Final Submission: 22/03/2016 Level 1 Coach Accreditation Course PARTICIPANT WORKBOOK SUCCESSFULLY ALIGNING SPORT TRAINING PACKAGE (SIS10) QUALIFICATIONS and NATIONAL COACHING ACCREDITATION SCHEME (NCAS) COURSES NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES WWW.DET.NSW.EDU.AU Copyright © State of NSW, Department of Education & Communities 2012 Copyright owner Copyright is owned by the NSW government. This material may be freely used by Australian Training Organisations for educational purposes. You may not make it available for hire or re-sale with financial gain. All rights reserved. This work is copyright. If you use any portion of the material, you must acknowledge NSW DEC as the copyright owner. If you develop enhancements of the material, you must ensure that NSW DEC is appropriately acknowledged as the original copyright owner. Outside these guidelines, all material is subject to copyright under the Copyright Act 1968. Acknowledgements NSW DEC would like to acknowledge the valuable contribution of the many people who generously gave of their time and ideas and contributed to the development of this resource by providing information, an industry perspective and review of the project materials. Project Steering Committee Julie Stafford Education Manager NSW Sports Federation Lisa Gilbert Project Manager Service Skills NSW Melinda Larkin General Manager Service Skills NSW Technical Input Christian Renford Andrew Cribb Gina Rees Ben Harris Trevor Smith CEO Development Manager Game Development Manager National Education Manager National Development Manager Rowing NSW Yachting NSW Hockey NSW Equestrian Australia Squash Australia Developed by Rob Barnes Dangerous Minds Consulting Partners Danya Hodgetts Dangerous Minds Consulting Partners This work has been produced initially with the assistance of funding provided by the NSW Department of Education and Communities State Training Services, through the Skills Enhancement Program. Document1 2 Further copies of this resource are available from For further information contact: Disclaimer The views expressed in this work do not necessarily represent the views of the NSW Department of Education and Communities. The NSW Department of Education and Communities does not give warranty or accept any liability in relation to the content of this work. Document1 3 Level 1 Coach Accreditation Course PARTICIPANT WORKBOOK Document1 4 VERSION 22/03/2016 6:51 PM Level 1 Coach Accreditation Course Training & Assessment Guide First Published in 2011 © Service Skills Australia. 2011 This resource is copyright. Except as permitted under The Copyright Act. Written by Robert Barnes, Dangerous Minds Consulting | TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 LEVEL 1 COACH ACCREDITATION COURSE INFORMATION .......... 8 1.1 NATIONAL SPORT ORGANISATION .................................................................. 8 1.2 COURSE OBJECTIVES ....................................................................................... 8 1.2 COURSE PARTICIPANTS.................................................................................... 8 1.3 ENTRY PRE-REQUISITES ................................................................................... 8 1.4 CODE OF CONDUCT ........................................................................................... 9 1.5 ACCREDITATION REQUIREMENTS ................................................................... 9 2.0 COURSE DELIVERY & ASSESSMENT.............................................. 10 2.1 COURSE OUTCOMES ....................................................................................... 10 2.2 FLEXIBLE LEARNING ....................................................................................... 10 2.3 COURSE PROGRESSION ................................................................................ 10 2.5 UNITS OF COMPETENCY ................................................................................. 11 WORKBOOK ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES ................................................. 14 COURSE INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... 14 PLANNING TO COACH ............................................................................................... 18 PREPARE TO COACH................................................................................................. 21 CONDUCT COACHING SESSIONS............................................................................. 24 EVALUATE COACHING .............................................................................................. 26 Document1 6 Document1 7 1.0 LEVEL 1 COACH ACCREDITATION COURSE INFORMATION 1.1 NATIONAL SPORT ORGANISATION This course is the Level 1 Coach Accreditation Course for the sport of < sport >. Insert description of the National Sport Organisation. 