project work - Campus Life Experience

As the use of computer and computer applications increases, advertising and
business information gathering has gone from the traditional pen and paper or
yellow pages formats to embedded automated systems comprising of large
computerized storage mechanism and programs to ensure correct information
distribution. The objective of this work intends to build a web based business
directory information management system. Embedded within it are solutions for
direct search and a secure database to hold all information about organizations in a
specific area. This system which will ensure that information about any
organizations will be kept as safely as possible from unauthorized personnel. With
online Advertising, the marketing aspect is made a lot easier when the Internet
arena is thrown into the picture. In this sense, all the things referred to the
‘marketing’ facet of a business are done online. Advertising, branding, and selling
of products and services are accomplished by using Internet as the medium. It is a
powerful communications medium that can act as a ‘corporate glue’ that integrates
the different functional parts of the organization
Title page
Certification page
Table of content
1.1 Background of Study
1.2 Statement of Problem
1.3 Objective of Study
1.4 Significance of Study
1.5 Scope and Limitations of the Study
2.1 Historical development of Advertisement
2.2 Models and Theories of Advertising
2.2.1 Linear Model of Communication
2.2.2 The AIDA Model
2.2.3 Hierarchy effect model
2.2.4 The Innovation Adoption Model
2.2.5 Information Processing Model
2.3. Business Process Development of Organizations
2.3.1 Business Directory
16 What is a Business Directory?
17 What is the purpose of a Business Directory
18 How to use a Business Directory
19 Difference between a Directory and a Search Engine
2.3.2 Local Business Directory
2.2.1 Importance of Online Business Directory
2.3.3 Marketing
2.3.4 Record Management System
2.3.5. Current Trend in the Advertising Industry
4 Co-Branding
27 Content Marketing
28 Online Advertising
2.3.6 Concept of Web Application
2.3.7 Business Use of Web Application
2.3.8 Benefits of Web Application
2.4 Related work and Contributions
3.1 Methodology Adopted
3.1.1 Prototyping
3.3 Problem Identification
3.4 Data Collection Methods Used
3.5 Analysis of the Existing System
3.6 Use Case Diagrams
3.6.1 Use case of the Proposed System
3.6.2 Detailed Explanation of the Use Case Diagram
4.1.1 Objective of the Proposed System
4.1.2 Definition of Classes
4.1.3 Program Specification Flowchart
4.1.4 Database Tables Definition
4.1.5 Data Dictionary
4.2 Implementation
4.2.1 Coding
60 Choice of Programming Language Input and Output
4.2.3 System Specification
4.2.4 Program Documentation
4.2.5 Training
4.2.6 Maintenance
4.2.7 Coding
4.2.8 Testing and Conversion
4.2.9 Problems Encountered
5.1 Summary
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendation
Figure 2.1 Information sharing and dissection through the internet
Figure 2.2 An integrated marketing communication model
Figure 3.1The use case diagram of the proposed system.
Figure 4.1 components of the online business directory system
Figure 4.2: Decomposition of the Users/customer Component
Figure 4.3: Decomposition of the administrator Component
Figure 4.4: High Level Model of the online business directory system
Figure 4.5 Adding category flowchart
Figure 4.6 Deleting category flowchart
Figure 4.7 Adding Directory flowchart
Figure 4.7 Deleting directory flowchart
Figure 4.8 General system Flowchart
Figure 4.9: the input of the search text box
Figure 4.10 the output of the text search box
Figure 4.11 input of the category search
Figure 4.12 the output of the search by category format
Figure 4.13 the admin functions
Table 4.1: Tbl/admin:
Table 4.2: Tbl/category:
Table 4.3: Tbl/feedback:
Table 4.4: Tbl/subjectfulldetails:
Table 4.5: Tbl/shoutbox:
1.1 Background of the Study
As the use of computer and computer applications increases, advertising and
business information gathering has gone from the traditional pen and paper or
yellow pages formats to embedded automated systems comprising of large
computerized storage mechanism and programs to ensure correct information
The details provided in a business directory vary from business to business. They
may include the business name, addresses, telephone numbers, location, type of
service or products the business provides, number of employees, the service region
and any professional associations. Some directories include a section for user
reviews, comments, and feedback. Business directories in the past would take a
printed format but have recently been upgraded to websites due to the advent of the
Many business directories offer complimentary listings in addition to the premium
options. There are many business directories and some of these have moved over
to the internet and away from printed format. Whilst not being search engines,
business directories often have a search facility.
1.2 Statement of the Problems
The rate at which commercialization is improving in Nigeria and most especially
in Owerri, Imo state has reached a very high level. Various organizations are
bringing up offices to also set up a market base in the state and as such individuals
will find it hard in location a company that has a specific product or handles
specific services. The following problems are noted;
a) The increase level of clients getting fake product from unreliable product
distribution channel marketers.
b) The increase level of individuals in search of products without knowing the
exact location to get the product.
c) Difficulty of customers getting direct access to the company
d) Ineffective record system for company directories.
e) Lack of proper functioning online business directory for listing of
company’s profiles and details.
This work is geared towards designing and implementing online business directory
as a means of proffering solutions to the problem outlined above.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The broad objective of this project is to build a web based business directory
information management system. Embedded within it are solutions for direct
search and a secure database to hold all information about organizations in a
specific area. This system which will ensure that information about any
organizations will be kept as safely as possible from unauthorized personnel; and
also the system should be able to:
a) Provide search text box to search specifically for an organization.
b) Provide the option of searching organizations by the category in which they
may belong to.
c) Add directory details in the database which reflects on the front end when a
user makes a search.
d) Edit directory and category details already present in the database in case of
a change.
e) Delete directories no longer in existence to reduce unwanted data in the
database system.
f) Reduce the stress of excess search and the stress of walking from place to
To address these broad objectives, this work includes the specific objectives
presented in modules as follows
1. Admin modules which includes
a. Live chat where the admin can chat with the users of the system
b. User feedback where the admin can get feedback messages from the
users of the system.
2. the user module which include
a. user feedback where the user can send a message to the admin of the
b. live chat where the user can chat with the admin of the system
c. The search tool where the user can either search by the organization
name or the category of the organization.
1.4 Significance of the Study
It has been acknowledged that the nearest we can get to improving a business
horizon is by propelling the activities of the organization to reach a wide coverage
of people. Individuals and other organizations representatives can at their comfort
search for an organization to find out its products and services rather than
embarking on a stressful journey into finding these same information.
This application will ensure high information flow amongst business organizations
and also individuals in need of information about any organization. This system
will be of importance to these individuals;
a. The business owners of small and large scale business through a way of
marketing and advertising their business
b. To individuals who shop online regularly
c. To management of businesses because it will provide data for future
planning on how to improve the businesses.
1.5 Scope and Limitations of the Study
Many online business directory management systems encompass various features
that if needed in a single system will derail the work flow and efficiency of the
system and as such, application developers limit the work functions of various
business directory management systems.
This system is being built as a web application that will effectively and securely
collect, store company records in a database engine and other necessary
information about companies and their activities located in Owerri, Imo state
Nigeria. The system will be deployed on an Apache web server and will have a
backend of a MySql database which will house all necessary information. The
design include
a. A search menu that uses category of business as a search criteria
b. A search menu that uses type of business as a search criteria
c. A chat menu that involves chatting with the admin to clarity of issues.
d. A menu where u can contact the admin by messaging or sending a comment.
