LEARNING ORGANIZATION THE CHARACTERISTICS, OUTCOMES AND SOURCES OF THE LEARNING ORGANIZATION : THE CASE OF CAR COMPONENT SUPPLIERS IN BRITAIN Graduation Thesis for the Degree of Master of Philosophy (Economics) By Philipp G. Rosengarten ORGANIZATIONAL LEARNING Organizational learning, should include: The learning process itself Knowledge acquisition or generation Individuals Teams Organizational knowledge DEFINITION “Organization learning is a process of knowledge acquisition or generation of an organization, performed through individuals, which can be accomplished by teams. It based on organizational memory that is expanded, which can improve organizational action” Netty Dyan Prastika INITIATING FACTORS OF ORGANIZATIONAL LEARNING (2.4) Argyris & Schon suggest : “Changes in norms of organizational theory of action, or in central elements of organizational theory-in-use, tend to occur through the eruptions consequent on ecological adjusment and in the face of change in organizational environments” Initiating Factors… (lanjutan) Faktor pemicu organization learning, yaitu: 1. Opportunities/Kesempatan 2. Threats/Ancaman 3. People FACTOR THAT ENFORCE OR OBSTRUCT ORGANIZATIONAL LEARNING (2.5) 1. difference in opinions 2. thinking in alternatives 3. promoting of experimentations 1. double bind 2. defensive routines 3. anxiety I ORGANIZATIONAL MEMORY (2.6) View of Organizational Memory 1. 2. 3. Implicit & Explicit Organizational memory Internal & External Organizational memory Directly & Indirectly available organizational memory A metaphor for the ability of an organization to store knowledge. Implicit & Explicit Organizational Memory • Implisit : Ada dalam pikiran employee : mulai dari pandangan dunia (umum) mengenai budaya organisasi sampai pada SOP • Eksplisit : disimpan bebas dari anggota organisasi (diluar dari diri employee) : dokumen, laporan-laporan, arsip-arsip dan rekaman atau data komputer dan sistem yang cangih. Internal & External Organizational Memory • Internal : Seluruh memori yang disimpan dlm diri organisasi itu sendiri baik material maupun imaterial (dlm pikiran employee ataupun dalam bentuk dokumen, arsip, atau komputer organisasi) • External : segala hal yang meliputi pengetahuan diluar perusahaan, namun dapat dimunculkan kembali, dapat berada di perusahaan saingan atau patner, arsip umum, database komersial, anggota organsasi terdahulu Directly & Indirectly Available Organizational Memory • Langsung : “actual knowledge base” pengetahuan individu yang berkaitan langsung dng organisasi. Bagian inti dr pengetahuan ini diberikan pd semua anggota orgnisasi • Tidak langsung : “latent knowledge base”, meliputi pengetahuan anggota orgnisasi, sama baiknya dng lingkungan, yg tidak langsung tersedia utk organisasi. Hanya berupa pengetahuan potensial thdp organisasi Layered Model of Organizational Knowledge Base LATENT KNOWLEDGE BASE ACTUAL KNOWLEDGE BASE Knowledge shared by everybody Individual knowledge available to the organization Individual knowledge which is not available to the organization Knowledge of the environment which exists through a meta knowledge in the organization Other cosmic knowledge Definition of Organizational Memory “Organizational memory is normally defined as the internal implicit and explicit knowledge of an organization” ORGANIZATION LEARNING CYCLES (2.7) Organizational learning (pembelajaran organisasi) dihadirkan dalam 3 kelompok, yaitu : 1. Basic Organizational Learning Cycles : organizational level 2. Advance Organizational Learning Cycles : encompass different levels of the organization 3. Advance Organizational Learning Cycles with Memory : includes the existence of organizational memory or knowledge Basic Organizational Learning Cycles Take place at organizational level The Organizational learning Cycle by Argyris & Schon Discovery Generalization Invention Production • “DISCOVER” menemukan permasalahan dengan melakukan menyelesaikan suatu pemeriksaan secara kolaboratif • “INVENTION” menemukan strategi baru, didesain untuk memperbaiki kesalahan atau menyelesaikan masalah • “PRODUCED” / implemented : memproduksi atau menerapkan • “GENERALIZATION” evaluasi dan generalisasi dari implementasi yang telah dibuat The Organizational learning Cycle by Draft & Weick SCANNING (Data Collection) About the environment through monitoring INTERPRETATION (Data Given Meaning) Concept & theories are develop to enlighten the data with a meaning LEARNING (Action Taken) Gained from scanning & interpretation The Organizational learning Cycle by Carlsson et al. Concrete Experience Execution Divergence Active Experimentation Reflective Observation Convergence Assimilation Abstract Conceptualizaton The Organizational learning Cycle by Nevis et al Knowledge acquisition Develop skills, insight or relationship Knowledge sharing Everybody receive information that has been acquired by others Knowledge utilization Learning is integrated Available to everybody & can be applied to new situations Table : Basic Organization Learning Cycles Author/s Step I Step II Step III Step IV Agrys & Schon 1987 Discovery Invention Production Generalization Draft & Weick 1984 Scanning Interpretation Learning Carlsson et al 1995 Concrete Experience Reflective Abstract Observation Conceptuali zation Active Experimentation Nevis et al 1995 Acquisition Sharing Generalization Advance Organizational Learning Cycles Meliputi tindakan dan pembelajaran organisasi serta pembelajaran individual The Organizational learning Cycle by March & Oslen Individual actions or participation in a choice situation Individuals’cognitions and preferences, their “models of the world” Organizational actions: “Choice” or “Outcomes” Environmental actions or “responses” The Organizational learning Cycle by Pautzke Individual learning Argumentation Understandingorientated engagement Instuitutional, Formalization Collective learning The Organizational learning Cycle by Dixon Generate Concrete experience Act Active experimentation Reflective observation Abstract conceptualization Interpret Integrate Table : Advance Organization Learning Cycles Author/s Step I Step II Step III Step IV March & Olson 1976 Individual beliefs Individual action Organizational Environmental action response Pautzke 1989 Individual Learning Argumentation Collective Learning Institutionaliz., Formalization Dixon 1994 Generate Integrate Interpret Act Advance Organizational Learning Cycles with Memory Disamping mencakup pembelajaran individual dan pembelajaran organisasi dan action, kelompok ini juga memasukkan pengetahuan organisasional The Organizational learning Cycle by Muller-Strevens & Pautzke Collective learning Realization of knowledge Institutionalize, authorized organizational knowledge Experience Knowledge of organization Action Institutionalization Individual knowledge The Organizational learning Cycle by Nonaka & Takeuchi Enabling Conditions Intention Autonomy Fluctuation / Creative chaos Redudancy Requisite variety Tacit knowledge in organization Socialization Sharing tacit knowledge Externalization Creating concepts Explicit knowledge in organization combination Justifying concepts Building an archetype Crossleveling knowledge Internalization Market From Tacit collaborating Knowledge organizations From user Internalization by users Explicit knowledge as advertisements, patents, product and/or services selesai