research paper assignment - Scarsdale Union Free School District

Public Policy: Food for Thought
Ms. Valentin
Research Paper: We have studied industrial agriculture; the dominance of corn in US agriculture; free trade; fair trade; labor
practices and other topics related to food policy. The objective of this assignment is to get students to conduct individual
research on a topic of interest and analyze / evaluate an issue related to food policy.
Here is the timeline for the research paper process:
What’s Due
Due On:
Proposal: Topic, explanation of issue and
tentative research question
Working Annotated Bibliography
Research Sheets
Introduction / Thesis / Topic Sentence Outline
Final Draft
You will receive multiple grades for this project/paper. The grading sequence will be as follows:
Research Sheets
Thesis & Outline
Final Paper
25 Points
25 Points
50 Points
50 Points
100 Points
Please choose a topic from the list below to develop your research question. Alternatively, if you have a topic
in mind that is not on the list, please let me know.
Please remember, these topics are very broad. It is your responsibility to narrow down these topics into a
specific area that your research question will address. We will have class time and I can help you with this
1. Industrial Agriculture/Meatpacking
Political Policy/Government regulations
2. Regulation/Food Health & Safety
E Coli/outbreaks & food poisoning
Nutrition/Nutrition labeling
School Lunch
3. Fast Food
4. Food Security/Insecurity
Food stamps/WIC
Food deserts
Climate change/environmental issues and food production
Domestic food security issues
Global food security issues
Water access/rights
5. Food and trade
Free trade/fair trade economics
6. Future of food?
Sustainability movement
Organic agriculture
Alternative farming
7. Hunger
Hunger in the US (causes, efforts to address hunger or results / consequences)
Hunger in any part of the world (causes, efforts to address hunger or results / consequences)
You can add other topics (with my approval)
Proposal: Worksheet attached
Annotated Bibliography: MLA style
Research Sheets: are available on my School Wires page – you can hand write or complete on line.
Introduction/Thesis/Topic Sentence Outline: 2-3 pages. The introduction should be written fully – in complete
sentences. Your thesis should be underlined. You should have in-text citations in the introduction. Your
topic sentences should present ideas from the thesis followed by bulleted points of information that you
will include in your final draft.
Final Paper: 6 to 8 pages, not including the Annotated Bibliography. 1 inch margins; Times New Roman font size
10, 11 or 12. The thesis should be underlined. The paper should include in-text citations. You should also turn in
an Annotated Bibliography.
Public Policy: Food for Thought
Proposal for Research Paper
Name ________________________
1. The topic I am researching for this paper is ___________________________________________.
2. Within this topic, I plan on narrowing my research down to focus on the area of ______________
3. The issue, controversy, or concern that interests me about this topic is ________________________
4. Some of the key terms, people, or concepts that are important to research about this topic are:
5. Some areas or subjects within my topic I want / need to find more information on are:
6. In making a connection between the questions above, the research question I plan on answering in this paper