Web Application systems for business directories are very large, cumbersome,
technical, and expensive to design, develop, implement and could contain billions
of business directories from all walks of life. Due to time, and financial constraints
this project is only intended to be a cut-down or streamed down version of a fully
functional web business directory and only features the most popular and relevant
businesses and organisations around Owerri town and its environs.
A number of constraints militated against the smooth design of this project work.
They include:
Finance: The cost of relevant materials used for the study are
Due to the choice of software programming language used, it is only
limited to Microsoft operating system.
It was a one-man affair. Projects of this nature ought to be a
group/team work.
Poor power supply.
However this work was able to overcome these limitations in that they did not
influence the output of the work.
2.1 Historical development of Online Business Directory and Advertisement
Advertising is an important element of our culture because it reflects and
attempts to change our life style. The concept of advertising dates to early
civilization. It had to undertake a long journey through the centuries before- it
attained its present form. Actually advertising is directly related to the need of man
to communicate his message and attract to each other. Our knowledge of
advertising in ancient times naturally is fragmentary. Early advertising can be
traced back to the archaeological evidences available in Greece and Rome. In 3000
B. C. Babylonia merchants hired parkers to hawk their wares to perspective,
customers and placed signs over their doorways to indicate what they sold.
Advertisements were found on walls in the streets of the excavated Roman city of
Pompeii. Another evidence of a piece of papyrus preserved in the British Museum
provides the earliest and direct reference to written advertisement. An Egyptian
had advertised 3,000 years ago asking for the return of a runaway slave. The word
of mouth or oral advertisement or spoken publicity was still older. The use of hand
bills, posters and newspaper advertisements emerged after Gutenberg developed
movable type in the 15th century (Hainsworth et al 1990).
When Benjamin Franklin established the Philadelphia Gazette in 1729, it
soon became a favorite medium of advertising. When the weekly Pennsylvania
packet and General Advertiser became a daily in 1784, it featured an entire front
page of advertisement (Michal & Judy 2003).
In ancient India, some of the typical seals used by the Mohanjodaro and
Harrapa people were directly connected. But formally, the history of advertisement
in India parallels the history and development of the Indian Press during the past
200 years. In other words we can say that advertising is a father of Journalism.
Because the first Indian newspaper started by James August Hickey on January 29,
1780, was called the "Bengal Gazette" or "Calcutta General Advertiser". It was full
of informative advertisement. In 1785, the Bengal Journal published with
Government advertisement free of charge (Hainsworth et al 1990).
By the dawn of 19th century the pattern of advertising changed-and the
power of advertising increased rapidly with the growth of trade and commerce.
With the Industrial Revolution in our country, the number of advertisements from
British Business Houses rose considerably. The Times of India and The Statesman
started their own facilities for layout and copy of the advertisement.
The development of advertising agency was founded due to the development
of Indian industries provided by the Swadeshi Movement of 1907-1977. The major
advertising agencies were, The Calcutta Advertising Agency, Alliance Advertising
Associates, Publicity Society of India, J Walter Thompson (Now Hindustan
According to Michal et al (2003), during the mid-17th Century, newspaper
started appearing in Europe and newspaper advertising was initiated in full swing
and large number of advertisement started crowding the newspaper announcing
publication of books, new beverages, travel plans and matrimonial offers. But all
early advertisements were basically only announcement. In England, some of the
advertisement, which were known as a "Pioneering advertisements" were Coffee
(1652), Chocolates (1657) and Tea (1658).
The Industrial revolution, discovery of the growth of transportation facilities,
advent of radio and television and revolution in printing technology discovery of
the steam power in England and America had a keen role to play in the
development of advertising (Alex , 2000).
After the Second World War and with the independence of India many British
advertising agencies were brought by Indian businessman. During the above period
print advertising had to be used to raise funds. By 1932 there were 109 advertising
agencies in India advertisement had become the main source of revenue of print
media. In 1950 the advertisement of cosmetics was on the top of the list of items
advertised and in 1960 consumer goods continued to dominate with textile
With the beginning of 21st century, the advertisers themselves became more
serious and their approach becomes more sophisticated. Print, Radio, T. V. and
Internet Commercials have created deep impact on Indian advertising. Indian
advertisement has no doubt to register a rapid growth and has acquired a certain
amount of professional character (Alex, 2000).
With the advent of the ad server, marketing through the Internet opened new
frontiers for advertisers and contributed to the "dot-com" boom of the 1990s.
Entire corporations operated solely on advertising revenue, offering everything
from coupons to free Internet access. At the turn of the 21st century, a number of
websites, including the search engine Google, started a change in online
advertising by emphasizing contextually relevant, unobtrusive ads intended to help,
rather than inundate, users advertising (Alex, 2000). This has led to a plethora of
similar efforts and an increasing trend of interactive.
With the Internet came many new advertising opportunities: popup, Flash, banner,
pop under advert gaming, and email advertisements (all of which are often
unwanted or spam in the case of email) are now commonplace. Particularly since
the rise of "entertaining" advertising, some people may like an advertisement
enough to wish to watch it later or show a friend. In general, the advertising
community has not yet made this easy, although some have used the Internet to
widely distribute their ads to anyone willing to see or hear them. In the last three
quarters of 2009 mobile and internet advertising grew by 18.1% and 9.2%
respectively (Alex, 2000).
2.2 Models, Concepts and Theories of Advertising and Marketing
According to Belch et al (2001), in reference to advertising process there is a need
to understand only few of the most popularly accepted models and theories which
are following:
1. Linear Communication Model
2. AIDA Model (Strong 1925)
3. Hierarchy Effects Model (Lavidge And Steines 1962).
4. Innovation Adoption Model (Rogers 1962)
5. Information Processing Model (William HC Guire)
2.2.1 Linear Model of Communication
It is a simplest model where it has been pointed out that the communicator
develops the message and transmits is to the audience through the channel i.e
media. The feedback can be obtained by a reverse process from the audience to
the communicator. The feedback can be built in by a reverse arrow from the
audience what effect.
2.2.2 The AIDA Model
The AIDA model is a simpler hierarchical model developed in 1920 in the USA. It
is one of the earliest of the communication model. The model suggests the
sequence of action into which a prospect may be induced by advertising. The
advertising must attract attention and then help in gaining interest which intern
should create a desire and ultimately precipitate action.
This model stand for Attention, Interest Desire action, it highlights the importance
of arresting the attention to gain the initial importance in the crow of
advertisement. Strong levels interest should create desire to own or use the
product. The advertisement generates interest among the consumer by providing
information through the copy and visual. The interest thus generated for a
particular product or service will help in creating a desire.
The action stage in the AIDA model involves getting the customer to make a
purchase commitment. It indicates that the number of people whose attention is
obtained will be greater than those who eventually take action.
A- Attracting Attention
I -Rousing Interest
D- Building Desire
A- Obtaining Action
2.2.3 Hierarchy effect model
This is one of the best known models of advertising communication process. It is
developed by Lavidge and Sletnes in 1962. According to this model advertising as
a force must move the people up a series of steps from their unawareness about the
product to the final act actual purchase? The above model worked as paradigm per
setting and measuring advertising objectives. The Hierarchy of effects model
shows the process by which advertising works, it assumes a consumer posses
through a series of steps in sequential order from initial awareness of a product or
series to actual purchase. A basic premise of this model is that advertising effects
occur over a period of time. Advertising communication may not lead to
immediate behavioral response or purchase, rather a series of effects must occur,
with each step fulfilled before the consumer which can move to the next stage in
this hierarchy of effects model. The hierarchy of effects model has become the
foundation for objective setting and measurement of advertising effects in many
companies. It included six stages: Awareness, knowledge, Liking, preference,
conviction and purchase.