1.2 COURSE OBJECTIVES The Level 1 Coach Accreditation Course is constructed based on units of competency currently contained within the Certificate II in Sport Coaching from the National Sport Training Package (SIS10). Successfully completing this course will accredit the participant as a Level 1 Coach under the Australian Sports Commission’s National Coach Accreditation Scheme (NCAS). Where an appropriately qualified trainer & assessor has been used the Certificate II in Sport Coaching may also be conferred on the course participant. The objective of this course is to have people accredited as NCAS Level 1 Coaches & qualify with a Certificate II in Sport Coaching from the National Sport Training Package (SIS10). 1.2 COURSE PARTICIPANTS The aim of the Level 1 Coach Accreditation course is to create a larger workforce available to provide introductory level coaching to athletes participating in sport. Coaches are one of the most important people in developing new athletes in any given sport and as such a quality accreditation supports a coach’s capacity to provide support, development and a solid foundation of skill and knowledge in the sport. The course will target: 1. Current athletes looking to increase their skills and knowledge in the capacity of coach; and, 2. Volunteers seeking a more focused involvement in the sport with a particular emphasis on junior development. 1.3 ENTRY PRE-REQUISITES The entry pre-requisites for this course are in accordance with the NSO/SSO policies regarding: Document1 Minimum age (recommended as 16 years of age on first day of training) Practical experience (where applicable) Access to specific venues for training (where applicable) 8 1.4 CODE OF CONDUCT Allegations of unethical and criminal behaviour by coaches has led the ASC, in conjunction with NSO/SSOs, to set behavioural standards for coaches, including mechanisms for disciplining coaches who breach the code of behaviour. Participants wishing to become Level 1 Coach Accredited are required to sign a code of conduct agreement form. This form requires coaches to: agree to abide by the NSO/SSO Code of Conduct acknowledge that the NSO/SSO may take disciplinary action against them, if they breach the code of conduct (in the event of an allegation, the NSO/SSO is required to implement a complaints handling procedure in accordance with the principles of natural justice) acknowledge that disciplinary action against them may include de-accreditation from the NCAS. A copy of the NSO/SSO Code of Conduct for coaches is included in the Accreditation Program kit for participants. 1.5 ACCREDITATION REQUIREMENTS UPDATING Updating is a policy that requires coaches and officials to complete a variety of activities over the four (4) year accreditation period to ensure quality coaching by maintaining current knowledge and practice at the level of their accreditation. Coaches accredited in the NCAS are required to update their accreditation at least every four (4) years in order to remain accredited. NSO/SSOs have the flexibility to require shorter updating periods. < Insert NSO/SSO updating requirements for a Level 1 Coach here. > OTHER REQUIREMENTS NSO/SSOs may have other requirements for participants completing the Level 1 Coach Accreditation Course. These requirements may include: Payment of Fees Purchase of, or access to, resources Completion of pre- and post-course assessment Commitment to participation in NSO/SSO activities < Insert NSO/SSO other requirements for a Level 1 Coach here. > Document1 9 2.0 COURSE DELIVERY & ASSESSMENT 2.1 COURSE OUTCOMES This course is designed to achieve two (2) educational outcomes for participants: 1. The Level 1 Coach Accreditation as recognised under the Australian Sports Commission’s National Coach Accreditation Scheme (NCAS). 2. The Certificate II in Sport Coaching under the Sport Industry Training Package 2010. 2.2 FLEXIBLE LEARNING Flexible learning opportunities are a core component of any modern learning & development program. It is a requirement of the National Coach Accreditation Scheme (NCAS) and the Sport Industry Training Package that different learning modes are available to participants who seek to achieve the Level 1 Coach Accreditation. To become an accredited Level 1 Coach you may be required to: 1. Complete the ASC’S Beginning Coaching General Principles Course. This can be done in a number of ways: online ( through a State coaching and officiating centre through the Active After-school Communities Community Coach Training Program by having an equivalent coaching accreditation in another sport through Recognition of Prior Learning/Current Competence 2. Attend a Level 1 Coach Accreditation Course in full 3. Complete the Level 1 Coach Accreditation Course Workbook. 