Module 2

Module 2
Social Networking Applications
and Technology
Module 2
Social Networking Applications
and Technology
Title: Organic Versus Paid Promotion
Research the controversy surrounding organic versus paid promotion and discuss how businesses are
using the features of Facebook to promote their products, brands, or services. Answer the following
1. Briefly describe your take on the organic versus paid promotion controversy. Support your
answers using examples that state the pros and cons of both.
2. Choose a Facebook page for a product or service and briefly describe how it is using Facebook
for brand promotion.
3. If you were the brand owner, how would you perform the endorsement for the chosen product
or service?
Submission Criteria:
Label the Work (-10) and Submit the Word Document for a Grade. I will not grade this Discussion
assignment after Module 2 begins. Please do not cut and paste answers from the Internet. The grade
earned will 0% for plagiarism. Also, don’t forget to reference the information with a citation and/or URL
address (-25).
LAB 2.1 (3.0 HOURS)
Assessment Preparation Checklist:
To prepare for this assessment:
 Read Chapter 3 from your textbook, Next Series: Social Networking. Chapter 3 readings will help
you understand how to use the advanced features of Facebook.
 Go through the topic on exploring Facebook features in the lesson for this module, which
explores various Facebook features and privacy settings.
Title: Using Facebook Advanced Features
In this lab, you will create a Facebook profile and perform the following tasks:
 Connect with other students.
 Manage photos.
 Create an event.
 Find, like, and create pages.
 Manage groups.
 Explore applications.
Required Setup and Resources:
You will need a computer with internet and a Web browser installed to complete this lab.
You will need at least one .jpg, .gif, or .png file that you can share with others to complete this lab.
Module 2
Social Networking Applications
and Technology
Recommended Procedures:
Task 1: Connect with Other Students
1. Log on to Facebook.
2. Click your name and go to your profile page.
3. Copy the URL you see in the Navigation bar.
4. Share your Facebook profile.
5. Find at least three people on Facebook and send them Friend requests.
6. When you get friend requests from others, accept them.
Task 2: Manage Photos
1. On your Profile page, click the Photos tab.
Question 1: What types of photos are shown on the ‘Photos of You’ tab?
2. Click Albums.
3. Click Create Album.
4. Locate the first photo you want to add to the album.
5. Fill in the following information:
 Album name
 Album description
 Photo description
Question 2: What additional information can you specify that relates to the entire album?
Question 3: What additional information can you specify that relates to a specific photo?
6. Add today’s date as the date taken.
7. Tag at least one of the students in the class.
8. Take a screenshot and paste it in your Word document.
9. Click Post Photos.
10. Take a screenshot and paste it in your Word document.
11. Click Make Shared Album.
Question 4: What are the ramifications of making an album a shared album?
Question 5: What other setting can you modify from this dialog?
12. Click the Settings option and choose Get Link.
Question 6: Why might you want to obtain a link to the album?
Question 7: What is the difference between the Share link and the Promote link?
13. Do not promote the album. You can share it if you wish.
Module 2
Social Networking Applications
and Technology
Task 3: Create an Event
1. Click Events.
2. Create an event.
3. Fill out the form for your event.
Question 8: Choose one of the privacy options and give an example of a situation when that
option would be most appropriate. Explain why.
4. Select the privacy option. Take a screenshot and paste it in your Word document.
5. Click Invite Friends and invite the classmates you have friended.
6. Click Create Event.
7. Add the photo you uploaded in Task 2 as the photo for the event.
8. Take a screenshot and paste it in your Word document.
Task 4: Find, Like, and Create Pages
1. Click Pages feed.
Question 9: View some of the recommended pages. What is one reason you believe that a page
was recommended to you?
2. Click See All and look through the suggestions until you find a page that interests you. Click Like.
3. Click Create a Page.
4. Click Entertainment.
Question 10: View the Facebook terms and answer the following questions:
a. Can you create an official page for your favorite band?
b. Can you create a fan page for your favorite movie?
5. Close the terms.
6. Create a page that reflects one of your interests. Some suggestions include:
 A fan page for a movie, musician, or book
 A causes page for a cause you care about
 A community page for a club
7. Invite the classmates you have friended to like your page.
8. After you have created the page, take a screenshot and paste it in your Word document.
Task 5: Manage Groups
1. Click Groups.
2. Explore the groups. Find one that interests you and join it.
3. Click Create Group.
Question 11: Who can view the posts in a “Closed” group?
Question 12: Who can view the membership of a “Closed” group?
4. Click Cancel.
Task 6: Explore Applications
1. Click More on the Your Apps box on your Facebook page.
Module 2
Social Networking Applications
and Technology
2. Click the drop-down list to display the available application platforms.
3. Display the trending applications for Android. Take a screenshot and paste it in your Word
4. Display the top- rated business applications for Android. Take a screenshot and paste it in your
Word document.