2.2.4 The Innovation Adoption Model
Everett Rogers developed the innovation adoption model which is evolved from
the work on the diffusion of innovation in 1962. This model represents the stages a
consumer passes through in adopting a new product or services. According to
experts, Rogers's model is appropriate involving marketing of new products and
adoption of most commercial services or practices in developing countries. Like
other models it says potential adopters must be moved through a series of steps
before taking actions. The following five stages are defined by Rogers.
(a) Awareness
(b) Interest
(c) Evaluation
(d) Trial
(f) Adoption
After achieving the level of awareness: it is necessary to develop interest. Thus is
followed by an evaluation stage in which it was thought that, word of mouth or
interpersonal communication not only can influence the buying decision, but can
also help him moving the prospect from the stage of interest to that of evaluation.
Finally, the trial occurs and adoption decision is precipitated. Just like when the
challenge facing company introducing new products is to create awareness and
interest among consumers and then get them to evaluate the, product favorably.
The best way to evaluate a new product is through actual use so that performance
can be judged. Marketers often encourage trail by using demonstration or sampling
programmes or allowing consumers to use a product with minimum commitment.
After trail, consumers either adopt the product or rejected.
2.2.5 Information Processing Model
The information processing model of advertising effects was developed by,
William McGuire. This model takes up the receivers in a persuasive
communication situation like advertising is an information processor or problem
solves. McGuire suggests the series of steps a receiver goes through in being
persuades constitutes a response hierarchy. The stages of this model are similar to
the hierarchy of effects sequences, attention and comprehension are similar to
awareness and knowledge, and yielding is synonymous with liking. The
information processing model includes a stage not found in the other models that is
retention. Retention or the receiver's ability to retain that portion of the
comprehended information that he or she accepts as valid or relevant. Each stage is
a dependent variable that must be attained and that may serve as an objective of the
communication process.
The effectiveness of each stage can be measured that provides advertiser with
feedback, as shown below. The above model may be an effective framework for
planning & evaluating the effects of a promotional campaign. We analyzed the
communication system and process in advertising. As we discussed that source
message, and channel factors are basic and controllable elements in the
communication model.
2.3. Business Process Development of Organizations
The term business development and its actor, the business developer, have evolved
into many usages and applications. Today, the applications of business
development and the business developer’s tasks across industries and countries,
cover everything from IT-programmers, specialized engineers, advanced marketing
or key account management activities, and sales and relations development for
current and prospective customers.
Business development comprises a number of tasks and processes generally aiming
at developing and implementing growth opportunities between multiple
organizations. It is a subset of the fields of business, commerce, and organizational
theory. Business development is the creation of long-term value for an
organization from customers, markets, and relationships.
2.3.1 Business Directory
In today’s world, the internet technology has revolutionized the way in which
many businesses operate. In the past, Business Directory is heavy, bulky book
containing the list of either local businesses around us or international businesses.
With the advancement on the internet technology, the old fashion technologies are
becoming obsolete. Business Directories are now an important part of the internet.
24 What is a Business Directory?
A Business directory is a website or printed list of businesses that are listed in a
unique fashion called categories. These categories make it easier to find the kind of
business of a particular sector. These businesses can be organized into categories
of business, specialty (location) activity, and/or size of organization
A lot of business directories suggest complimentary listings in addition to the
premium options. There are several business directories and some of these have
moved over to the internet and away from printed format. Whilst not being search
engines, business directories often have a search facility.
(source: Ibeh (1993) “Computer and society”)
Figure 2.1 Information sharing and dissection through the internet
The figure 2.1 above shows the interconnection of computers around the globe and
therefore will be of vital importance to the deployment of online business
"Online Business Directories can receive a bad press, and they vary in quality and
content. There is a balance between professional advertising, value for money and
quality of service. Business owners are looking for ROI, web traffic, exposure for
their business, plus SEO benefits of back links." What is the purpose of a Business Directory?
Business Directory give you the kind of targeted traffics that is specifically for
the your business;
They give you quality inbound links. These inbound links are useful in search
engine ranking. The more quality inbound links you have for your website, the
better the search engines like “Google” will rank your site above other websites.
Relevance – Results on directories are accurate and relevant.
The directory target more local businesses around you and give more online
26 How to use a Business Directory:
Directories either local or international or hard copy on paper or online (internet)
are extremely useful tools for business owners to take to use and take advantage of
to gain popularity and make profit. They are like cars; if you don’t know how to
drive the car, it will not take you anywhere.
Similarly, a Business Directory not only helps you and/or your business if you
don’t know how to use effectively to your advantages. To use it more effectively,
there are few things you can do and they are as follows –
If a directory has a registration form, please register. why is this good? it is
good because you will be able to have unlimited access to latest information
that is available in your sector of business;
Introduction – by introducing you company, many of the users will find it
easy know more about your organization. This is a very important point to
take into consideration because the first thing customers see is this and it
will be your company introduction that will catch their attention;
Create a good profile of your organization – this let users knows who they
are dealing with;
The most important of it all is description. Describing in details about your
organization is a vital selling point. No one will buy from you if they do not
know what you are offering.
27 Difference between a Business Directory and a Search Engine:
a. Business Directory:
More detailed and relevant information about a company, organization
and/or keyword result;
More targeted to local business organization;
Improve business website ranking in searches;
Good directories are well structured and organized into categories;
Well structures directories are easy to navigate and brings out relevant
b. Search Engines:
All result on keyword comes up in searches (relevant or irrelevant);
Search engines something brings out irrelevant results on the front page
when people are searching;
They are keywords driven – i.e any website that have relevant keywords
may be ranked higher that most relevant websites;
Search engines rank on inbound links not relevants – Search Engine
Optimization (SEO);
Search Engines are more widely use when it comes to business searches.
2.3.2 Local Business Directory
Services will help get your company noticed by the millions of people searching
online. These services take your company's information and add it to sites like
Google Maps, Yahoo Local and hundreds of other sites. Services like Local Site
Submit, Localize It and Network Solutions add all of your company information by
hand. This gives your company credibility because search engines know that
someone is taking the time to add your information rather than just having an
automated program do it. These best local business listing services will also
provide reports, helpful tools and other information to help the process.
The main goal for local business directory services is to make your company show
up as the first search result no matter where your information is listed. Some
companies will even go the extra mile and create blogs, make videos and even use
their Facebook and other social sites to promote your company. Many local
business directory services provide SEO (search engine optimization) tools which
will help improve your ranking on search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing.
2.2.2 Importance of Online Business Directory
Having a business registered under an online business directory has a lot of
advantage that goes along with it. The advantages include
It promotes the business to the world because of it accessibility to the
It gives a direct link to those who wish to do business with those firms
It creates an avenue for interaction between the business operators and the
customers thereby reducing customer’s access to fake products.
It reduces the use of the paper catalogue form of business directory because
it has an easy access.
Online business directory leads to increase in business profit because of the
exposures it gets.