4. Complete the post course assessment, within 12 months of completing the course including a practical assessment conducted of your coaching. 5. Send the completed paperwork to your course coordinator. 2.3 COURSE PROGRESSION Coaching competency at its most basic is founded on the capacity of an individual to effectively PLAN, PREPARE, CONDUCT and EVALUATE training sessions provided to athletes. These components are the fundamental elements of all the units of competency related to sport coaching and so it makes sense to structure this introductory level coach accreditation program in the same manner. This is the first time coaches are able to learn their role as a coach in the same way they are expected to deliver effective coaching and represents an innovative shift in coach education in Australia. The unique feature of this structure is that all the elements of competency dealing with the skills and knowledge of a competent coach (ie. communication, risk, selfevaluation are embedded in the four modules allowing participants to always be actively learning the skills of coaching but always doing so in the context of actually coaching their chosen sport. This is in contrast to the traditional “theory then practical” structure of previous curriculum based accreditation courses. Document1 10 Model Course Program PRE-COURSE PROGRAM COURSE INTRODUCTION #1 PLANNING TO COACH #2 PREPARE TO COACH #3 CONDUCT COACHING SESSIONS #4 EVALUATE COACHING POST-COURSE PROGRAM 2.5 UNITS OF COMPETENCE The course consists of learning modules each of which then consists of units of competence that the candidate must successfully complete in order to successfully achieve Level 1 Coach Accreditation. The units of competence have elements detailing more accurately what is achieved as a result of successfully completing assessment task related to each unit. Each unit is detailed below: UNITS OF COMPETENCY & ELEMENTS Apply first aid (HLTFA301B) 1. 2. 3. 4. Assess the situation. Apply first aid procedures. Communicate details of the incident. Evaluate own performance. Apply legal and ethical coaching practices (SISSCGP201A) 1. 2. 3. Develop coaching practices. Apply ethical responsibilities to coaching or instruction. Apply legal responsibilities to coaching. Follow OH&S policies (SISXOHS101A): 1. 2. 3. Observe health and safety procedures. Contribute to the management of OHS issues. Carry out general maintenance procedures. Work effectively in a sport & recreation environment (SISXIND101A): 1. 2. 3. Observe health and safety procedures. Contribute to the management of OHS issues. Carry out general maintenance procedures. Organise & complete daily work activities (BSBWOR202A) 1. 2. 3. Document1 Organise work (coaching) schedule. Complete work (coaching) tasks. Review work (coaching) performance. 11 Assist in preparing and conducting sport or recreation sessions (SISXCAI102A) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Contribute to session planning. Confirm arrangements for a session. Assist in preparing participants. Assist in the delivery & supervision of the session. Assist in preparing participants to end the session. Assist in the evaluation of the session. Coach junior sport players. (SISSCGP304A) 1. 2. 3. 4. Develop a coaching session plan for junior athletes. Deliver coaching sessions. Facilitate individual and group learning. Identify and implement strategies to improve the coaching session. Customise coaching for special needs groups (SISSCGP306A) 1. 2. 3. 4. Consult with athletes to determine special needs. Plan coaching session to include special needs groups. Deliver coaching session to include special needs groups. Evaluate coaching session. Reflect on professional coaching role and practice (SISSCGP202A) 1. 2. Reflect on own coaching practice. Plan and manage personal development. Work with officials (SISSCGP411A) 1. 2. 3. Develop strategies to promote effective working relationships with officials. Implement strategies to develop working relationships with officials. Evaluate relationships with officials. Provide equipment for activities (SISXCAI101A) 1. 2. 3. 4. Identify equipment needs. Issue and set up equipment. Dismantle and check in equipment. Store equipment. Maintain equipment for sport & recreation (SISXFAC201A) 1. 2. 3. Perform routine maintenance Carry out equipment repairs Store equipment to maintain in serviceable condition Of the five (5) client sports in the P2P Project the following units are already contained in the Certificate II in Sport Coaching and should be included as elective units in the Level 1 Coach Accreditation Course in addition to OR in place of one or more of the units above. Equestrian 1. 2. 3. 