Chapter 22-23
High-Water Marks and 2 concerns
after the Civil War
(1) ______________________________________
(2) Morality claim to press the ________________
(3) World perception
(1) Getting Southern states back into the Union
RECONSTURCTION: Who will control it?
(2) _________________ of 4 million “freedmen”
into American society
Presidential Reconstruction
• The ________________ left, not the ____________
• Lincoln: *Wanted the return to the South to be
• *Fed. government will ______________everyone
(except Conf. generals) of all charges IF they
swear allegiance to the Union.
(1) ______________________will swear
allegiance to the Union
(2) ____________________________
*(________________) and support the Union.
Note: Andrew Johnson (Lincoln’s VP) will claim the same.
First states to do so: Arkansas, Louisiana, Tennessee and
Radical Republicans
(Congressional Recon.)
• Small subculture of Republicans that HATE
Lincoln / Johnson’s plans for Reconstruction
• Led by “_____________” and ___________
• Original position: (1861) – promoted the
• MAIN AGENDA: Fight FOR _____________rights!
(wants African Americans to have full citizenship
(_____) and voting rights(_____) –
• 15th = most radical – no other country in the
world provided suffrage for freed slaves.
Johnson’s Plan
• April 1865 – Lincoln is assassinated
• While Congress is in recess….Johnson claims his plan:
(1) _____________________
(2) _____________________
(3) ______________________
(4) States need to ratify (and practice) the
______________(abolition of slavery).
Congressional Problem: Johnson’s plan did not support
freedmen in areas such as (1) _________, (2)
_________and (3) ______________________
Strange issue: AJ supports abolition but not the support of
A.A. gaining political, economic or social rights.
Congressional Response to Lincoln’s
10% Plan
• _____________________:
• Passed by the Radical Republicans in 1864
(1) ___________________________________.
(2) Not 10% (as in Lincoln and Johnson)...needs
a majority needs to pledge allegiance to the _______ (not Union)
to be readmitted.
*****Lincoln’s reaction to the Wade-Davis Bill
“_________” killed the bill
– Pocket Veto: when the President fails to sign a bill within the 10
days allowed by the Constitution. (ignoring it)
– RESULT: Radical Republicans think Lincoln is being too “EASY”
on the South and takes control.
*** Both Lincoln AND Johnson – “lenient on the South”
Radical Republicans – “Punish the South”
• -___________________________(provides
housing, food, clothing, education, money….)
(Johnson Vetoes
this) but Congress
overrides his veto
Most significant success:
teaching literacy to African Americans
*African Americans are stripped of their citizenship rights from which 1857 Supreme Court case?
(1) ___________________________________________________________
(2) Ends the ability for states to pass….
“_____________________” (no more black codes)
- ____________________________________________________
Examples: carrying weapons, serving in juries, testifying against whites, marrying whites
(Johnson Vetoes this) but Congress overrides
MOST SIGNIFICANT PART: _______________
________________________________ (14th Amendment)
Remember: What is the South claiming about all of this?
Johnson vetoes (1) Freedmen’s Bureau and (2) Civil
Rights Act of 1866
• Central issue: who controls Recon.?
• _________________________won in a landslide
against the Democrats.
• Outcome:
• Therefore: Overriding presidential vetoes are
14th Amendment
1868 (introduced during AJ’s term but passed later)
• 14th Amendment: (1) all persons born or naturalized in the
U.S. are ______ and (2) ___________________________
(Agreed upon because the South is not enforcing the Civil Rights
Act of 1866)
• ________________________________________________.
• Problem: If a state kept a % of males to vote, they would lose
Congressional seating.
– Proves the federal government is getting stronger!
***If the Southern States practice the 14th Amendment – they will be
readmitted and ____________________________________.
Example: ________ agrees to practice the 14th Amendment
__________________________________during the Civil War (Sovereign and
independent state governments)
• This act created “______________________” (just like borders states during
the Civil War) / Military Districts in these southern states
(Johnson Vetoed this (unconstitutional?) but Congress overrides his veto
*Make sure you know all 3 vetoed
– It divided the South ___________________. U.S. soldiers
would be stationed in each to make sure things stayed under
– Congress laid out rules for states to be re-admitted. They said
(a) the _____ Amendment must be physically practiced
(b) The _____ Amendment (male suffrage) must be guaranteed
/ opening the door to African American political prosperity.
Military Districts
Congress Reacts to Johnson
• What has Johnson vetoed?
Plot / Plan: put president Johnson in a “lose-lose” situation
• which said the president needed the Senate's okay to fire anyone who'd been
previously appointed by him and approved by the Senate.
• Senate Power: __________________________________(taking power away from the
• Purpose: Congressional protection of
• Johnson’s options:
(1) _____________– Congress is happy
(2) _____________ – Congress can impeach, bring up formal charges, against Johnson
OUTCOME: ______________________
Presidential Defense: _____________________________________________-
Senate trial
2/3 vote to remove him form office
NOT REMOVED: one single vote kept in office
1868 Presidential Election
• Ulysses S. Grant (Republican)
• 1868-1876
“______________” – reminding
Americans of his war hero persona
in the Civil War.