2.3.3 Marketing
Marketing is the process of communicating the value of a product or service to
customers, for the purpose of selling that product or service.
Marketing can be looked at as an organizational function and a set of processes for
creating, delivering and communicating value to customers, and customer
relationship management that also benefits the organization. Marketing is the
science of choosing target markets through market analysis and market
segmentation, as well as understanding consumer behavior and providing superior
customer value. From a societal point of view, marketing is the link between a
society's material requirements and its economic patterns of response. Marketing
satisfies these needs and wants through exchange processes and building long term
relationships (Trends 2014 in Online Marketing: Content Marketing 2014).
The figure 2.2 below is an integrated marketing communication model.
marketing communications program of an organization is generally developed with
a specific purpose in mind and is the end product of a detailed marketing and
promotional planning process. As with any business function, planning plays a
fundamental role in the development and implementation of an effective
promotional program. The individuals involved in promotion design a
promotional plan that provides the framework for developing, implementing, and
controlling the organization’s integrated marketing communications programs and
activities. Promotional planners must decide on the role and function of the
specific elements of the promotional mix, develop strategies for each element, and
implement the plan. Promotion is but one part of, and must be integrated into, the
overall marketing plan and program.
(Source: Belch & Belch (2003) “Advertisement and Promotion”)
Fig 2.2 An integrated marketing communication model
2.3.4 Record Management System
Over the decades, many information record management systems have been in
existence with all manner of technology been involved, and improvement.
Computer security is the technique developed to safeguard information and
information systems stored on computers (Nnamdi, 2014). Potential threats include
the destruction of computer hardware and software and the loss, modification,
theft, unauthorized use, observation, or disclosure of computer data. Computers
and the information they contain are often considered confidential systems because
their use is typically restricted to a limited number of users. This confidentiality
can be compromised in a variety of ways. For example, computers and computer
data can be harmed by people who spread computer viruses and worms.
People who intentionally create viruses are computer experts often known as
hackers also violate confidentiality by observing computer monitor screens and by
impersonating authorized users of computers in order to gain access to the users’
computers. They invade computer databases to steal the identities of other people
by obtaining private, identifying information about them. Hackers also engage in
software piracy and deface Web sites on the Internet. For example, they may insert
malicious or unwanted messages on a Web site, or alter graphics on the site.
Malicious hackers are increasingly developing powerful software crime tools such
as automatic computer virus generators, Internet eavesdropping sniffers, password
guessers, vulnerability testers, and computer service saturators (Reed, 2005). For
example, an Internet eavesdropping sniffer intercepts Internet messages sent to
other computers. A password guesser tries millions of combinations of characters
in an effort to guess a computer’s password. Vulnerability testers look for software
weaknesses. These crime tools are also valuable security tools used for testing the
security of computers and networks.
Record-keeping is defined as the process and results of putting symbols, which can
be interpreted on a medium (Nwachukwu, 2012).
Paper forms of record keeping was the general and known mode of keeping
personnel records and critical information before the invention of computers and
computer program software to house personnel details. This form of record
keeping is prone to risk, very low level security and environmental disasters. This
and others gave rise for the development of electronic systems that can be used to
store information concerning personnel profile, transaction registration, crime and
criminal information, and as such many law enforcement agencies and corporate
bodies have adopted this technology.
A company record is a record of a company’s business history, generally used by
potential employers, employees, and job seekers etc. to assess the company’s
trustworthiness. Record keeping is about the management of records from creation
to either destruction or preservation (Reed, 2005).
The computerization of organizations has resulted in the phenomenon of electronic
records (Brightman, 199O), that is, records born digital within computer based
information systems. Problems related to how electronic records can be preserved
while maintaining authenticity and reliability have engaged researchers in
archiving science and record keeping since the 1990s (Duranti, 2001a,2001b).
2.3.5. Current Trend in the Advertising Industry
Advertising trends have evolved from the quintessentially traditional print ads and
TV spots to new marketing strategies that include QR codes, co-branding, content
marketing and online advertising. While print and TV are steadfast in the ad
industry, new technology is opening new avenues to reach consumers. For
businesses that want to stay ahead of the curve with interactive advertising, these
trends can do just the trick (Brightman, 1990). Co-Branding
Co-branding is a joint venture that combines the advertising efforts of two or more
brands to create a new consumer product (Brightman, 1990). Recent examples of
co-branding include Isaac Mizrahi and Target, Crest plus Scope, Ford F150 trucks
and Harley Davidson motorcycles, and Apple and Nike. These brands have worked
together to create new consumer products that elevate brand awareness while
creating heightened consumer interest in newly launched products. Small
businesses can take a cue from national brands by launching a co-branded ad
campaign with another recognized, locally-owned company. For example, a car
service center can partner with a detail shop to create mutual coupons for use at
both businesses. This maximizes the use of advertising dollars while
simultaneously creating a stronger promotion for the consumer. Content Marketing
Content marketing is any marketing that involves the creation and sharing of media
and publishing content in order to acquire and retain customers. This information
can be presented in a variety of formats, including news, video, white papers, ebooks, information graphics, case studies, how-to guides, question and answer
articles, photos, etc. (Trends 2014 in Online Marketing: Content Marketing 2014).
Content marketing is a term that began gaining popularity around 2003 with the
birth of social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter. Content marketing
includes advertorials (newspaper or magazine articles that are written editorially to
promote your product), blogs or any other kind of content that is published on the
web for promotional purposes. As a form of advertising, content marketing is
effective at creating awareness when it comes to brand storytelling. Since the rise
of social media, content marketing has strengthened connections between
consumers and brands while creating a new advertising vehicle. Small businesses
can capitalize on the power of content marketing by running advertorials or hosting
a blog on their Web site.
36 Online Advertising
Online Advertising is a broad term used to describe the paid advertising that
publishers put on their websites to enable them to provide you content and services
for free (Brightman, 1990). Consumers use the web to find many things, including
businesses and brands. When it comes to capitalizing on reaching consumers,
advertisers are using tools such as Google AdWords to create online advertising
campaigns. AdWords is a Google product that allows small businesses to create
online advertisements with keyword and budget parameters to target their primary
customers. Other trends in online advertising include marketing efforts such as
search engine optimization (SEO -- the process of using keywords to get a website
to rank higher in results as opposed to using AdWords); social media; mobile
devices such as iPads and other handhelds; display ads; and website banner ads.
Another significant trend regarding future of advertising is the growing importance
of the niche market using niche or targeted ads. Also brought about by the Internet
and the theory of The Long Tail, advertisers will have an increasing ability to reach
specific audiences (Brightman 1990). In the past, the most efficient way to deliver
a message was to blanket the largest mass market audience possible. However,
usage tracking, customer profiles and the growing popularity of niche content
brought about by everything from blogs to social networking sites, provides
advertisers with audiences that are smaller but much better defined. This leads to
ads that are more relevant to viewers and more effective for companies' marketing
campaigns. Among others, Comcast Spotlight is one such advertiser employing
this method in their video on demand menus. These advertisements are targeted to
a specific group and can be viewed by anyone wishing to find out more about a
particular business or practice at any time, right from their home. This causes the
viewer to become proactive and actually choose what advertisements they want to
2.3.6 Concept of Web Application
Applications are usually broken into logical chunks called "tiers", where every tier
is assigned a role (Jeremy, 2008). Traditional applications consist only of 1 tier,
which resides on the client machine, but web applications lend themselves to a ntiered approach by nature. Though many variations are possible, the most common
structure is the three-tiered application. In its most common form, the three tiers
are called presentation, application and storage, in this order. A web browser is the
first tier (presentation), an engine using some dynamic Web content technology
(such as ASP, ASP.NET, CGI, ColdFusion, JSP/Java, PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby on
Rails or Struts2) is the middle tier (application logic), and a database is the third
tier (storage). The web browser sends requests to the middle tier, which services
them by making queries and updates against the database and generates a user
For more complex applications, a 3-tier solution may fall short, and it may be
beneficial to use an n-tiered approach, where the greatest benefit is breaking the
business logic, which resides on the application tier, into a more fine-grained
model. Another benefit may be adding an integration tier that separates the data
tier from the rest of tiers by providing an easy-to-use interface to access the data.