5. Display the trending education applications for iOS. Take a screenshot and paste it in your Word
6. Display the suggested mobile Web applications. Take a screenshot and paste it in your Word
Submission Requirements:
Submit the Word document titled SD2670_Module 2_Lab2_1.docx to your instructor. Make sure to
include all the answers to the questions and screenshots of Facebook features used during the lab in this
Evaluation Criteria:
The Lab rubric will be used to evaluate this assessment. Your submission will be evaluated against the
following criteria using the grading rubric:
1. Did you provide all requested screenshots in the worksheet?
2. Did you answer all questions?
LAB 2.2 (3.0 HOURS)
Assessment Preparation Checklist:
To prepare for this assessment:
 Read Chapters 1, 2, and 3 from ITT Tech Virtual Library> Basic Search> Facebook Application
Development For Dummies. Chapter 1 will introduce you to Facebook application development.
Chapter 2 will help you build a Facebook application. Chapter 3 will help you understand
application navigation and the application setup process.
 Go through the topic on Facebook APIs in this module’s lesson, which covers the complete the
various APIs available for interfacing with Facebook.
Title: Facebook APIs
In this lab, you will; explore different Facebook APIs, develop a simple Facebook application, and
perform the following tasks:
 Research Facebook software development kits (SDKs).
 Research the Graph API.
 Research application development.
Required Setup and Resources:
You will need a computer with an Internet connection and a Web browser.
Recommended Procedures:
Task 1: Research Facebook SDKs
1. Open a browser and navigate to
Question 1: Which Software Developer Kits (SDKs) are available?
Module 2
Social Networking Applications
and Technology
Question 2: What is the Unity SDK?
Click Android SDK.
Question 3: Click Get Started. Read the document and answer the following questions:
a. Which development tool should you use to develop Facebook applications for Android?
b. What must you do after you install the SDK?
c. When does an application need to be signed?
d. What must you do before you can test unsigned sample applications in an emulator?
2. Click JavaScript SDK.
Question 4: Read the QuickStart documentation and answer the following questions:
a. What do you need to do before you can use the Facebook API calls from JavaScript?
b. How can you enable debugging?
Task 2: Research the Graph API
Question 5: Research the Graph API. Describe its purpose and give a scenario where it can be
1. Access the Graph API explorer (
2. Click Get Access Token.
3. Select the following permissions:
Module 2
Social Networking Applications
and Technology
When you are prompted to log on, click OK.
Click Submit to execute the default test query.
Take a screenshot and paste it in your Word document.
Add the first_name field to the field list and click Submit. Take a screenshot and paste it in your
Word document.
Click the user ID in the results.
Take a screenshot and paste it in your Word document.
Modify the query as follows and click Submit:
Question 6: How many friends are displayed?
Take a screenshot and paste it in your Word document.
Change the method to POST.
Send a message to your newsfeed:
a. Type the query, me/feed.
b. Click Add a field.
c. Type message in the field and the text to post in the box next to it:
d. Click Submit.
Question 7: What happens?
Module 2
Social Networking Applications
and Technology
e. Click Get Access Token.
f. Click Extended Permissions.
g. Choose publish_actions and click Get Access Token.
h. Click Submit.
i. Take a screenshot and paste it in your Word document.
j. Log on to Facebook as a user and verify that your post appears in your newsfeed. Take a
screenshot and paste it in your Word document.
Task 3: Research Application Development
1. Click Docs.
2. Click App Development.
Question 8: Research the review guidelines and answer the following questions:
a. Which information can your app request without requiring login review?
b. Your app publishes content to a user’s timeline. Does it require login review?
c. At which point in the development lifecycle should you submit your app for login review?
3. Review the information on Roadmap and Versions and Migrations.
Question 9: Write a brief paragraph explaining why it important for a Facebook application
developer to stay informed about planned changes.
Question 10: Review the information about Test App and Test User. Write a brief paragraph
explaining how you would use these features both before and after deploying a production
Module 2
Social Networking Applications
and Technology
Submission Requirements:
Submit the Word document titled SD2670_Module 2_Lab2_2.docx to your instructor. Make sure to
include all the answers to the questions and screenshots of Facebook features used during the lab.
Evaluation Criteria:
The Lab rubric will be used to evaluate this assessment. Your submission will be evaluated against the
following criteria using the grading rubric:
 Did you provide all requested screenshots in the worksheet?
 Did you answer all questions?
QUIZ 1 (1.0 HOUR)
Assessment Preparation Checklist:
To prepare for the quiz, revisit the assigned readings for Modules 1 and 2. In addition, review and
attempt the practice questions given in the topic “Preparation” in the lessons for Modules 1 and 2.
Title: Quiz 1
Take the quiz based on the concepts covered in Modules 1.
Refer “PROJECT: CREATING A BLOG USING WORDPRESS” for a detailed description of the project.