Class 3 Autumn Term 2 What the children will be learning Hope you have had a nice half term break. Religious Education R.E: Symbols in worship – children will compare and contrast the use of symbols, actions and gestures used in worship by different communities. Languages To count and write the numbers to 20 in French. To learn animal names and then sort the words into classes, le, la, un, une. To write a simple sentence – 2 horses etc in French. Science Rocks and Soils. The children will be comparing and grouping different kinds of rocks on the basis of their appearance and simple physical properties. Describe in simple terms how fossils are formed. Recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter. They will be looking at rocks and soils within their own environment. They will observe rocks in buildings, gravestones, and how they may have changed over time. They will observe what happens when rocks are put in water or rubbed together. Art/DT Children will be analysing the Bayeux Tapestry and then creating a Bayeux Tapestry style cartoon strip depicting scenes from their own life. History English To write and perform their own poetry following a simple style. Understand how to use fronted adverbials at the start of sentences and how to use inverted commas correctly. To organise and write paragraphs around a theme. To develop a cursive handwriting style. To read and discuss a wide range of fiction, poetry, plays, no-fiction and reference books. To identify themes in books and identify and summarise the main themes. Music Understand the importance of music – to match musical instruments with their sounds, sort instruments into groups, name and describe some Anglo-Saxon instruments or Viking instruments and say which instruments they resemble. Maths Halloween activities – symmetrical pictures and co-ordinates, frog investigation and spider factors. Place value and other ways to partition numbers, adding multiples using partitioning skills, halving and doubling, rounding to the nearest 1, 10, 100, 1000, right angles, acute and obtuse angles, fractions of shapes and numbers, multiplication and division using a written method, missing number problems and how to find the difference. PE Net and Wall games – to be able to receive a ball, be able to anticipate where a ball will arrive, to be able to use the correct racket grip, and then control a ball using a racket by dropping a ball into a good position and being able to hit it. ICT Home work. To learn about the Anglo-Saxons and investigate Sutton Hoo. To learn about their invasions, settlements and Kingdoms. To find out about the conflict between the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings. To learn how to search the internet to research a topic. To create posters and information texts using their research. Continue to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly, recognising acceptable/unacceptable behaviour. Spellings every week. Times tables every week. Reading 5 times a week. Class 3 News! How you can help your children? * Ensure they have their indoor and outdoor P.E kits in school all week. * Listen to your child read regularly and record this in their reading journals– it takes just 10 minutes and reading is just as important in KS2 as KS1. * Help your child to learn their weekly spellings and times tables and make sure they have their learning log with them on a Thursday to hand in. *If you are unsure or concerned about something please do come and see either myself or Mrs Robinson before or after the school day. School Trip to Chester 4th November School Calendar Photograph Day [Fancy Dress, Romans] – 5th November School Calendar Photograph day [uniform] – 6th November Head teacher meeting - November 9th, 5.30pm Children in Need, fancy dress Super Heroes - 13th November Concert for parents – St James in Longdon – Friday 20th November -5.30pm – 6.30pm Achievement Assembly – 27th November Christmas Jumper Day – 11th December Christmas Fair – 11th December 4.00pm – 6.00pm Carol service 1.15pm 18thDecember School Closes 18th December 2.00pm Anti-Bullying Week – Week Beginning - 16TH November