Research Methods Assignment 2

Research Methods
Assignment 2
Sport and Exercise Science
Year 2
P4 describe two ethical and
legal issues associated with
research in sport and exercise
M2 explain the implications of
not working both ethically
and legally when conducting
research in the sport and
exercise sciences
P5 describe the three main
stages of qualitative data
analysis in the sport and
exercise sciences
M3 justify, for a selected
research-based example, the
most appropriate research
design and techniques for
qualitative data collection and
data analysis
P6 describe two contrasting
quantitative data analysis
techniques used in the sport
and exercise sciences
M4 justify, for a selected
research-based example, the
most appropriate research
design and techniques for
quantitative data collection
and data analysis.
D2 analyse the implications
of not working both ethically
and legally when conducting
research in the sport and
Ethical and legal issues in sport and Ex
• What does it mean to act ethical?
• Task . In pairs discuss what it means to act ethical
in SES
• Definition: in accordance with principles of
conduct that are considered correct, especially
those of a given profession or group
• When we conduct Research what might we
consider for example we will have to get consent
from the participant. Think of 3 others
Ethical and legal consideration
Ethical clearance
Informed consent
Confidentiality/data protection
Safety of the participant
Acting with regard for equality and
Ethical clearance
• In order to begin any Research study including a
dissertation which you will do at University you must
gain ethical clearance from an appropriate body- this
might be a university committee for your area of study.
• They will decide if whether your research is ethical and
meets the professional standards set by BASES and if it
is Safe
• They may want you to provide additional information,
risk assessments,
• Finally they will confirm if you can start your project
Informed consent
• You must gain consent from the participants before you start
your study. It can be verbal but it is always safer to have
written consent
• The form should consist of
• Description of the investigation
• Details of the procedure/testing
• Details of the risk (must be explicit)
• Potential benefits (must not exaggerate)
• Offer to answer questions
• They are free to withdraw at any time without being
• Inform them that the information that is collected will be
Confidentiality/ Data Protection
• Where confidentiality is concerned, you may
disclose only information that is important to
the study you are conducting. Any data you
collect is protected under the terms of the
Data Protection Act (1998). No data that
makes the participants personally identifiable
should be included in your research project
• All data collected should be stored safely or
password protected
Equality and impartiality
• To protect the reputation of SES you must
remain professional at all times you must be
unbiased in your action and your practices .
• You can not let age, race, gender, sexuality
affect the way that you work with clients.
• You must not exploit personal relationships for
personal gain
• Any decisions/recommendation must be be
objective (based on the facts)
Why is it important to abide by ethics
and legalities
• discuss why?
• Ensure the safety /welfare of the participant
and the researcher
• Ensure that the workers work within their
expertise and know the limitation of their
experience and qualifications
• Preserving and developing the reputation of
SES by following the relevant procedures
What might happen if you do not
follow ethics and legalities?
What are the implications? Discuss in pairs.
Legal or civil action
Being stopped by BASES, having restrictions,
and exclusions