7th Grade Social Studies: World Area Studies* 2013 - 2014 This year we will be studying the… Student Requirements: 1) Our class set of textbooks Georgia’s Exploring Our World is for use at school. However, if a student damages these books, they will be accountable for the cost of the book ($68). 2) Please see attached supply list. *Syllabus subject to change Students will be graded on: Summative Assessments (Tests/Projects) Quizzes/Checkpoints Accuracy Grades Classwork/Homework (Participation) GRADING: All grades will be based on a total versus possible point. All grades will be numeric. The grading scale is as follows: A = 90 and above B = 80 – 89 C = 74 – 79 D = 70 – 73 F = 69 and below GRADE RECOVERY: Grade recovery will be permitted on major assignments only. The purpose of grade recovery is to give the student an additional opportunity to show that he/she has mastered the standards of the course. The following rules will apply for this process as grade recovery is not a right but a privilege. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Grade recovery will only be permitted on major assignments. To be eligible to take the re-test, students must complete all of the unit assignments prior to the original test date. Only one retest per test is permitted. The retest may not be the same as the original test. The new grade will be entered whether it is higher or lower than the original grade. The highest new grade students can receive is an 80. (Any retest score above an 80 becomes an 80 in the grade book. Any retest score below an 80 is entered as that score in the grade book.) MAKE-UP WORK FOR ABSENCES: Students who are absent when an assignment is made will be given the same number of days to complete the make-up work as they were absent, not counting the day of return. Make-up of graded work will be as scheduled with the teacher. Students have until five (5) days prior to the end of the grading period to turn in missing work. Teacher Contact Information: School Phone #: 678-842-6917 Emails & Blogs: Diane.Keller@cobbk12.org June.Vance@cobbk12.org Anthony.Coley@cobbk12.org Stella.Etta-Tawo@cobbk12.org Clint.Podell@cobbk12.org Matthew.Short@cobbk12.org http://cobblearning.net/dkeller http://cobblearning.net/junevance http://cobblearning.net/coley2012 http://cobblearning.net/stellaetta http://cobblearning.net/mrpodell http://cobblearning.net/mshort Virginia.McAnear@cobbk12.org http://cobblearning.net/missmac 7th Grade Social Studies: World Area Studies 2013-2014 1st Nine Weeks This syllabus is subject to change in order to accommodate class needs. Students will be notified when changes are made. By signing below, the parent and student are stating that they have read and understand the 7th Grade World Area Studies syllabus. Please return to your teacher by the next class meeting. Student Signature: __________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________________________________________ E-mail: ______________________________________ Phone #: _____________________________________