Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes

Flowers for Algernon by
Daniel Keyes
Objective: I will evaluate structural elements of the plot,
including subplots and parallel episodes.
Previewing the Text
• Read the title. What image comes to mind? Does this help you make a
prediction about the text.
• Look at the pictures. Tell what you notice about the photos. Make
inferences about what you will be reading. What can you infer?
• Look at the text. How is it organized? What can you infer by it’s
• What is something that you noticed that is interesting?
• What do you have questions about?
Write your information in your Reader’s Journal under Guided
Literary Focus: Subplot and parallel
Subplot is a minor plot that relates to the major story plot.
Parallel episodes are repeated elements of the plot.
Reading Skills: Context Clues
Context clues are hints that help you to figure out the words meaning. You can look
at the sentence before or the sentence after to help you. Sometimes, the definition
is within the sentence. Other times examples will be given or it will show a
compare/contrast relationship. Also look for a cause and effect relationship.
Write a brief response to one of the questions:
• What are the advantages and disadvantages of popularity?
• What sacrifices do people make to fit in?
• What is good or bad about being unusual?
• Misled
• Tangible
• Refute
• invariably
• Regression
• Verified
• Obscure
• Deterioration
• Hypothesis
• Introspective
Complete Vocabulary
Squares or KIM strategy for
your words! You have three
options to chose from for
the activity.
Vocabulary Matching
Directions: Match the word with the synonym. Write the correct answer.
1. Misled
2. Tangible
3. Refute
4. Invariably
5. Regression
6. Verified
7. Obscure
8. Deterioration
9. Hypothesis
a. Conceal
b. Supposition
c. Deceived
d. Self-examining
e. Always
f. Real
g. Disprove
h. Confirmed
i. Reversal
j. Worsening
Flowers for Algernon
During this class period, we will be listening to
selections of audio for the text.
Group Activities
1. Complete the characterization of Charlie
Before the Operation
After the Operation
Complete in your Reader’s Notebook/Journal and also on chart paper as a Group.
Assign Roles to complete
(Illustrator – draws and colors, Writer- prints the information so that it can be read,
and Researcher- makes sure the page numbers and progress report is noted)
2. Page 50
• Reading Check
• Thinking Critically #2 and 4
3. Complete the Foldable and write a Summary of the Text
Assign Roles:
• Foldable Manager- Makes sure that the foldable is completed by discussing what goes on
the foldable. Makes sure that each member individually completes the foldable by leading
the discussion. Edits the summary.
• Retelling Guide Manager/Time Keeper- Will use the foldable and retelling guide to assist the
Summarizer. Will also keep track of time.
• Summarizer – Composes the summary with the group. Leads the discussion while group
members assist with ideas.