
Eng 97-98
Summer, 2012
Homework Unit 1
June 25
*Buy books and materials. Bring book and journal to every class.
*Do Journal Entry #1 (see bottom of partner interview - green – paper)
*Read Syllabus. Annotate. Find, look up, and write in your journal at least 3
words you don’t understand. Be ready to talk about the words tomorrow in
class. Bring any questions about the syllabus you have.
*Models for Writers [MFW]:
Review p. 43 – 51
Read p. 81 – 83 (Thesis)
Read p. 84 – 87 (“The Most Important
June 26
Read p. 166 – 171 Unforgettable Miss Bessie
Read p. 7 – 21 The Writing Process by Thursday
June 27
Finish reading p. 7-21 The Writing Process
Read p. 103 – 108 My Favorite Teacher
Write: S-R of ONE of the 3 essays we’ve read. See S-R Guidelines
Bring dictionaries and journals to class tomorrow!
Read p. 407 – 411 And the Orchestra Played On
Write first draft of your first essay! See guidelines below. Have an
electronic copy of your essay available for labwork on Monday.
June 28
July 2
If you missed class: you need to get a Net ID and you need to sign up for the
MFW website. See handout for how-to (and you can ask me). This handout
also has a 10-exercise assignment that is due at the end of this week.
MFW: Read 21 – 24 (sentence grammar)
MFW/JOURNAL: On p. 410 read the paragraph under “Thinking Critically
about This Reading.” In your journal, write a 1-2 paragraph response to the
questions in this paragraph.
ESSAY 1 peer review is Tuesday (tomorrow). Bring 2 typewritten, printed,
stapled drafts to class.
THURSDAY is our first Grammar-Vocab test and our first in-class S-R test.
We will review in class Tuesday. Grammar: S, V, O, and sentence types.
Vocab list 1. S-R will be about one of the 4 texts we’ve read. I choose .
July 3:
July 5:
Study for Grammar-Vocab test. Review texts and S-R Guidelines for S-R test
on Thursday.
Bring to class Thursday:
Book dictionary
Paper, pencil (or pen), eraser
A copy of your paper to work with (doesn’t have to be clean)
Computer if you choose to use it during free writing time (if we have it)
Revise and finalize your first essay. Review the assignment sheet and bring all
required items to class on Monday.
MFW exercises are due Friday. Don’t forget!
We will NOT meet in the computer lab on Monday. We will meet in the classroom.