4. SISOEQO201A SISEQO202A SISSEQS303A SISOEQO303A Handle Horses Demonstrate basic horse riding skills Teach the fundamental skills of riding Conduct horse riding sessions in an arena SISSSQU201A SISSSQU202A Teach the fundamental skills of squash Teach the basic tactics and strategies of squash Squash 1. 2. Document1 12 Rowing 1. MEM50010B Safely operate a mechanically powered boat The following unit should be developed: 3. SISSROW201A Teach the fundamental skills of rowing Yachting 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. SROYAC001B MEM50008B MEM50010B SRSSAI001B SRSSAI002B MEM5009B Comply with maritime rules and regulations Carry out trip preparation and handling Safely operate a mechanically powered recreational boat Teach and develop the basic tactics and strategies of sailing Interpret and apply the rules of sailing at a basic level Respond to boating emergencies and incidents Hockey No sport specific units of competency exist in the Certificate II in Sport Coaching. The following two units should be developed: 1. 2. Document1 SISSHOC201A SISSHOC202A Teach the fundamental skills of hockey Teach the basic tactics and strategies of hockey 13 WORKBOOK ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES COURSE INTRODUCTION LEVEL Level 1 Introductory Coaching TIME Approx 30 minutes LESSON OBJECTIVES The objective of this lesson is to provide learners with the skills and knowledge to: 1. Prepare and manage a personal coaching development plan. LEARNING OUTCOMES At the completion of this module a candidate will be expected to: LESSON RESOURCES Develop a broad understanding of the sport and recreation industry and the role of the coach within the sport sector. Access information & resources to identify with their personal philosophy on coaching. Consider all relevant factors, trends and development opportunities available to them for their personal coaching development plan. Further Developing Coaching Knowledge and Skills Fact Sheet (ASC) Role of the Coach – Quick Tips Fact Sheet (ASC) ACTIVITY 1.1 Identify five (5) key personnel with whom you will liaise to develop as a coach. If you needed further information on a particular aspect of your coaching how would you go about sourcing it? Document1 14 ACTIVITY 1.2 (A) Identify and list the requirements of your sport’s essential requirements for re-accreditation. (B)Identify and record the areas of interest you will include in your Personal Coaching Development Plan. Share these with your colleagues. Document1 15 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN COACH DETAILS Name: Address: Contacts: NCAS DETAILS Sport: Level: NCAS ID # NCAS Expiry Date: CLUB DETAILS Name: Address: Contacts: PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT GOALS Short Term: (12mths) Long-Term: (4yrs) Document1 16 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN EXAMPLE Goals Performance Measure Timeframe Obtain First Aid Certicificate 1. Book on course 1 month Performance Measure Timeframe SHORT TERM PLAN Goals 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. LONG TERM PLAN Goals Performance Measure Timeframe 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. Document1 17 PLANNING TO COACH LEVEL Level 1 Introductory Coaching TIME Approx xx minutes LESSON OBJECTIVES The objective of this lesson is to provide learners with the skills and knowledge to: LEARNING OUTCOMES RESOURCES Successfully plan a coaching session(s) in accordance with the standards of effective coaching at an introductory level. At the completion of this module a candidate will be able to: Establish participant needs & assess their readiness their current knowledge of the sport in order to determine session’s objectives. Identify safety procedures associated with the session and the facility, equipment and resources in accordance with organisational policies and procedures. Develop a session plan in accordance with participant needs, relevant legislation, organisational policies & procedures and accepted best practices of the sport. COURSE PARTICIPANT: Participant Workbook Session Planner templates Sport Technical Manual (fundamental skills section) ACTIVITY 2.1 Case Study: You are planning your first coaching session of the season. You are working with a new group of 13-year old boys who are all new to your sport with the exception of one who has transferred to you from another club. What type of information should you be collecting about the players before planning the session; and , describe how this affects your session plan. Document1 18 ACTIVITY 2.2 Risk Management Planner: You have created a session plan to teach a fundamental skill. In the context of your session plan & the venue / environment you are most likely to be working in complete the following Risk Management Planner. Essential Considerations Potential Hazards Strategies to Minimise Risk Responsibility Physical Environments Equipment Practice / Games (organisation, repetition etc) Player / Spectator / other personnel Conditions (weather, temperature etc) Document1 19 ACTIVITY 2.3 SESSION PLANNER Date Venue Attendance Weather Conditions SESSION OBJECTIVE(S): ACTIVITY OUTLINE Session Resources: Applicable Rules: WARM UP SKILL INSTRUCTION / GAME ACTIVITY CONDITIONING / GAME ACTIVITY COOL DOWN RULE CHANGES Easier: Harder: COMMENTS What to look for: Safety: Organisation: DON’T FORGET TO: Document1 INJURIES / INCIDENTS: SESSION EVALUATION NOTES: 20 PREPARE TO COACH LEVEL Level 1 Introductory Coaching TIME Approx xx minutes LESSON OBJECTIVES The objective of this lesson is to provide learners with the skills and knowledge to: LEARNING OUTCOMES RESOURCES Document1 Effectively confirm arrangements for a coaching session. At the completion of this module a candidate will be able to: Organise themselves to conduct session(s). Organise venue and equipment required for session(s). Organise athletes, and other key personnel, effectively for session(s). COURSE PARTICIPANT: Participant Workbook Session Planner Template Mobile Device 21 ACTIVITY 3.1 Scenario: You are due to arrive at a training venue in two hours time but you have been called back in to work. You have also received a TXT message that one of your athletes is unable to train. Question: Describe the steps you would take to ensure a successful session is conducted to achieve the session objectives. ACTIVITY 3.2 Identify the venue & equipment needed to successfully conduct the session you have developed; the maintenance & repair issues associated with this venue & equipment; and other actions you may take to ensure an effective session is conducted. Document1 22 ACTIVITY 3.3 Participants are required to draft communication for their planned session. The communication must be designed to suit each of the three platforms and must include the core information including: 1. Communicating equipment needs (what to bring for the session) 2. Communicating venue details 3. Communicating session details 4. Communicating contact information 1. 2. 3. 4. Document1 23 CONDUCT COACHING SESSIONS LEVEL Level 1 Introductory Coaching TIME Approx 2 x 90 minutes LESSON OBJECTIVES The objective of this lesson is to provide learners with the skills and knowledge to: 2. Effectively deliver coaching sessions teaching fundamental sport skill(s). LEARNING OUTCOMES RESOURCES Brief athletes/participants Conduct a basic training session End a session effectively COURSE PARTICIPANT: Document1 At the completion of this module a candidate will be able to: Participant Workbook Beginning Coaching Manual – Section 5: The Coach in Action. Beginning Coaching General Principles – Coach in Action: Quick Tips Summary. Beginning Coaching Manual – Section 6: Coaching Specific Groups Beginning Coaching General Principles – Training Sessions Worksheet. Beginning Coaching General Principles – Checklist: Good Coaching Practices to Reduce Risk. Sport Specific Coaching and/or Technical Manual 24 ACTIVITY 4.1 FUNDAMENTAL SKILLS OF < SPORT > (eg. SQUASH) SKILLS ANALYSIS The grip Drive Lob Serve & Return of Serve Volleying Model Swing Court Movement techniques Speed Balance Coordination Decision Making Document1 25 EVALUATE COACHING LEVEL Level 1 Introductory Coaching TIME Approx XX minutes LESSON OBJECTIVES The objective of this lesson is to provide learners with the skills and knowledge to: LEARNING OUTCOMES RESOURCES Undertake self-reflection on the effectiveness of their coaching and receive and communicate feedback. At the completion of this module a candidate will be able to: Provide athletes / participants with opportunities to identify their progress and satisfaction with the coaching session and give feedback as required. Evaluate relevant aspects of the coaching session and determine level of learning achieved. Identify potential areas of improvement for future coaching sessions. COURSE PARTICIPANT: Participant Workbook Beginning Coaching General Principles – Stages of Learning Worksheet Beginning Coaching General Principles – Self Evaluation Questionnaire ACTIVITY 5.1 Record your feedback notes from the Video Session here. Document1 26 ACTIVITY 5.2 Brainstorm a short list of questions you feel would be beneficial to ask about your coaching effectiveness. Record these questions here for future reference. Adapt these questions to suit different audiences inc. children, older athletes and athletes with a disability. Document1 27 ACTIVITY 5.3 SELF-EVALUATION QUESTIONNAIRE Communication Mostly Sometimes Never Mostly Sometimes Never Mostly Sometimes Never Did I reinforce the actions of the participants in a positive manner when they performed correctly? Did I reward effort in addition to outcome? Did I give compliments sincerely and honestly? Did I use sarcasm to get my message