For example, the client data would be accessed by calling a "list clients" function
instead of making an SQL query directly against the client table on the database.
This allows the underlying database to be replaced without making any change to
the other tiers.
There are some who view a web application as two-tier architecture. This can be a
"smart" client that performs all the work and queries a "dumb" server, or a "dumb"
client that relies on a "smart" server. The client would handle the presentation tier,
the server would have the database (storage tier), and the business logic
(application tier) would be on one of them or on both. While this increases the
scalability of the applications and separates the display and the database, it still
doesn't allow for true specialization of layers, so most applications will outgrow
this model. (Jeremy, 2008).
2.3.7 Business Use of Web Application
An emerging strategy for application software companies is to provide web access
to software previously distributed as local applications. Depending on the type of
application, it may require the development of an entirely different browser-based
interface, or merely adapting an existing application to use different presentation
technology. These programs allow the user to pay a monthly or yearly fee for use
of a software application without having to install it on a local hard drive. A
company which follows this strategy is known as an application service provider
(ASP), and ASPs are currently receiving much attention in the software industry.
(Jeremy, 2008).
According to the dell corporations, a statement released 2012, stated that Security
breaches on these kinds of applications are a major concern because it can involve
both enterprise information and private customer data. Protecting these assets is an
important part of any web application and there are some key operational areas that
must be included in the development process. This includes processes for
authentication, authorization, asset handling, input, and logging and auditing.
Building security into the applications from the beginning can be more effective
and less disruptive in the long run.
In cloud computing model web applications are Software as a Service (SaaS).
There are business applications provided as SaaS for enterprises for fixed or usage
dependent fee. Other web applications are offered free of charge, often generating
income from advertisements shown in web application interface.
2.3.9 Benefits of Web Application
Web applications are of great importance as regard the trend in which everything
is going global. Here are some of the benefits of web applications
a) Web applications do not require any complex "roll out" procedure to deploy
in large organizations. A compatible web browser is all that is needed;
b) Browser applications typically require little or no disk space on the client;
c) They require no upgrade procedure since all new features are implemented
on the server and automatically delivered to the users;
d) Web applications integrate easily into other server-side web procedures,
such as email and searching.
e) They also provide cross-platform compatibility in most cases (i.e., Windows,
Mac, Linux, etc.) because they operate within a web browser window.
f) With the advent of HTML5 programmers can create richly interactive
environments natively within browsers. Included in the list of new features
are native audio, video and animations, as well as improved error handling
2.4 Related work and Contributions
When it comes to managing the business directories of multi-national companies
there are a lot to look out for. In other word it’s an avenue of online marketing of
the company or online advertising.
Online advertising is a form of promotion that uses the Internet and World Wide
Web for the expressed purpose of delivering marketing messages to attract
customers. With traditional advertising, you pay for space on the printed
newspaper or magazine page or you pay for time on radio or television airwaves.
With online advertising, you pay for space on a web page (Miller, 2011).
Consumers largely use email to contact customer service on pre- and post-sale
bases. Although these email addresses can be captured for the purpose of outbound
email marketing with the customer’s consent (in other words, opt-in), the outbound
service reply should include a reminder in the footer that promotes email
registration for marketing messages and/or newsletters (Mullen & Daniels, 2009).
With online Advertising, the marketing aspect is made a lot easier when the
Internet arena is thrown into the picture. In this sense, all the things referred to the
‘marketing’ facet of a business are done online. Advertising, branding, and selling
of products and services are accomplished by using Internet as the medium. It is a
powerful communications medium that can act as a ‘corporate glue’ that integrates
the different functional parts of the organization (Miller, 2011).
According to Wendy (2010), a Business directory or business directory is a
website or printed listing of information which lists all businesses within some
category. Businesses can be categorized by business, location, activity, or size.
Business may be compiled either manually or through automated online search
software. Online yellow pages are a type of business directory, as is the
traditional phone book.
The detail provided in a business directory varies from business to business. They
may include the business name, addresses, telephone numbers, location, type of
service or products the business provides, number of employees, the service region
and any professional associations. Some directories include a section for user
reviews, comments, and feedback. Business directories in the past would take a
printed format but have recently been upgraded to websites due to the advent of the
internet (Paul, 1999).
Online Business Directories vary in quality and content. There is a balance
between professional advertising, value for money and quality of service. Business
owners are looking for ROI, web traffic, exposure for their business, plus SEO
benefits of back links (Sandra, 2000).
Most of the directories are general in scope and list websites across a wide range of
categories, regions and languages. But some niche directories focus on restricted
regions, single languages, or specialist sectors. One type of niche directory with a
large number of sites in existence is the shopping directory. Shopping directories
specialize in the listing of retail e-commerce sites.
This software was designed using an Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
Methodology approach; this implies breaking down the whole program into
different classes of objects. The objects that make up this application are;
Each of these classes of object is categorized by assigning a particular action to
make the program easier and its goals easily met. The methodology is made to
specify exactly the flaws and tasks of development of the project and gives a
detailed documentation of the project. The process methodology of OOADM
includes the following:
a. Problem identification
b. Feasibility studies
c. System analysis
d. Design phase
e. Implementation phase
3.1.1 Prototyping
A prototype is an original type, form, or instance of something serving as a
typical example, basis, epitome, or standard for other things of the same
category. A prototype is built to test the function and feel of the new design
before starting production of a product. The construction of a fully working
full-scale prototype, the ultimate test of concept, is the engineer’s final check
for design flaws and allows last-minute improvements to be made before
larger production runs are ordered.
Building the full design is often expensive and can be time-consuming, especially
when repeated several times building the full design, figuring out what the
problems are and how to solve them, then building another full design.
In object – oriented programming, a prototype is an object that can be cloned in
order to produce new objects.
Prototyping is the process of quickly putting
together a working model (a prototype) in order to test various aspects of a design,
illustrate ideas or features and gather early user feedback. Prototyping is often
treated as an integral part of the system design process, where it is believed to
reduce project risk and cost. Early visibility of the prototype gives users an idea of
how the final system looks and operates.
Software prototyping is the process of creating an incomplete model of the future
full-featured software program, which can be used to let the users have a first idea
of the completed program or allow the clients to evaluate the program. This has
several advantages: the software designer and implementer can obtain feedback
from the users early in the project. The client and the contractor can compare if the
software made matches the software specification, according to which software
program is built.
It also allows the software engineer some insight into the
accuracy of initial project estimates and whether the deadlines and milestones
proposed can be successfully met.
