CIM “New Terms for Engagement for Global Leaders” Conference

CIM “New Terms for Engagement for Global Leaders” Conference - April 5, 2002
Developing a Stakeholder Strategy
Moving on after Ferrier
Lynn M. Calder
Manager, Public Consultation
Shell Canada Resources
CIM “New Terms for Engagement for Global Leaders” Conference - April 5, 2002
Business Case for Public Consultation
 NOT doing it right the first time takes more Shell staff time
 Hearings and inquiries: $100K - $1500K (legal & out-of-
pocket costs only)
 Recent well delay (rig on stand-by): $200K
 Lost opportunity costs: Can be in the range of $10K/DAY or
Millions $$$/year!
CIM “New Terms for Engagement for Global Leaders” Conference - April 5, 2002
Root Causes
 Time/business pressures
Legacy of downsizing and cost cutting in 1990’s
Loss of Shell competency & resources in public consultation
Loss of knowledge of key Shell processes
High reliance on third party consultants
Insufficient resources to mount an effective defense
 No systematic approach to project management, risk
assessment and public consultation
“Brent Spar syndrome”
“We have the right to be here”
“Decide-announce-defend” (D-A-D)
“This is the way we have always done it”
“If only we explain it well enough...”
Wrong place, wrong time
CIM “New Terms for Engagement for Global Leaders” Conference - April 5, 2002
… Opportunities for Improvement
Resources PC is ad-hoc and uncoordinated
Accountability and leadership are unclear
No consistent short or long term planning
Only occasional random PC training
Minimal sharing of and acting on lessons learned
Limited corporate memory; hence fulfilling external commitments is at
Relationship building with our host communities is inconsistent
Little coordination between Products, Resources, Oil Sands...
CIM “New Terms for Engagement for Global Leaders” Conference - April 5, 2002
Public Consultation in Resources’ Future
 Shell is recognized as an industry leader in PC
 We receive timely approvals, with early well managed
community input inherent in the conceptual design of all
our projects
 No hearings are held to resolve community issues – only to
resolve fundamental development issues
 We are an operator of choice to the EUB, to NGOs and to
the community
 Our host communities value us as neighbours and business
CIM “New Terms for Engagement for Global Leaders” Conference - April 5, 2002
How do we ensure our
organization is aligned
& capable?
•Communication Materials
•Competency matrix
Work Environment
•Consultation Plans
CIM “New Terms for Engagement for Global Leaders” Conference - April 5, 2002
Project Team
Project manager
G & G/
Completions Facilities Public
Engineer Drilling & Production Engineer consultation affairs rep
CIM “New Terms for Engagement for Global Leaders” Conference - April 5, 2002
Back-up slides (to follow)
CIM “New Terms for Engagement for Global Leaders” Conference - April 5, 2002
Public Consultation Start-up
(“the Red Book”)
 “Public consultation” done as part of ERP process, using
third party consultants
 Approach had generally been successful in the past
 Time/business pressures
 Mail-out option was offered as a quick and viable solution
 Intended to follow up by phone but Coalition was too quick
 Did not check dates on cover letter (package delayed)
 Did not recognize higher risk factors
 Considered extensive consultation unnecessary for
exploration well with low probability of success
CIM “New Terms for Engagement for Global Leaders” Conference - April 5, 2002
Public Consultation Reviews
 2000 (prior to hearing)
 Interviewed 35 Shell staff involved in all stages of Public
 Identified ~75 staff & consultants in contact with the public
 Reviewed ~ 20 background documents
 Discussed PC practices and trends with regulator and other
industry staff
 2001 (after decision)
 Interviewed Shell hearing panel and other people at Shell
 Interviewed EUB staff, consultants, public consultation
specialists at other companies
 Reviewed EUB Guide 56, recent EUB decisions
CIM “New Terms for Engagement for Global Leaders” Conference - April 5, 2002
Recommendations for Action
Re-affirm Project Manager responsibility for PC
Write guidelines and include in Project Manager accountability
Assign PC guidance in Resources to a senior staff person
Establish a Manager, Public Consultation
Recognize PC as a Resources core competency and staff plan
Raise PC’s profile internally
Establish a PC database to retain learnings and commitments
Reactivate the Resources PC Network
CIM “New Terms for Engagement for Global Leaders” Conference - April 5, 2002
What is in a Public consultation plan?
 Project Information
 Goals
 Stakeholders
 Project Overall Schedule
 Public Consultation Activities and Schedule
 Issue Management
 Stakeholder Input Received, Action Taken And Feedback
 Future/Ongoing Action