across? Did I give constructive and specific feedback? Did what I said to the participants match my non-verbal actions towards them? Was I consistent and fair in my treatment of all participants? Did I over-coach during training/game by giving too many instructions? Did I change my communication methods to suit the needs of the participants? Did I encourage the participants to have an input into team decisions and did I listen to them when they had something to say? Did I reinforce team rules fairly and consistently? Motivation Did I show the enthusiasm while coaching that I expect from the participants? Did the participants have fun during the training / game? Was I aware of any anxiety or nervousness experienced by the participants and did I help to reduce this? Did I emphasise winning too much? Leadership Was I prompt in arriving at training / game? Was I well prepared and organized for training sessions? Was my training session varied and interesting so that it challenged all participants and developed self-esteem and confidence? Document1 28 Did every participant have equal game time or did I over-play the more skilled participants? Was I able to analyse skills and correct errors when they occurred? Did I exercise self-control in situations that made me angry? Was I sensitive to the individual needs of all the participants? Did I personally demonstrate good sporting behaviour? Did I argue with, or complain about, officials? Did I encourage parents to attend games? Was I patient and tolerant with all participants, regardless of individual skill levels? Adapted from a questionnaire by Maureen Weiss, Institute for the Study of Youth Sports, state of Michigan, USA, published in AUSSIE SPORT ACTION, Spring 1992, page 25, Australian Sports Commission, Canberra. Document1 29 Consider your answers on the previous page and identify things you do well, things that need improvement and how you might go about improving these. Things I do well as a coach Things that need improving What I will do to improve these Document1 30 POST-COURSE ASSESSMENT LEVEL Level 1 Introductory Coaching TIME To be completed within three (3) months of the completion of the remainder of the course components; or, within that time limit set by the National Sport or State Sport Organisation. OBJECTIVES The objective of this component is to provide learners with the skills and knowledge to: 3. Teach a group of participants the fundamental skills of the sport. LEARNING OUTCOMES ASSESSMENT CONDITIONS At the completion of this component a candidate will be expected to: Plan fundamental sport coaching session or sessions. Brief participants Conduct fundamental sport coaching session or sessions. Complete post-session responsibilities. Evidence of the following is essential: 1. Plans and delivers information, explanations and demonstrations for the sessions to ensure activities are conducted safely according to participants’ needs and characteristics. 2. Observes and monitors the progress of participants through skill analysis and provides constructive feedback and intervention to improve and development fundamental sport skills. 3. Uses and modifies teaching and coaching techniques and/or drills, activities and games to cater for a range of individual learning styles. 4. Evaluates and reflects on own coaching performance to identify strengths, weaknesses and areas that need improvement. Assessment requires the following: That the candidate has access to an appropriate venue A group of participants Equipment Resources and information regarding participants and location to accurately plan, coach and document sessions for a variety of participants. Current relevant legislation, organisational policies and procedures, and sport rules and regulations that impact on the conduct of drills, activities and games. ASSESSMENT ARRANGEMENTS CANDIDATE NAME: CONTACT #: CLUB: ASSESSOR NAME: VENUE: DATE: Document1 31 POST-COURSE ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Plans and delivers information, explanations and demonstrations for the sessions to ensure activities are conducted safely according to participants’ needs and characteristics. 2. Observes and monitors the progress of participants through skill analysis and provides constructive feedback and intervention to improve and development fundamental sport skills. 3. Uses and modifies teaching and coaching techniques and/or drills, activities and games to cater for a range of individual learning styles. 4. Evaluates and reflects on own coaching performance to identify strengths, weaknesses and areas that need improvement. OVERALL RESULT COMMENTS Competent Not Yet Competent COMPETENT NOT YET COMPETENT REASON FOR DECISION ASSESSOR SIGNATURE DATE CANDIDATE SIGNATURE DATE FEEDBACK ON ASSESSMENT PROCESS Document1 32 Document1 33