The model can take one of these three forms: a paper prototype that depicts
human-machine interaction in a form that enables the user to understand how such
interactions will occur, a working prototype that implements some subset of the
function required of the desired software, or an existing program that performs part
or all of the function but has other features to be improved upon in the new
development effort.
The process of prototyping involves the following steps:
a. Requirements specification, gathering and refinement: Here, determining
basic requirements including the input and output information desired have
been noted. Developer and customer meet to define the overall objectives of
the software identify whatever requirements are known, and area where
further definition is mandatory is outlined.
b. Quick design: A quick design then occurs that focuses on a representation of
those aspects of the software visible to the user e.g. input approaches and
output formats. This quick design leads to construction of the prototype.
c. Build prototype: the initial prototype is developed that includes only user
interface. The prototype is evaluated by the customer and is used to refine
requirements for the software to be developed.
d. Customer evaluation of prototype: the customer including end users,
examine the prototype and provide feedback on additions or changes.
The prototyping software tools employed are:
An integrated data dictionary
Powerful database management facilities
3.2 SSADM and its OOADM partner
The research methodology employed in this project is that of SSADM/OOADM.
The term SSADM/OOADM means Structured Systems Analysis and Design
Methodology/Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Methodology.
Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM) is a systems
approach to the analysis and design in information systems. This approach is
mainly designed for large scale information system with high volume of business
events. SSADM is a waterfall method by which an information system design can
be arrived at.
Object - Oriented modeling and design promotes better
understanding of requirements, cleaner designs, and more maintainable systems.
An Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Methodology (OOADM) can be used to
analyze problem requirements, design a solution to the problem and implement a
solution in a programming language or database.
3.3 Problem Identification
There is the need to present a clear picture of the problems which calls for the
design of a new system; these are invariably the problems of the old system.
The following problems were envisaged in the existing manual system used in
deploying business directory services
f) The increase level of clients getting fake product from unreliable product
distribution channel marketers.
g) The increase level of individuals in search of products without knowing the
exact location to get the product.
h) Difficulty of customers getting direct access to the company
i) Ineffective record system for company directories.
j) Lack of proper functioning online business directory for listing of
company’s profiles and details.
The following problems were envisaged in the existing automated system also used
in deploying business directory services
The business coverage is meant for large scale businesses
The location of the businesses are those across Europe
3.4 Data Collection Methods Used
In order to achieve the objectives of this chapter, information was gathered through
the following survey methods about the existing system;
Observations: The method of data collection enables the researchers to
witness a firsthand operation of the old system or manual system. Direct
observation is the surest method of learning as a scientist and this method
was richly employed by observing some business directories available
3.5 Analysis of the Existing System
The following factors are put into consideration; identification of strengths and
weaknesses of the existing system, process and information flow of the existing
system, expectation from the new system and definition of terms. The new system
will proffer solutions to the problems facing the existing system as regards to
managing the online business directory.
3.5.1 Identification of Strengths and Weaknesses of the Existing System
a) Strengths: Although this project envisaged a change of system from the
existing one, the current system still has some good qualities:
One of the strength of the existing system is that it passes general
information regarding the services and products offered.
It takes into account available information of businesses.
b) Weaknesses: A number of shortcomings have been identified with the
existing system. The actual causes of these problems have also been
identified; some of these problems can be outlined as follows;
It is not easily accessible by everyone.
It only takes into account information of selected businesses.
3.6 Use Case Diagrams
A use case diagram graphically depicts the interactions between the system, the
external system and the user (Whitten et al; 2001). Use case diagrams play a major
role in system design because it acts as a roadmap in constructing the structure of
the system; it also defines who will use the system and in what way the userexpects to interact with the system.
3.6.1 Use case of the Proposed System:
A use case diagram generally depicts the interaction between the system, the
external system and the user. Use case diagram plays a major role in the design
because it acts as a roadmap in constructing the structure of the system; it also
defines who will use the system and in what way the user-expect to interact with
the system.
There is a need for the proposed system because virtually everything can be
achieved from the comfort of your home, so in order to make optimum use of the
rise of the internet; an online business directory would fit the moving trend of the
internet and information technology age.
The system is web based and it has a lot of functions like category search and
business name search and so on.
Live Chat
Item Search
View Feedback
Add/delete Category
52 Directory
Fig 3.1The use case diagram of the proposed system.
3.6.2 Detailed Explanation of the Use Case Diagram
1. Login:
The system has an interface where the administrator of the system can log into the
system to perform its desired duties.
2. Add/Delete Category:
This function can only be done by the administrator has the sole right of adding
and deleting a company/business information.
3. Add/Edit/Delete Directory:
This is a function which is performed by the admin. For the admin he has the
process adding a particular directory of a business. He also performs the function
of editing and deleting a particular directory that has been added into the database
of the system.
4. Feedback:
This is a function is performed by the user of the system. The user of the system
can interact with the admin of the system through the feedback mechanism.
5. View Feedback:
This is a function which is done by the admin. He has the liberty of viewing the
feedback from the user of the system.
6. Search:
This is a function performed by the users of the system he has the liberty of
making a search in the system. He can either decide to search through the category
search panel or through the business name panel in order to get the search result
he so desire.
Live Chat:
This is also the function of the admin and the user of the system as well. In order to
preserve a good communication medium a live chat can be carried out between the
users of the system. For the customer he does not have to login before he can gain
access to the live chat but the admin has to login before he can gain access because
of security reasons.
This is also the function of the admin. He logs out of the system after he has
performed the required task in the system.
System design is the process of specifying in detail how many components of the
information system should be physically implemented (satzinger et al, 2007).
Systems design is the process of describing, organizing, and structuring the
components of a system at both the architectural level and a detailed level with a
view toward constructing the proposed system.
4.1.1 Objective of the Proposed System.
The objectives of the entire system are broken down into the various user groups
and they are as follows
1. Provide search text box to search specifically for an organization
2. Provide the option of searching organizations by the category in which they
may belong to
3. Add directory details in the database which reflects on the front end when a
user makes a search.
4. Edit directory and category details already present in the database in case of
a change
5. Delete directories no longer in existence to reduce unwanted data in the
database system.
6. Reduce the stress of excess search and the stress of walking from place to
4.1.2 Definition of Classes
From the breakdown given in the system analysis stage, it can be seen that there
are three (2) classes of objects in this system, they are;
The Users/customer
The admin
Each of them has its properties and methods that characterize its behavior.
Online business
Fig 4.1 components of the online business directory system Component of the User/Customer
Item search
Live chat
Figure 4.2: Decomposition of the Users/customer Component Component of the Admin
View Feedback
Figure 4.3: Decomposition of the administrator Component
Live Chat
Logout High Level Model Diagram of the Proposed System
Online Business
Item Search
Live Chat
View Feedback
from users
Live Chat
Fig 4.4: High Level Model of the online business directory system
4.1.3 Program Specification Flowchart
Program specification flowchart can be defined as a diagrammatic representation
that illustrates the sequence of operations to be performed to get the solution of a
problem. The flowchart is a means of virtually presenting the flow of data through
information processing the operations performed within the system and the
sequence in which they are performed.
