Today’s Date: Friday, March 23, 2014 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: The children took the Unit 5 Week 3 Final Spelling Test with their clickers. The children will not have a spelling test next week. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children and I discussed “Adverbs” again today. The children took a quiz over this information today as a Smart Response today. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked on alphabetizing library books today. NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! The children were able to play other groups math board games today. NO HOMEWORK!!! We read over text pages D68-71 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 215 & 216 #12-21. The children were assigned a ditto entitled “Native Americans Today.” The children are learning a song to help them with their states and capitals test. I gave them the lyrics to the song and here is the website incase they want to practice: The children used this website to prepare for their states and capitals test: Other: Today’s Date: Thursday, May 22, 2014 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: We discussed spelling words that are “Greek Word Parts” in spelling today and I assigned ditto p. 92. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children will have their final Unit 5 Week 3 Spelling Test tomorrow which they will take on Spelling City. STUDY!!! Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Adverbs” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #7-8 and I assigned ditto p. 92. STUDY for the quiz over contractions and negatives. You can use the back of the “Family Times” for assistance!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! The children completed their selection test over the story Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride If the children finished early they were able to Math: Science: Social Studies: play a game/or did Study Island if time permitted. If you would like to look at your child’s selection test score on-line please go to and enter their user name and password. (You can either ask your child what it is or find the information in their binder under the reading section.) Then click on “Parents.” On the next screen you will need to change the choice in the “View Students Progress” box to Hemberger -Reading Success Tracker 2008 G4. All of the reading tests and results for every test can be found there. The children will work on activity card questions. They will be able to use their iPads and textbooks to look up information. Their answers are due tomorrow and this will be a Smart Response, therefore, it will not be coming home. The children were able to play other groups math board games today. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children’s 5-Minute Timed Test corrections were due today. We read over text pages D66-67 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 215 & 216 #6-11. The children were assigned two dittos today. The first ditto assigned was entitled “State Facts and Firsts” and the other one “Name the State.” Other: Today’s Date: Wednesday, May 21, 2014 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: We discussed spelling “Greek Word Parts” in spelling today and I assigned ditto p. 91for the children who did not pass there Unit5 Week 3 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Adverbs” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #5-6 then check them together as a class. I assigned ditto p. 90 #1-8. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children listened to the story today and we reviewed the material for the selection test. You can view the power point presentation for Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride this website l Just click on the story Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride Please have your child read the story Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride to you this evening and sign and date their Reading Log next to the corresponding story. The children need to study for their selection test which will be tomorrow over this story. STUDY!!! We worked on creating a Math Board Game Challenge. NO HOMEWORK for students who are done with their timed test Science: Social Studies: corrections!!! The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test on Monday. Their corrections are due tomorrow morning. We read over text pages D46-49 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 215 & 216 #1-5. The children were assigned two dittos today. The first ditto assigned was entitled “Cities in the United States” and the other one “Illinois Women.” Other: Today’s Date: Tuesday, May 20, 2014 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: We discussed spelling “Greek Word Parts” in spelling today and we went over ditto p. 89 together as a class. I assigned ditto p. 90for the children who did not pass there Unit 5 Week 3 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at We discussed “Adverbs” again in class today. We completed Daily Fix-It #3-4. I assigned ditto p. 89. NO HOMEWORK!!!! You can view the power point presentation for Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride using this website Just click on the story Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride. We read text p. 562-563 on vocabulary. I assigned the reading of textbook pages 564-575. We worked on creating a Math Board Game Challenge. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test yesterday. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. The children took the Chapter 8 Science Test is today. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children received a states and capitals finger game. They are to complete the ditto entitled “Illinois Men of Achievement” and the crossword entitled “State Nicknames Crossword.” They can use the following website to help the with the crossword Other: Today’s Date: Monday, May 19, 2014 Spelling: The children took their Unit 5 Week 3 Spelling Pretest on the clickers today. Students who misspelled words will need to write them 7 times each. NO HOMEWORK!!! (For students with 100% Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: scores.) Don’t forget to visit spelling city at Students who were absent will take their test tomorrow on the computers. The children learned about “Adverbs.” We completed Daily Fix-It #12. Students who were absent need to do the Grammar Transparency ditto p. 23 on possessive pronouns as a practice. NO HOMEWORK for students who attended today!!! The children were assigned Writer’s Craft p. 23B. You can view the power point presentation for Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride this website Just click on the story Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride. We completed ditto p. 183 as a class on the Smartboard and we studied the vocabulary and I assigned ditto p. 224 #1-10. We worked on creating a Math Board Game Challenge. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test today. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. The children did two Smart Responses today. One was on text p. D5859 and the other was on ditto p. 221-222. The Chapter 8 Science Test is tomorrow. Please use your Chapter 8 Study Guide to prepare for this test. The children were assigned a crossword puzzle. If they need help completing it they can go to Other: Today’s Date: Friday, March 21, 2014 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: The children took the Unit 4 Week 5 Final Spelling Test with their clickers. Don’t forget to study for your Unit 5 Week 3 Spelling Pretest on Monday. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Contractions and Negatives” again today. The children took a quiz over this information today as a Smart Response today. NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! The children worked on a poetry assignment that they have to complete at school. It compares poetry to an onion. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked on an end of the year cumulative review using QR Codes. NO HOMEWORK!!! We read over text pages D52-55 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. Social Studies: Other: 215 & 216 #15-18 and ditto p. 219-220. The children used this website to prepare for their states and capitals test: NO HOMEWORK!!! The children’s A.R. points are due today. Today’s Date: Thursday, May 15, 2014 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: We discussed spelling words that are “Prefixes un, dis, and n” in spelling today and I assigned ditto p. 80. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children will have their final Unit 4 Week 5 Spelling Test tomorrow which they will take on Spelling City. STUDY!!! Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Contractions and Negatives” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #7-8 and I assigned ditto p. 80. STUDY for the quiz over contractions and negatives. You can use the back of the “Family Times” for assistance!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! The children completed their selection test over the story Encyclopedia Brown If the children finished early they were able to play a game/or did Study Island if time permitted. If you would like to look at your child’s selection test score on-line please go to and enter their user name and password. (You can either ask your child what it is or find the information in their binder under the reading section.) Then click on “Parents.” On the next screen you will need to change the choice in the “View Students Progress” box to Hemberger -Reading Success Tracker 2008 G4. All of the reading tests and results for every test can be found there. The children will work on activity card questions. They will be able to use their iPads and textbooks to look up information. Their answers are due tomorrow and this will be a Smart Response, therefore, it will not be coming home. The children need to complete their Sun Math Task Cards and fill out the answer sheet. The children’s 5-Minute Timed Test corrections were due today. We read over text pages D50-51 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 215 & 216 #6-11. I read the page entitled “Two Sides of Chicago: Culture and Crime” to the students today. They have to complete the questions at the bottom of the page. The children used this website to prepare for their states and capitals test: Other: We have extended the A.R. points to this Friday, May 16th. Today’s Date: Wednesday, May 14, 2014 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: We discussed spelling “Prefixes un, dis, and n” in spelling today and I assigned ditto p. 79 for the children who did not pass there Unit 4 Week 4 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Contractions and Negatives” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #5-6 then check them together as a class. I assigned ditto p. 78 #1-8. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children listened to the story today and we reviewed the material for the selection test. You can view the power point presentation for Encyclopedia Brown this website l Just click on the story Encyclopedia Brown Please have your child read the story Encyclopedia Brown to you this evening and sign and date their Reading Log next to the corresponding story. The children need to study for their selection test which will be tomorrow over this story. STUDY!!! The children took the Chapter 14 Math Test today. NO HOMEWORK for students who are done with their timed test corrections!!!The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test on Monday. Their corrections are due tomorrow morning. We read over text pages D46-49 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 215 & 216 #1-5. The children played a states and capitals Jeopardy game. We have extended the A.R. points to this Friday, May 16th. Today’s Date: Tuesday, May 13, 2014 Spelling: Language: Writing: We discussed spelling “Prefixes un, dis, and n” in spelling today and we went over ditto p. 77 together as a class. I assigned ditto p. 78for the children who did not pass there Unit 4 Week5 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at We discussed “Contractions and Negatives” again in class today. We completed Daily Fix-It #3-4. I assigned ditto p. 77. NO HOMEWORK!!!! Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: You can view the power point presentation for Encyclopedia Brown Knowledge using this website Just click on the story Encyclopedia Brown. We read text p. 490-491 on vocabulary. I assigned the reading of textbook pages 492-500. We worked through textbook page 326 together as a class on “Chapter 14 Review.” I assigned text p. 327 #1-19. The Chapter 14 Math Test will be tomorrow, May 14, 2014.The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test yesterday. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We read over text pages D42-45 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 207-208 #18-24 and ditto p. 213-214. We visited this website today to play a states and capitals game: We have extended the A.R. points to this Friday, May 16th. Today’s Date: Monday, May 12, 2014 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: The children took their Unit 4 Week 5 Spelling Pretest on the clickers today. Students who misspelled words will need to write them 7 times each. NO HOMEWORK!!! (For students with 100% scores.) Don’t forget to visit spelling city at Students who were absent will take their test tomorrow on the computers. The children learned about “Contractions and Negatives.” We completed Daily Fix-It #1-2. Students who were absent need to do the Grammar Transparency ditto p. 20 on possessive pronouns as a practice. NO HOMEWORK for students who attended today!!! The children were assigned Writer’s Craft p. 20B. You can view the power point presentation for Encyclopedia Brown this website Just click on the story Encyclopedia Brown. We completed ditto p. 183 as a class on the Smartboard and we studied the vocabulary and I assigned ditto p. 194 #1-10. We worked through textbook pages 322-324 on “Find the Mean 14.6.” I assigned ditto p. 83. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test today. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We read over text pages D40-41 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 207 & 208 #10-17. The children were assigned a states and capitals worksheet. They are to use their Social Studies text to fill in the capital for each state. Other: We have extended the A.R. points to this Friday, May 16th. Today’s Date: Friday, May 9, 2014 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: Don’t forget to study for your Unit 4 Week 5 Spelling Pretest. This test will be on Monday, May 12th. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at NO HOMEWORK!!! DRA Testing The children worked on a mammal packet today. NO HOMEWORK!!! DRA Testing The children worked on a mammal packet today. NO HOMEWORK!!! DRA Testing The children worked on a mammal packet today. NO HOMEWORK!!! 11:20 Dismissal NO HOMEWORK!!! 11:20 Dismissal NO HOMEWORK!!! 11:20 Dismissal We have extended the A.R. points to this Friday, May 16th. Today’s Date: Thursday, May 8, 2014 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: NO HOMEWORK!!! DRA Testing The children worked on a mammal packet today. NO HOMEWORK!!! DRA Testing The children worked on a mammal packet today. NO HOMEWORK!!! DRA Testing The children worked on a mammal packet today. NO HOMEWORK!!! DRA Testing The children worked on a mammal packet today. We worked through textbook pages 320-321 on “Explore Finding the Mean 14.5.” I assigned ditto p. 82. The children’s 5-Minute Timed Test corrections were due today We read over text pages D36-39 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 207& 208 #1-9. The Illinois Research Project is due today. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due tomorrow. Today’s Date: Wednesday, May 7, 2014 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: NO HOMEWORK!!! DRA Testing The children worked on a mammal packet today. NO HOMEWORK!!! DRA Testing The children worked on a mammal packet today. NO HOMEWORK!!! DRA Testing The children worked on a mammal packet today. NO HOMEWORK!!! DRA Testing The children worked on a mammal packet today. We worked through textbook pages 318-319 on “Find the Better Buy 14.4.” I assigned ditto p. 81. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test on Monday. Their corrections are due tomorrow morning. We read over text pages D32-35 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 199& 200 #15-24 and ditto p. 204 & 205. The children were given time to work on their Illinois Project by using their Illinois book and the websites to do their research. The Illinois Research Project is due tomorrow. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due this Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Tuesday, May 6, 2014 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: NO HOMEWORK!!! DRA Testing The children worked on a mammal packet today. NO HOMEWORK!!! DRA Testing The children worked on a mammal packet today. NO HOMEWORK!!! DRA Testing The children worked on a mammal packet today. NO HOMEWORK!!! DRA Testing The children worked on a mammal packet today. We worked through textbook pages 316-317 on “Problem Solving: Guess and Check 14.3.” I assigned ditto p. 80. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test yesterday. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We read over text pages D30-31 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 199& 200 #9-14. The children were given time to work on their Illinois Project by using their Illinois book and the websites to do their research. The Illinois Research Project is due May 8th. The children need to complete the ditto entitled Illinois Artists, Musicians, and Writers. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due this Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Monday, May 5, 2014 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: NO HOMEWORK!!! DRA Testing The children worked on a mammal packet today. NO HOMEWORK!!! DRA Testing The children worked on a mammal packet today. NO HOMEWORK!!! DRA Testing The children worked on a mammal packet today. NO HOMEWORK!!! DRA Testing The children worked on a mammal packet today. We worked through textbook pages 314-315 on “Choose a Computation Method 14.2.” I assigned ditto p. 79. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test today. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We read over text pages D26-29 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 199& 200 #1-8. The children were given time to work on their Illinois Project by using their Illinois book and the websites to do their research. The Illinois Research Project is due May 8th. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due this Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Friday, May 2, 2014 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: The children took the Unit 4 Week 4 Final Spelling Test with their clickers. The children will not have a spelling test next week. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children completed Daily Fix-It #9-10. The children took a quiz over this information today as a Smart Response today. NO HOMEWORK!!! Time was given to read for A.R. points. NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 310-312 on “Divide Greater Numbers 14.1.” I assigned ditto p. 78. The children were given the Chapter 14 Study Guide. We read over text pages D22-25 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 191& 192 #23-26 and ditto p. 197&198. The children were given time to work on their Illinois Project by using their Illinois book and the websites to do their research. The Illinois Research Project is due May 8th. Other: The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Thursday, May 1, 2014 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: We discussed spelling words that are “Consonants /j/, /ks/, and /kw/”” in spelling today and I assigned ditto p. 76. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children will have their final Unit 4 Week 4 Spelling Test tomorrow which they will take on Spelling City. STUDY!!! Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Possessive Pronouns” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #7-8 and I assigned ditto p. 68. STUDY for the quiz over pronouns and antecedents. You can use the back of the “Family Times” for assistance!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! The children completed their selection test over the story The Seeker of Knowledge If the children finished early they were able to play a game/or did Study Island if time permitted. If you would like to look at your child’s selection test score on-line please go to and enter their user name and password. (You can either ask your child what it is or find the information in their binder under the reading section.) Then click on “Parents.” On the next screen you will need to change the choice in the “View Students Progress” box to Hemberger -Reading Success Tracker 2008 G4. All of the reading tests and results for every test can be found there. The children will work on activity card questions. They will be able to use their iPads and textbooks to look up information. Their answers are due tomorrow and this will be a Smart Response, therefore, it will not be coming home. The children took the Chapter 12 Math Test today. The children’s 5Minute Timed Test corrections were due today. NO HOMEWORK!!! We read over text pages D20-21 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 191 & 192 #16-22. The children were given time to work on their Illinois Project by using their Illinois book and the websites to do their research. The Illinois Research Project is due May 8th. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Wednesday, April 30, 2014 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: We discussed spelling “Consonants /j/, /ks/, and /kw/” in spelling today and I assigned ditto p. 75 for the children who did not pass there Unit 4 Week 4 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Possessive Pronouns” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #5-6 then check them together as a class. I assigned ditto p. 74 #1-6. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children listened to the story today and we reviewed the material for the selection test. You can view the power point presentation for The Seeker of Knowledge this website l Just click on the story The Seeker of Knowledge Please have your child read the story The Seeker of Knowledge to you this evening and sign and date their Reading Log next to the corresponding story. The children need to study for their selection test which will be tomorrow over this story. STUDY!!! We worked through textbook page 278 together as a class on “Chapter 12 Review.” I assigned text p. 279 #1-24. The Chapter 12 Math Test will be tomorrow, May 1, 2014.The children were given their 5Minute Timed Test on Monday. Their corrections are due tomorrow morning. We read over text pages D18-19 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 191 & 192 #10-15. The children were given a worksheet called “Growth of Cities, Factories, and Farms After the Civil War.” They are to read the article and then complete the back of the page for homework. The children need to answer the questions based upon the information within the chart. The children were given time to work on their Illinois Project by using their Illinois book and the websites to do their research. The Illinois Research Project is due May 8th. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. NO SCHOOL Monday, March 24th-29th for Spring Break. Also, students need to have their Week 5 of their April Behavior Chart signed tomorrow. Today’s Date: Tuesday, April 29, 2014 Spelling: Language: We discussed spelling “Consonants /j/, /ks/, and /kw/” in spelling today and we went over ditto p. 73 together as a class. I assigned ditto p. 74 for the children who did not pass there Unit 4 Week4 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at We discussed “Possessive Pronouns” again in class today. We Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: completed Daily Fix-It #3-4. I assigned ditto p. 73. The children are to type their final rough draft of their rhyming poem. You can view the power point presentation for The Seeker of Knowledge using this website Just click on the story The Seeker of Knowledge. We read text p. 468-469 on vocabulary. I assigned the reading of textbook pages 470-481. We worked through textbook pages 276-277 on “Choose a Computation Method 12.5.” I assigned ditto p. 71. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test yesterday. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We read over text pages D14-17 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 191-192 #1-9. The children were given a worksheet called “The Oldest Towns in Illinois.” They are to read the article and then complete the back of the page for homework. The timeline needs to be filled in with the correct letter and then the children need to answer the questions based upon the information within their timeline. The children need to continue to work on their Illinois Project by using their Illinois book and the websites to do their research. The Illinois Research Project is due May 8th. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. NO SCHOOL Monday, March 24th-29th for Spring Break. Today’s Date: Monday, April 28, 2014 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: The children took their Unit 4 Week 4 Spelling Pretest on Spelling City today. Students who misspelled words will need to write them 7 times each. NO HOMEWORK!!! (For students with 100% scores.) Don’t forget to visit spelling city at Students who were absent will take their test tomorrow on the computers. The children learned about “Possessive Pronouns.” We completed Daily Fix-It #1-2. Students who were absent need to do the Grammar Transparency ditto p. 19 on possessive pronouns as a practice. NO HOMEWORK for students who attended today!!! The children are to type their final rough draft of their rhyming poem. You can view the power point presentation for The Seeker of Knowledge this website Just click on the story The Seeker of Knowledge. We completed ditto p. 183 as a class on the Smartboard and we studied the vocabulary and I assigned ditto p. 184 #1-10. Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: We worked through textbook pages 272-273 on “Multiply Using Mental Math 12.4.” I assigned ditto p. 70. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test today. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We read over text pages D10-13 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 183 & 184 #12-21 and ditto p. 189-190. The children started their Illinois Project by using their Illinois book and the websites to do their research. The Illinois Research Project is due May 8th. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Friday, April 25, 2014 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! The children performed their Readers Theater – A Wild Day for the class today. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children are to type their final rough draft of their rhyming poem. We worked through textbook pages 270-271 on “Problem Solving: Making a Graph12.3.” I assigned ditto p. 69. We read over text pages D8-9 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 183& 184 #6-11. The children started their Illinois Project by using their Illinois book and the websites to do their research. The Illinois Research Project is due May 8th. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Thursday, April 24, 2014 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! The children performed their Readers Theater – A Wild Day for the class today. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children are to type their final rough draft of their rhyming poem. They also have three topics for their research projects. We worked through textbook pages 266-268 on “Multiplying Greater Science: Social Studies: Other: Numbers 12.2.” I assigned ditto p. 68. We read over text pages D2-7 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 183& 184 #1-5. The children were given the Chapter 8 Study Guide today. The children started their Illinois Project by using their Illinois book and the websites to do their research. The Illinois Research Project is due May 8th. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Wednesday, April 23, 2014 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! The children were put into groups and read through their Readers Theater – A Wild Day. We will give our performances tomorrow. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children are to type their final rough draft of their rhyming poem. They also have three topics for their research projects. We worked through textbook pages 264-265 on “Estimate Products 12.1.” I assigned ditto p. 67. The children were given the Chapter 12 Study Guides today. The students took the Chapter 13 Science Test today. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children started their Illinois Project by using their Illinois book and the websites to do their research. The Illinois Research Project is due May 8th. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Tuesday, April 22, 2014 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked Word Ladder page 36 together as a class. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children are to read through their Readers Theater – A Wild Day. We will go over the vocabulary together as a class. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children are to type their final rough draft of their rhyming poem. The children are to complete their Earth Day Math. Science: Social Studies: Other: The children did two Smart Responses today. One was on text p. F100-101and the other was on ditto p. 349-350. The Chapter 13 Science Test is tomorrow. Please use your Chapter 13 Study Guide to prepare for this test. The children we given their Illinois Research Project materials. We went over the expectations and rubric today. The children will use the Illinois book and the websites to do their research. Absent students need to read over the material carefully so that they know what is expected of them for this project. The Illinois Research Project is due May 8th. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Thursday, April 17, 2014 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked Word Ladder page 34 together as a class. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children took the A.R. Test today and watched the movie Sarah, Plain and Tall. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children are to type their final rough draft of their rhyming poem. The children took the Chapter 28 Math Test today. NO HOMEWORK!!! Early Dismissal!!!/ NO HOMEWORK!!! The children presented their “Wax Museum” person to the middle school children and parents tomorrow from 12:45-1:30 p.m. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Wednesday, April 16, 2014 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked Word Ladder page 34 together as a class. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children are to read the chapters 7, 8, & 9 of the story Sarah, Plain and Tall. I read the first few pages for the children. I assigned chapter 7 and 8 &9 questions for tomorrow. The children can take the A.R. Tests as well. The children are to type their final draft of their free verse poem and they are to begin their rough draft of their rhyming poem. We worked through textbook page 654 together as a class on “Chapter Science: Social Studies: Other: 28 Review.” I assigned text p. 655 #1-24. The Chapter 28 Math Test will be tomorrow, April 17, 2014. We read over text pages F96-99 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 343& 344 #17-20 and ditto p. 347 & 348. The children will take their Chapter 13 Science Test on Wednesday, April 23, 2014. The children presented their “Wax Museum” person to the elementary school today from 12:50 – 1:45 p.m.. They will present their “Wax Museum” person to the middle school children and parents tomorrow from 12:45-1:30 p.m. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! The children are to read the chapters 3, 4, 5, & 6 of the story Sarah, Plain and Tall. I read the first few pages for the children. I assigned chapter 3 & 4 and 5 & 6 questions for tomorrow. The children are to finalize their rough draft of their free verse poem. We worked through textbook pages 650-652 on “Estimate Differences 28.4.” I assigned ditto p. 155. We read over text pages F93-95 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 343& 344 #12-16. Some of the children will present their “Wax Museum” person to the class on today. We will be going to the elementary school tomorrow to present our “Wax Museum” people to the children there. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Monday, April 14, 2014 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! The children are to read the chapters 1 & 2 of the story Sarah, Plain and Tall. I read the first few pages for the children. I assigned chapter 1 & 2 questions for tomorrow. The children need to complete their final draft of their “Acrostic Poem” for Monday. They have a sheet that explains how to write a Acrostic poem as well as a rubric that explains my requirements for their final draft of their Acrostic poem. The children were also Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: assigned a rough draft of a free verse poem. We worked through textbook pages 648-649 on “Estimate Differences 28.4.” I assigned ditto p. 154. We read over text pages F88-92 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 343& 344 #1-8. Some of the children will present their “Wax Museum” person to the class on today. The others will present tomorrow. We pulled sticks to see who would go today. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Friday, April 11, 2014 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! The children are to read the chapters entitled “The Race” and “The Finish Line” of the story Stone Fox. I read the first few pages for the children. I assigned ditto p. 27 and the “Responsibility” ditto. The children were also encouraged to take the A.R. test to help them towards their A.R. goal. The children need to complete their final draft of their “Tanka Poem” for Monday. They have a sheet that explains how to write a Tanka poem as well as a rubric that explains my requirements for their final draft of their Tanka poem. The children were also assigned a rough draft of an acrostic poem. They were given a rubric with my expectation. We worked through textbook pages 646-647 on “Problem Solving: Act it Out 28.3.” I assigned ditto p. 153. We read over text pages F84-87 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 337& 338 #18-21 and ditto p. 341 & 342. The children were given time to practice presenting their Wax Museum information to other students today. Students need to continue their research, if they are not do with it, and start to get their costume ready and memorize their cards. The children will present their “Wax Museum” person to the class on Monday, April 14th or Tuesday, Tuesday, April 15th. Therefore, they need to bring their costume to class. Don’t forget….you can earn 5 extra credit points for memorizing your material. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Thursday, April 10, 2014 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! The children are to read the chapters entitled “The Meeting” and “The Day” of the story Stone Fox. I read the first few pages for the children. I assigned ditto p. 21, 22, 23, and 24. The children need to complete their rough draft of their “Tanka Poem” for tomorrow. They have a sheet that explains how to write a Tanka poem as well as a rubric that explains my requirements for their final draft of their Tanka poem. We worked through textbook pages 642-644 on “Explore Subtract Decimals 28.2.” I assigned ditto p. 152. We read over text pages F82-83 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 337& 338 #16-17. The children were given time to practice presenting their Wax Museum information to other students today. Students need to continue their research, if they are not do with it, and start to get their costume ready and memorize their cards. The children will present their “Wax Museum” person to the class on Monday, April 14th or Tuesday, Tuesday, April 15th. Therefore, they need to bring their costume to class. Don’t forget….you can earn 5 extra credit points for memorizing your material. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! The children are to read the chapters entitled “The Way” and “Stone Fox” of the story Stone Fox. I read the first few pages for the children. I assigned ditto p. 16 & 17, and 19 and Chapter 5 Questions. The children need to complete their rough draft of their “Haiku Poem” for tomorrow. They have a sheet that explains how to write a Haiku poem as well as a rubric that explains my requirements for their final draft of their Haiku poem. We worked through textbook pages 640-641 on “Explore Subtracting Decimals 28.1.” I assigned ditto p. 151. We read over text pages F80-81 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 337& 338 #10-15. The children were given time to practice presenting their Wax Museum information to other students today. Students need to Other: continue their research, if they are not do with it, and start to get their costume ready and memorize their cards. The children will present their “Wax Museum” person to the class on Monday, April 14th. Therefore, they need to bring their costume to class. Don’t forget….you can earn 5 extra credit points for memorizing your material. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Tuesday, April 8, 2014 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! The children are to read the chapters entitled “Searchlight” and “The Reason” of the story Stone Fox. I read the first few pages for the children. I assigned ditto p. 11, 13, 14 & 15, and Chapter 3 Questions and Chapter 4 Questions. The children need to complete their final draft of their “Shape or Concrete Poem” for tomorrow. The children took the Chapter 27 Math Test today. NO HOMEWORK!!! We read over text pages F76-79 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 337& 338 #1-9. The children were given the information on the Wax Museum yesterday. The children need to begin their research on their Wax Museum person that they were assigned. I showed them how to use index cards to write on and gather their information. Students need to continue their research. The children will present their “Wax Museum” person to the class on Monday, April 14th. Therefore, they need to bring their costume to class. Don’t forget….you can earn 5 extra credit points for memorizing your material. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Monday, April 7, 2014 Spelling: Language: Reading: NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! The children are to read the chapters entitled “Grandfather” and “Little Willy” of the story Stone Fox. I read the first few pages for the Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: children. I assigned ditto p. 7, 8, 9 & 10, and Chapter 1 Questions and Chapter 2 Questions. The children need to complete their rough draft of their “Shape or Concrete Poem” for tomorrow. We worked through textbook page 636 together as a class on “Chapter 27 Review.” I assigned text p. 634 #1-24. The Chapter 27 Math Test will be tomorrow, April 8, 2014. We read over text pages F66-75 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 331& 332 #1-20. The children were given the information on the Wax Museum yesterday. The children need to begin their research on their Wax Museum person that they were assigned. I showed them how to use index cards to write on and gather their information. Students need to continue their research. The children will present their “Wax Museum” person to the class on Monday, April 14th. Therefore, they need to bring their costume to class. Don’t forget….you can earn 5 extra credit points for memorizing your material. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Friday, April 4, 2014 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: The children took the Unit 4 Week 3 Final Spelling Test with their clickers. The children will not have a spelling test next week. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children and I discussed “Pronouns and Antecedents” again today. The children took a quiz over this information today as a Smart Response today. NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! The children need to complete their final draft of their “Diamante Poem” for Monday. We worked through textbook pages 634-635 on “Choose a Computation Method 27.5.” I assigned ditto p. 150. The Chapter 27 Math Test will be on Tuesday, April 8, 2014. We read over text pages F66-71 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 331& 332 #1-10. The children were given the information on the Wax Museum yesterday. The children need to begin their research on their Wax Museum person that they were assigned. I showed them how to use index cards to write on and gather their information. Students need to continue their research. The children will present their “Wax Museum” person to the class on Monday, April 14th. Therefore, they need to bring their costume to class. Don’t forget….you can earn 5 extra credit points for memorizing your material. Other: The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Thursday, April 3, 2014 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: We discussed spelling words that are “Words with Final er, ar” in spelling today and I assigned ditto p. 72. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children will have their final Unit 4 Week 3 Spelling Test tomorrow which they will take on Spelling City. STUDY!!! Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Pronouns and Antecedents” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #7-8 and I assigned ditto p. 68. STUDY for the quiz over pronouns and antecedents. You can use the back of the “Family Times” for assistance!!! The children need to complete their rough draft of their “Diamante Poem” for tomorrow. The children completed their selection test over the story The King in the Kitchen If the children finished early they were able to play a game/or did Study Island if time permitted. If you would like to look at your child’s selection test score on-line please go to and enter their user name and password. (You can either ask your child what it is or find the information in their binder under the reading section.) Then click on “Parents.” On the next screen you will need to change the choice in the “View Students Progress” box to Hemberger -Reading Success Tracker 2008 G4. All of the reading tests and results for every test can be found there. The children will work on activity card questions. They will be able to use their iPads and textbooks to look up information. Their answers are due tomorrow and this will be a Smart Response, therefore, it will not be coming home. We worked through textbook pages 632-633 on “Round Decimals 26.4.” I assigned ditto p. 149. The children’s 5-Minute Timed Test corrections were due today. We read over text pages F62-63 as a class today. The children completed a Smart Response over text p. F64-65 and ditto p. 325-326. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children were given the information on the Wax Museum yesterday. The children need to begin their research on their Wax Museum person that they were assigned. I showed them how to use index cards to write on and gather their information. Students need to continue their research. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Wednesday, April 2, 2014 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: We discussed spelling words that are “Words with Final er, ar” in spelling today and I assigned ditto p. 71 for the children who did not pass there Unit 4 Week 3 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Pronouns and Antecedents” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #5-6 then check them together as a class. We worked ditto p. 70 together as a class. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children need to take their “Autobiography Poem” and create a final draft for tomorrow. The children listened to the story today and we reviewed the material for the selection test. You can view the power point presentation for The King in the Kitchen this website l Just click on the story The King in the Kitchen Please have your child read the story The King in the Kitchen to you this evening and sign and date their Reading Log next to the corresponding story. The children need to study for their selection test which will be tomorrow over this story. STUDY!!! We worked through textbook pages 630-631 on “Problem Solving: Choose an Operation 27.3.” I assigned ditto p. 148. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test on Monday. Their corrections are due tomorrow morning. We read over text pages F58-61 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 319 & 320 #13-22 and ditto p. 323 & 324. The children were given the information on the Wax Museum yesterday. The children need to begin their research on their Wax Museum person that they were assigned. I showed them how to use index cards to write on and gather their information. Students need to continue their research. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 Spelling: We discussed spelling “Words with Final er, ar” in spelling today and we went over ditto p. 70 together as a class. I assigned ditto p. 70 for the children who did not pass there Unit 4 Week 3 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: We discussed “Pronouns and Antecedents” again in class today. We completed Daily Fix-It #3-4. I assigned ditto p. 69. The children need to take their “Autobiography Poem” and create a final draft for tomorrow. You can view the power point presentation for The King in the Kitchen using this website Just click on the story The King in the Kitchen. We read text p. 442-443 on vocabulary. I assigned the reading of textbook pages 444-461. We worked through textbook pages 626-628 on “Adding Decimals 27.2.” I assigned ditto p. 147. The children were given their 5Minute Timed Test yesterday. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We read over text pages F56-57 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 319 & 320 #7-12. The children were given the information on the Wax Museum yesterday. The children need to begin their research on their Wax Museum person that they were assigned. I showed them how to use index cards to write on and gather their information. Let the research begin!!! The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Monday, March 31, 2014 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: The children took their Unit 4 Week 3 Spelling Pretest on Spelling City today. Students who misspelled words will need to write them 7 times each. NO HOMEWORK!!! (For students with 100% scores.) Don’t forget to visit spelling city at Students who were absent will take their test tomorrow on the computers. The children learned about “Pronouns and Antecedents.” We completed Daily Fix-It #1-2. Students who were absent need to do the Grammar Transparency ditto p. 18 on common and proper nouns as a practice. NO HOMEWORK for students who attended today!!! The children got information on making an “Autobiography Poem” and the students are to begin writing their poem. The students need to have their rough draft ready to go tomorrow. I then assigned Writer’s Craft p. 18B You can view the power point presentation for The King in the Kitchen this website Just click on the story The King in the Kitchen. We completed ditto p. 163 as a class on the Smartboard and we studied the vocabulary and I assigned ditto p. Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: 174 #1-10. We worked through textbook pages 624-625 on “Decimals Greater Than 27.1.” I assigned ditto p. 146. The children were given their 5Minute Timed Test today. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. I passed out the Chapter 27 Study Guide today. We read over text pages F52-55 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 319 & 320 #1-6. The children were given the information on the Wax Museum. The children need to pick their top three choices for the Wax Museum person and return that information to class tomorrow. At that time we will pick which person they are going to be. Remember, several people will want to choose Abe Lincoln. I encourage you to be more creative and research other people. On my website, I have several addresses that can help you find wonderful people in history to do your research on. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Friday, March 21, 2014 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: The children took the Unit 4 Week 2 Final Spelling Test with their clickers. Don’t forget to study for your Unit 4 Week 3 Spelling Pretest. This test will be on Monday, March 31st, the first day after break. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Subject and Object Pronouns” again today. The children took a quiz over this information today as a Smart Response today. NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! The children worked on a poetry assignment that they have to complete at school. It compares poetry to an onion. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook page 610 on “Chapter 26 Review.” I assigned text p. 611 #1-24 for homework. There will be NO Chapter 26 Math Test due to the break. We read over text pages F48-51 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 313 & 314 #20-25 and ditto p. 317-318. The children continued learning about Lewis and Clark’s Exploration of the Louisiana Purchase. They did some research on the following website: NO HOMEWORK!!! The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. NO SCHOOL Monday, March 24th-29th for Spring Break. Today’s Date: Thursday, March 19, 2014 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: We discussed spelling words that are “Final le, al, en” in spelling today and I assigned ditto p. 68. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children will have their final Unit 4 Week 2 Spelling Test tomorrow which they will take on Spelling City. STUDY!!! Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Subject and Object Pronouns” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #7-8 and I assigned ditto p. 68. STUDY for the quiz over subject and object pronouns. You can use the back of the “Family Times” for assistance!!! Pass out vocabulary terms and go over all of them. We went over two sheets of these. The children completed their selection test over the story Encantado: Pink Dolphin of the Amazon. If the children finished early they were able to play a game/or did Study Island if time permitted. If you would like to look at your child’s selection test score on-line please go to and enter their user name and password. (You can either ask your child what it is or find the information in their binder under the reading section.) Then click on “Parents.” On the next screen you will need to change the choice in the “View Students Progress” box to Hemberger -Reading Success Tracker 2008 G4. All of the reading tests and results for every test can be found there. The children will work on activity card questions. They will be able to use their iPads and textbooks to look up information. Their answers are due tomorrow and this will be a Smart Response, therefore, it will not be coming home. We worked through textbook pages 606-608 on “Round Decimals 26.4.” I assigned ditto p. 145. The children’s 5-Minute Timed Test corrections were due today. We read over text pages F46-47 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 313 & 314 #13-19 and ditto p. 305-306. The children will work on activity card questions. They will be able to use their iPads and textbooks to look up information. Their answers are due tomorrow and this will be a Smart Response, therefore, it will not be coming home. The children started learning about Lewis and Clark’s Exploration of the Louisiana Purchase. They did some research on the following website: NO HOMEWORK!!! The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. NO SCHOOL Monday, March 24th-29th for Spring Break. Today’s Date: Wednesday, March 18, 2014 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: We discussed spelling words that are “Final le, al, en” in spelling today and I assigned ditto p. 67 for the children who did not pass there Unit 4 Week 2 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Subject and Object Pronouns” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #1-8 then check them together as a class. NO HOMEWORK!!! Pass out vocabulary terms and go over all of them. We went over two sheets of these. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children listened to the story today and we reviewed the material for the selection test. You can view the power point presentation for Encantado: Pink Dolphin of the Amazon this website l Just click on the story Encantado: Pink Dolphin of the Amazon. Please have your child read the story Encantado: Pink Dolphin of the Amazon to you this evening and sign and date their Reading Log next to the corresponding story. The children need to study for their selection test which will be tomorrow over this story. STUDY!!! We worked through textbook pages 604-605 on “Problem Solving: Draw A Diagram 26.3.” I assigned ditto p. 144. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test on Monday. Their corrections are due tomorrow morning. We read over text pages F44-45 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 313 & 314 #5-12. The children will work on activity card questions. They will be able to use their iPads and textbooks to look up information. Their answers are due tomorrow and this will be a Smart Response, therefore, it will not be coming home. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. NO SCHOOL Monday, March 24th-29th for Spring Break. Today’s Date: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 Spelling: We discussed spelling “Final le, al, en” in spelling today and we went over ditto p. 65 together as a class. I assigned ditto p. 66 for the children who did not pass there Unit 4 Week 2 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: spelling city at We discussed “Subject and Object Pronouns” again in class today. We completed Daily Fix-It #3-4. I assigned ditto p. 65. We spent time reading various poetry today. NO HOMEWORK!!! You can view the power point presentation for Encantado: Pink Dolphin of the Amazon using this website Just click on the story Encantado: Pink Dolphin of the Amazon. We read text p. 418419 on vocabulary. I assigned the reading of textbook pages 420433. We worked through textbook pages 600-602 on “Compare & Order Decimals 26.2.” I assigned ditto p. 143. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test yesterday. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We read over text pages F40-43 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 313 & 314 #1-4. The children need to cut out all of the pages for the Maps and Globes book and staple them together. Then, they need to read the book and answer the questions on each page. The completed booklet will be turned in for a grade. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. NO SCHOOL Monday, March 24th-29th for Spring Break. Today’s Date: Monday, March 17, 2014 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: The children took their Unit 4 Week 2 Spelling Pretest on Spelling City today. Students who misspelled words will need to write them 7 times each. NO HOMEWORK!!! (For students with 100% scores.) Don’t forget to visit spelling city at Students who were absent will take their test tomorrow on the computers. The children learned about “Subject and Object Pronouns.” We completed Daily Fix-It #1-2. Students who were absent need to do the Grammar Transparency ditto p. 17 on common and proper nouns as a practice. NO HOMEWORK for students who attended today!!! We began our poetry unit and the children made folders to hold their poetry information. They took a poetry pretest today. I then assigned Writer’s Craft p. 17B You can view the power point presentation for Encantado: Pink Dolphin of the Amazon this website Just click on the story The Houdini Box. We completed ditto p. 163 as a class on the Smartboard and we studied the vocabulary and I assigned ditto p. 164 Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: #1-10. We worked through textbook pages 598-599 on “Decimals Greater Than 26.1.” I assigned ditto p. 142. The children were given their 5Minute Timed Test today. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We read over text pages F36-39 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 307 & 308 #16-25 and ditto p. 311-312. The children need to cut out all of the pages for the Constitution Mini book and staple them together. Then, they need to read the book and answer the questions on pages 8-10. All of the answers can be found within the book. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. NO SCHOOL Monday, March 24th-29th for Spring Break. Today’s Date: Friday, March 14, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: I.S.A.T. Testing!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! I.S.A.T. Testing!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! I.S.A.T. Testing!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! I.S.A.T. Testing!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! We watched a movie while the children who were absent during the week did make-up tests. NO HOMEWORK!!! We watched a movie while the children who were absent during the week did make-up tests. NO HOMEWORK!!! We watched a movie while the children who were absent during the week did make-up tests. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Thursday, March 13, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: I.S.A.T. Testing!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! I.S.A.T. Testing!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! I.S.A.T. Testing!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! I.S.A.T. Testing!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! We watched a video on Science in preparation for our upcoming I.S.A.T. test in the area of Science. NO HOMEWORK!!! Science: Social Studies: Other: We watched a video on Science in preparation for our upcoming I.S.A.T. test in the area of Science. NO HOMEWORK!!! We watched a video on Science in preparation for our upcoming I.S.A.T. test in the area of Science. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: I.S.A.T. Testing!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! I.S.A.T. Testing!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! I.S.A.T. Testing!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! I.S.A.T. Testing!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! We watched a video on Science in preparation for our upcoming I.S.A.T. test in the area of Science. NO HOMEWORK!!! We watched a video on Science in preparation for our upcoming I.S.A.T. test in the area of Science. NO HOMEWORK!!! We watched a video on Science in preparation for our upcoming I.S.A.T. test in the area of Science. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Tuesday, March 11, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: I.S.A.T. Testing!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! I.S.A.T. Testing!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! I.S.A.T. Testing!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! I.S.A.T. Testing!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! We watched a video on Science in preparation for our upcoming I.S.A.T. test in the area of Science. NO HOMEWORK!!! We watched a video on Science in preparation for our upcoming I.S.A.T. test in the area of Science. NO HOMEWORK!!! We watched a video on Science in preparation for our upcoming I.S.A.T. test in the area of Science. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Monday, March 10, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: I.S.A.T. Testing!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! I.S.A.T. Testing!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! I.S.A.T. Testing!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! I.S.A.T. Testing!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! We watched a video on Science in preparation for our upcoming I.S.A.T. test in the area of Science. NO HOMEWORK!!! We watched a video on Science in preparation for our upcoming I.S.A.T. test in the area of Science. NO HOMEWORK!!! We watched a video on Science in preparation for our upcoming I.S.A.T. test in the area of Science. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Friday, March 7, 2014 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: The children took the Unit 4 Week 1 Final Spelling Test with their clickers. No spelling next week due to I.S.A.T. Testing!!! The children and I discussed “Singular and Plural Nouns” again today. The children took a quiz over this information today as a Smart Response today. NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! We also worked on preparing for our upcoming I.S.A.T. tests. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 132-133 on “Pictographs 6.1.” I assigned ditto p. 37. We read over text pages F32-35 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 307 & 308 #1-15. We used this website as a review for west states and capitals test. The children took the quiz over the western region states and capitals! NO HOMEWORK!!! The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Thursday, March 6, 2014 Spelling: We discussed spelling words that are “Contractions” in spelling today and I assigned ditto p. 64. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at Language: Writing: Reading: Math I: Science: Social Studies: Math II: Other: The children will have their final Unit 4 Week 1 Spelling Test tomorrow which they will take on Spelling City. STUDY!!! Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Singular and Plural Nouns” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #7-8 and I assigned ditto p. 64 on #6-8 the children can just write down their answer. STUDY for the quiz over singular and plural nouns. You can use the back of the “Family Times” for assistance!!! We also worked on preparing for our upcoming I.S.A.T. tests. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children completed their selection test over the story The Houdini Box. If the children finished early they were able to play a game/or did Study Island if time permitted. If you would like to look at your child’s selection test score on-line please go to and enter their user name and password. (You can either ask your child what it is or find the information in their binder under the reading section.) Then click on “Parents.” On the next screen you will need to change the choice in the “View Students Progress” box to Hemberger -Reading Success Tracker 2008 G4. All of the reading tests and results for every test can be found there. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 128-131 on “Explore Making Line Graphs 6.5” and “Interpreting Line Graphs 6.6.” I assigned ditto p. 35 & 36. The children’s 5-Minute Timed Test corrections were due today. We read over text pages F29-31 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 299 & 300 #19-21 and ditto p. 305-306. We used this website to look at the view from the Space Needle Also, on this site is a live webcam for atop the Space Needle. The students were given a comprehension assignment on the Space Needle. They should read this article and the questions. The children will take their states and capitals quiz over the western states on Friday. STUDY!!! We worked through textbook pages 592-593 on “Thousandths 25.4.” I assigned ditto p. 141. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Wednesday, March 5, 2014 Spelling: We discussed spelling words that are “Contractions” in spelling today and I assigned ditto p. 63 for the children who did not pass there Unit 4 Week 1 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with Language: Writing: Reading: Math I: Science: Social Studies: Math II: Other: 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Singular and Plural Nouns” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #1-5. NO HOMEWORK!!! We also worked on preparing for our upcoming I.S.A.T. tests. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children listened to the story today and we reviewed the material for the selection test. You can view the power point presentation for The Houdini Box this website l Just click on the story The Houdini Box. Please have your child read the story The Houdini Box to you this evening and sign and date their Reading Log next to the corresponding story. The children need to study for their selection test which will be tomorrow over this story. STUDY!!! We worked through textbook pages 126-127 on “Coordinate Graphing 6.4.” I assigned ditto p. 34. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test on Monday. Their corrections are due tomorrow morning. We read over text pages F26-28 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 299 & 300 #15-18. The children viewed a power point on landmarks of the west and we discussed those landmarks today in class. The students were given a comprehension assignment on the Yellowstone National Park. They should read this article and the questions. The children will take their states and capitals quiz over the western states on Friday. STUDY!!! We worked through textbook pages 586-588 on “Tenths & Hundredths 25.4.” I assigned ditto p. 115. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Tuesday, March 4, 2014 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: We discussed spelling “Contractions” in spelling today and we went over ditto p. 61 together as a class. I assigned ditto p. 62 for the children who did not pass there Unit 4 Week 1 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at We discussed “Singular and Plural Nouns” again in class today. We completed Daily Fix-It #3-4. I assigned ditto p. 61. We also worked on preparing for our upcoming I.S.A.T. tests. NO HOMEWORK!!! You can view the power point presentation for The Houdini Box using this website Just click on the story The Houdini Box. We read text p. 394-395 on Math I: Science: Social Studies: Math II: Other: vocabulary. I assigned the reading of textbook pages 396-409. We worked through textbook pages 124-125 on “Problem Solving Strategy 6.3.” I assigned ditto p. 33. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test yesterday. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We read over text pages F24-25 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 299 & 300 #11-14. The children visited the following website to learn about the western states. g4n_u5/ . I discussed the resources and industries of the west with the students. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 584-585 on “Explore Fractions & Decimals 25.1.” I assigned ditto p. 138. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Monday, March 3, 2014 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: The children took their Unit 4 Week 1 Spelling Pretest on Spelling City today. Students who misspelled words will need to write them 7 times each. NO HOMEWORK!!! (For students with 100% scores.) Don’t forget to visit spelling city at Students who were absent will take their test tomorrow on the computers. The children learned about “Singular and Plural Nouns.” We completed Daily Fix-It #1-2. Students who were absent need to do the Grammar Transparency ditto p. 16 on common and proper nouns as a practice. NO HOMEWORK for students who attended today!!! The children need to write their rough drafts for their opinion writing piece. I then assigned Writer’s Craft p. 16B. We also worked on the extended response. You can view the power point presentation for The Houdini Box this website Just click on the story The Houdini Box. We completed ditto p. 113 as a class on the Smartboard and we studied the vocabulary and I assigned ditto p. 154 #1-10. We worked through textbook pages 120-122 on “Bar Graphs 6.2.” I assigned ditto p. 32. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test today. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We read over text pages F18-23 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 299 & 300 #1-10. I passed out the study guide for the western region states so that the children could study for their states and capitals test. The children Math II: Other: were given flash cards to make. I told them to cut them out and put them in a baggie. We worked through textbook pages 478-479 on “Explore Volume 20.7.” I assigned ditto p. 117. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Friday, February 28, 2014 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: The children took the Unit 3 Week 5 Final Spelling Test with their clickers. Don’t forget to study for your Unit 4 Week 1 Spelling Pretest on Monday. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Irregular Verbs” again today. The children took a quiz over this information today as a Smart Response today. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children presented their oral reports over their president to the class today. NO HOMEWORK!!! We also worked on preparing for our upcoming I.S.A.T. tests. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 118-119 on “Pictographs 6.1.” I assigned ditto p. 31. We read over text pages F16-17 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 293 & 294 #22-23 and ditto p. 297-298. The children presented their oral reports over their president to the class today. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Thursday, February 27, 2014 Spelling: Language: Writing: We discussed spelling words that are “Possessives” in spelling today and I assigned ditto p. 60. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children will have their final Unit 3 Week 5 Spelling Test tomorrow which they will take on Spelling City. STUDY!!! Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Irregular Verbs” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #7-8 and I assigned ditto p. 60. STUDY for the quiz over irregular verbs. You can use the back of the “Family Times” for assistance!!! We also worked on preparing for our upcoming I.S.A.T. tests. NO HOMEWORK!!! Reading: Math I: Science: Social Studies: Math II: Other: The children completed their selection test over the story The Great Kapok Tree. If the children finished early they were able to play a game/or did Study Island if time permitted. If you would like to look at your child’s selection test score on-line please go to and enter their user name and password. (You can either ask your child what it is or find the information in their binder under the reading section.) Then click on “Parents.” On the next screen you will need to change the choice in the “View Students Progress” box to Hemberger -Reading Success Tracker 2008 G4. All of the reading tests and results for every test can be found there. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 108-110 on “Collect & Organize Data 5.5.” I assigned ditto p. 29. The children’s 5-Minute Timed Test corrections were due today. We read over text pages F14-15 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 293 & 294 #19-21. The children worked on their President project today. The presidents’ project was due at the end of the day today. The children will give oral report on their president tomorrow. The children have rubrics for both their report and oral presentation. Therefore, they should be very aware of the expectations. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 474-476 on “Area 20.6.” I assigned ditto p. 116. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Wednesday, February 26, 2014 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: We discussed spelling words that are “Possessives” in spelling today and I assigned ditto p. 59 for the children who did not pass there Unit 3 Week 5 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Irregular Verbs” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #5-6 and they completed a Smart Response U3W5D2. NO HOMEWORK!!! We also worked on preparing for our upcoming I.S.A.T. tests. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children listened to the story today and we reviewed the material for the selection test. You can view the power point presentation for The Great Kapok Tree this website l Just click on the story The Great Kapok Tree. Please have your child read the story The Great Kapok Tree to you this evening and sign and date their Reading Log next to the corresponding story. The children need to study for their Math I: Science: Social Studies: Math II: Other: selection test which will be tomorrow over this story. STUDY!!! We worked through textbook pages 106-107 on “Range, Median, & Mode 5.4.” I assigned ditto p. 28. The children were given their 5Minute Timed Test on Monday. Their corrections are due tomorrow morning. We read over text pages F10-13 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 293 & 294 #9-18. The children worked on their President project today. I explained the entire process to the students awhile back and told them that the due date for this project is tomorrow. They will be giving their oral reports on Friday, February 28th. The children have rubrics for both their report and oral presentation. Therefore, they should be very aware of the expectations. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 470-473 on “Circumference 20.5.” I assigned ditto p. 115. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math I: Science: Social Studies: We discussed spelling “Possessives” in spelling today and we went over ditto p. 57 together as a class. I assigned ditto p. 58 for the children who did not pass there Unit 3 Week 5 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at We discussed “Irregular Verbs” again in class today. We completed Daily Fix-It #3-4. I assigned ditto p. 57. We also worked on preparing for our upcoming I.S.A.T. tests. NO HOMEWORK!!! You can view the power point presentation for The Great Kapok Tree using this website Just click on the story The Great Kapok Tree. We read text p. 362-263 on vocabulary. I assigned the reading of textbook pages 364-377. We worked through textbook pages 104-105on “Calendar 5.3.” I assigned ditto p. 27. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test yesterday. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We read over text pages F4-9 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 293 & 294 #1-8. The students were given a Chapter 12 Study Guide today. The children worked on their President project today. I explained the entire process to the students awhile back and told them that the due date for this project is Thursday, February 27th. They will be giving their oral reports on Friday, February 28th. The children have rubrics for both their report and oral presentation. Therefore, they should be very aware of the expectations. NO HOMEWORK!!! Math II: Other: We worked through textbook pages 466-469 on “Perimeter 20.4.” I assigned ditto p. 114. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Monday, February 24, 2014 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Math II: Other: The children took their Unit 3 Week 5 Spelling Pretest on Spelling City today. Students who misspelled words will need to write them 7 times each. NO HOMEWORK!!! (For students with 100% scores.) Don’t forget to visit spelling city at Students who were absent will take their test tomorrow on the computers. The children learned about “Irregular Verbs.” We completed Daily Fix-It #1-2. Students who were absent need to do the Grammar Transparency ditto p. 15 on common and proper nouns as a practice. NO HOMEWORK for students who attended today!!! The children need to write their rough drafts for their opinion writing piece. I then assigned Writer’s Craft p. 15B. We also worked on the extended response. You can view the power point presentation for The Great Kapok Tree this website Just click on the story The Great Kapok Tree. We completed ditto p. 113 as a class on the Smartboard and we studied the vocabulary and I assigned ditto p. 144 #1-10. We worked through textbook pages 102-103 on “Elapsed Time 5.2.” I assigned ditto p. 26. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test today. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. The children took the Chapter 11 Science Test today. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children worked on their President project today. I explained the entire process to the students awhile back and told them that the due date for this project is Thursday, February 27th. They will be giving their oral reports on Friday, February 28th. The children have rubrics for both their report and oral presentation. Therefore, they should be very aware of the expectations. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 464-465 on “Problem Solving Strategy: Find a Pattern 20.3.” I assigned ditto p. 113. The children need to read for A.R. points. Their A.R. points are due on Friday, May 9th. Today’s Date: Friday, February 21, 2014 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: The children took the Unit 3 Week 4 Final Spelling Test with their clickers. Don’t forget to study for your Unit 3 Week 5 Spelling Pretest on Monday. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Past, Present and Future Tense Verbs” again today. The children took a quiz over this information today as a Smart Response today. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked on our writing assignment during reading today. NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! We used our I.S.A.T. reading paper and we learned how to write a paper for our upcoming test. We worked through textbook pages 98-101 on “Tell Time 5.1.” I assigned ditto p. 25. We read text pages E58-59 and E62-63 together as a class. The children did two Smart Responses today. One was on text p. E60-61 and the other was on ditto p. 285-286. The Chapter 11 Science Test is Monday. Please use your Chapter 11 Study Guide to prepare for this test. The children worked on their President project today. I explained the entire process to the students awhile back and told them that the due date for this project is February 27th. They will be giving their oral reports on Friday, February 28th. The children have rubrics for both their report and oral presentation. Therefore, they should be very aware of the expectations. Students need to work on this project. This is due next Friday. Other: Today’s Date: Thursday, February 20, 2014 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: We discussed spelling words that are “Compounds” in spelling today and I assigned ditto p. 55. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children will have their final Unit 3 Week 2 Spelling Test tomorrow which they will take on Spelling City. STUDY!!! Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Past, Present and Future Tense Verbs” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #7-8 and I assigned ditto p. 56. STUDY for the quiz over past, present, and future verbs. You can use the back of the “Family Times” for assistance!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! We read over an I.S.A.T. reading paper and we will be working on this further for the rest of the week. The children completed their selection test over the story Eye of the Math: Science: Social Studies: Geometry: Storm. If the children finished early they were able to play a game/or did Study Island if time permitted. If you would like to look at your child’s selection test score on-line please go to and enter their user name and password. (You can either ask your child what it is or find the information in their binder under the reading section.) Then click on “Parents.” On the next screen you will need to change the choice in the “View Students Progress” box to Hemberger -Reading Success Tracker 2008 G4. All of the reading tests and results for every test can be found there. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 526-527 on “Explore Making Predictions 22.4.” I assigned ditto p. 128. The children’s 5-Minute Timed Test corrections were due today. We read over text pages E54-57 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 273 & 274 #9-21 and ditto p. 283-284. The children will have their Chapter 11 Science Test on Monday, February 24th. The children worked on their President project today. I explained the entire process to the students awhile back and told them that the due date for this project is February 27th. They will be giving their oral reports on Friday, February 28th. The children have rubrics for both their report and oral presentation. Therefore, they should be very aware of the expectations. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 460-462 on “Transformation and Symmetry 20.2.” I assigned ditto p. 112. Other: Today’s Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: We discussed spelling words that are “Compounds” in spelling today and I assigned ditto p. 54 for the children who did not pass there Unit 3 Week 4 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Past, Present and Future Tense Verbs” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #5-6 and we completed ditto p. 53 and 54 # 1-5. NO HOMEWORK!!! We read over an I.S.A.T. reading paper and we will be working on this further for the rest of the week. The children listened to the story today and we reviewed the material for the selection test. You can view the power point presentation for Eye of the Storm this website l Just click on the story Eye of the Storm Please have your child read the story Eye of the Storm to you this evening and sign and date their Reading Log next to the Math: Science: Social Studies: Geometry: corresponding story. The children need to study for their selection test which will be tomorrow over this story. STUDY!!! We worked through textbook pages 524-525 on “Problem Solving: Draw a Tree Diagram 22.3.” I assigned ditto p. 127. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test on Monday. Their corrections are due tomorrow morning. We read over text pages E50-53 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 279 & 280 #1-8. The children worked on their President project today. I explained the entire process to the students awhile back and told them that the due date for this project is February 27th. They will be giving their oral reports on Friday, February 28th. The children have rubrics for both their report and oral presentation. Therefore, they should be very aware of the expectations. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 456-459 on “Congruent & Similar 20.1.” I assigned ditto p. 111. Other: Today’s Date: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: The children took their Unit 3 Week 4 Spelling Pretest on Spelling City today. Students who misspelled words will need to write them 7 times each. NO HOMEWORK!!! (For students with 100% scores.) Don’t forget to visit spelling city at Students who were absent will take their test tomorrow on the computers. The children learned about “Past, Present and Future Tense Verbs.” We completed Daily Fix-It #1-2. Students who were absent need to do the Grammar Transparency ditto p. 14 on common and proper nouns as a practice. NO HOMEWORK for students who attended today!!! The children need to write their rough drafts for their opinion writing piece. I then assigned Writer’s Craft p. 14B You can view the power point presentation for Eye of the Storm this website Just click on the story Eye of the Storm We completed ditto p. 133 as a class on the Smartboard and we studied the vocabulary and I assigned ditto p. 134 #1-10. We worked through textbook pages 522-523on “Exploring Probability 22.2.” I assigned ditto p. 126. The children were given their 5Minute Timed Test today. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We read over text pages E46-49 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 273 & 274 #8-18 and ditto p. 277 & 278. Social Studies: Geometry: The children worked on their President project today. I explained the entire process to the students awhile back and told them that the due date for this project is February 27th. They will be giving their oral reports on Friday, February 28th. The children have rubrics for both their report and oral presentation. Therefore, they should be very aware of the expectations. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 450-451 on “Parts of a Circle 19.7.” I assigned ditto p. 110. Other: Today’s Date: Monday, February 17, 2014-NO SCHOOL Today’s Date: Friday, February 14, 2014 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: The children took the Unit 3 Week 2 Final Spelling Test with their clickers. Don’t forget to study for your Unit 3 Week 4 Spelling Pretest on Monday. