below the high industry benchmark) 8. Generic drug substitution rate of 95%, compared to “norm” of 85% 9. Hospital admits of 44.3 per 1000 vs. “norm” of 59.0 per 1000 10. Hospital days of 162.1 per 1000 vs. “norm” of 200.0 per 1000 166 Actual Published Consumerism Experience In 2004, Aetna consumerism plans showed cost increases of only 1.5% versus increases of more than 10% for traditional health plans. Employers that offered only consumerism plans had an average decrease in premiums of 2.9%. In 2004, United Health Care showed average cost increases of less than 1% for consumerism plans. Humana, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and other health insurers are finding similar results from their new consumerism products. Forrester Research predicts 24% of Americans will be covered under such plans by 2010. 167 Task #12 (Summary) - Medical Plan Costs and Potential Consumerism Savings Worksheet Well At-Risk e.g., Low Risk, Good Nutrition, Active Lifestyle Chronically-Ill e.g., Inactivity, High Stress, Overweight, High Blood Pressure, Smoking e.g., Diabetes, Musculoskeletal, Heart Disease O/P (Low) No Claims Generally Healthy O/P (Low) In/P (High) Maternity Distribution of MSFT Med Costs ___% ___% ___% ___% ___% ___% ___% ___% Avg $ Cost (000’s) $0 $____ $____ $____ $____ $______ $_____ $______ Est. CDHC Savings Pct. 0% 15% 12.5% 8% 5% 15% 20% 8% $ CDHC Savings (000’s) $0 $____ $____ $____ $_____ $______ $______ $______ Incremental HRA Costs $____ $____ $____ $____ $_____ $______ $______ $______ Amount In/P (High) Catas-trophic e.g., Cancer, Rare Diseases In/P (High) Pct. Est. CDHC Savings $_______ _____% Incremental HRA Costs $_______ _____% Net Annual Savings $_______ _____% 168 Consumer-Driven Healthcare Surveys A Fad or Exponential Growth ? 169 Milliman 10/2004 CDHC Survey 89% of those responding expect to offer a CDHC plan to employers within the next year, up from 29% in last year's survey. Specifically, these 89% currently offer or plan to offer within the next year a high deductible plan with an integrated employee account (i.e., HRA or HSA). Milliman Group Health Insurance Survey CDHC Available Currently or Within 2005 Offer a Tiered Provider Network 2004 Survey 42% 2003 Survey 17% Offer a High Deductible Plan 96% 48% Offer a CDHC Plan 89% 29% % Prem From CDHC 7.8% (in 2005) 3.4% (in 2004) Percentage of Respondents 170 Survey Information on CDHC Mercer 4/2004 Nearly three-quarters (73%) of employers asked by Mercer Human Resource Consulting said they were likely to offer the new accounts to their workers by 2006, according to a survey to be released this week. "We're looking at a major market change," says Linda Havlin, Mercer's Midwest health care practice leader, noting that a 73% interest in adopting a new program within two years "is unprecedented.“ Forrester Research 9/2003 171 172