Below are some of the flowcharts identified in the system
1. Add category flowchart
2. Delete category flowchart
3. Add directory flowchart
4. Delete directory flowchart
5. General system flowchart Add Category Flowchart
The essence of this flowchart is to diagrammatically describe how the sequence of
flow takes place when an administrator wants to add a category of business into the
Admin Login entries
Is admin
username and
Add category
Input category ID,
category name
Fig 4.5 Adding category flowchart Deleting Category Flowchart
The essence of this flowchart is to diagrammatically describe how the sequence of
flow takes place when an administrator wants to delete a category of business from
the system.
Admin Login entries
Is admin
username and
Delete category
Select Category
Fig 4.6 Deleting category flowchart
61 Adding Directory Flowchart
The essence of this flowchart is to diagrammatically describe how the sequence of
flow takes place when an administrator wants to add a category of business into
the system.
Admin Login entries
Is admin
username and
Add Directory
Enter organizational
name, photo, info about
the company, products
and services, address,
phone numbers, email,
category ID
Fig 4.7 Adding Directory flowchart Deleting Directory Flowchart
The essence of this flowchart is to diagrammatically describe how the sequence of
flow takes place when an administrator wants to delete a category of business from
the system.
Admin Login entries
Is admin
username and
Delete Directory
Select Organisational
Fig 4.7 Deleting directory flowchart General System Flowchart
Login Type?
Perform customer function
Item Search
Send Feedback
Live Chat with Admin
Is user
Perform admin function
Store details
into the
Live chat with users
View feedback
Add/delete category
Add/delete/edit directory
Fig 4.8 General system Flowchart
The essence of this flowchart is to diagrammatically describe how the sequence of
flow takes place in the entire system. It comprises of both the administrator module
and the customer module.
4.1.4 Database Tables Definition
This part of the project describes the field name, data type and size and the value of
the database. See Table 4.1 – 4.6
Table 4.1: Tbl/admin:
Table 4.2: Tbl/category:
Table 4.3: Tbl/feedback:
Table 4.4: Tbl/subjectfulldetails:
Auto increment
**Primary key
**Secondary key
Table 4.5: Tbl/shoutbox:
Auto increment
4.1.5 Data Dictionary
Varchar………………………variable character
Text……………………..Alphabet and numbers
Admin………………... The main administrator of the system
4.2 Implementation:
At this phase, the physical system specification whether in the form of
detailed writing specification are turned over to the programmer at the first part of
the implementation phase. During this phase, the system specification is turned
into a working system that is tasked and put into use. This phase includes coding,
testing, interface and menu.
Implementation is the co-ordination of the user department and the data processing
department in getting the new system into operation. It is a time in which a
program must be designed to conform to the requirements set out in the system
specification. The details of the system specification are now properly planned out
with the output being produced. Program implementation has to do with the
orderly schedule of events and list of materials necessary to put the new system
into use. The implementation processes for this new integrated system are
necessary for the following reasons:
To provide the department with a comprehensive test plan and the user with
description to the steps necessary to implement the new system in addition
to the information requirement generation.
To provide the methodology for testing the new system. The main purpose
of the exercise is to determine whether the designed system is able to
achieve the preset goals described in the previous chapters of this work.
4.2.1 Coding:
The program was coded using PHP 5.3.10, MySQL 5.5.20, HTML 5, CSS, J Query
and JavaScript because of the user friendly interface and the variety of web
controls and functionality it provides. Choice of Programming Language
The online business directory System is a web-based application. Before the
programming language was chosen, few considerations were defined. It should be
an attractive package and should be user friendly. Users (customers) may range in
thousands therefore a very large database is needed for storage with a high level of
From the description given above, PHP has the capability of handling all the
functions of the Application tier and Middle tier while SQL Server 2005 will serve
as the Database Management System (Bottom tier).
PHP Stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. It is a server-side language: that is, a
scripting language that runs on the web server and not on the browser. PHP is one
of the most powerful scripting languages that are used for web design and MySQL
is a powerful program to create and manage the database. It has many built in
features to assist in constructing and viewing information. SQL is much more
involved and is a more genuine database application than other programs.
For attainment of the optimum priority for which the system is to be designed, PHP
5.3.10, MySQL 5.5.20, HTML 5, CSS and JavaScript were deployed to make the
system handy
4.2.2 Input and Output
1. The figures below shows the input and output format that tested the
objective one which is providing a search text box which will allow users to
specifically search for organizations registered and stored in the online
business directory. Figure 4.9 and 4.10 below describes these input and
Fig 4.9: the input of the search text box
Fig 4.10 the output of the text search box
2. The input and output of objective two which provides the option of
searching an organization by its category they may belong. The search result
page displays search results of any business directory or outlet searched for
by a user. If the search is successful, this page will contain a picture of the
business firm and detailed information of their goods and services, an
address of the firm and contact details which include phone and email. The
figures 4.11 and 4.12 below display the input and output
Fig 4.11 input of the category search
Fig 4.12 the output of the search by category format
3. The input and output of the third objectives which is the ability to add, delete
records to the database of the system. The fig 4.13 shows the different
functions an admin can perform which are adding directory, deleting
directory, adding category, deleting category, and also editing directory.
Fig 4.13 the admin functions
4.2.3 System Specification
This will state clearly what is required for the program to run effectively and
efficiently. This includes the hardware, software, and network requirements which
are as follows. Hardware Requirements
1. Any Computer system that possesses the following specifications:
512 MB of minimum memory or a higher RAM size.
1.0 GHz minimum processor speed (INTEL/AMD)
Hard disk of about 60GB minimum capacity
A high speed internet connection required
2. Video adapter and Monitors with a minimum of 1024 x 768 resolutions and at
least 256 colors.
The above listing does not signify the totality of the hardware needed but they are
the major requirements needed for the implementation and functionality of this
online business directory system. Software Requirements
The software requirement for the implementation of the new system is a web
browser (Internet Explorer 4 and later versions, Mozilla Firefox 3 and later
versions, Opera 8 and later versions, Netscape Navigator 9 and later version, Safari
5 and later versions) with either apache or us web server.
The operating system that was adopted for the development of this Intelligent
Tutoring System is Microsoft Windows Operating System, any version of
Microsoft Windows Operating System (Microsoft Windows XP\Vista\Windows
7\Windows 8\Windows 8.1) will enable you run this new system comfortably.
Things to be done before the program is fully implemented are;
Preparation of physical site
Preparation of documentation
Preparation of test plan
Training of appropriate personnel
Preparation of back-up procedures
4.2.4 Program Documentation
It serves as a point of reference. It is an orderly process of defining and describing
the goals of the project, its functions, development, operations and reports
generated in the whole process of software development.
Documentation is essential for successful system operation and maintenance.
Accurate documentation helps a programmer who needs to carry out a future
program change and makes maintenances easier, faster and less expensive.
This software was designed using an object-oriented approach; this implies
breaking down the whole program into different classes of objects. The objects that
make up this application are;
Each of these classes of object is categorized by assigning a particular action to
make the program easier and its goals easily met.
4.2.5 Training
No system can be successful without proper training. The entire system
development effort can depend on whether or not people understand the system
and know how to use it effectively. The first step is to identify who should receive
training and what training is needed. The department is also one of the main
criteria, knowing how the system will affect the academic activities and who will
be involved or affected. The main choices of training are either from vendors,
outside training firms, or they use IT staffs and in-house resources.