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at NOTE: We skipped Unit 3 Week 3 words. The children and I discussed “Main and Helping Verbs” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #9-10 and they took a quiz over this information today as a Smart Response today. NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! We had our Valentine’s Day Party!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! We had our Valentine’s Day Party!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! Early Dismissal at 11:20 a.m. for School Improvement. NO HOMEWORK!!! Early Dismissal at 11:20 a.m. for School Improvement. The children worked on their President project today. I explained the entire process to the students awhile back and told them that the due date for this project is February 27th. They will be giving their oral reports on Friday, February 28th. The children have rubrics for both their report and oral presentation. Therefore, they should be very aware of the expectations. NO HOMEWORK!!! Other: Today’s Date: Thursday, February 13, 2014 Spelling: We discussed spelling words that are “Homophones” in spelling today Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Geometry: and I assigned ditto p. 48. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children will have their final Unit 3 Week 2 Spelling Test tomorrow which they will take on Spelling City. STUDY!!! Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Main and Helping Verbs” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #7-8 and I assigned ditto p. 48. STUDY for the quiz over action and linking verbs. You can use the back of the “Family Times” for assistance!!! The children are to publish their final opinion piece of writing on which animal makes the best pet, a cat or a dog. The children completed their selection test over the story Adelina’s Whales. If the children finished early they were able to play a game/or did Study Island if time permitted. If you would like to look at your child’s selection test score on-line please go to and enter their user name and password. (You can either ask your child what it is or find the information in their binder under the reading section.) Then click on “Parents.” On the next screen you will need to change the choice in the “View Students Progress” box to Hemberger -Reading Success Tracker 2008 G4. All of the reading tests and results for every test can be found there. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 518-520 on “Likely and Unlikely 22.1.” I assigned ditto p. 125. The children’s 5-Minute Timed Test corrections were due today. We read over text pages E42-45 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 273 & 274 #1-7. The children worked on their President project today. I explained the entire process to the students awhile back and told them that the due date for this project is February 27th. They will be giving their oral reports on Friday, February 28th. The children have rubrics for both their report and oral presentation. Therefore, they should be very aware of the expectations. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 448-449 on “Problem Solving: Use A Diagram 19.6.” I assigned ditto p. 109. Other: Today’s Date: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 Spelling: We discussed spelling words that are “Homophones” in spelling today and I assigned ditto p. 47 for the children who did not pass there Unit 3 Week 2 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Geometry: The children and I discussed “Main and Helping Verbs” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #5-6 and we completed ditto p. 46 #1-6 together as a class. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children are to proofread and correct the rough draft of their opinion piece of writing on which animal makes the best pet, a cat or a dog. The children listened to the story today and we reviewed the material for the selection test. You can view the power point presentation for Adelina’s Whales this website l Just click on the story Adelina’s Whales Please have your child read the story Adelina’s Whales to you this evening and sign and date their Reading Log next to the corresponding story. The children need to study for their selection test which will be tomorrow over this story. STUDY!!! I taught the children how to subtract fractions today. The children were assigned ditto p. 102 from our old math series. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test on Monday. Their corrections are due tomorrow morning. We read over text pages E38-41 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 267 & 268 #19-20 and ditto p. 271-272. The children worked on their President project today. I explained the entire process to the students awhile back and told them that the due date for this project is February 27th. They will be giving their oral reports on Friday, February 28th. The children have rubrics for both their report and oral presentation. Therefore, they should be very aware of the expectations. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 444-446 on “Angles 19.5.” We worked ditto p. 108 together as a class. NO HOMEWORK!!! Other: Today’s Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: We discussed spelling “Homophones” in spelling today and we went over ditto p. 45 together as a class. I assigned ditto p. 46 for the children who did not pass there Unit 3 Week 2 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at We discussed “Main and Helping Verbs” again in class today. We completed Daily Fix-It #3-4. I assigned ditto p. 45. The children were assigned the rough draft of their opinion piece of writing on which animal makes the best pet, a cat or a dog. You can view the power point presentation for Adelina’s Whales using this website Just click on the story Adelina’s Whales. We read text p. 294-295 on Math: Science: Social Studies: Geometry: vocabulary. I assigned the reading of textbook pages 296-307. I taught the children how to add fractions today. The children were assigned ditto p. 101 from our old math series. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test yesterday. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We read over text pages E36-37 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 267 & 268 #16-18. The children worked on their President project today. I explained the entire process to the students awhile back and told them that the due date for this project is February 27th. They will be giving their oral reports on Friday, February 28th. The children have rubrics for both their report and oral presentation. Therefore, they should be very aware of the expectations. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 440-443 on “Angles 19.4.” I assigned ditto p. 107. Other: Today’s Date: Monday, February 10, 2014 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: The children took their Unit 3 Week 2 Spelling Pretest on Spelling City today. Students who misspelled words will need to write them 7 times each. NO HOMEWORK!!! (For students with 100% scores.) Don’t forget to visit spelling city at Students who were absent will take their test tomorrow on the computers. The children learned about “Main and Helping Verbs.” We completed Daily Fix-It #1-2. Students who were absent need to do the Grammar Transparency ditto p. 12 on common and proper nouns as a practice. NO HOMEWORK for students who attended today!!! The children need to write their rough drafts for their opinion writing piece. I then assigned Writer’s Craft p. 12B You can view the power point presentation for Adelina’s Whales this website Just click on the story Adelina’s Whales We completed ditto p. 113 as a class on the Smartboard and we studied the vocabulary and I assigned ditto p. 114 #1-10. I taught the children how to add fractions today. The children were assigned ditto p. 100 from our old math series. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test today. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We read over text pages E34-35 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 267 & 268 #11-15. Social Studies: Geometry: The children worked on their President project today. I explained the entire process to the students awhile back and told them that the due date for this project is February 27th. They will be giving their oral reports on Friday, February 28th. The children have rubrics for both their report and oral presentation. Therefore, they should be very aware of the expectations. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 438-439 on “Lines, Line Segments, & Rays 19.3.” I assigned ditto p. 106. Other: Today’s Date: Tuesday, February 4, 2014 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Geometry: Science: Social Studies: NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! The children to complete the fifth section of the opinion outline for tomorrow. NO HOMEWORK!!! Field trip to Sangamon Auditorium to see the performance of Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. We worked through textbook pages 510-512 on “Mixed Numbers 21.7.” I assigned ditto p. 124. The children were took their 5-Minute Timed Test on Monday. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We worked through textbook pages 430-433 on “3 Dimensional Figures 19.1.” I assigned ditto p. 104. We worked through textbook pages 434-437 on “2 Dimensional Figures 19.2.” I assigned ditto p. 105. We read over text pages E30-33 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 267 & 268 #1-10. The children are to begin working on their President project today. I explained the entire process to the students today and told them that the due date for this project is February 27th. They will be giving their oral reports on Friday, February 28th. The children have rubrics for both their report and oral presentation. Therefore, they should be very aware of the expectations. Other: Today’s Date: Monday, February 3, 2014 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Geometry: Science: Social Studies: Other: The children took their Unit 3 Week 2 Spelling Pretest on Spelling City today. Students who misspelled words will need to write them 7 times each. NO HOMEWORK!!! (For students with 100% scores.) Don’t forget to visit spelling city at Students who were absent will take their test tomorrow on the computers. NO HOMEWORK!!! Field trip to Sangamon Auditorium to see the performance of Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. The children to complete the fifth section of the opinion outline for tomorrow. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 508-509 on “Explore Finding Parts of a Group 21.6.” I assigned ditto p. 123. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test today. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We worked through textbook pages 430-433 on “3 Dimensional Figures 19.1.” We did not finish this today. We will complete it tomorrow. The students took the Chapter 10 Science Test today. NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! Today’s Date: Friday, January 31, 2014 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Don’t forget to study for your Unit 3 Week 2 Spelling Pretest on Monday. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at We learned how to identify a preposition and a prepositional phrase today. I assigned two pages on prepositions today. The pages are titled “Prepositions Can Show Positions in Time” and “Prepositions Can Show Positions in Space.” The children finished reading their novel unit today. They read Chapters 35-37 of the story The War with Grandpa and took an Accelerated Reader test. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children to complete the fourth section of the opinion outline for tomorrow. We worked through textbook pages 506-507 on “Problem Solving: Check for Reasonableness 21.5” together as a class. The children were assigned ditto p. 122. The children did two Smart Responses today. One was on text p. E2627 and the other was on ditto p. 261-262. The Chapter 10 Science Social Studies: Other: Test is Monday. Please use your Chapter 10 Study Guide to prepare for this test. The children worked on making quilt squares. NO HOMEWORK!!! Six Flags reading program minutes are due on Monday, February 3, 2014. Today’s Date: Thursday, January 30, 2014 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: NO HOMEWORK!!! We learned how to identify a preposition and a prepositional phrase today. I assigned two pages on prepositions today. The children read their novel unit today. They are to Chapters 31-34 of the story The War with Grandpa. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children to complete the third section of the opinion outline for tomorrow. We worked through textbook pages 502-504 on “Compare and Order Fractions 21.4” together as a class. The children were assigned ditto p. 121. T he children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test Tuesday. Their corrections were due today. We read over text pages E26-27 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 255 & 256 #24-25 and ditto p. 259 & 260. The Chapter 10 Science Test has been moved to Monday, February 3rd. We read two books entitled If You Traveled on the Underground Railroad and The Secret to Freedom. The children will be making quilt squares. NO HOMEWORK!!! Six Flags reading program minutes are due on Monday, February 3, 2014. Today’s Date: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: NO HOMEWORK!!! We learned how to identify a preposition and a prepositional phrase today. I assigned two pages on prepositions today. The children read their novel unit today. They are to Chapters 25-30 of the story The War with Grandpa. I read the first few pages for the children. I assigned ditto p. 36, 36, 37 & 38, and 39. The children to complete the second section of the opinion outline for tomorrow. We worked through textbook pages 498-501 on “Find Equivalent “Fractions & Fractions in Simplest Form 21.3” together as a class. The children were assigned ditto p. 120. T he children were given Science: Social Studies: Other: their 5-Minute Timed Test Tuesday. Their corrections are due tomorrow. We read over text pages E22-231as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 255 & 256 #13-23. The Chapter 10 Science Test has been moved to Monday, February 3rd. We read a book entitled Aunt Harriet’s Underground Railroad in the Sky. NO HOMEWORK!!! Six Flags reading program minutes are due on Monday, February 3, 2014. Today’s Date: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: NO HOMEWORK!!! We learned how to identify a preposition and a prepositional phrase today. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children read their novel unit today. They are to Chapters 19-24 of the story The War with Grandpa. I read the first few pages for the children. I assigned ditto p. 29 & 30, 31 & 32, and 33. We reviewed how to write a “hook”, thesis statement, and what our reasons were today. I gave the children the outline sheet for their opinion piece of writing. They are to complete the first section of the opinion outline for tomorrow. We worked through textbook pages 494-497 on “Parts of a Whole 21.1” and “Parts of a Group 21.2” together as a class. The children were assigned ditto p. 118 & 119. T he children were given their 5Minute Timed Test today. Their corrections are due Thursday. We read over text pages F17-19as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 255 & 256 #1-12. We read a book entitled Aunt Harriet’s Underground Railroad in the Sky and we completed a worksheet together as a class. NO HOMEWORK!!! Six Flags reading program minutes are due on Monday, February 3, 2014. We celebrated Karlee’s birthday today. Today’s Date: Monday, January 27, 2014 – NO SCHOOL – Emergency Day used do to cold weather. Today’s Date: Friday, January 24, 2014 Spelling: We had our 4th Grade All Class Spelling Bee today. NO HOMEWORK!!! Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: NO HOMEWORK!!! The children read their novel unit today. They are to Chapters 13-18 of the story The War with Grandpa. I read the first few pages for the children. I assigned ditto p. 22, 23 & 24, 25, 26, and 27. The students had to decide on which animal is better to have as a pet, cat or a dog and then they had to come up with their cons for the animal that they are against. Monday, they need to have a list of cons for each animal they are against. They also need to have their “hook” statement ready on their outline page. We worked through textbook pages 412-413 on “Problem Solving: Logical Reasoning 18.4” and we worked ditto p. 102 together as a class. We worked through textbook pages 414-415 on “Temperature 18.5” together as a class. The children were assigned ditto p. 103. We had our 4th Grade All Class Spelling Bee today. NO HOMEWORK!!! We watched a video on Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have A Dream” speech and the children filled in a worksheet using that famous speech. Six Flags reading program minutes are due on Monday, February 3, 2014. Today’s Date: Thursday, January 23, 2014 – NO SCHOOL – Emergency Day used do to cold weather. Today’s Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2014 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: We had our Spelling Bee today. NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! The children read their novel unit today. They are to Chapters 7-12 of the story The War with Grandpa. I read the first few pages for the children. I assigned ditto p. 14 & 15, 16, 17, and 18 & 19. Students are beginning a new opinion piece today. I have told them that they are going to write their opinion piece on which animal is better a cat or a dog. Tomorrow, they need to have a list of pros for each animal. We will write our con list tomorrow. We worked through textbook pages 408-410 on “Algebra: Convert Metric Units 18.3.” The children were assigned ditto p. 101. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test Monday. Their corrections are due tomorrow morning. We read over text pages E10-13as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 249 & 250 #13-22 and ditto p. 253 & 254. Social Studies: Other: We watched a video on Martin Luther King, Jr. NO HOMEWORK!!! The money to see to program on Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad was due today. Six Flags reading program minutes are due on Monday, February 3, 2014. Today’s Date: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: We had our Spelling Bee today. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children took a quiz today that I would have given on Friday, but I was not at school.. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children began their novel unit today. They are to Chapters 1-6 of the story The War with Grandpa. I read the first few pages for the children and we worked ditto p. 9 & 10 together as a class. I assigned ditto p. 7, 8, 9 & 10, and 11 & 13. We had our Spelling Bee today. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 404-406 on “Metric Capacity and Mass 18.2.” The children were able to choose between doing ditto p. 100. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test today. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We read over text pages E2-9 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 249 & 250 #1-12. We watched a video on Martin Luther King, Jr. today and the children did a quick quiz over the material. NO HOMEWORK!!! Remember to bring in your dollar ($1.00) to see to program on Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. Six Flags reading program minutes are due on Monday, February 3, 2014. Today’s Date: Friday, January 17, 2014 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: The children took the Unit 3 Week 1 Final Spelling Test with their clickers. The children will not have a spelling test next week. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children and I discussed “Action and Linking Verbs” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #9-10 and they took a quiz over this information today as a Smart Response today. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked on a project on our iPads on Martin Luther King, Jr. NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 402-403 on “Explore Metric Length 18.1.” The children were able to choose between doing ditto Science: Social Studies: Other: p. 99. We read over text pages E2-7 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 249 & 250 #1-4. NO HOMEWORK!!! Remember to bring in your dollar ($1.00) to see to program on Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. Six Flags reading program minutes are due on Monday, February 3, 2014. Today’s Date: Thursday, January 16, 2014 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: We discussed spelling words “Adding –ed and -ing” in spelling today and I assigned ditto p. 44. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children will have their final Unit 3 Week 1 Spelling Test tomorrow which they will take on Spelling City. STUDY!!! Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Action and Linking Verbs” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #7-8 and I assigned ditto p. 44. STUDY for the quiz over action and linking verbs. You can use the back of the “Family Times” for assistance!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! The children completed their selection test over the story The Stranger If the children finished early they were able to play a game/or did Study Island if time permitted. If you would like to look at your child’s selection test score on-line please go to and enter their user name and password. (You can either ask your child what it is or find the information in their binder under the reading section.) Then click on “Parents.” On the next screen you will need to change the choice in the “View Students Progress” box to Hemberger -Reading Success Tracker 2008 G4. All of the reading tests and results for every test can be found there. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children took the Chapter 17 Math Test today. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children’s 5-Minute Timed Test corrections were due today. The children watched a movie on the solar system today. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children took the states and capital quiz over the Midwest today. NO HOMEWORK!!! Remember to bring in your dollar ($1.00) to see to program on Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. Six Flags reading program minutes are due on Monday, February 3, 2014. Today’s Date: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: We discussed spelling words “Adding –ed and -ing” in spelling today and I assigned ditto p. 43 for the children who did not pass there Unit 2 Week 5 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Action and Linking Verbs” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #5-6 and we completed ditto p. 42 #1-6 together as a class. NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! The children listened to the story today and we reviewed the material for the selection test. You can view the power point presentation for The Stranger this website l Just click on the story The Stranger Please have your child read the story The Stranger to you this evening and sign and date their Reading Log next to the corresponding story. The children need to study for their selection test which will be tomorrow over this story. STUDY!!! We worked through textbook page 398 on “Chapter 17 Review” as a class. I assigned text p. 399 #1-19. The children will take their Chapter 17 Math Test tomorrow. Please have them prepare for this test by using their Chapter 17 Study Guide. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test on Monday. Their corrections are due tomorrow morning. We read over text pages C90-91 as a class today. The students had to complete two Smart Notebooks over ditto p. 173 & 174 and textbook C92-93. They will not have a test over this material because there was material presented before the break. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children will need to study for their quiz over the Midwest states. They will need to study the study guide. They need to know which capital goes with which state and they will need to be able to locate the states on a map. Their quiz is tomorrow. Remember to bring in your dollar ($1.00) to see to program on Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. Six Flags reading program minutes are due on Monday, February 3, 2014. Today’s Date: Tuesday, January 14, 2014 Spelling: We discussed spelling “Adding –ed and -ing” in spelling today and we went over ditto p. 41 together as a class. I assigned ditto p. 42 for the children who did not pass there Unit 2 Week 5 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: We discussed “Action and Linking Verbs” again in class today. We completed Daily Fix-It #3-4. I assigned ditto p. 41. NO HOMEWORK!!! You can view the power point presentation for The Stranger using this website Just click on the story The Stranger. We read text p. 270-271 on vocabulary. I assigned the reading of textbook pages 272-285. We worked through textbook pages 396-397 on “Problem Solving: Checking for Reasonableness.” We worked ditto p. 98 together as a class. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test yesterday. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We read over text pages C86-89 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 167 & 168 #19-23. We did an activity on Wisconsin dairy farms. The children will need to study for their quiz over the Midwest states. They will need to study the study guide. They need to know which capital goes with which state and they will need to be able to locate the states on a map. Their quiz will be on Thursday. Remember to bring in your dollar ($1.00) to see to program on Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. Six Flags reading program minutes are due on Monday, February 3, 2014. Today’s Date: Monday, January 13, 2014 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: The children took their Unit 3 Week 1 Spelling Pretest on Spelling City today. Students who misspelled words will need to write them 7 times each. NO HOMEWORK!!! (For students with 100% scores.) Don’t forget to visit spelling city at Students who were absent will take their test tomorrow on the computers. The children learned about “Action and Linking Verbs.” We completed Daily Fix-It #1-2. Students who were absent need to do the Grammar Transparency ditto p. 11 on common and proper nouns as a practice. NO HOMEWORK for students who attended today!!! We discussed using main idea and how we choose which details go with which main idea. I then assigned Writer’s Craft p. 11B You can view the power point presentation for The Stranger this website Just click on the story The Stranger We completed ditto p. 103 as a class on the Smartboard and we studied the vocabulary and I assigned ditto p. 104 #1-10. We worked through textbook pages 392-394 on “Converting Customary Capacity Units 17.4.” The children we assigned ditto p. 97. I worked several of these problems with them. The children Science: Social Studies: Other: were given the Chapter 17 Study Guide on January 8th. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test today. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We read over text pages C84-85 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 167 & 168 #12-18. The students need to complete “The Great Lake”s worksheet they were given today. Remember to bring in your dollar ($1.00) to see to program on Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. Six Flags reading program minutes are due on Monday, February 3, 2014. Today’s Date: Friday, January 10, 2014 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: Don’t forget to STUDY for your Unit 3 Week 1 Spelling Pretest on Monday. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at I assigned a ditto on Antonyms for homework. I assigned a ditto on Synonyms for homework. The children read the Greek Mythology story “Odysseus and the Bag of Wind” aloud today. We discussed the story today and the children took a comprehension quiz over the story. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 388-391 on “Customary Capacity and Weight 17.3.” The children we assigned ditto p. 96. The children were given the Chapter 17 Study Guides on Wednesday, January 8th. We read over text pages C82-83 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 167 & 168 #7-11. We looked at a website today about the Midwest states. The children need to study for their upcoming Midwest states and capitals test. Please sign and return the field trip form to the Sangamon Auditorium at UIS on Monday, February 3, 2014. We will be seeing Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. Don’t forget to sign your child’s skating form and turn in the money along with the signed permission slip. These were due today….if your child did not get them turned in the may except them on Monday. This is very important to do because the correct number of skates must be ordered. Today’s Date: Thursday, January 9, 2014 Spelling: Language: We worked one side of the synonyms ditto together and I assigned the other side of the ditto on Synonyms for homework. We worked one side of the antonym ditto together and I assigned the other side of the ditto on Antonyms for homework. Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: NO HOMEWORK!!! The children read the Greek Mythology story today “Odysseus and the Bag of Winds.” NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 386-387 on “Explore Customary Length to ¼ Inch17.2.” The children we assigned ditto p. 95. The children were given the Chapter 17 Study Guides yesterday. We read over text pages C78-81 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 167 & 168 #1-6. We looked at a website today about the Midwest states. The children need to study for their upcoming Midwest states and capitals test. Please sign and return the field trip form to the Sangamon Auditorium at UIS on Monday, February 3, 2014. We will be seeing Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. Don’t forget to sign your child’s skating form and turn in the money along with the signed permission slip. Today’s Date: Wednesday, January 8, 2014 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: The children finished their presentations today on their Greek Mythology characters. We compiled our characters and made a book. The children finished their presentations today on their Greek Mythology characters. We compiled our characters and made a book. The children finished their presentations today on their Greek Mythology characters. We compiled our characters and made a book. The children finished their presentations today on their Greek Mythology characters. We compiled our characters and made a book. We worked through textbook pages 384-385 on “Explore Nonstandard Units for Length, Width, and Height 17.1.” The children we assigned ditto p. 94. The children were given the Chapter 17 Study Guide. We read over text pages C74-77 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 165 & 166. The children were given a study guide for their upcoming quiz over the Midwest states. The children will have to match the correct state with its shape and be able to identify each states capital. The study guide shows each states capital indicated with a “ .” Please sign and return the field trip form to the Sangamon Auditorium at UIS on Monday, February 3, 2014. We will be seeing Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. Today’s Date: Friday, December 20, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: The children presented their Greek Mythology character to the class today. We will compile our characters and make a book about the characters from Greek Mythology. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children presented their Greek Mythology character to the class today. We will compile our characters and make a book about the characters from Greek Mythology. NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! The children presented their Greek Mythology character to the class today. We will compile our characters and make a book about the characters from Greek Mythology. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through some fun math review pages. NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! Christmas Party!! NO HOMEWORK!!! Christmas Party!! We had a 2:00 dismissal today. Have a wonderful break!!! Today’s Date: Thursday, December 19, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: The children presented their Greek Mythology character to the class today. We will compile our characters and make a book about the characters from Greek Mythology. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children presented their Greek Mythology character to the class today. We will compile our characters and make a book about the characters from Greek Mythology. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children are to completely write their opinion piece of writing for which is due tomorrow. They have a rubric showing the expectations for this assignment. The children presented their Greek Mythology character to the class today. We will compile our characters and make a book about the characters from Greek Mythology. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through some fun math review pages. NO HOMEWORK!!! We read over text pages C72-73 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 161 & 162 #21-24. The children were given an extra credit project that is due tomorrow. They must name the states and capitals correctly for each state. All of the states and capitals must be spelled correctly and capitalized for the children to receive credit for their work. We had a 2:00 dismissal today and we will have one tomorrow. Today’s Date: Wednesday, December 18, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: The children began their presentations today. We will compile our characters and make a book about the characters from Greek Mythology. The children began their presentations today. We will compile our characters and make a book about the characters from Greek Mythology. The children to edit and proof read their opinion outline for tomorrow. The children began their presentations today. We will compile our characters and make a book about the characters from Greek Mythology. We worked through textbook page 306 today as a class. I assigned textbook page 307 #1-19 for homework. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test today. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We read over text pages C70-71 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 161 & 162 #11-20. Here is a fun website that the children can do at home that parallels today’s science lesson: The children were given an extra credit project that is due tomorrow. They must name the states and capitals correctly for each state. All of the states and capitals must be spelled correctly and capitalized for the children to receive credit for their work. We will have a 2:00 dismissal on Thursday and Friday of this week. Today’s Date: Tuesday, December 17, 2013 Spelling: Language: The children were given characters from Greek Mythology to read about and answer some questions about them today. Today the children had to use their iPads to research five more things that they learned about the Greek Mythology character they were assigned. They will present their characters to the class on Thursday and Friday. Once they have finished with their presentations we will compile our characters and make a book about the characters from Greek Mythology. The children were given characters from Greek Mythology to read about and answer some questions about them today. Today the children had to use their iPads to research five more things that they learned about the Greek Mythology character they were assigned. They will present their characters to the class on Thursday and Friday. Once they have finished with their presentations we will Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: compile our characters and make a book about the characters from Greek Mythology. The children to complete the fifth section of the opinion outline for tomorrow. This is their conclusion paragraph. We reviewed the video today to make sure we understood how to write our conclusion paragraph. The children were given characters from Greek Mythology to read about and answer some questions about them today. Today the children had to use their iPads to research five more things that they learned about the Greek Mythology character they were assigned. They will present their characters to the class on Thursday and Friday. Once they have finished with their presentations we will compile our characters and make a book about the characters from Greek Mythology. We worked through textbook pages 304-305 on “Quotients with Zeros 13.1.” The children we assigned ditto p. 77. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test today. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We read over text pages C68-69 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 161 & 162 #6-10. The children were given an extra credit project that is due tomorrow. They must name the states and capitals correctly for each state. All of the states and capitals must be spelled correctly and capitalized for the children to receive credit for their work. We will have a 2:00 dismissal on Thursday and Friday of this week. Today’s Date: Monday, December 16, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: The children were given characters from Greek Mythology to read about and answer some questions about them today. They will present their characters to the class on Thursday and Friday. Once they have finished with their presentations we will compile our characters and make a book about the characters from Greek Mythology. The children were given characters from Greek Mythology to read about and answer some questions about them today. They will present their characters to the class on Thursday and Friday. Once they have finished with their presentations we will compile our characters and make a book about the characters from Greek Mythology. The children to complete the fifth section of the opinion outline for tomorrow. This is their conclusion paragraph. The children were given characters from Greek Mythology to read about and answer some questions about them today. They will present their characters to the class on Thursday and Friday. Once they have finished with their presentations we will compile our characters and Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: make a book about the characters from Greek Mythology. We worked through textbook pages 302-303 on “Problem Solving: Division 13.5.” The children were able to choose between doing ditto p. 76. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test today. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We read over text pages C62-67 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 161 & 162 #1-5. The children watched a video on the reading selection “So You Want to be President.” NO HOMEWORK!!! We will have a 2:00 dismissal on Thursday and Friday of this week. Today’s Date: Friday, December 13, 2013 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: The children took the Unit 2 Week 5 Final Spelling Test with their clickers. The children will not have a spelling test next week. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children and I discussed “Plural Possessive Nouns” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #9-10 and the children took a quiz over this information today as a Smart Response today. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked on our writing assignment during reading today. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children to complete the fourth section of the opinion outline for tomorrow. We worked through textbook pages 298-300 on “Divide by 1 Digit Numbers 13.4.” The children were able to choose between doing ditto p. 75. NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! We had an 11:20 dismissal today. Today’s Date: Thursday, December 12, 2013 Spelling: Language: We discussed spelling words with “Words with ear, ir, our, and ur” in spelling today and I assigned ditto p. 40. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children will have their final Unit 2 Week 5 Spelling Test tomorrow which they will take on Spelling City. STUDY!!! Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Plural Possessive Nouns” again today. Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: The children completed Daily Fix-It #7-8 and I assigned ditto p. 40. STUDY for the quiz over plural possessive nouns. You can use the back of the “Family Times” for assistance!!! The children to complete the third section of the opinion outline for tomorrow. The children completed their selection test over the story So You Want to be President If the children finished early they were able to play a game/or did Study Island if time permitted. If you would like to look at your child’s selection test score on-line please go to and enter their user name and password. (You can either ask your child what it is or find the information in their binder under the reading section.) Then click on “Parents.” On the next screen you will need to change the choice in the “View Students Progress” box to Hemberger -Reading Success Tracker 2008 G4. All of the reading tests and results for every test can be found there. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 296-297 on “Explore Dividing by 1 Digit Numbers 13.3.” The children were able to choose between doing ditto p. 74. The children’s 5-Minute Timed Test corrections were due today. The children took the Chapter 6 Science Test today. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children took the states and capital quiz over the Southeast states today. NO HOMEWORK!!! We will have an 11:20 dismissal tomorrow. Today’s Date: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: We discussed spelling words with “Words with ear, ir, our, and ur” in spelling today and I assigned ditto p. 39 for the children who did not pass there Unit 2 Week 5 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Plural Possessive Nouns” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #5-6 and we completed ditto p. 38 together as a class. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children to complete the second section of the opinion outline for tomorrow. The children listened to the story today and we reviewed the material for the selection test. You can view the power point presentation for So You Want to be President this website Just click on the story So You Want to be President Please have your child read the story So You Want to be President to you this evening and sign and date their Reading Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: Log next to the corresponding story. The children need to study for their selection test which will be tomorrow over this story. STUDY!!! We worked through textbook pages 294-295 on “Estimate Quotients 13.2” as a class. I assigned ditto p. 73. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test on Monday. Their corrections are due tomorrow morning. The children completed a Smart Response over text p. C60-61 and Ditto p. 155 & 156. The children will take the Chapter 6 Science Test tomorrow. Please study the Chapter 6 Study Guide for Science tonight. Projects are due Thursday, December 12th. The children will also have a quiz over the Southeast states. They will need to study the study guide. They need to know which capital goes with which state and they will need to be able to locate the states on a map. We will have an 11:20 Dismissal on Friday, Friday, December 13th. Today’s Date: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: We discussed spelling “Words with ear, ir, our, and ur” in spelling today and we went over ditto p. 37 together as a class. I assigned ditto p. 38 for the children who did not pass there Unit 2 Week 5 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at We discussed “Plural Possessive Nouns” again in class today. We completed Daily Fix-It #3-4. I assigned ditto p. 37. I did five problems on this ditto with the children today. The children were given an outline sheet for their opinion piece of writing. They are to complete the first section of the opinion outline for tomorrow. You can view the power point presentation for So You Want to be President using this website Just click on the story So You Want to be President. We read text p. 240-243 on vocabulary. I assigned the reading of textbook pages 244-255. We worked through textbook pages 292-293 on “Division Patterns 13.1.” The children we assigned ditto p. 63. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test today. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We read over text pages C58-59 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 149 & 150 #13-19 and ditto p. 153 & 154. The children are to complete the packet on the Florida Everglades. State float projects are due Thursday, December 12th. Other: We will have an 11:20 Dismissal on Friday, Friday, December 13th. Today’s Date: Monday, December 9, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: The children took their Unit 2 Week 5 Spelling Pretest on Spelling City today. Students who misspelled words will need to write them 7 times each. NO HOMEWORK!!! (For students with 100% scores.) Don’t forget to visit spelling city at Students who were absent will take their test tomorrow on the computers. The children learned about “Plural Possessive Nouns.” We completed Daily Fix-It #1-2. Students who were absent need to do the Grammar Transparency ditto p. 10 on common and proper nouns as a practice. NO HOMEWORK for students who attended today!!! We discussed using main idea and how we choose which details go with which main idea. I then assigned Writer’s Craft p. 10B You can view the power point presentation for So You Want to be President this website Just click on the story So You Want to be President We completed ditto p. 93 as a class on the Smartboard and we studied the vocabulary and I assigned ditto p. 94 #1-10. The children will take the Chapter 11 Math Test today. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test today. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We read over text pages C52-57 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 149 & 150 #1-12. State float projects are due Thursday, December 12th. NO HOMEWORK!!! We will have an 11:20 Dismissal on Friday, Friday, December 13th. Today’s Date: Friday, December 6, 2013 Spelling: Language: The children took the Unit 2 Week 4 Final Spelling Test with their clickers. Don’t forget to study for your Unit 2 Week 5 Spelling Pretest on Monday. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Singular Possessive Nouns” again today. The children took a quiz over this information today as a Smart Response today. NO HOMEWORK!!! Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: We worked on our writing assignment during reading today. NO HOMEWORK!!! The students worked on their opinion piece on whether or not they would like to wear school uniforms to school. We reviewed how to write a good “hook” and we learned how to write a thesis statement for an opinion piece of writing. The children need to revise their “hook” if necessary and have their thesis statement written. I will be giving points based on correctness and completion of these two writing process. We worked through textbook page 260 today and I assigned text p. 261 #1-32 in preparation for Monday’s test. The children will take the Chapter 11 Math Test on Monday, December 9th. We read over text pages C50-51 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 143 & 144 #18 and ditto p. 147 & 148. Projects are due Thursday, December 12th. We will have an 11:20 Dismissal on Friday, Friday, December 13th. Today’s Date: Thursday, December 5, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: We discussed spelling words with “Consonant pairs ng, nk, ph, wh” in spelling today and I assigned ditto p. 36. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children will have their final Unit 2 Week 4 Spelling Test tomorrow which they will take on Spelling City. STUDY!!! Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Singular Possessive Nouns” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #7-8 and I assigned ditto p. 36. STUDY for the quiz over this material!!! The students worked on their opinion piece on whether or not they would like to wear school uniforms to school. I showed the children a power point presentation about the best way to write a hook today in class. Tomorrow, they need to have their hook completed based on whether or not they are for or against school uniforms. They also need to keep in mind their audience is Mr. Grimm and parents who are against their viewpoint on this topic. The children completed their selection test over the story Marvin of the Great North Woods. If the children finished early they were able to play a game/or did Study Island if time permitted. If you would like to look at your child’s selection test score on-line please go to and enter their user name and password. (You can either ask your child what it is or find the information in their binder under the reading section.) Then click on “Parents.” On the next screen you will need to change the choice in the “View Students Progress” box to Hemberger -Reading Success Tracker 2008 Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: G4. All of the reading tests and results for every test can be found there. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 254-256 on “Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers 11.4.” The children were able to choose between doing ditto p. 65. I informed the students that they need to bring the ditto home to be checked. The children’s 5-Minute Timed Test corrections were due today. We read over and discussed text pages C46-49 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 143 & 144 #11-17. Projects are due Thursday, December 12th. We will have an 11:20 Dismissal on Friday, Friday, December 13th. Today’s Date: Wednesday, December 4, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: We discussed spelling words with “Consonant pairs ng, nk, ph, wh” in spelling today and I assigned ditto p. 35 for the children who did not pass there Unit 2 Week 4 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Singular Possessive Nouns” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #5-6 and we completed ditto p. 34together as a class. NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! The children listened to the story today and we reviewed the material for the selection test. You can view the power point presentation for Marvin of the Great North Woods this website Just click on the story Marvin of the Great North Woods Please have your child read the story Marvin of the Great North Woods to you this evening and sign and date their Reading Log next to the corresponding story. The children need to study for their selection test which will be tomorrow over this story. STUDY!!! We worked through textbook pages 252-253 on “Explore Multiplying by 2-Digit Numbers 11.3.” The children were able to choose between doing ditto p. 64. The students need to keep in mind that they can bring the ditto home to be checked. They cannot bring the Smart Response home to be checked. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test on Monday. Their corrections are due tomorrow morning. We read over text pages C42-45 as a class today and I assigned ditto p. 143 & 14 #1-10. Projects are due Thursday, December 12th. We will have an 11:20 Dismissal on Friday, Friday, December 13th. Today’s Date: Tuesday, December 3, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: We discussed spelling “Consonant pairs ng, nk, ph, wh” in spelling today and we went over ditto p. 33 together as a class. I assigned ditto p. 34 for the children who did not pass there Unit 2 Week 4 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children learned about “Singular Possessive Nouns.” We completed Daily Fix-It #3-4. I assigned ditto p. 33. Students are beginning their opinion piece today. I have told them that they are going to write their opinion piece on school uniforms. Tomorrow, they need to have pros and cons on school uniforms. They are required to have 5 total for the concept that they choose, either for or against school uniforms. They also need 2 for the area that they are not for. You can view the power point presentation for Marvin of the Great North Woods using this website Just click on the story Marvin of the Great North Woods. We read text p. 214-215 on vocabulary. I assigned the reading of textbook pages 216-232. We worked through textbook pages 252-253 on “Multiply by Multiples 11.2.” The children could choose to complete Smart Response 11.2 or they could do ditto p. 63. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test on Monday. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We read over text pages C37-41 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 137 & 138 #16-24 and Ditto p. 141 & 142. The children need to complete the ditto on “Major Industries in the USA.” We will have an 11:20 Dismissal on Friday, Friday, December 13th. Today’s Date: Monday, December 2, 2013 Spelling: Language: The children took their Unit 2 Week 4 Spelling Pretest on Spelling City today. Students who misspelled words will need to write them 7 times each. NO HOMEWORK!!! (For students with 100% scores.) Don’t forget to visit spelling city at Students who were absent will take their test tomorrow on the computers. The children learned about “Singular Possessive Nouns.” We completed Daily Fix-It #1-2. Students who were absent need to do the Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Grammar Transparency ditto p. 9 on common and proper nouns as a practice. NO HOMEWORK for students who attended today!!! I introduced opinion writing today. NO HOMEWORK!!! You can view the power point presentation for Marvin of the Great North Woods this website Just click on the story Marvin of the Great North Woods. We completed ditto p. 83 as a class on the Smartboard and we studied the vocabulary and I assigned ditto p. 84 #1-10. We worked through textbook pages 248-249 on “Algebra: Patterns of Multiplication 11.1.” The children could choose to complete Smart Response 11.1 or they could do ditto p. 62. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test today. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We read over text pages C32-35 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 137 & 138 #1-15. The children were given time to work on their state project. Projects are due Thursday, December 12th. The children were given a Southeast State Study Guide. They need to cut and or color their memory game pieces. Other: Today’s Date: Wednesday, November 27, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: We worked on questions about our Social Studies project. Don’t forget to study for your Unit 2 Week 4 Spelling Pretest on Monday. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at We learned about the first Thanksgiving today. NO HOMEWORK!!! We made a list of all of the things we are thankful for so that we could reflect on all of the positive things in our lives. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children are to read pages 124 to the end of the story Dear Mr. Henshaw. The children took an A.R. and a comprehension test over the material in this story. NO HOMEWORK!!! I assigned a page called “Thanksgiving Math.” We read over text pages C26-27 as a class today. The children completed a Smart Response over text p. C28-29 and Ditto p. 131 & 132. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children were given time to do research for their state project. The children can work on their projects. Projects are due Thursday, December 12th. Scholastic Book Orders are due on Wednesday, November 27th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: We worked on questions about our Social Studies project. NO HOMEWORK!!! We learned about idioms today and we discussed how we used idioms. We also read several idioms and discussed their true meaning. NO HOMEWORK!!! We learned about idioms today and we discussed how we used idioms. We also read several idioms and discussed their true meaning. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children are to read pages 102-123 of the story Dear Mr. Henshaw. I read the first 5 pages for the children together as a class. NO HOMEWORK!!! Tomorrow, the children will finish reading this story. They will take an A.R. and a comprehension test over the material in this story. We worked through textbook pages 232-233 on “Problem Solving: Finding a Pattern 10.6.” I assigned ditto p. 61. We read over text pages C22-24 as a class today and we worked ditto p. 128 together as a class. I assigned ditto p. 125 & 126 #12-19 and ditto p. 129-130. The children were given time to do research for their state project. The children can work on their projects. Scholastic Book Orders are due on Wednesday, November 27th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Monday, November 25, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: We worked on questions about our Social Studies project. NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! The children are to read pages 93-102 of the story Dear Mr. Henshaw. I read the first 5 pages for the children together as a class. I assigned ditto p. 37, and 38 & 39. We worked through textbook pages 228-230 on “Graphing Functions 10.5.” I assigned ditto p. 60. We read over text pages C20-21 as a class today and we worked ditto p. 127 together as a class. I assigned ditto p. 125 & 126 #7-11. The children were given time to do research for their state project. The children can work on their projects. Other: Scholastic Book Orders are due on Wednesday, November 27th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Friday, November 22, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: We worked on questions about our Social Studies project. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children did Word Ladder Ditto p. 20. We checked it as a class. NO HOMEWORK!!! A few students finished their Thanksgiving limerick today. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children are to read pages 79-91 of the story Dear Mr. Henshaw. I read the first 5 pages for the children together as a class. I assigned ditto p. 33, 34, 35, and 36. We worked through textbook pages 226-227 on “Functions: Algebra10.4.” I assigned ditto p. 59. We read over text pages C16-19 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 125 & 126 #1-6. The children were given time to do research for their state project. The children can work on their projects. Scholastic Book Orders are due on Wednesday, November 27th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Thursday, November 21, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: We worked on questions about our Social Studies project. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children did Word Ladder Ditto p. 18. We checked it as a class. NO HOMEWORK!!! The students need to copy the Thanksgiving limerick that I wrote on a piece of paper. They need to use their best handwriting and their letters must be made correctly. Students who DO NOT write neatly will have to redo it until it is neat. Once their handwriting is neat they need to color the border of their limerick. Cut it out and glue it onto a piece of fall colored construction paper. The children are to read pages 61-78 of the story Dear Mr. Henshaw. I read the first 5 pages for the children together as a class. I assigned ditto p. 27 & 28 and 31. We worked through textbook pages 222-223 on “Choose A Computation Method 10.3.” I assigned ditto p. 58. 5-Minute Timed Test corrections were due today. We read over text pages C14-15 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 119 & 120 #21 and ditto p. 123-124. Social Studies: Other: The children were given time to do research for their state project. The children can work on their projects. Scholastic Book Orders are due on Wednesday, November 27th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: We worked on homophones and handwriting during spelling time. We worked on learning about homophones today. I assigned a ditto on homophones for homework. The students need to copy the Thanksgiving limerick that I wrote on a piece of paper. They need to use their best handwriting and their letters must be made correctly. Students who DO NOT write neatly will have to redo it until it is neat. Once their handwriting is neat they need to color the border of their limerick. The children are to read pages 31-59 of the story Dear Mr. Henshaw. I read the first 5 pages for the children together as a class. I assigned ditto p. 19 & 20, 21, 22, 23 & 24, and 26. We worked through textbook pages 222-223 on “Multiply Using Mental Math10.2.” I assigned ditto p. 55. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test on today. Their corrections are due tomorrow. We read over text pages C12-13 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 119 & 120 #17-20. The children were given information about a project for making a state float. They also picked their state to do their project on. The children can work on their projects. Scholastic Book Orders are due on Wednesday, November 27th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Tuesday, November 19, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: We worked on homophones and handwriting during spelling time. We worked on learning about homophones today. I assigned a ditto on homophones for homework. The students need to copy the Thanksgiving limerick that I wrote on a piece of paper. They need to use their best handwriting and their letters must be made correctly. Students who DO NOT write neatly will have to redo it until it is neat. The children are to read pages 31-59 of the story Dear Mr. Henshaw. I read the first 5 pages for the children together as a class. I assigned Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: ditto p. 19 &20, 21, 22, 23 & 24, and 26. We worked through textbook pages 218-220 on “Multiplying Greater Numbers 10.1.” I assigned ditto p. 54. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test on today. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We read over text pages C10-11 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 119 & 120 #13-16. The children completed their Northeast states and capitals test today. NO HOMEWORK!!! Scholastic Book Orders are due on Wednesday, November 27th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Monday, November 18, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: We worked on homophones, handwriting, and a word ladder page during spelling time. We worked on learning about homophones today. I assigned a ditto on homophones for homework. The students need to copy the Thanksgiving limerick that I wrote on a piece of paper. They need to use their best handwriting and their letters must be made correctly. Students who DO NOT write neatly will have to redo it until it is neat. The children are to read pages 1-30 of the story Dear Mr. Henshaw. I read the first 10 pages for the children and we worked ditto p. 9 & 10 together as a class. I assigned ditto p. 7, 8, 11 & 12, and 13 & 14. The children took the Chapter 9 Math Test today. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test on today. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We read over text pages C8-9 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 119 & 120 #6-12. The children brought home their study guide for Chapter 5 last Friday. The children need to complete the packet on Niagara Falls for homework. Niagara Falls is one of the biggest features of the Northeast and it is important for the children to be aware of it. The children need to study the Northeast states and capitals. They need to know each states location and the capital for each state. They will have a test over this material tomorrow. STUDY!!! Scholastic Book Orders are due on Wednesday, November 27th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Friday, November 15, 2013 Spelling: We worked on the children’s narrative essay during our spelling time. Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: We worked on the children’s narrative essay during our language time. The students need to write the final draft of their narrative essay. I told them that each paragraph needed 5 sentences and each sentence needed to be longer than 4 words. The children did peer revisions today and they peer graded their partners work. The children should bring home the rubric that I will be using to grade this essay. If you look over this rubric, you will see my requirements for the narrative essay. The children took the quiz over element of a non-fiction text today. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook page214 today and I assigned text p. 215 #1-19 in preparation for Monday’s test. The children will take the Chapter 9 Math Test on Monday, November 18th. We read over text pages C2-7 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 119 & 120 #1-5. The children will not bring home a study guide for Chapter 5, as they will not be having a test over this chapter. We do not have social studies on Fridays. NO HOMEWORK!!! Scholastic Book Orders are due on Wednesday, November 27th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Thursday, November 14, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: We worked on the children’s narrative essay during our spelling time. We worked on the children’s narrative essay during our language time. The students need to write the edit and revise all of the paragraphs of their narrative essay. I told them that each paragraph needed 5 sentences and each sentence needed to be longer than 4 words. I taught the children more about non-fiction text using a website and the children need to study the vocabulary terms that I gave them Tuesday, about elements of non-fiction text. The children will have a quiz over these terms on Friday. The children need to read the nonfiction text Where Did We Get That Word? Ditto p. 6&7 and complete it for homework. We worked through textbook pages 212-213 on “Problem Solving: Using an Overestimation and Underestimation 9.5.” We worked ditto p. 55 as a class. NO HOMEWORK!!! 5-Minute Timed Test corrections were due today. The children will take the Chapter 9 Math Test next Monday, November 18th. The children took the Chapter 4 Science Test today. NO HOMEWORK!!! Social Studies: Other: We watched a video on the Northeast today. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children need to study the Northeast states and capitals. They will have a test over this material next Tuesday, November 19th. Scholastic Book Orders are due on Wednesday, November 27th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: We worked on the children’s narrative essay during our spelling time. We worked on the children’s narrative essay during our language time. The students need to write the fifth paragraphs of their narrative essay and have it ready for tomorrow. I taught the children more about non-fiction text using a website and the children need to study the vocabulary terms that I gave them Tuesday, about elements of non-fiction text. The children will have a quiz over these terms on Friday. The children need to read the nonfiction text Fighting Fires Ditto p. 13 and complete it for homework. We worked through textbook pages 210-211 on “Estimating Products 9.4.” I assigned ditto p. 53. 5-Minute Timed Test corrections are due Thursday morning. The children will take the Chapter 9 Math Test next Monday, November 18th. The children did ditto p. 111 & 112 and text p. B76 & 77 in preparation for tomorrow’s Chapter 4 Science Test. Please look over these pages that we did today. Especially look at the problems they missed and have them learn the correct answers. Have your child study from the Chapter 4 Science Study Guide for tomorrow’s test. STUDY!!! The children will be studying the states and capitals of the Northeast. They need to cut out their new study page. The children need to study the Northeast states and capitals. They will have a test over this material next Tuesday, November 19th. Scholastic Book Orders are due on Wednesday, November 27th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: We worked on the children’s narrative essay during our spelling time. We completed Word Ladder ditto p. 17 together as a class. The students need to write the second, third, and fourth paragraphs of their narrative essay and have it ready for Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: tomorrow. I taught the children more about non-fiction text using a website and the children were given vocabulary terms, about elements of nonfiction text. The children will have a quiz over these terms on Friday. The children need to read the non-fiction text Get Ready for the Talent Show Ditto p. 12 and complete it for homework. They also need to put together the book about chocolate. We will be using it tomorrow. We worked through textbook pages 206-208 on “Multiplying by 1Digit Numbers 9.3.” The children were able to choose between doing ditto p. 53 or the Smart Response 9.3. The students need to keep in mind that they can bring the ditto home to be checked. They cannot bring the Smart Response home to be checked. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test on today. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We read over text pages B72-75 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 105 & 106 #21-22 and Ditto p. 109& 110. We worked ditto p. 108 together as a class. The children will be studying the states and capitals of the Northeast. They need to cut out and color the memory card game. They were given a study guide for states and capitals. Scholastic Book Orders are due on Wednesday, November 27th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Friday, November 8, 2013 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: The children took the Unit 2 Week 3 Final Spelling Test with their clickers. No Spelling next week due to the short week. The children and I discussed “Irregular Plural Nouns” again today. The children took a quiz over this information today as a Smart Response today. NO HOMEWORK!!! We had our Veteran’s Day assembly today. NO HOMEWORK!!! The students need to write their first paragraph of their narrative essay and have it ready for Tuesday. 11:20 Dismissal for School Improvement. NO HOMEWORK!!! 11:20 Dismissal for School Improvement. NO HOMEWORK!!! 11:20 Dismissal for School Improvement. NO HOMEWORK!!! Scholastic Book Orders are due on Wednesday, November 27th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Thursday, November 7, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: We discussed spelling “Words with ar and or” in spelling today and I assigned ditto p. 32. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children will have their final Unit 2 Week 3 Spelling Test tomorrow which they will take on Spelling City. STUDY!!! Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Irregular Plural Nouns” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #7-10 and I assigned ditto p. 32. STUDY for the quiz over this material!!! The children will choose which narrative essay that they would like to write about and they will fill out a sequence of events chart. The completed chart is due tomorrow. The children completed their selection test over the story Grace and the Time Machine If the children finished early they were able to play a game/or did Study Island if time permitted. If you would like to look at your child’s selection test score on-line please go to and enter their user name and password. (You can either ask your child what it is or find the information in their binder under the reading section.) Then click on “Parents.” On the next screen you will need to change the choice in the “View Students Progress” box to Hemberger -Reading Success Tracker 2008 G4. All of the reading tests and results for every test can be found there. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 204-205 on “Explore Multiplying by 1-Digit Numbers 9.2.” The children were able to choose between doing ditto p. 52 or the Smart Response 9.2. The students need to keep in mind that they can bring the ditto home to be checked. They cannot bring the Smart Response home to be checked. The children’s 5-Minute Timed Test corrections were due today. We read over and discussed text pages B68-71 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 105 & 106 #10-20. The children played a game on Scholastic Book Orders are due on Wednesday, November 27th. My activation code is L7GDY. Practice the words to My Country Tis of Thee. Today’s Date: Wednesday, November 6, 2013 Spelling: We discussed spelling “Words with ar and or” in spelling today and I assigned ditto p. 31 for the children who did not pass there Unit 2 Week 3 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: The children and I discussed “Irregular Plural Nouns” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #5-6 and we completed ditto p. 30 together as a class. NO HOMEWORK!!! Students are also to write two letters to veterans this week. The children need to come up with a list of possible narrative ideas. They need to list at least 5 things that they could write about. The children listened to the story today and we reviewed the material for the selection test. You can view the power point presentation for Grace and the Time Machine this website Just click on the story Grace and the Time Machine Please have your child read the story Grace and the Time Machine to you this evening and sign and date their Reading Log next to the corresponding story. The children need to study for their selection test which will be tomorrow over this story. STUDY!!! We worked through textbook pages 202-203 on “Algebra: Patterns and properties 9.1.” The children were able to choose between doing ditto p. 51 or the Smart Response 9.1. The students need to keep in mind that they can bring the ditto home to be checked. They cannot bring the Smart Response home to be checked. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test on Monday. Their corrections are due tomorrow morning. The children were also give the Chapter 9 Study Guides today. We read over text pages B64-67 as a class today and I assigned ditto p. 105 & 106#1-9. The students took the Chapter 1 Social Studies Test today. NO HOMEWORK!!! Scholastic Book Orders are due on Wednesday, November 27th. My activation code is L7GDY. Practice the words to My Country Tis of Thee. Today’s Date: Tuesday, November 5, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: We discussed spelling “Words with ar and or” in spelling today and we went over ditto p. 29 together as a class. I assigned ditto p. 30 for the children who did not pass there Unit 2 Week 3 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children learned about “Irregular Plural Nouns.” We completed Daily Fix-It #3-4. I assigned ditto p. 29. Students are also to write two letters to veterans this week. You can view the power point presentation for Grace and the Time Machine using this website Just click on the Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: story Grace and the Time Machine . We read text p. 190-191 on vocabulary. I assigned the reading of textbook pages 192-207. The children took their Chapter 8 Math Test today. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test on Monday. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We read over text pages B60-63 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 97 & 98 #15-25 and Ditto p. 103 & 104. We did an oral review for the Chapter 1 Social Studies Test. The Chapter 1 Social Studies Test is tomorrow. Please use the Chapter 1 Study Guide to help your child be prepared for tomorrow’s test. Scholastic Book Orders are due on Wednesday, November 27th. My activation code is L7GDY. Practice the words to My Country Tis of Thee. Today’s Date: Monday, November 4, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: The children took their Unit 2 Week 3 Spelling Pretest on Spelling City today. Students who misspelled words will need to write them 7 times each. NO HOMEWORK!!! (For students with 100% scores.) Don’t forget to visit spelling city at Students who were absent will take their test tomorrow on the computers. The children learned about “Irregular Plural Nouns.” We completed Daily Fix-It #1-2. Students who were absent need to do the Grammar Transparency ditto p. 8 on common and proper nouns as a practice. NO HOMEWORK for students who attended today!!! I assigned Writer’s Craft p. 8B. Students are also to write two letters to veterans this week. You can view the power point presentation for Grace and the Time Machine this website Just click on the story Grace and the Time Machine . We completed ditto p. 73 as a class on the Smartboard and we studied the vocabulary and I assigned ditto p. 74 #1-10. We worked through textbook pages 188 together as a class. I assigned text p. 189 #1-24. We worked number 25 together as a class. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test on Monday. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. Your child needs to study for the Chapter 8 Math Test tomorrow. Please use the Chapter 8 Study Guide to help your child prepare for this test. We read over text pages B58-59 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 97 & 98 #10-14. We did an oral review for the Chapter 1 Social Studies Test. Please begin to use the Chapter 1 Social Studies Study Guide and Other: prepare for Wednesday’s Chapter 1 Social Studies Test. Scholastic Book Orders are due on Wednesday, November 27th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Friday, November 1, 2013 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: The children took the Unit 2 Week 1 Final Spelling Test with their clickers. Don’t forget to study for your Unit 2 Week 3 Spelling Pretest on Monday. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Common and Proper Nouns” again today. The children took a quiz over this information today as a Smart Response today. NO HOMEWORK!!! We read level reader books that correlate with the skills for this week’s story and we worked on Study Island today. NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 184-186 on “Expressions and Equations 8.6.” I assigned ditto p. 50. The children should use the Order of Operations sheet that they were going today to complete this assignment. We read over text pages B54-57 as a class today and we worked ditto p. 75 together as a class. I assigned ditto p. 97 & 98 #1-9. We do not have social studies on Fridays. NO HOMEWORK!!! Scholastic Book Orders are due on Wednesday, November 27th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Thursday, October 31, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: We discussed spelling words that have the “Adding –s and -es” spelling today. I assigned ditto p. 24. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children will have their final Unit 2 Week 1 Spelling Test tomorrow which they will take on Spelling City. STUDY!!! Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Common and Proper Nouns” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #7-10 and I assigned ditto p. 24. STUDY for the quiz over this material!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! The children completed their selection test over the story What Jo Did. If the children finished early they were able to play a game/or did Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: Study Island if time permitted. If you would like to look at your child’s selection test score on-line please go to and enter their user name and password. (You can either ask your child what it is or find the information in their binder under the reading section.) Then click on “Parents.” On the next screen you will need to change the choice in the “View Students Progress” box to Hemberger -Reading Success Tracker 2008 G4. All of the reading tests and results for every test can be found there. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 182-183 on “Problem Solving: Working Backwards 8.5.” I assigned ditto p. 49. We read over and discussed text pages B52-53 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 91 & 92 #21-23 and ditto p. 96 & 97. I assigned page 12 of the Chapter 1 Social Studies packet for homework. The children need to use pages 49-53 to complete this assignment. Scholastic Book Orders are due on Wednesday, November 27th. My activation code is L7GDY. Dress in your favorite sports team apparel tomorrow. Today’s Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: We discussed spelling words that have the “Adding –s and -es” spelling today. I assigned ditto p. 23 for the children who did not pass there Unit 1 Week 5 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Common and Proper Nouns” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #5-6 and I assigned ditto p. 22. NO HOMEWORK!!! I assigned a cut and paste page on “Cause and Effect” today. The children listened to the story today and we reviewed the material for the selection test. You can view the power point presentation for What Jo Did this website Just click on the story What Jo Did Please have your child read the story What Jo Did to you this evening and sign and date their Reading Log next to the corresponding story. The children need to study for their selection test which will be tomorrow over this story. STUDY!!! We worked through textbook pages 178-181 on “Missing Factors 8.4.” I assigned ditto p. 48. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test on Monday. Their corrections are due tomorrow morning. We read over text pages B50-51 as a class today and I assigned ditto Social Studies: Other: p. 91 & 92#17-20. We read text pages 49-53 together as a class and discussed the material orally. NO HOMEWORK!!! Scholastic Book Orders are due on Wednesday, November 27th. My activation code is L7GDY. Wear your pajamas today!!! Don’t forget to bring items in tomorrow for our party. Today’s Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: We discussed spelling words that have the “Adding –s and -es” spelling today. I assigned ditto p. 22 for the children who did not pass there Unit 2 Week 1 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children learned about “Common and Proper Nouns.” We completed Daily Fix-It #3-4. I assigned ditto p. 21. NO HOMEWORK!!! You can view the power point presentation for What Jo Did using this website Just click on the story What Jo Did. We read text p. 146-145 on vocabulary. I assigned the reading of textbook pages 146-156. We worked through textbook pages 172-176 on “Relating Multiplication and Division 8.2 & 8.3.” I assigned ditto p. 46. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test on Monday. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We read over text pages B48-49 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 91 & 92 #14-16. I assigned page 13 of the Chapter 1 Social Studies packet for homework. Scholastic Book Orders are due on Wednesday, November 27th. My activation code is L7GDY. Wear camouflage clothing tomorrow. Today’s Date: Monday, October 28, 2013 Spelling: Language: The children took their Unit 2 Week 1 Spelling Pretest on Spelling City today. Students who misspelled words will need to write them 7 times each. NO HOMEWORK!!! (For students with 100% scores.) Don’t forget to visit spelling city at Students who were absent will take their test tomorrow on the computers. The children learned about “Common and Proper Nouns.” We completed Daily Fix-It #1-2. Students who were absent need to do the Grammar Transparency ditto p. 6 on common and proper nouns as a Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: practice. NO HOMEWORK for students who attended today!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! You can view the power point presentation for What Jo Did this website Just click on the story What Jo Did. We completed ditto p. 53 as a class on the Smartboard and we studied the vocabulary and I assigned ditto p. 54 #1-10. We worked through textbook pages 170-171 on “Explore the Meaning of Division 8.1.” I assigned ditto p. 45. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test on Monday. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We read over text pages B42-47 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 91 & 92 #1-13. We read text pages 47-48 together as a class and discussed the material orally. I assigned page 10 of the packet. Scholastic Book Orders are due on Wednesday, November 27th. My activation code is L7GDY. Wear Hawaiian clothing tomorrow. Today’s Date: Friday, October 25, 2013 No School – Parent/ Teacher Conferences Today Today’s Date: Thursday, October 24, 2013 No School – Parent/ Teacher Conferences Today Today’s Date: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: NO HOMEWORK!!! We read from a novel unit. We worked Word Ladder ditto p. 16 today as a class. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children need to take the Accelerated Reader test on the story Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing and complete the vocabulary review for this story. The children worked in pairs creating a story on their iPads using the Book Creator App. This story must contain a great deal of dialogue. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children are to complete the front and back of the multiplication page today. When they finish the children used their iPads to study their facts. The children took the Chapter 3 Science Test today. NO HOMEWORK!!! Social Studies: Other: NO HOMEWORK!!! Scholastic Book Orders are due on Wednesday, November 27th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: NO HOMEWORK!!! We read from a novel unit. I assigned Word Ladder ditto p. 14 today. The children are to read chapters 9 & 10 of the story Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I assigned ditto p. 32, 33 & 34, and 35. The children worked in pairs creating a story on their iPads using the Book Creator App. This story must contain a great deal of dialogue. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children took the Chapter 7 Math Test today. NO HOMEWORK!!! We read over text pages B38-39 as a class today and the children completed two Smart Responses over Text p. B40-41 and ditto p. 85 & 86. These reviews were given back to them and they can use them to study for tomorrow’s Chapter 3 Science Test. Please study the Chapter 3 Study Guide as well. STUDY!!! We read text pages 44-46 together as a class and discussed the material orally. NO HOMEWORK!!! Other: Today’s Date: Monday, October 21, 2013 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: NO HOMEWORK!!! We read from a novel unit. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children are to read chapters 7 & 8 of the story Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I assigned ditto p. 29 & 30 and 31. We worked ditto p. 30 together as a class. The children worked in pairs creating a story on their iPads using the Book Creator App. This story must contain a great deal of dialogue. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook page 166 together as a class as a review for tomorrow’s Chapter 7 Math test on multiplication. I assigned text p. 167 #1-19. The children will have their Chapter 7 Math test tomorrow. STUDY!!! We read over text pages B34-37 as a class today and we worked ditto p. 82 together as a class. I assigned ditto p. 79 & 80 #15-17 and Social Studies: ditto p. 83 & 84. I assigned page 11 of the packet. The children just need to use the glossary, which starts on page R25 of their Social Studies textbook, and copy down the definitions. They need to spell the words correctly and copy the information exactly. Other: Today’s Date: Friday, October 18, 2013 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: NO HOMEWORK!!! We read from a novel unit. I assigned Word Ladder ditto p. 14 today. The children are to read chapters 5 & 6 of the story Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I assigned ditto p. 24, 25, 26, and 27. We did some pair dialoguing. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 164-165 on “Multipication Algebra 7.7.” I assigned ditto p. 44. We read over text pages B30-33 as a class today and we worked ditto p. 82 together as a class. I assigned ditto p. 79 & 80 #7-14. We do not have social studies on Fridays. NO HOMEWORK!!! Scholastic Book Orders are due today. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Thursday, October 17, 2013 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: NO HOMEWORK!!!We read from a novel unit. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children are to read chapters 3 & 4 of the story Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I assigned ditto p. 15, 18 & 19, and 20 & 21. I assigned a dialogue page for the children to correct and turn in today. We worked through textbook pages 162-163 on “Multipication Explore Square Number 7.6.” I assigned ditto p. 43. We read over text pages B26-29 as a class today and we worked ditto p. 81 together as a class. I assigned ditto p. 79 & 80 #1-6. We read text pages 41-43 together as a class and discussed the material orally. I assigned page 8 of the packet. Scholastic Book Orders are due tomorrow. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Wednesday, October 16, 2013 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: NO HOMEWORK!!!We read from a novel unit. I assigned Word Ladder ditto p. 13 today. The children are to read chapters 1 & 2 of the story Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I assigned ditto p. 9 &10, 11, and 13. We worked through more dialogue on the Smartboard together as a class. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 160-161 on “Multiply by 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10 7.5.” I assigned ditto p. 42. The children were given their 5Minute Timed Test on Monday. Their corrections are due tomorrow. We read over text pages B22-25 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 73 & 74 #19-22 and ditto p. 81 & 82. We read text pages 38-40 together as a class and discussed the material orally. NO HOMEWORK!!! Scholastic Book Orders are due on October 18th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Tuesday, October 15, 2013 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: NO HOMEWORK!!! We read from a novel unit. We worked Word Ladder ditto p. 10 together as a class today. NO HOMEWORK!!! I introduced the story and went over several vocabulary terms on the story Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. We worked ditto p. 12 & 14 together as a class. I explained how to do the vocabulary cards and the crossword puzzle. I read part of tomorrow’s reading to the children today. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children are to write a comic strip using dialogue between the characters. They have been given a rubric for this assignment that spells out the requirements. This is due tomorrow. We worked through textbook pages 156-158 on “Multiply by 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10 7.4.” I assigned ditto p. 41. The children were given their 5Minute Timed Test on Monday. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We read over text pages B20-21 as a class today and we worked ditto p. 75 together as a class. I assigned ditto p. 73 & 74 #13-18. I assigned page 9 of the packet. The children just need to use the glossary, which starts on page R25 of their Social Studies textbook, and copy down the definitions. They need to spell the words correctly and copy the information exactly. Scholastic Book Orders are due on October 18th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Friday, October 11, 2013 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: The children took the Unit 1 Week 5 Final Spelling Test with their clickers. We WILL NOT have any spelling on Monday because we will be doing a novel unit for the next two short weeks. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Causes and Complex Sentences” again today. The children took a quiz over this information today as a Smart Response today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #9-10. NO HOMEWORK!!! We read level reader books that correlate with the skills for this week’s story and we worked on Study Island today. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children are to write a comic strip using dialogue between the characters. They have been given a rubric for this assignment that spells out the requirements. We worked through textbook pages 152-155 on “Multiply by 2, 3, 4, and 6 7.3.” I assigned ditto p. 40. The children were given their 5Minute Timed Test today. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We read over text pages B18-19 as a class today and we worked ditto p. 75 together as a class. I assigned ditto p. 73 & 74 #7-12. We do not have social studies on Fridays. NO HOMEWORK!!! Scholastic Book Orders are due on October 18th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Thursday, October 10, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: I assigned ditto p. 20. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children will have their final Unit 1 Week 5 Spelling Test tomorrow which they will take on Spelling City. STUDY!!! Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Causes and Complex Sentences” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #7-8 and I assigned ditto p. 20. STUDY for the quiz over this material!!! I assigned two more sentences for them to complete. The children completed their selection test over the story Letters Home from Yosemite. If the children finished early they were able to play a game/or did Study Island if time permitted. If you would like Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: to look at your child’s selection test score on-line please go to and enter their user name and password. (You can either ask your child what it is or find the information in their binder under the reading section.) Then click on “Parents.” On the next screen you will need to change the choice in the “View Students Progress” box to Hemberger -Reading Success Tracker 2008 G4. All of the reading tests and results for every test can be found there. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 150-151 on “Algebra: Proberties of Multiplication 7.2.” I assigned ditto p. 39. We read over text pages B14-17 as a class today and we worked ditto p. 75 together as a class. I assigned ditto p. 73 & 74 #1-6. We read text pages 26-27 together as a class and discussed the material orally. I assigned ditto p. 1 & 2 on Latitude and Longitude. Scholastic Book Orders are due on October 18th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Wednesday, October 9, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: We discussed spelling words that have the “Long u words” spelling today. I assigned ditto p. 19 for the children who did not pass there Unit 1 Week 5 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Causes and Complex Sentences” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #5-6 and I assigned ditto p. 20. Today we reviewed the rules in writing dialogue. We reviewed how to punctuate and capitalize dialogue. We did a sentence together as a class and I assigned two more sentences for them to complete. The children listened to the story today and we reviewed the material for the selection test. You can view the power point presentation for Letters Home from Yosemite this website Just click on the story Letters Home from Yosemite Please have your child read the story Letters Home from Yosemite to you this evening and sign and date their Reading Log next to the corresponding story. The children need to study for their selection test which will be tomorrow over this story. STUDY!!! We worked through textbook pages 148-149 on “Multiplication 7.1.” I assigned ditto p. 13-20. We read over text pages B8-13 as a class today and I assigned ditto p. 67 & 68 #13-20. Social Studies: Other: We read text pages 34-35 together as a class and discussed the material orally. NO HOMEWORK!!! Scholastic Book Orders are due on October 18th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Tuesday, October 8, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: We discussed spelling words that have the “Long u words” spelling today. I assigned ditto p. 18 for the children who did not pass there Unit 1 Week 4 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children learned about “Causes and Complex Sentences.” We completed Daily Fix-It #3-4. I assigned ditto p. 17. Today we learned the rules in writing dialogue. We learned how to punctuate and capitalize dialogue. We did a sentence together as a class. Tomorrow they will be doing more with dialogue. You can view the power point presentation for Letters Home from Yosemite using this website Just click on the story Letters Home from Yosemite. We read text p. 114-115 on vocabulary. I assigned the reading of textbook pages 116-117. The children took their Chapter 4 Math Test today. The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test on Monday. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. We read over text pages B4-7 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 67 & 68 #1-12. The children received their study guide for the chapter 3 science test. We read text pages 31-33 together as a class and discussed the material orally. I assigned page 5 & 6 of the Chapter 1 Social Studies packet for homework. Scholastic Book Orders are due on October 18th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Monday, October 7, 2013 Spelling: Language: The children took their Unit 1 Week 5 Spelling Pretest on Spelling City today. Students who misspelled words will need to write them 7 times each. NO HOMEWORK!!! (For students with 100% scores.) Don’t forget to visit spelling city at Students who were absent will take their test tomorrow on the computers. The children learned about “Causes and Complex Sentences.” We Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: completed Daily Fix-It #1-2. Students who were absent need to do the Grammar Transparency ditto p. 5 on subjects and predicates as a practice. NO HOMEWORK for students who attended today!!! I assigned Writer’s Craft p. 5B. You can view the power point presentation for Letters Home from Yosemite this website Just click on the story Letters Home from Yosemite. We completed ditto p. 43 as a class on the Smartboard and we studied the vocabulary and I assigned ditto p. 44 #1-10. We worked through the chapter 4 review on textbook page 84 as a class. I assigned text p. 85 #1-19. The children will take their Chapter 4 Math Test tomorrow. STUDY!!! The children were given their 5-Minute Timed Test today. Their corrections are due Thursday morning. The children took the Chapter 2 Science Test today. NO HOMEWORK!!! We read text pages 28-29 together as a class and discussed the material orally. NO HOMEWORK!!! Scholastic Book Orders are due on October 18th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Friday, October 4, 2013 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: The children took the Unit 1 Week 4 Final Spelling Test with their clickers. Don’t forget to study for your Unit 1 Week 5 Spelling Pretest on Monday. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Compound Sentences” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #9-10 and I assigned ditto p. 16. We worked on Study Island today. NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 82-83 on “Choose a Computation Method 4.7.” I assigned ditto p. 24. The chapter 4 math test will be next Tuesday, October 7th. The children did a Smart Response over ditto p. 59 & 60 and science text pages A92-93in preparation for Monday’s test. The chapter 2 science test will be on Monday, October 6th. We do not have social studies on Fridays. NO HOMEWORK!!! Scholastic Book Orders are due on October 18th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Thursday, September 3, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: I assigned ditto p. 16. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children will have their final Unit 1 Week 4 Spelling Test tomorrow which they will take on Spelling City. STUDY!!! Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Compound Sentences” again today. The children took a quiz over this information today as a Smart Response today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #7-8. NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! The children completed their selection test over the story The Horned Toad Prince. If the children finished early they were able to play a game/or did Study Island if time permitted. If you would like to look at your child’s selection test score on-line please go to and enter their user name and password. (You can either ask your child what it is or find the information in their binder under the reading section.) Then click on “Parents.” On the next screen you will need to change the choice in the “View Students Progress” box to Hemberger -Reading Success Tracker 2008 G4. All of the reading tests and results for every test can be found there. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 80-81 on “Estimating Differences 4.6.” I assigned ditto p. 23. We read over text pages A88-91 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 53 & 54 #18-20 and ditto p. 57 &58. We read text pages 28-29 together as a class and discussed the material orally. I assigned page 7 of the Chapter 1 Social Studies packet for homework. Scholastic Book Orders are due on October 18th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Wednesday, October 2, 2013 Spelling: Language: We discussed spelling words that have the “Long e words” spelling today. I assigned ditto p. 15 for the children who did not pass there Unit 1 Week 4 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Compound Sentences” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #5-6 and I assigned a page where the children had to cut out compound and simple sentences and glue them under the correct heading. STUDY for the quiz Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: over this material!!! I assigned Writer’s Craft p. 4B. The children listened to the story today and we reviewed the material for the selection test. You can view the power point presentation for The Horned Toad Prince this website Just click on the story The Horned Toad Prince. Please have your child read the story The Horned Toad Prince to you this evening and sign and date their Reading Log next to the corresponding story. The children need to study for their selection test which will be tomorrow over this story. STUDY!!! We worked through textbook pages 78-79 on “Use Mental Math to Subtract 4.5.” I assigned ditto p. 22. We read over text pages A86-87 as a class today and I assigned ditto p. 53 & 54 #14-17. We read text pages 23-25 together as a class and discussed the material orally. I assigned page 3 of the Chapter 1 Social Studies packet for homework. Scholastic Book Orders are due on October 18th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: We discussed spelling words that have the “Long e words” spelling today. I assigned ditto p. 14 for the children who did not pass there Unit 1 Week 4 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children learned about “Compound Sentences.” We completed Daily Fix-It #3-4. I assigned ditto p. 13. The children were asked to write a paragraph today four different types of sentences. The paragraph was to be about school. Their paragraph had to include at least five sentences, the topic sentence had to be clear, they needed to use 3 “rich” vocabulary words, they had to use all four different types of sentences, writing had to be neat, and proper spelling, punctuation, and indention of the paragraph were to be used. You can view the power point presentation for The Horned Toad Prince using this website Just click on the story The Horned Toad Prince. I assigned the reading of textbook pages 92-105. We worked through textbook pages 76-77 on “Problem Solving: Write an Equation 4.4.” I assigned ditto p. 21. Science: Social Studies: Other: We read over text pages A84-85 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 53 & 54 #6-13. We read text pages 20-23 together as a class. NO HOMEWORK!!! Scholastic Book Orders are due on October 18th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Monday, September 20, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: The children took their Unit 1 Week 4 Spelling Pretest on Spelling City today. Students who misspelled words will need to write them 7 times each. NO HOMEWORK!!! (For students with 100% scores.) Don’t forget to visit spelling city at Students who were absent will take their test tomorrow on the computers. The children learned about “Compound Sentences.” We completed Daily Fix-It #1-2. Students who were absent need to do the Grammar Transparency ditto p. 4 on subjects and predicates as a practice. NO HOMEWORK for students who attended today!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! You can view the power point presentation for The Horned Toad Prince this website Just click on the story The Horned Toad Prince. We completed ditto p. 33 as a class on the Smartboard and we studied the vocabulary and I assigned ditto p. 34 #1-10. We worked through textbook pages 72-74 on “Subtract Whole Numbers and Money 4.3.” I assigned ditto p. 20. The children will be given a 5-Minute Timed Test each Monday over addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and hard multiplication facts. Once the children pass all of these tests they will not have to take anymore timed math tests. We read over text pages A80-83 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 53 & 54 #1-5. We also dissected a peanut seed and looked at the embryo and we are germinating a lima bean seed in class. We completed page 2 of the Chapter 1 Social Studies packet. I assigned page 4 of the packet. The children just need to use the glossary, which starts on page R25 of their Social Studies textbook, and copy down the definitions. They need to spell the words correctly and copy the information exactly. Other: Today’s Date: Friday, September 27, 2013 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: The children took the Unit 1 Week 3 Final Spelling Test with their clickers. Don’t forget to study for your Unit 1 Week 4 Spelling Pretest on Monday. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Subjects and Predicates” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #9-10 and I assigned ditto p. 12. The children shared their “Book Creator” stories with their classmates. NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 70-71 on “Subtraction Patterns 4.2.” I assigned ditto p. 19. We read over text pages A74-79 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 45 & 46 #16-24 and ditto p. 51 & 52. We do not have social studies on Fridays. NO HOMEWORK!!! Today’s Date: Thursday, September 26, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: I assigned ditto p. 12. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children will have their final Unit 1 Week 3 Spelling Test tomorrow which they will take on Spelling City. STUDY!!! Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Subjects and Predicates” again today. The children took a quiz over this information today as a Smart Response today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #7-8. NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! The children completed their selection test over the story Grandfather’s Journey. If the children finished early they were able to play a game/or did Study Island if time permitted. If you would like to look at your child’s selection test score on-line please go to and enter their user name and password. (You can either ask your child what it is or find the information in their binder under the reading section.) Then click on “Parents.” On the next screen you will need to change the choice in the “View Students Progress” box to Hemberger -Reading Success Tracker 2008 G4. All of the reading tests and results for every test can be found there. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 68-69 on “Explore Addition and Subtraction Equations: Algebra 4.1.” I assigned ditto p. 18 or the children could do the Smart Response for this lesson in class. Science: Social Studies: We read over text pages A72-73 as a class today and we worked ditto p. 47 & 28. I assigned ditto p. 45 & 46 #8-15. I started grading the students mobiles on the three branches of government. NO HOMEWORK!!! Other: Today’s Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: We discussed spelling words that have the “Long e and o” spelling today. I assigned ditto p. 11 for the children who did not pass there Unit 1 Week 3 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Subjects and Predicates” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #5-6 and then we worked ditto p. 10 together as a class. STUDY for the quiz over this material!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! I assigned the reading of textbook pages 78-81and the children listened to the story today and we reviewed the material for the selection test. You can view the power point presentation for Grandfather’s Journey this website Just click on the story Grandfather’s Journey. Please have your child read the story Grandfather’s Journey to you this evening and sign and date their Reading Log next to the corresponding story. The children need to study for their selection test which will be tomorrow over this story. STUDY!!! The children took their Chapter 3 Math Test today. NO HOMEWORK!!! We read over text pages A66-71 as a class today and I assigned ditto p. 45 & 46 #1-7. The children worked on finishing their three branches of government mobiles. NO HOMEWORK!!! Happy 10th birthday to Jaime!!! Today’s Date: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 Spelling: We discussed spelling words that have the “Long e and o” spelling today. I assigned ditto p. 10 for the children who did not pass there Unit 1 Week 3 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: The children learned about “Subjects and Predicates.” We completed Daily Fix-It #3-4. Students who were absent need to do the Grammar Transparency ditto p. 9 on subjects and predicates as a practice and the children completed a Smart Response during school today. NO HOMEWORK for students who attended today!!! The children and I worked a sequencing page together as a class which was “Writer’s Craft p. 3B.” I assigned a “Word Scale” for the chidlren. They are to take a word that gets used frequently and come up with synonyms for that word. It is my hope that these synonyms will show up in their writing. You can view the power point presentation for Grandfather’s Journey using this website Just click on the story Grandfather’s Journey. I assigned the reading of textbook pages 70-77. We reviewed for tomorrow’s Chapter 3 Math Test. I actually did 8 of the 20 problems in class. Therefore, if the children where paying attention they should know 8 of the answers. I assigned text p. 65 #120. Use the Chapter 3 Math Study Guide to study for tomorrow’s math test. STUDY!!! The children took the Chapter 1 Science Test today. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children have a quiz tomorrow over the three branches of government. They need to study for this quiz using the sheet that they were give and Chapter 14 in their social studies textbook. Happy 10th birthday to Hank!!! Today’s Date: Monday, September 23, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: The children took their Unit 1 Week 3 Spelling Pretest on Spelling City today. Students who misspelled words will need to write them 7 times each. NO HOMEWORK!!! (For students with 100% scores.) Don’t forget to visit spelling city at Students who were absent will take their test tomorrow on the computers. The children learned about “Subjects and Predicates.” We completed Daily Fix-It #1-2. Students who were absent need to do the Grammar Transparency ditto p. 3 on subjects and predicates as a practice. NO HOMEWORK for students who attended today!!! The final draft of the children’s paragraph, on one of the ecosystems found on pages 45 & 46 in their science text, is due tomorrow. They have the rubric with the requirements that I will be using to grade the final draft. The children must include all of the five senses in their paragraph. They must include something that they see, hear, taste, touch, and hear. D’Nealian: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: The children need to work on their capital “B” and lower case “b” page. Children who struggled with the capital “A” and lower case “a” page will also have to do it over. You can view the power point presentation for Grandfather’s Journey this website Just click on the story Grandfather’s Journey. We completed ditto p. 23 as a class on the Smartboard and we studied the vocabulary and I assigned ditto p. 24 #1-10. We worked through textbook pages 60-61 on “Estimating Sums 3.6.” I assigned ditto p. 16. The children took one Smart Responses in preparation for tomorrow’s Chapter 1 Science Test. Please have you child use the Chapter 1 Science Study Guide to prepare for tomorrow’s test. STUDY!!! We worked on making our mobile for the three branches of government. NO HOMEWORK!!! Other: Today’s Date: Friday, September 20, 2013 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: The children will not have a Spelling Test this week due to D.R.A. Testing. Spelling resumes next week. Don’t forget to study for your Unit 1 Week 3 Spelling Pretest on Monday. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children will not have language this week due to D.R.A. Testing. Language resumes next week. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children will not have reading this week due to D.R.A. Testing. Reading resumes next week. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children shared the story they created on their iPads using the Book Creatoer app. The final draft of the children’s paragraph, on one of the ecosystems found on pages 45 & 46 in their science text, is due on Monday. They have the rubric with the requirements that I will be using to grade the final draft. The children must include all of the five senses in their paragraph. They must include something that they see, hear, taste, touch, and hear. NO HOMEWORK!!! Early dismissal due to School Improvement meetings. NO HOMEWORK!!! Early dismissal due to School Improvement meetings. NO HOMEWORK!!! Early dismissal due to School Improvement meetings. We are still in need of wire hangers for a class project. Scholastic Book Orders were submitted today. The books should arrive in about one week. Today’s Date: Thursday, September 19, 2013 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: The children will not have a Spelling Test this week due to D.R.A. Testing. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children will not have language this week due to D.R.A. Testing. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children will not have reading this week due to D.R.A. Testing. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children are using their iPads to write their first story using the Book Creatoer app. They will be working on this project for the entire week. The children also need to use pages 45 & 46 in their science text to write a rough draft paragraph about one of the ecosystems on either of these pages. The children must include all of the five senses in their paragraph. They must include something that they see, hear, taste, touch, and hear. We worked through textbook pages 58-59 on “Use Mental Math to Add 3.5.” I assigned ditto p. 15. We read over text pages A60-63 as a class today and we worked together ditto p. 36. I assigned ditto p. 33-34 #11-15 and ditto p. 37 & 38. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked on math longer today and the children did some silent reading. We are still in need of wire hangers for a class project. Scholastic Book Orders are due tomorrow, September 20th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: The children will not have a Spelling Test this week due to D.R.A. Testing. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children will not have language this week due to D.R.A. Testing. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children will not have reading this week due to D.R.A. Testing. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children are using their iPads to write their first story using the Book Creator app. They will be working on this project for the entire week. The children also need to complete their “Sensory Chart” using the marshmallows and pretzels they were give today in class. We worked through textbook pages 54-56 on “Add Whole Numbers & Money 3.4.” The children could do the Smart Response 3.4 or ditto p. 14. This was their choice. Science: Social Studies: Other: We read over text pages A58-58 as a class today and I assigned ditto p. 33-34 #5-10 and we worked together ditto p. 35. The children played a game on the three branches of government. overnment.htm We are still in need of wire hangers for a class project. Scholastic Book Orders are due on September 20th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: The children will not have a Spelling Test this week due to D.R.A. Testing. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children will not have language this week due to D.R.A. Testing. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children will not have reading this week due to D.R.A. Testing. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children are using their iPads to write their first story using the Book Creator app. They will be working on this project for the entire week. We worked through textbook pages 52-53 on “Addition Patterns 3.3.” The children could do the Smart Response 3.3 or ditto p. 13. This was their choice. We read over text pages A54-57 as a class today and I assigned ditto p. 33-34 #1-4 and we worked together ditto p. 35. We read Judicial Branch in a Flash and we worked a ditto page together as a class. We are still in need of wire hangers for a class project. Scholastic Book Orders are due on September 20th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Monday, September 16, 2013 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: The children will not have a Spelling Test this week due to D.R.A. Testing. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children will not have language this week due to D.R.A. Testing. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children will not have reading this week due to D.R.A. Testing. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children are using their iPads to write their first story using the Book Creator app. They will be working on this project for the entire week. Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: We worked through textbook pages 48-50 on “Properties of Addition.” I assigned ditto p. 12. We read over text pages A52-53 as a class today. NO HOMEWORK!!! We played a game on the computer about the executive branch of government. NO HOMEWORK!!! We are still in need of wire hangers for a class project. Scholastic Book Orders are due on September 20th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Friday, September 13, 2013 Spelling: Language: Reading: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: The children took the Unit 1 Week 2 Final Spelling Test with their clickers. No spelling test next week due to D.R.A. Testing. The children and I discussed “Imperative and Exclamatory Sentences again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #9-10 and I assigned ditto p. 8. We had to complete three assessment pieces today and the children who did not have late homework this week went out for a free recess. NO HOMEWORK!!! The children practiced writing another “Hook” for a pretend paper on volcanoes. The children shared their “hook” with the class. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 46-47 on “Addition and Subtraction Expressions.” The children were given their Chapter 3 Study Guide today. The children got to choose between doing a Smart Response for Lesson 3.1 or doing ditto p. 11 for their assignment. We went outside to place the popcorn game and make our own food web. The children learned how energy gets lost as it travels up the food chain and why organisms higher up the food chain must eat more organisms in order to survive. Pictures of these activities will be in next week’s Fourth Grade Footnotes. NO HOMEWORK!!! We do not have social studies on Fridays. NO HOMEWORK!!! We are in need of wire hangers for a class project. Scholastic Book Orders are due on September 20th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Thursday, September 12, 2013 Spelling: I assigned ditto p. 8. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children will have their final Unit 1 Week 2 Spelling Test tomorrow which they will take on Spelling City. STUDY!!! Don’t forget to visit spelling city at Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: The children and I discussed “Imperative and Exclamatory Sentences” again today. The children took a quiz over this information today as a Smart Response today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #7-8. NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! The children completed their selection test over the story Lewis and Clark and Me today. If the children finished early they were able to play a game/or did Study Island if time permitted. If you would like to look at your child’s selection test score on-line please go to and enter their user name and password. (You can either ask your child what it is or find the information in their binder under the reading section.) Then click on “Parents.” On the next screen you will need to change the choice in the “View Students Progress” box to Hemberger -Reading Success Tracker 2008 G4. All of the reading tests and results for every test can be found there. NO HOMEWORK!!! We took the Chapter 2 Math Test today. NO HOMEWORK!!! We read over text pages A48-51 as a class today and I assigned ditto p. 25-26 #18-23 and ditto p. 31 & 32. The children also need to complete at least 5 index cards for their food chain. The children were given a rubric with my requirements on it as well as an example of how they are to complete their food chain. Their completed food chains are due Monday, September 16th. The children and I read textbook pages 470-471 together as a class. NO HOMEWORK!!! We are in need of wire hangers for a class project. Scholastic Book Orders are due on September 20th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: We discussed spelling words that have the “Long a and i” spelling today. I assigned ditto p. 7 for the children who did not pass there Unit 1 Week 2 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Imperative and Exclamatory Sentences” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #5-8 and then we worked ditto p. 6 together as a class. STUDY for the quiz over this material!!! The children practiced writing a “Hook” for a pretend paper on volcanoes. The children shared their “hook” with the class. NO HOMEWORK!!! Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: I assigned the reading of textbook pages 54-60 and the children listened to the story today and we reviewed the material for the selection test. You can view the power point presentation for Lewis and Clark and Me this website Just click on the story Lewis and Clark and Me. Please have your child read the story Lewis and Clark and Me to you this evening and sign and date their Reading Log next to the corresponding story. The children need to study for their selection test which will be tomorrow over this story. STUDY!!! We worked through the Chapter 2 Review on textbook page 32. I assigned textbook p. 33 #1-19. The children will have their Chapter 2 Math Test on Monday. STUDY!!! We read over text pages A46-47 as a class today and I assigned ditto p. 25-26 #11-17 and we worked together ditto p. 29. The children and I read textbook pages 464-469 together as a class. NO HOMEWORK!!! We are in need of wire hangers for a class project. Scholastic Book Orders are due on September 20th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: We discussed spelling words that have the “Long a and i” spelling today. I assigned ditto p. 6 for the children who did not pass there Unit 1 Week 2 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK for students with 100% scores. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Imperative and Exclamatory Sentences” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #3-4 and then we worked ditto p. 5 together as a class. I then gave them a Smart Response over the exact answers on ditto p. 5 we just went over in class. NO HOMEWORK!!! We discussed ways to hook our readers when we start writing. We went over the Ways to “hook your reader page and put it in our binder. NO HOMEWORK!!! You can view the power point presentation for Lewis and Clark and Me using this website Just click on the story Lewis and Clark and Me. I assigned the reading of textbook pages 42-53. We worked through textbook pages 30-31 on “Problem Solving: Making a Table.” I assigned ditto p. 10 #1-7. We read over text pages A42-45 as a class today and I assigned ditto p. 25-26 #7-10. NO HOMEWORK!!! We did CBM, Maze, Math Comp. and MCap testing today. These are all tests that we use to see where the children Other: are and how to help them in areas where they need help. I will be going over their scores during our parent/teacher conference. I gave the children scholastic book orders today. If you want to order any books you need to do so online. The information for ordering can be found in your child’s binder. The orders are due on September 20th. My activation code is L7GDY. Today’s Date: Monday, September 9, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: The children took their Unit 1 Week 2 Spelling Pretest on Spelling City today. Students who misspelled words will need to write them 7 times each. NO HOMEWORK!!! (For students with 100% scores.) Don’t forget to visit spelling city at Students who were absent will take their test tomorrow on the computers. The children learned about “Imperative and Exclamatory Sentences.” We completed Daily Fix-It #1-2. Students who were absent need to do the Grammar Transparency ditto p. 2 on Imperative and Exclamatory Sentences as a practice. NO HOMEWORK for students who attended today!!! We talked about transitional words and I assigned ditto p. 2B. You can view the power point presentation for Lewis and Clark and Me this website Just click on the story Lewis and Clark and Me. We completed ditto p. 3 as a class on the Smartboard and we studied the vocabulary and I assigned ditto p. 14 #1-10. We worked through textbook pages 10-10 on “Round Numbers and Money.” I assigned ditto p. 9. We read over text pages A38-41 as a class today and I assigned ditto p. 25-26 #1-6. NO HOMEWORK!!! Today’s Date: Friday, September 6, 2013 Spelling: Language: The children took the Unit 1 Week 2 Final Spelling Test with their clickers. Don’t forget to study for your Unit 1 Week 3 Spelling Pretest on Monday. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children did pages 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 of their “Capitalization” packet. Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: The children had to work on a handwriting packet today. They need to work on writing the upper and lower case “A.” Today, we went all of the information that we learned about the Leaning Tower of Pisa. The children did a fantastic job. They then had time to read their own non-fiction text and practice what they learned using their K-W-L chart . NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 24-25 on “Compare and Order Money Amounts.” The children got to choose between doing a Smart Response or doing ditto p. 8. The students who did the Smart Response will not have homework. We read over text pages A34-37 as a class today. I assigned ditto p. 19 & 20 #13-19 and ditto p. 23 & 24. We do not have social studies on Fridays. NO HOMEWORK!!! Today was Grandparent’s Day!!! It was so very nice to see all of the wonderful grandparents in our school. Today’s Date: Thursday, September 5, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: The children are to write this week’s spelling words in sentences making sure that they use each word correctly in the sentence. NO HOMEWORK!!! (For students with 100% scores.) The children did pages 9, 10, 11, and 12 of their “Capitalization” packet. I went over the sequencing page with the children today to make sure that they understood how to sequence fiction text. NO HOMEWORK!!! We continued to talk about instructional text today. Today the children and I went over the K, W, L chart. I asked them to give me examples from each of the columns. We also went over the L column to see what we learned from this non-fiction piece of text. There were many things that the children wanted to learn in the “W” column that they did not find their answers to in the article. Therefore, I allowed them to use their iPads and look for the answers to their questions. I made sure that they searched the internet using my exact specifications. Tomorrow we will go over all of the information that we learned. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 20-22 on “Count Money and Make Change.” I assigned ditto p. 7. The children also received the Chapter 2 Study Guide today. I made sure each of them put it in their binders behind the “Study Guide” section. We read over text pages A32-33as a class today and we worked ditto p. 22 together as a class. I assigned ditto p. 19 & 20 #7-12. We read over text pages 8-10 as a class and I assigned ditto p. 5. The children were given a word bank in order to complete this page. Other: Grandparents Day is Friday. Today’s Date: Wednesday, September 4, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: The children are to complete a crossword puzzle using the words from this week’s spelling list. NO HOMEWORK!!! (For students with 100% scores.) The children did pages 5, 6, 7, and 8 of their “Capitalization” packet. The children listened to the story Brave Irene today and they are to use the sequencing page that I gave them to practice sequencing. The sequencing page is due tomorrow. We continued to talk about instructional text today. The children learned about more features of nonfiction text and they were given an article entitled “Stop the Toppling Tower.” The children were just to skim the article and fill in the first two columns of the K-W-L chart that I gave them. After they filled in the K & W columns I asked them to read the article and fill in the L column. This column should list all of the information that the children learned about the concept. The K-W-L charts are due tomorrow. The children took the Chapter 1 Math Test today. NO HOMEWORK!!! We read over text pages A28-31as a class today and we worked ditto p. 21 together as a class. I assigned ditto p. 19 & 20 #1-6. We read over text pages 6-7 as a class. NO HOMEWORK!!! Grandparents Day is Friday. Today’s Date: Tuesday, September 3, 2013 Spelling: Language: Reading: Math: The children took their Short Week Spelling Pretest today. Students who misspelled words will need to write them 7 times each. NO HOMEWORK!!! (For students with 100% scores.) The children did the first four pages of their “Capitalization” packet. We learned about informational text today. The children and I went over the items that make a text a piece of nonfiction work. We began a scavenger hunt which deals with looking for and identifying pieces of a nonfiction text. We worked through textbook pages 16 together as a class. I assigned text p. 17 #1-19. Please have your child go over the Chapter 1 Math Science: Social Studies: Other: Study Guide tonight in preparation for tomorrow’s Chapter 1 Math Test. We read over text pages A24-27as a class today and I assigned ditto p. 13 & 14 #14-20 and ditto p. 17 & 18. We read over text pages 4-5 as a class and we worked ditto p. 3 together as a class. NO HOMEWORK!!! School picture day tomorrow! Bring your school picture form and money. Don’t forget your smile! Today’s Date: Friday, August 30, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: The children took the Unit 1 Week 1 Final Spelling Test with their clickers. Next week we only have four days of school, therefore, we will not have a regular spelling list. Instead, the children were given a list of words that fourth graders often use incorrectly and/or spell incorrectly. They will need to learn the meanings and spelling for these words. They will have a pretest on Tuesday. These words are not on Spelling City. Don’t forget to study for the Short Week’s Spelling Pretest on Tuesday. The children and I discussed “Declarative and Interrogative Sentences” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #9-10 and I assigned ditto p. 4. The children need to complete the page entitled “My Ideas for Writing.” This page will go in the children’s “Writing Folders” for future use. The children worked on their Leveled Reader that corresponded with our story for this week. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 14-15 on “Problem Solving: Using the Four Step Process.” I assigned ditto p. 6. We had our “Cell Lab” today where we examined different types of plant and animal cells. NO HOMEWORK!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! Today’s Date: Thursday, August 29, 2012 Spelling: I assigned ditto p. 4. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children will have their final Unit 1 Week 1 Spelling Test tomorrow which they will take on Spelling City. STUDY!!! Language: The children and I discussed “Declarative and Interrogative Sentences” again today. The children took a quiz over this information today as a Smart Response today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #7-8. NO HOMEWORK!!! Writing: Reading: NO HOMEWORK!!! Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: I went over the test, Because of Winn-Dixie today, before the children took the selection test. After the review the children took the selection test over the story Because of Winn-Dixie. After they completed their selection test the children played a game/or did Study Island if time permitted. If you would like to look at your child’s selection test score on-line please go to and enter their user name and password. (You can either ask your child what it is or find the information in their binder under the reading section.) Then click on “Parents.” On the next screen you will need to change the choice in the “View Students Progress” box to Hemberger -Reading Success Tracker 2008 G4. All of the reading tests and results for every test can be found there. NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 8-9 on “Compare and Order Numbers.” I assigned ditto p. 5 for homework. We read over text pages A22-23 as a class today and I assigned ditto p. 13-14 #12-13 and we worked ditto p. 16 together. We read over text pages 2-3 as a class. NO HOMEWORK!!! Today’s Date: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: We discussed spelling words that contain the Short Vowel pattern VCCV again today. I assigned ditto p. 3 for the children who did not pass there Unit 1 Week 1 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK!!! (For students with 100% scores.) Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Declarative and Interrogative Sentences” again today. The children completed Daily Fix-It #5-6 and then we worked ditto p. 2 together as a class. STUDY for the quiz over this material!!! Today I gave the children a page for their “Writing” folder that they can use to develop ideas for upcoming stories. I had them fill out a sheet entitled, “Author’s Ideas.” It is my hope that they will be able to use this sheet when they need to generate their own story ideas for their narrative pieces of work. I assigned the reading of textbook pages 28-33 and the children listened to the story today and we reviewed the material for the Math: Science: Social Studies: selection test. You can view the power point presentation for Because of Winn-Dixie using this website Just click on Unit 1 then click on the story Because of Winn-Dixie. Please have your child read the story Because of Winn-Dixie to you this evening and sign and date their Reading Log next to the corresponding story. The children need to study for their selection test which will be tomorrow over this story. STUDY!!! We worked through textbook pages 8-9 on “Place Value Through Millions?” I assigned ditto p. 4 and we did a Smartboard activity. We read over text pages A18-21 as a class today and I assigned ditto p. 13 & 14 #1-11 and we worked together ditto p. 15. We read over text pages A4-19 and learned about various maps as a class. NO HOMEWORK!!! Other: Today’s Date: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 Spelling: Language: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: We discussed spelling words that have Short Vowel pattern VCCV. I assigned ditto p. 2 for the children who did not pass there Unit 1 Week 1 Spelling Pretest. NO HOMEWORK!!! (For students with 100% scores.) Don’t forget to visit spelling city at The children and I discussed “Declarative and Interrogative Sentences” again today. We completed Daily Fix-It #3-4. I assigned ditto p. 1 and I went over the directions very carefully. You can view the power point presentation for Because of Winn-Dixie using this website Just click on the story Because of Winn-Dixie. I assigned the reading of textbook pages 22-27. We worked through textbook pages 6-7 on “How Big is a Million?” I assigned ditto p. 3. I want parents to know that I did every problem on this page with the children in class then I gave them the ditto to complete. Therefore, if they were paying attention…..they should know how to do every problem. We read over text pages A14-17 as a class today and I assigned ditto p. 5 & 6 #17-22. We read over text pages A2-3 as a class and I assigned the ditto p. 1. Happy Birthday to Hallee!!! Today’s Date: Monday, August 26, 2013 Spelling: Language: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: The children took their Unit 1 Week 1 Spelling Pretest on Spelling City today. Students who misspelled words will need to write them 7 times each. NO HOMEWORK!!! (For students with 100% scores.) Don’t forget to visit spelling city at Students who were absent will take their test tomorrow on the computers. The children learned about “Declarative and Interrogative Sentences.” We completed Daily Fix-It #1-2. Students who were absent need to do the Grammar Transparency ditto p. 1 on Declarative and Interrogative Sentences as a practice. NO HOMEWORK for students who attended today!!! You can view the power point presentation for Because of Winn-Dixie this website Just click on the story Because of Winn-Dixie. We studied the vocabulary and I assigned ditto p. 4. We worked through textbook pages 4-5 on “Place Value through 100,000.” I assigned ditto p. 2. Parents, I want you to know that I worked all, but five problems on this page. We read over text pages A12-14 as a class today and I assigned ditto p. 5 & 6 #12-16. NO HOMEWORK!!! Today’s Date: Friday, August 23, 2013 Spelling: Language: Writing: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Don’t forget to study for your Unit 1 Week 1 Spelling Pretest on Monday. Don’t forget to visit spelling city at Students who were absent will take their test tomorrow on the computers. No Reading this week!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! No Reading this week!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! No Reading this week!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! We worked through textbook pages 1-3 on “Benchmark Numbers and Estimates 1.1”. I assigned ditto p. 1. Reminder…it is NEVER TOO LATE to begin studying using your Chapter 1 Math Study Guide. We read over text pages A8-11 as a class today and I assigned ditto p. 5 #6-11. Check your child’s binder to see that they have these questions completed. Reminder…it is NEVER TOO LATE to begin studying using your Chapter 1 Science Study Guide. We did a “Me on the Map” project today in school. There were just a few children who did not complete this project. Therefore, they need to complete it this weekend and turn it in Monday morning. Other: Reminder…it is NEVER TOO LATE to begin studying using your Chapter 1 Social Studies Study Guide. Class pictures will be on Wednesday, September 4th and Grandparents’ Day will be on Friday, September 6th. Don’t forget you fill out your picture form and send it to school either before picture day or the day of the pictures. Today’s Date: Thursday, August 22, 2012 Spelling: Language: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: No Spelling this week!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! No Language this week!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! No Reading this week!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! No Math today! We worked on our iPads and went over the handbook. NO HOMEWORK!!! We read over text pages A1-7 as a class today and we did ditto p. 5 #1-5 together today in class. NO HOMEWORK!!! No Math today! We worked on our iPads and went over the handbook. NO HOMEWORK!!! Your child has a picture form in their binder for you to look over. Class pictures will be on Wednesday, September 4th. Today’s Date: Wednesday, August 21, 2012 Spelling: Language: Reading: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other: No Spelling this week!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! No Language this week!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! No Reading this week!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! No Math today!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! No Science today!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! No Social Studies today!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! Parents, open house will be from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Please sign the “Classroom Questionnaire” form and the “Rules and Consequences” form. I would like these returned by tomorrow.