On lined paper, predict the meaning of the following vocabulary words.

With a partner, On lined paper, predict the meaning of the vocabulary words.
The Outsiders
Vocabulary defined.
1. Greaser = social group low economic
2. Soc = social group of children from a high economic
3. Heater = gun
4. Rolled = beat up
5. Hood = hoodlum
6. Tough = rough
7. Tuff = cool, sharp
8. JD = juvenile delinquent
9. Savvy = understand, comprehend.
The Outsiders Vocabulary defined.
Fiend = addict
Dough = money
Towheaded = white hair
Cooler = jail
Premonition = a feeling that something is going
to happen
Bootleggin’ = usually refers to making,
transporting and/or selling illegal
alcoholic liquor usually hiding it in
the legs of boots.
Gorge = to eat greedily
Two-bits = of little or no valuegetting the last words in.
Weed = cigarette
The Outsiders
Free write
Choose ONE topic from the list below.
Close your eyes and think about it for a few minutes. Then free-write for
about ten minutes.
1. Feeling like you are not part of the
2. Kids who have the latest clothes and cars and
don’t even have to work for them…..
3. I would or would not like to be in a gang
4. Being tough and putting yourself first…..
5. Teenagers who drink and smoke….
After each Chapter…….
On your folder cover write chapter #
and then draw a symbol to
depict the chapter
• Did you notice the Chapter title? There isn’t one.
Please think about the chapter and Create your
own title for it. Be thoughtful and creative!
You will be doing this for each Chapter.
Answer in Paragraph format.
In most schools, there are different groups or cliques.
Briefly describe the groups at your school, and
explain how the groups relate to one another.
(Are they in conflict? Do the group members ignore those in
other groups? How can you tell what group a person is in?)
• Create a title for Chapter 2.
Be Creative.
Answer in Paragraph format.
Would you be a friend of Ponyboy’s if he went
to your school?
Which of the Characters would you hope to
Which of the character would you hope to
have as friends?
• Create a title for Chapter 3.
Be Creative.
Answer in Paragraph format.
Although Johnny is the gang’s “pet”,
what is he missing out on at home
that every child should have?
How should his parents treat him?
• Create a title for Chapter 4.
Be Creative.
Answer in Paragraph format.
Do you think it was a good idea for
Johnny and Ponyboy to run away?
What else could they have done?
• Create a title for Chapter 5.
Be Creative.
Answer in Paragraph format.
Johnny “hero worships” Dallas Winston,
and Cherry Valance said she could fall
in love with him. What do you think it
is that makes Dallas attractive to
Cherry and Johnny? How would you
feel toward him?
• Create a title for Chapter 6.
Be Creative.
Answer in Paragraph format.
Ponyboy realizes that Darry really does love
How do you know your parents (or other
guardian/relative) care about you?
• Create a title for Chapter 7.
Be Creative.
Answer in Paragraph format.
Ponyboy has a strange conversation with
Describe an unusual conversation you had
with someone from a different social group.
• Create a title for Chapter 8.
Be Creative.
Answer in Paragraph format.
Did Johnny do the right thing when he
refused to see his mother?
What do you think she would have said to him
if she had seen him?
• Create a title for Chapter 9.
Be Creative.
Answer in Paragraph format.
Ponyboy thinks the only good reason for
fighting is self-defense.
What do you think? Why?
• Create a title for Chapter 10.
Be Creative.
Answer in Paragraph format.
Johnny and Dallas are both dead. The
newspaper will call one a hero, the other a
What would you write about them if you were
the reporter?
• Create a title for Chapter 11.
Be Creative.
Answer in Paragraph format.
Suppose neither Randy or Ponyboy are in a
They meet for the first time at track practice.
Do they become friends? Explain.
• Create a title for Chapter 12.
Be Creative.
Answer in Paragraph format.
Summarize the “LIFE LESSONS” Ponyboy
learned from the events described in this
How do you think these lessons will affect
some of the decisions he makes in the