Radical Republican Reaction: The
South would try to limit black
suffrage rights and other political
opportunities, so they introduced
the _____ Amendment
Grant’s Scandals
• _________________(1872)
A construction company building Union-Pacific R.R. and
effectively sub-hired itself to get paid double.
• Benefits went to VP Colfax and Congressmen
• __________________(1875)
– Internal-revenue collectors accepted bribes from whiskey
distillers (so they wouldn’t have to pay taxes)
– Federal government lost millions!
Scandals impact on Grant: _____________________
15th Amendment & Enforcement Acts
• No one should be kept from voting due to
• Problem: South didn’t care what a piece of paper said and
still refused to meet the requirements of the 15th
• Result: Congress passes the
- gave more power to the federal
government to punish those who
kept African Americans from voting.
- Later repealed = _____________________
(eating away at funding)
Civil Rights Setbacks in the Supreme
Court (14th and 15th)
- the 14th Amendment DOES NOT allow the Federal
government to punish whites who oppress African Americans.
- the 15th Amendment DOES NOT grant voting rights to
anyone, but simply restricts types of voter discrimination.
_______________________ (1896) “separate but equal”
- separation of races in public accommodations
(schools, theaters, transportation, and restrooms) is
legal and DID NOT violate the 14th Amendment
- Birth of Jim Crow South
Ku Klux Klan
“Invisible Empire of the South” started in
_________ in 1866
• Worked off of a “fear factor”
• Main Agenda: Keep African Americans from making political, social and economic
advances in America.
Ways to hinder advancements
__________________ : Pass the test = vote
Discrimination: African American are asked more difficult questions
Problem: some whites can’t read
____________________: pay the tax = vote
Discrimination: Poor whites and African Americans can’t afford to vote
Problem: uneducated, poor whites were weeded out too
Solution: ______________________
- if your father or grandfather could vote before __________, then you, as a white
man, did not have to pass the literacy test or pay to vote
Issue: ___________________was not passed before Jan. 1, 1867
Politics of Postwar South
Scalawags VS. Carpetbaggers
______________ (R) – White Southerners that supported the Radical Republican’s
plan for Recon. (support for African American rights) and joined the Rep. Party
*Southern version of a Carpetbagger
– Small farmers who wanted to improve the conditions
of the South
Goals: Mixed - some wanted to truly help A.A / others wanted
to get the A.A vote and then use politics to enrich themselves
_____________ (D) – Northerners that move to the South
Goals: Mixed: Either make a profit
(take advantage of
War-torn South) or truly help
The South / Freedmen
Sharecropping v. Tenant Farming
*Slavery warmed over
(1) Sharecropping: economic necessity forced freed slaves
into “______________” with land owners.
– Landowners would divide their land and gave each freed
African American…some land, seed, and tools
– Harvest / Crops come in: a “__________” of the crops go
to the landowner!
(2) ______________: another bad system for African
Americans (you own your tools and seed, but you RENT
the land!
– OVERALL: A.A. were “locked in” or “trapped” in a style of
slavery / lacked capital = no money to buy their own
goods! (Slavery warmed over!)
Democrats “REDEEM” the South
___________: ______________________
• _________…the democrats “REDEEM” the South
(Democratic “return” to power in the South)
Redeemers want the following:
(1) _____________– anti-Republican Reconstruction / pro White supremacy (KKK) / Return to “black codes /
(2) ________________– the ability to run a region WITHOUT
federal intervention (nullification action)
Underlying Goal: Set out to rescue the South from “mismanagement”
from Republicans and African Americans
– “The slave went free; stood a brief moment in the sun; then moved
back again toward slavery.” – W.E.B Dubois
Collapse of Reconstruction in 1877
Grant does not run for a third term in 1876 (why?)
Presidential Election of 1876
Problem: Tilden got 184 electoral votes; he needed 185 to win.
*__________________________due to questionable returns
In order to correct the problem: _________________________________
(8 Republicans and 7 Democrats) - Republican majority
- Democratic response: ______________________
End issue: Hayes is the new President in 1876 (office in 1877)
___________________________ received…..
(1) ______________________________________________
___________________________ received…
(1) __________________________________________________________________
(2) Money would be spent on a ___________________
(3) A _________________________ must be appointed to Hayes's Cabinet.
Reconstruction as a Success
(1) An attempt to create a _________________________
despite economic panics, collapse and opposition of
much of the South.
(Hiram Revels – 1st African American Senator)
(3) __________________________, etc. *(denied prior)
(4) Passing of the ____________________Amendment to
move towards racial political equality
Reconstruction as a Failure
(1) No Federal government support for freedmen
regarding ________________________________.
(2) ________________ was a national and not regional
(3) ___________________________________the power
of the 14th and 15th Amendment (court cases)
_______________________________in American society
and racial division continued.