WaSH and Voucher systems: Hygiene and Water trucking vouchers -WaSH project in Lebanon- Dalia Mikdashi_PHP TL_Lebanon 06 March 2015 Background Information Intervention • WASH, Winterization and Protection Project for Refugees Fleeing Syria Living in Bekka, Lebanon • Funded by DFID for 18 months Objective of the intervention • Address the immediate WASH needs of Syrian refugees through activities such as improved provision of potable water, sanitation, and hygiene; • Syrian refugee in targeted areas receive winterisation support; • Address protection threats and risks experienced by refugees and members of host communities. Beneficiaries • Syrian refugees living in Informal Settlements (ISs) in North Bekaa, Lebanon Page 2 Priority needs for WASH Rapid needs assessment + FGD + community consultations with refugees living in ISs showed that basic water and sanitation needs are not met and hygenic situation needs a drastic intervention. Specific needs were: Provision of water in adequate quantity and quality Construction of WaSH infrastructure (latrines, bathing shelters) Distribution of hygiene items and other NFIs to improve personal, menstrual, domestic, and environmental hygiene Hygiene promotion activities Page 3 Distribution of hygiene kits/vouchers Distribution of Hygiene kits/vouchers Distribution of hygiene kits/vouchers • Distribution of hygiene kits/vouchers twice over the course of 18 months • 3500 households (of which 625 households will be host community households) Page 5 Distribution of Hygiene kits/ vouchers - Decision making processNeeds assessment FGDs Decision to provide hygiene kits Initial approach: Distribution of hygiene kits Evaluations & hygiene item assessments Modified approach: Distribution of hygiene vouchers Phase 1: Distribution period Phase 2: Exchange period Phase 3: Post exchange period Page 6 Hygiene Kit Assessment Results - Exit interviews - FGD with men and women - Interviews with hygiene providers In-Kind 18% commodit y vouchers 49% Cash voucher s 33% • Needs of disabled, elderly and men not addressed with the kit • Desire to chose on items to fit household needs • Supply readily available Change modality: Voucher distribution Page 7 Photo 1: Hygiene voucher Photo 3: Distribution process – information sharing Photo 2: List of hygiene items that could be exchanged with the vouchers Photo 3: Distribution process – SiganturePage 8 Distribution of Hygiene kits/vouchers Integration with protection - Voucher modality tends to reduce the tension between the host and the refugees - Safe access to the suppliers (mobility) - Protection of the identities of the beneficiaries - No conflict over the service (same criteria for distribution to all – blanket coverage) - Protect the right of the beneficiaries by providing instruction, price display, and receipts Page 9 Water Trucking Water Trucking - Decision making process- First approach: Distribution of water directly by truckers Second approach: Distribution of water trucking vouchers - Pilot testing phase- Third approach: Distribution of water trucking vouchers Page 11 Water Trucking – Decision making processInitial Approach Second approach Modified approach Objective Distribution of water directly by truckers to meet water needs (quantity & quality) Distribution of water trucking vouchers - Pilot testing phase- Distribution of water trucking vouchers Involvement -Local Partner, PHE staff and truckers - Oxfam staff & refugees, no partner - Oxfam staff & refugees Process -Water trucker fill any water storage container once per week. -Assessment of water truckers in each area with full participation of the focal points - Vouchers have codes, instructions, complaint hotline. - Each voucher is worth 1000m3. -Selection of a group of water truckers in a cluster of areas– suggestion given by refugees and adopted by program staff - Distribute water tanks (1000 m3) to each families. - No discussion with community -No analysis of water truckers -No assessment of water containers -Poor monitoring Challenges/ Results -Abusive behaviour by the trucker -Inadequate water containers -Partner org capacity low and poorly trained -Stop water trucking -Decision for the beneficiaries to call any trucker of their choice -Agreed which area was covered by which trucker -Presence of a rotating WaSH monitor - Use of a water trucking voucher -Monitoring to include phone call, visits, focal points and regular meetings with truckers and beneficiaries -Confused refugees because voucher did not include: 1-instructions , 2complain hotline -Refugees are equipped to receive water and have choice as to when it comes, they have clear instructions - Conflict between some water truckers refugees and water truckers over the quantity of trucked water -Truckers are given clear parameters to cut down on abusive behaviour -Complaints line active and responsive Photo 5: water trucker Photo 6: Distribution of water vouchers Page 13 Water Trucking Vouchers - Integration with protection- Access of information: quantity of water, guideline to receive water, etc... - Reduced contact with the water truckers - Reduced tension and conflicts over water between truckers and refugees, and refugees themselves - Improved referral systems (incentives for focal points to call and presence of a hotline) Page 14 THANK YOU!