4.2.6 Maintenance
System maintenance is very essential to the smooth running of the new system. It
should be given due attention once the system is accepted by the management to
prevent system operational delays which may be in form of hardware break downs
or software corruptions. The following precautions should always be taken;
Backup the files on the server hard disk to external storage devices so that in
the case of any hard disk mal-function, most of the data (if not all) can be
Regular scanning of the hard disk for viruses to prevent damage they can
cause to the system.
It is important to control the access to the system hardware and software, and to
supervise closely any maintenance work that is carried out. The installation
manager must authorize in advance all maintenance and repair visits and approve
of any proposed repair, replacement or renewal of equipment before it is carried
Some software problems can also arise as a result of viruses introduced into the
system. The following practices are considered necessary for maintaining the new
Servicing of computer hardware parts and peripherals as at when due to
prevent unforeseen breakdown.
Proper system use: This includes the normal starting and shutting down of
the system.
4.2.7 Coding
The program was coded using PHP 5.3.10, MySQL 5.5.20, HTML 5, CSS and
JavaScript because of the user friendly interface and the variety of web controls
and functionality it provides.
4.2.8 Testing and Conversion
Conversion has to do with changing from an old system to a new system. There are
four (4) methods of conversion.
1. Direct conversion: In this method, the new system directly replaces the old or
existing one. It is very fast but the risk level is high. In the case of any failure,
direct conversion is the least expensive changeover method because the IT group
has to operate and maintain only one system at a time.
2. Parallel conversion: This requires that both the old and new information
systems operate fully for a specified period of time. Data is input into both system
and output generated by the new system is compared with the equivalent output
from the old system. When the user, management and IT personnel are satisfied
that the new system operates correctly, the old system is terminated. It has lower
3. Pilot conversion: It involves implementing the complex new system at a
selected location of the company, restricting the implementation to a pilot site
reduces the risk of system failure, compared to the direct conversion method.
4. Phased conversion: In this method, it allows you to implement the new system
in stages or modules. With phased conversion, you give a part of the system to all
users, here the risk of error or failure is limited to the implemented module.
For this particular project, a Parallel conversion method is advised in order to get
total satisfaction.
4.2.9 Problems Encountered
There is no project that can achieve its objectives without encountering some
challenges at various stages of the implementation. This project was not an
exception. Accomplishing a project of this nature was not so easy and straight
forward. Collecting all the information from relevant material which could have
given me a better chance of achieving the purpose and objective of this work
proved futile and certainly posed a great deal of problem considering the fact that
little has been done about this particular topic, data gathering was definitely
A number of constraints militated against the smooth design of this project work.
They include:
Finance: The cost of relevant materials used for the study are
Due to the choice of software programming language used, it is only
limited to Microsoft operating system.
It was a one-man affair. Projects of this nature ought to be a
group/team work.
Poor power supply.
5.1 Summary
As the use of computer and computer applications increases, advertising and
business information gathering has gone from the traditional pen and paper or
yellow pages formats to embedded automated systems comprising of large
computerized storage mechanism and programs to ensure correct information
The online business directory for urban information dissemination will provide
users with the necessary information in order to meet their needs as required in the
5.2 Conclusion
The online business directory for urban information dissemination has been
identified as one of the major problems militating against the efficient service
delivery and customer satisfaction efforts of the Nigerian business environment.
The newly emerging competitive information industry has also made it absolutely
necessary to provide effective customer service for the company to ensure its
An exhaustive analysis of the existing system has been carried out within the limits
of my resources and information. An online business directory for urban
information dissemination system has been designed to take care of the problems
facing the existing system.
This project, if fully and well implemented, aims at removing all the shortcomings
of the present system and introducing some new and better system of accessing
information through an electronic means.
5.3 Recommendation
Following the design of the system, it suffices to recommend as follows;
That training and orientation be given to both the admin and users of the
system to make the system output more effective.
That the new online business directory for urban information dissemination
be run parallel with the existing system for a certain period of time before
final cut-over to the new system. This will avoid the risk of losing all our
data if the new system fails.
Back-up files should be constantly maintained.
That the system users be informed of the cost of maintaining the system, for
them to handle it with carefulness.
I also recommend that business owner should take advantage of this
opportunity in other for users and customer to get easy access to their
contact and information about them.
All these will generate the needed joy to operate and use the system.
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<?php session_start(); ?>
<?php require("dbConnect.php"); ?>
<?php require("functions.php"); ?>
if (isset($_POST['search'])) {
$name = $_POST['name'];
$query = mysql_query("select * from subjectFullDetails where
fullname='{$name}';", $connection);
if(mysql_affected_rows() == 1){
$found = mysql_fetch_array($query);
$_SESSION['compName'] = $found['fullname'];
header("Location: index3.php");
$message = "Sorry, company details does not exist in system.";
$_SESSION = array();
setcookie(session_name(), '', time()-42000, '/');
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<h1 style="padding-top: 30px; padding-left:
<p style="width: 700px; padding-left: 25px; font-size: 20px;">The
Online Business Directory is a fast and efficient way of finding out organizations
directories and also finding out about products and services being offered by those
organizations which provides customers and clients access to a wide range of
online information.</p>
<p style="padding-left: 25px;">
<b style="font-size: 18px;">Please enter an organization
name to search or choose a category from the the options<br/> below to view a list
of business organizations:</b><br/><br/>
<form name="search" method="POST"
action="index.php" style="padding-left: 25px;">
<input type="text" name="name" id="name"
style="height: 30px; width: 300px;" placeholder="Enter organization name..."
required aria-required="true"/>
<input type="submit" name="search"
value="search" id="search" style="height: 28px;"/>
<?php if(!empty($message)){
echo "<p style=\"font: 18px bold ariel;
color: #333f24; padding-left: 25px;\">". $message ."</p>";
<form id="form1" method="POST"
action="process.php" style="padding-left: 25px;">
<select name="header" style="height: 30px; width:
300px; margin-bottom: 100px;" >
$query="select * from category";
$result = mysql_query ($query, $connection);
echo "<option>Select a category...</option>";
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$title = $row['cat_name'];
echo "<option
<input type="submit" value="send" id="send"
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<h1 style="padding-top: 30px; padding-left: 25px;">About
<p style="width: 600px; padding-left: 35px; font-size: 20px;">We
are a full-service marketing and advertising company dedicated to the success and
publicity scale range of our clients. We have served many clients both large and
small. Our solutions are engineered to provide growth where it matters most:
clients, revenue & bottom line. Through solid business sense, innovation and
professional expertise, we help our clients in propelling their services and branding
their company & products, dramatically increasing sales and reducing cost of
production & marketing.</p>
<p style="width: 600px; padding-left: 35px; font-size: 20px;">
<b>Our Mission</b><br />
Our mission is to keep Nigerians up to date through the
internet on organizations in the diaspora and also propel sky high publicity thorugh
our marketing and advertising strategies.<br /><br />
<b>Our Vision</b><br />
Our vision is to see that thousands of organizations
adopts the idea of making their businesses known to the world through web
applications and also to set standards that will be commendable by all. <br /><br
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<p align="center" style="color: white; font-family: sans-serif;
padding-top: 30px;">
Copy Rights © 2014 Online Business Directory for
Urban Information Dissemination
//This file is the place to store all basic functions
$connection = mysql_connect(DB_SERVER, DB_USER,
die("Database connection failed! ".mysql_error());
$db_select = mysql_select_db(DB_NAME, $connection);
die("Database selection failed! ".mysql_error());